{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Darcs.UI.Commands.Help
( helpCmd
, commandControlList
, printVersion
, listAvailableCommands
) where
import Darcs.Prelude
import Control.Arrow ( (***) )
import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum, toLower, toUpper )
import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
import Data.List ( groupBy, intercalate, lookup, nub )
import System.Exit ( exitSuccess )
import Version ( version )
import Darcs.Patch.Match ( helpOnMatchers )
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( environmentHelpHome, prefsFilesHelp )
import Darcs.UI.Commands
( CommandArgs(..)
, CommandControl(..)
, DarcsCommand(..)
, commandName
, disambiguateCommands
, extractCommands
, getSubcommands
, nodefaults
, normalCommand
import Darcs.UI.External ( viewDoc )
import Darcs.UI.Flags ( DarcsFlag, environmentHelpEmail, environmentHelpSendmail )
import Darcs.UI.Options ( defaultFlags, ocheck, oid )
import Darcs.UI.Options.Markdown ( optionsMarkdown )
import qualified Darcs.UI.TheCommands as TheCommands
import Darcs.UI.Usage ( getCommandHelp, getSuperCommandHelp, subusage, usage )
import Darcs.Util.Download ( environmentHelpProxy, environmentHelpProxyPassword )
import Darcs.Util.English ( andClauses )
import Darcs.Util.File ( withCurrentDirectory )
import Darcs.Util.Lock
( environmentHelpKeepTmpdir
, environmentHelpLocks
, environmentHelpTmpdir
import Darcs.Util.Path ( AbsolutePath )
import Darcs.Util.Printer
( Doc
, empty
, formatWords
, quoted
, renderString
, text
, vcat
, vsep
, ($$)
, ($+$)
, (<+>)
import Darcs.Util.Printer.Color
( environmentHelpColor
, environmentHelpEscape
, environmentHelpEscapeWhite
import Darcs.Util.Ssh
( environmentHelpScp
, environmentHelpSsh
, environmentHelpSshPort
import Darcs.Util.Workaround ( getCurrentDirectory )
helpDescription :: String
helpDescription = "Display help about darcs and darcs commands."
helpHelp :: Doc
helpHelp = formatWords
[ "Without arguments, `darcs help` prints a categorized list of darcs"
, "commands and a short description of each one. With an extra argument,"
, "`darcs help foo` prints detailed help about the darcs command foo."
unwrapTree :: [CommandControl] -> [(String, [CommandControl])]
unwrapTree cs = [ (commandName c, getSubcommands c) | CommandData c <- cs ]
completeArgs :: [String] -> [String]
completeArgs [] = map fst (unwrapTree commandControlList) ++ extraArgs where
extraArgs = [ "patterns", "preferences", "environment", "manpage", "markdown" ]
completeArgs (arg:args) = exploreTree arg args commandControlList where
exploreTree cmd cmds cs =
case lookup cmd (unwrapTree cs) of
Nothing -> []
Just cs' -> case cmds of
[] -> map fst (unwrapTree cs')
sub:cmds' -> exploreTree sub cmds' cs'
help :: DarcsCommand
help = DarcsCommand
{ commandProgramName = "darcs"
, commandName = "help"
, commandHelp = helpHelp
, commandDescription = helpDescription
, commandExtraArgs = -1
, commandExtraArgHelp = ["[<DARCS_COMMAND> [DARCS_SUBCOMMAND]] "]
, commandCommand = \ x y z -> helpCmd x y z >> exitSuccess
, commandPrereq = \_ -> return $ Right ()
, commandCompleteArgs = \_ _ -> return . completeArgs
, commandArgdefaults = nodefaults
, commandAdvancedOptions = []
, commandBasicOptions = []
, commandDefaults = defaultFlags oid
, commandCheckOptions = ocheck oid
helpCmd :: (AbsolutePath, AbsolutePath) -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
helpCmd _ _ ["manpage"] = viewDoc manpage
helpCmd _ _ ["markdown"] = viewDoc $ vcat $ map text markdownLines
helpCmd _ _ ["patterns"] = viewDoc $ vcat $ map text helpOnMatchers
helpCmd _ _ ["preferences"] =
viewDoc $ header $+$ vcat (map render prefsFilesHelp)
header = "Preference Files" $$
render (f, h) =
let item = "_darcs/prefs/" ++ f in
text item $$ text (replicate (length item) '-') $$ text h
helpCmd _ _ ("environment":vs_) =
viewDoc $ vsep (header : map render known) $+$ footer
header | null known = empty
| otherwise = "Environment Variables" $$
footer | null unknown = empty
| otherwise = text ("Unknown environment variables: "
++ intercalate ", " unknown)
render (ks, ds) = text (andClauses ks ++ ":") $$
vcat [ text (" " ++ d) | d <- ds ]
(unknown, known) = case map (map toUpper) vs_ of
[] -> ([], environmentHelp)
vs -> (nub *** (nub . concat)) . partitionEithers $
map doLookup vs
doLookup v = case filter ((v `elem`) . fst) environmentHelp of
[] -> Left v
es -> Right es
helpCmd _ _ [] = viewDoc $ usage commandControlList
helpCmd _ _ (cmd:args) =
case disambiguateCommands commandControlList cmd args of
Left err -> fail err
Right (cmds,as) ->
let msg = case cmds of
CommandOnly c -> getCommandHelp Nothing c
SuperCommandOnly c ->
if null as then
getSuperCommandHelp c
"Invalid subcommand!" $+$ subusage c
SuperCommandSub c s -> getCommandHelp (Just c) s
in viewDoc $ msg
listAvailableCommands :: IO ()
listAvailableCommands =
do here <- getCurrentDirectory
is_valid <- mapM
(\c -> withCurrentDirectory here $ commandPrereq c [])
(extractCommands commandControlList)
putStr $ unlines $ map (commandName . fst) $
filter (isRight.snd) $
zip (extractCommands commandControlList) is_valid
putStrLn "--help"
putStrLn "--version"
putStrLn "--exact-version"
where isRight (Right _) = True
isRight _ = False
printVersion :: IO ()
printVersion = putStrLn $ "darcs version " ++ version
commandControlList :: [CommandControl]
commandControlList =
normalCommand help : TheCommands.commandControlList
environmentHelp :: [([String], [String])]
environmentHelp = [
manpage :: Doc
manpage = vcat [
".TH DARCS 1" <+> quoted version,
"darcs \\- an advanced revision control system",
".B darcs", ".I command", ".RI < arguments |[ options ]>...",
"Where the", ".I commands", "and their respective", ".I arguments", "are",
"Different options are accepted by different Darcs commands.",
"Each command's most important options are listed in the",
"section. For a full list of all options accepted by",
"a particular command, run `darcs", ".I command", "\\-\\-help'.",
".SS " <> vcat (map text helpOnMatchers),
"At http://bugs.darcs.net/ you can find a list of known",
"bugs in Darcs. Unknown bugs can be reported at that",
"site (after creating an account) or by emailing the",
"report to bugs@darcs.net.",
"The Darcs website provides a lot of additional information.",
"It can be found at http://darcs.net/",
"Darcs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify",
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
"the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)",
"any later version." ]
synopsis :: Doc
synopsis = foldl iter mempty commandControlList
where iter :: Doc -> CommandControl -> Doc
iter acc (GroupName _) = acc
iter acc (HiddenCommand _) = acc
iter acc (CommandData (c@SuperCommand {})) =
acc $$ vcat (map
(render (commandName c ++ " "))
(extractCommands (commandSubCommands c)))
iter acc (CommandData c) = acc $$ render "" c
render :: String -> DarcsCommand -> Doc
render prefix c =
".B darcs " <> text prefix <> text (commandName c) $$
vcat (map (text.mangle_args) (commandExtraArgHelp c)) $$
commands :: Doc
commands = vsep $ map iter commandControlList
where iter :: CommandControl -> Doc
iter (GroupName x) = ".SS" <+> quoted x
iter (HiddenCommand _) = mempty
iter (CommandData (c@SuperCommand {})) =
[ ".B darcs " <> text (commandName c)
, text (mangle_args "subcommand")
, ".RS 4"
, commandHelp c
, ".RE"
vsep (map (render (commandName c ++ " "))
(extractCommands (commandSubCommands c)))
iter (CommandData c) = render "" c
render :: String -> DarcsCommand -> Doc
render prefix c =
[ ".B darcs " <> text prefix <> text (commandName c)
, vcat (map (text.mangle_args) (commandExtraArgHelp c))
, ".RS 4"
, commandHelp c
, ".RE"
mangle_args :: String -> String
mangle_args s =
".RI " ++ unwords (map show (groupBy cmp $ map toLower $ gank s))
where cmp x y = isAlphaNum x == isAlphaNum y
gank (' ':'o':'r':' ':xs) = '|' : gank xs
gank (x:xs) = x : gank xs
gank [] = []
environment :: Doc
environment = vcat $ concat
[(".SS" <+> quoted (andClauses ks)) : map text ds
| (ks, ds) <- environmentHelp]
prefFiles :: Doc
prefFiles = vcat $ map go prefsFilesHelp
where go (f,h) = ".SS" <+> quoted("_darcs/prefs/" <> f) $$ text h
description = vcat
[ "Unlike conventional revision control systems, Darcs is based on tracking"
, "changes, rather than versions: it can and does automatically re-order"
, "independent changes when needed. This means that in Darcs the state of"
, "a repository should be regarded as a"
, ".I set of patches"
, "rather than a"
, ".I sequence of versions."
, ""
, "Another distinguishing feature of darcs is that most commands are"
, "interactive by default. For instance, `darcs record' (the equivalent of"
, "what is usually called `commit') presents you with"
, "each unrecorded change and asks you whether it should be included in"
, "the patch to be recorded. Similarly, `darcs push' and `darcs pull'"
, "present you with each patch, allowing you to select which patches to"
, "push or pull."
markdownLines :: [String]
markdownLines =
[ "# Commands", ""
, unlines commands
, "# Patterns"
, "", unlines helpOnMatchers
, "# Configuration"
, "", unlines prefFiles
, "# Environment variables"
, "", unlines environment ]
prefFiles = concatMap go prefsFilesHelp
where go (f,h) = ["## `_darcs/prefs/" ++ f ++ "`", "", h]
environment :: [String]
environment = intercalate [""]
[ renderEnv ks ds | (ks, ds) <- environmentHelp ]
renderEnv k d = ("## " ++ (intercalate ", " k)) : "" : d
commands :: [String]
commands = foldl iter [] commandControlList
iter :: [String] -> CommandControl -> [String]
iter acc (GroupName x) = acc ++ ["## " ++ x, ""]
iter acc (HiddenCommand _) = acc
iter acc (CommandData (c@SuperCommand {})) =
acc ++ concatMap
(render (commandName c ++ " "))
(extractCommands (commandSubCommands c))
iter acc (CommandData c) = acc ++ render "" c
render :: String -> DarcsCommand -> [String]
render prefix c =
[ "### " ++ prefix ++ commandName c
, "", "darcs " ++ prefix ++ commandName c ++ " [OPTION]... " ++
unwords (commandExtraArgHelp c)
, "", commandDescription c
, "", renderString (commandHelp c)
, "Options:", optionsMarkdown $ commandBasicOptions c
, if null opts2 then ""
else unlines ["Advanced Options:", optionsMarkdown opts2]
where opts2 = commandAdvancedOptions c
environmentHelpEditor :: ([String], [String])
environmentHelpEditor = (["DARCS_EDITOR", "VISUAL", "EDITOR"],[
"To edit a patch description of email comment, Darcs will invoke an",
"external editor. Your preferred editor can be set as any of the",
"environment variables $DARCS_EDITOR, $VISUAL or $EDITOR.",
"If none of these are set, nano is used. If nano crashes or is not",
"found in your PATH, vi, emacs, emacs -nw and (on Windows) edit are",
"each tried in turn."])
environmentHelpPager :: ([String], [String])
environmentHelpPager = (["DARCS_PAGER", "PAGER"],[
"Darcs will invoke a pager if the output of some command is longer",
"than 20 lines. Darcs will use the pager specified by $DARCS_PAGER",
"or $PAGER. If neither are set, `less` will be used."])
environmentHelpTimeout :: ([String], [String])
environmentHelpTimeout = (["DARCS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT"],[
"Set the maximum time in seconds that darcs allows and connection to",
"take. If the variable is not specified the default are 30 seconds.",
"This option only works with curl."])