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darcs-2.16.3: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system

Safe HaskellNone




class Commute p => CommuteNoConflicts p where Source #

It is natural to think of conflicting patches p and q as a parallel pair p:/:q because this is how conflicting patches arise. But then Darcs comes along and merges them anyway by converting one of them to a conflictor. Thus, inside a sequence of patches we may see them as a sequential pair (p:>q'). In that case, commute will always succeed, as expressed by the prop_mergeCommute law. commuteNoConflicts is a restricted version of commute that should fail in this case but otherwise give the same result as commute.

Primitive patch types have no conflictors, so for them we have commute == commuteNoConflicts.

Instances should obey the following laws:

  • Symmetry
commuteNoConflicts (p:>q) == Just (q':>p') <=> commuteNoConflicts (q':>p') == Just (p':>q)
  • Square-Commute (if an instance Invert p exists)
commuteNoConflicts (p:>q) == Just (q':>p') => commuteNoConflicts (invert p:>q') == Just (q:>invert p')
commuteNoConflicts (p:>q) == Just r => commute (p:>q) == Just r


commuteNoConflicts :: (p :> p) wX wY -> Maybe ((p :> p) wX wY) Source #

An alternative to commute to be used if correctness of your code depends on the validity of the square-commute law, or to determine whether patches are in conflict. A parallel pair of patches p:/:q is conflicting if and only if commuteNoConflicts(p^:>q) fails. Its main use is so that we can define mergeNoConflicts cleanly.

PrimPatch prim => CommuteNoConflicts (RepoPatchV1 prim) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Patch.V1.Commute


commuteNoConflicts :: (RepoPatchV1 prim :> RepoPatchV1 prim) wX wY -> Maybe ((RepoPatchV1 prim :> RepoPatchV1 prim) wX wY) Source #

PrimPatch prim => CommuteNoConflicts (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Patch.V2.RepoPatch


commuteNoConflicts :: (RepoPatchV2 prim :> RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY -> Maybe ((RepoPatchV2 prim :> RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY) Source #

(SignedId name, StorableId name, PrimPatch prim) => CommuteNoConflicts (RepoPatchV3 name prim) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Darcs.Patch.V3.Core


commuteNoConflicts :: (RepoPatchV3 name prim :> RepoPatchV3 name prim) wX wY -> Maybe ((RepoPatchV3 name prim :> RepoPatchV3 name prim) wX wY) Source #

mergeNoConflicts :: (Invert p, CommuteNoConflicts p) => (p :\/: p) wX wY -> Maybe ((p :/\: p) wX wY) Source #

The non-conflicting merge of p:/:q tries to commute the inverse p^ of p with q. If it succeeds then the part of the result that corresponds to p^ is re-inverted. This is also known as a "clean merge".

Note that to maintain consistency in the presence of conflictors we must use use commuteNoConflicts here and not commute. Otherwise we run into contradictions as explained below.

Concretely, suppose we use commute here and that q is a conflictor that represents the primitive patch r and conflicts (only) with (primitive patch) p^. That is, q results from the conflicted merge(r:/:p^)=(s:/:q), where s is another conflictor. Now, according to prop_mergeCommute we get commute(p^:>q)=Just(r:>s), and thus mergeNoConflict(p:/:q)=Just(s^:/:r) in contradiction to our assumption that p^:/:q are in conflict i.e. mergeNoConflict(p^:/:q) fails. (This argument takes for granted that the addition of conflictors to prim patches preserves their commute behavior. This is not yet stated as a law but all implementations obviously adhere to it.)

As a side note, the fact that we now get an inverse conflictor s^ as part of the result leads to further problems. For instance, whether our repo is conflicted now depends on the order of patches: (p:>r) is not conflicted, but its commute (q:>s^) obviously is. In fact, (q:>s^) is nothing else but the (identity-preserving) "force-commute" of (p:>r), see the thread at https:/lists.osuosl.orgpipermaildarcs-devel2017-November/018403.html