darcs-2.18.3: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data FZipper a wX wZ where Source #


FZipper :: RL a wX wY -> FL a wY wZ -> FZipper a wX wZ 

focus :: FZipper a wX wY -> Maybe (Sealed2 a) Source #

leftmost :: FZipper p wX wY -> Bool Source #

left :: FZipper p wX wY -> FZipper p wX wY Source #

rightmost :: FZipper p wX wY -> Bool Source #

right :: FZipper p wX wY -> FZipper p wX wY Source #

jokers :: FZipper a wX wY -> FlippedSeal (FL a) wY Source #

See clowns

clowns :: FZipper a wX wY -> Sealed (RL a wX) Source #

"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle of you" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuck_in_the_Middle

flToZipper :: FL a wX wY -> FZipper a wX wY Source #

lengthFZ :: FZipper a wX wY -> Int Source #

nullFZ :: FZipper a wX wY -> Bool Source #

toEnd :: FZipper p wX wY -> FZipper p wX wY Source #

toStart :: FZipper p wX wY -> FZipper p wX wY Source #