module Darcs.UI.Commands.Clone
( get
, put
, clone
, makeRepoName
, cloneToSSH
, otherHelpInheritDefault
) where
import Darcs.Prelude
import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist
, setCurrentDirectory )
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) )
import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
import Darcs.UI.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), withStdOpts
, nodefaults
, commandStub
, commandAlias
, putInfo
, putFinished
import Darcs.UI.Completion ( noArgs )
import Darcs.UI.Flags
( DarcsFlag
, cloneKind
, patchIndexNo
, quiet
, remoteDarcs
, remoteRepos
, setDefault
, setScriptsExecutable
, umask
, useCache
, usePacks
, verbosity
, withNewRepo
, withWorkingDir
import Darcs.UI.Options ( (^), odesc, ocheck, defaultFlags, (?) )
import qualified Darcs.UI.Options.All as O
import Darcs.UI.Commands.Util ( getUniqueRepositoryName )
import Darcs.Patch.Match ( MatchFlag(..) )
import Darcs.Repository ( cloneRepository )
import Darcs.Repository.Format ( identifyRepoFormat
, RepoProperty ( HashedInventory
, RebaseInProgress
, formatHas
import Darcs.Util.Lock ( withTempDir )
import Darcs.Util.Ssh ( getSSH, SSHCmd(SCP,SSH) )
import Darcs.Repository.Flags
( CloneKind(CompleteClone), SetDefault(NoSetDefault), ForgetParent(..) )
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( showMotd )
import Darcs.Util.Progress ( debugMessage )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( Doc, formatWords, formatText, text, vsep, ($$), ($+$) )
import Darcs.Util.Path ( toPath, ioAbsoluteOrRemote, AbsolutePath )
import Darcs.Util.Workaround ( getCurrentDirectory )
import Darcs.Util.URL ( SshFilePath(..), isSshUrl, splitSshUrl )
import Darcs.Util.Exec ( exec, Redirect(..), )
cloneDescription :: String
cloneDescription = "Make a copy of an existing repository."
cloneHelp :: Doc
cloneHelp = vsep $
map formatWords
[ [ "Clone creates a copy of a repository. The optional second"
, "argument specifies a destination directory for the new copy;"
, "if omitted, it is inferred from the source location."
, [ "By default Darcs will copy every patch from the original repository."
, "If you expect the original repository to remain accessible, you can"
, "use `--lazy` to avoid copying patches until they are needed ('copy on"
, "demand'). This is particularly useful when copying a remote"
, "repository with a long history that you don't care about."
, [ "When cloning locally, Darcs automatically uses hard linking where"
, "possible. As well as saving time and space, this enables to move or"
, "delete the original repository without affecting the copy."
, "Hard linking requires that the copy be on the same filesystem as the"
, "original repository, and that the filesystem support hard linking."
, "This includes NTFS, HFS+ and all general-purpose Unix filesystems"
, "(such as ext, UFS and ZFS). FAT does not support hard links."
, [ "When cloning from a remote location, Darcs will look for and attempt"
, "to use packs created by `darcs optimize http` in the remote repository."
, "Packs are single big files that can be downloaded faster than many"
, "little files."
, [ "Darcs clone will not copy unrecorded changes to the source repository's"
, "working tree."
, [ "You can copy a repository to a ssh url, in which case the new repository"
, "will always be complete."
[ cloneHelpTag
, cloneHelpSSE
, cloneHelpInheritDefault
clone :: DarcsCommand
clone = DarcsCommand
{ commandProgramName = "darcs"
, commandName = "clone"
, commandHelp = cloneHelp
, commandDescription = cloneDescription
, commandExtraArgs = -1
, commandExtraArgHelp = ["<REPOSITORY>", "[<DIRECTORY>]"]
, commandCommand = cloneCmd
, commandPrereq = \_ -> return $ Right ()
, commandCompleteArgs = noArgs
, commandArgdefaults = nodefaults
, commandAdvancedOptions = odesc cloneAdvancedOpts
, commandBasicOptions = odesc cloneBasicOpts
, commandDefaults = defaultFlags cloneOpts
, commandCheckOptions = ocheck cloneOpts
= O.newRepo
^ O.cloneKind
^ O.matchOneContext
^ O.setDefault
^ O.inheritDefault
^ O.setScriptsExecutable
^ O.withWorkingDir
cloneAdvancedOpts = O.usePacks ^ O.patchIndexNo ^ O.umask ^
cloneOpts = cloneBasicOpts `withStdOpts` cloneAdvancedOpts
get :: DarcsCommand
get = commandAlias "get" Nothing clone
putDescription :: String
putDescription = "Deprecated command, replaced by clone."
putHelp :: Doc
putHelp = formatText 80
[ "This command is deprecated."
, "To clone the current repository to a ssh destination, " ++
"use the syntax `darcs clone . user@server:path` ."
put :: DarcsCommand
put = commandStub "put" putHelp putDescription clone
cloneCmd :: (AbsolutePath, AbsolutePath) -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
cloneCmd fps opts [inrepodir, outname] = cloneCmd fps (withNewRepo outname opts) [inrepodir]
cloneCmd _ opts [inrepodir] = do
debugMessage "Starting work on clone..."
typed_repodir <- ioAbsoluteOrRemote inrepodir
let repodir = toPath typed_repodir
unless (quiet opts) $ showMotd repodir
rfsource <- identifyRepoFormat repodir
debugMessage $ "Found the format of "++repodir++"..."
when (formatHas RebaseInProgress rfsource) $
fail "Cannot clone a repository with an old-style rebase in progress"
unless (formatHas HashedInventory rfsource) $ putInfo opts $
text "***********************************************************************"
$$ text " _______ Sorry for the wait! The repository you are cloning is"
$$ text " | | using the DEPRECATED 'old-fashioned' format. I'm doing a"
$$ text " | O O | hashed copy instead, but this may take a while."
$$ text " | ___ |"
$$ text " | / \\ | We recommend that the maintainer upgrade the remote copy"
$$ text " |_______| as well. See for more information."
$$ text ""
$$ text "***********************************************************************"
case cloneToSSH opts of
Just repo -> do
withTempDir "clone" $ \_ -> do
guardRemoteDirDoesNotExist repo
putInfo opts $ text "Creating local clone..."
currentDir <- getCurrentDirectory
mysimplename <- makeRepoName True [] repodir
cloneRepository repodir mysimplename (verbosity ? opts) (useCache ? opts)
CompleteClone (umask ? opts) (remoteDarcs opts)
(setScriptsExecutable ? opts)
(remoteRepos ? opts) (NoSetDefault True)
(map convertUpToToOne (O.matchOneContext ? opts))
(withWorkingDir ? opts)
(patchIndexNo ? opts)
(usePacks ? opts)
setCurrentDirectory currentDir
(scp, args) <- getSSH SCP
putInfo opts $ text $ "Transferring clone using " ++ scp ++ "..."
r <- exec scp (args ++ ["-r", mysimplename ++ "/", repo]) (AsIs,AsIs,AsIs)
when (r /= ExitSuccess) $ fail $ "Problem during " ++ scp ++ " transfer."
putInfo opts $ text "Cloning and transferring successful."
Nothing -> do
mysimplename <- makeRepoName True opts repodir
cloneRepository repodir mysimplename (verbosity ? opts) (useCache ? opts)
(cloneKind ? opts) (umask ? opts) (remoteDarcs opts)
(setScriptsExecutable ? opts)
(remoteRepos ? opts) (setDefault True opts)
(O.inheritDefault ? opts)
(map convertUpToToOne (O.matchOneContext ? opts))
(withWorkingDir ? opts)
(patchIndexNo ? opts)
(usePacks ? opts)
putFinished opts "cloning"
cloneCmd _ _ _ = fail "You must provide 'clone' with either one or two arguments."
cloneToSSH :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String
cloneToSSH fs = case O.newRepo ? fs of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just r -> if isSshUrl r then Just r else Nothing
guardRemoteDirDoesNotExist :: String -> IO ()
guardRemoteDirDoesNotExist rpath = do
(ssh, ssh_args) <- getSSH SSH
let sshfp = splitSshUrl rpath
let ssh_cmd = "mkdir '" ++ sshRepo sshfp ++ "'"
r <- exec ssh (ssh_args ++ [sshUhost sshfp, ssh_cmd]) (AsIs,AsIs,AsIs)
when (r /= ExitSuccess) $
fail $ "Cannot create remote directory '" ++ sshRepo sshfp ++ "'."
makeRepoName :: Bool -> [DarcsFlag] -> FilePath -> IO String
makeRepoName talkative fs d =
case O.newRepo ? fs of
Just n -> do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist n
file_exists <- doesFileExist n
if exists || file_exists
then fail $ "Directory or file named '" ++ n ++ "' already exists."
else return n
Nothing ->
case mkName d of
"" -> getUniqueRepositoryName talkative "anonymous_repo"
base@('/':_) -> getUniqueRepositoryName talkative base
-> do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
getUniqueRepositoryName talkative (cwd ++ "/" ++ base)
where mkName = dropWhile (== '.') . reverse .
takeWhile (not . (`elem` "/:")) . dropWhile (== '/') . reverse
cloneHelpTag :: Doc
cloneHelpTag = formatWords
[ ""
, "It is often desirable to make a copy of a repository that excludes"
, "some patches. For example, if releases are tagged then `darcs clone"
, "--tag .` would make a copy of the repository as at the latest release."
, ""
, "An untagged repository state can still be identified unambiguously by"
, "a context file, as generated by `darcs log --context`. Given the"
, "name of such a file, the `--context` option will create a repository"
, "that includes only the patches from that context. When a user reports"
, "a bug in an unreleased version of your project, the recommended way to"
, "find out exactly what version they were running is to have them"
, "include a context file in the bug report."
, ""
, "You can also make a copy of an untagged state using the `--to-patch` or"
, "`--to-match` options, which exclude patches *after* the first matching"
, "patch. Because these options treat the set of patches as an ordered"
, "sequence, you may get different results after reordering with `darcs"
, "optimize reorder`."
cloneHelpSSE :: Doc
cloneHelpSSE = formatWords
[ "The `--set-scripts-executable` option causes scripts to be made"
, "executable in the working tree. A script is any file that starts"
, "with a shebang (\"#!\")."
cloneHelpInheritDefault :: Doc
cloneHelpInheritDefault = commonHelpInheritDefault $+$ formatWords
[ "For the clone command it means the following:"
, "If the source repository already has a defaultrepo set (either because"
, "you cloned it or because you explicitly used the --set-default option),"
, "and both source and target are locally valid paths on the same host,"
, "then the target repo will get the same defaultrepo as the source repo."
, "Otherwise the target repo gets the source repo itself as defaultrepo,"
, "i.e. we fall back to the defalt behavior (--no-inherit-default)."
otherHelpInheritDefault :: Doc
otherHelpInheritDefault = commonHelpInheritDefault $+$ formatWords
[ "For the commands push, pull, and send it means the following:"
, "Changes the meaning of the --set-default option so that it sets the"
, "(local) defaultrepo to the defaultrepo of the remote repo, instead of"
, "the remote repo itself. This happens only if the remote repo does have"
, "a defaultrepo set and both local and remote repositories are locally"
, "valid paths on the same host, otherwise fall back to the default behavior"
, "(--no-inherit-default)."
commonHelpInheritDefault :: Doc
commonHelpInheritDefault = formatWords
[ "The --inherit-default option is meant to support a work flow where"
, "you have different branches of the same upstream repository and want"
, "all your branches to have the same upstream repo as the defaultrepo."
, "It is most useful when enabled globally by adding 'ALL --inherit-default'"
, "to your ~/darcs/defaults file."
convertUpToToOne :: MatchFlag -> MatchFlag
convertUpToToOne (UpToPattern p) = OnePattern p
convertUpToToOne (UpToPatch p) = OnePatch p
convertUpToToOne (UpToHash p) = OneHash p
convertUpToToOne f = f