module Darcs.UI.Commands.Remove ( remove, rm, unadd ) where
import Darcs.Prelude
import Control.Monad ( when, foldM )
import Darcs.UI.Commands
( DarcsCommand(..)
, withStdOpts, nodefaults
, commandAlias, commandStub
, putWarning, putInfo
, amInHashedRepository
import Darcs.UI.Completion ( knownFileArgs )
import Darcs.UI.Flags
( DarcsFlag, useCache, dryRun, umask, diffAlgorithm, quiet, pathsFromArgs )
import Darcs.UI.Options ( (^), odesc, ocheck, defaultFlags, parseFlags, (?) )
import qualified Darcs.UI.Options.All as O
import Darcs.Repository.Flags ( UpdatePending (..) )
import Darcs.Repository
( Repository
, withRepoLock
, RepoJob(..)
, addToPending
, readRecordedAndPending
, readUnrecorded
import Darcs.Repository.Diff( treeDiff )
import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, PrimOf, PrimPatch, adddir, rmdir, addfile, rmfile,
listTouchedFiles )
import Darcs.Patch.Apply( ApplyState )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered ( FL(..), (+>+), nullFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(..), Gap(..), FreeLeft, unFreeLeft )
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( filetypeFunction, FileType )
import Darcs.Util.Tree( Tree, TreeItem(..), explodePaths )
import qualified Darcs.Util.Tree as T ( find, modifyTree, expand, list )
import Darcs.Util.Path( AnchoredPath, displayPath, isRoot, AbsolutePath )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( Doc, text, vcat )
removeDescription :: String
removeDescription = "Remove files from version control."
removeHelp :: Doc
removeHelp = text $
"The `darcs remove` command exists primarily for symmetry with `darcs\n" ++
"add`, as the normal way to remove a file from version control is\n" ++
"simply to delete it from the working tree. This command is only\n" ++
"useful in the unusual case where one wants to record a removal patch\n" ++
"WITHOUT deleting the copy in the working tree (which can be re-added).\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Note that applying a removal patch to a repository (e.g. by pulling\n" ++
"the patch) will ALWAYS affect the working tree of that repository.\n"
remove :: DarcsCommand
remove = DarcsCommand
{ commandProgramName = "darcs"
, commandName = "remove"
, commandHelp = removeHelp
, commandDescription = removeDescription
, commandExtraArgs = -1
, commandExtraArgHelp = ["<FILE or DIRECTORY> ..."]
, commandCommand = removeCmd
, commandPrereq = amInHashedRepository
, commandCompleteArgs = knownFileArgs
, commandArgdefaults = nodefaults
, commandAdvancedOptions = odesc removeAdvancedOpts
, commandBasicOptions = odesc removeBasicOpts
, commandDefaults = defaultFlags removeOpts
, commandCheckOptions = ocheck removeOpts
removeBasicOpts = O.repoDir ^ O.recursive
removeAdvancedOpts = O.useIndex ^ O.umask
removeOpts = removeBasicOpts `withStdOpts` removeAdvancedOpts
removeCmd :: (AbsolutePath, AbsolutePath) -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
removeCmd fps opts relargs = do
when (null relargs) $
fail "Nothing specified, nothing removed."
paths <- pathsFromArgs fps relargs
when (any isRoot paths) $
fail "Cannot remove a repository's root directory!"
withRepoLock (dryRun ? opts) (useCache ? opts) YesUpdatePending (umask ? opts) $
RepoJob $ \repository -> do
recorded_and_pending <- readRecordedAndPending repository
let exploded_paths =
(if parseFlags O.recursive opts
then reverse . explodePaths recorded_and_pending
else id) paths
Sealed p <- makeRemovePatch opts repository exploded_paths
when (nullFL p && not (null paths) && not (quiet opts)) $
fail "No files were removed."
addToPending repository (O.useIndex ? opts) p
putInfo opts $ vcat $ map text $ ["Will stop tracking:"] ++
map displayPath (listTouchedFiles p)
makeRemovePatch :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> [DarcsFlag] -> Repository rt p wR wU wR
-> [AnchoredPath] -> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) wU))
makeRemovePatch opts repository files =
do recorded <- T.expand =<< readRecordedAndPending repository
unrecorded <- readUnrecorded repository (O.useIndex ? opts) $ Just files
ftf <- filetypeFunction
result <- foldM removeOnePath (ftf,recorded,unrecorded, []) files
case result of
(_, _, _, patches) -> return $
unFreeLeft $ foldr (joinGap (+>+)) (emptyGap NilFL) $ reverse patches
where removeOnePath (ftf, recorded, unrecorded, patches) f = do
let recorded' = T.modifyTree recorded f Nothing
unrecorded' = T.modifyTree unrecorded f Nothing
local <- makeRemoveGap opts ftf recorded unrecorded unrecorded' f
return $ case local of
Just gap -> (ftf, recorded', unrecorded', gap : patches)
_ -> (ftf, recorded, unrecorded, patches)
makeRemoveGap :: PrimPatch prim => [DarcsFlag] -> (FilePath -> FileType)
-> Tree IO -> Tree IO -> Tree IO -> AnchoredPath
-> IO (Maybe (FreeLeft (FL prim)))
makeRemoveGap opts ftf recorded unrecorded unrecorded' path =
case (T.find recorded path, T.find unrecorded path) of
(Just (SubTree _), Just (SubTree unrecordedChildren)) ->
if not $ null (T.list unrecordedChildren)
then skipAndWarn "it is not empty"
else return $ Just $ freeGap (rmdir path :>: NilFL)
(Just (File _), Just (File _)) -> do
Just `fmap` treeDiff (diffAlgorithm ? opts) ftf unrecorded unrecorded'
(Just (File _), _) ->
return $ Just $ freeGap (addfile path :>: rmfile path :>: NilFL)
(Just (SubTree _), _) ->
return $ Just $ freeGap (adddir path :>: rmdir path :>: NilFL)
(_, _) -> skipAndWarn "it is not tracked by darcs"
where skipAndWarn reason =
do putWarning opts . text $ "Can't remove " ++ displayPath path
++ " (" ++ reason ++ ")"
return Nothing
rmDescription :: String
rmDescription = "Help newbies find `darcs remove'."
rmHelp :: Doc
rmHelp = text $
"The `darcs rm' command does nothing.\n" ++
"\n" ++
"The normal way to remove a file from version control is simply to\n" ++
"delete it from the working tree. To remove a file from version\n" ++
"control WITHOUT affecting the working tree, see `darcs remove'.\n"
rm :: DarcsCommand
rm = commandStub "rm" rmHelp rmDescription remove
unadd :: DarcsCommand
unadd = commandAlias "unadd" Nothing remove