Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
class PrimConstruct prim where Source #
addfile, rmfile, adddir, rmdir, move, changepref, hunk, tokreplace, binary, primFromHunk, anIdentity
addfile :: FilePath -> prim wX wY Source #
rmfile :: FilePath -> prim wX wY Source #
adddir :: FilePath -> prim wX wY Source #
rmdir :: FilePath -> prim wX wY Source #
move :: FilePath -> FilePath -> prim wX wY Source #
changepref :: String -> String -> String -> prim wX wY Source #
hunk :: FilePath -> Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> prim wX wY Source #
tokreplace :: FilePath -> String -> String -> String -> prim wX wY Source #
binary :: FilePath -> ByteString -> ByteString -> prim wX wY Source #
primFromHunk :: FileHunk wX wY -> prim wX wY Source #
anIdentity :: prim wX wX Source #
class PrimCanonize prim where Source #
tryToShrink :: FL prim wX wY -> FL prim wX wY Source #
tryToShrink ps
simplifies ps
by getting rid of self-cancellations
or coalescing patches
Question (Eric Kow): what properties should this have? For example, the prim1 implementation only gets rid of the first self-cancellation it finds (as far as I can tell). Is that OK? Can we try harder?
tryShrinkingInverse :: FL prim wX wY -> Maybe (FL prim wX wY) Source #
tryShrinkingInverse ps
deletes the first subsequence of
primitive patches that is followed by the inverse subsequence,
if one exists. If not, it returns Nothing
sortCoalesceFL :: FL prim wX wY -> FL prim wX wY Source #
coalesces as many patches in ps
possible, sorting the results in some standard order.
canonize :: DiffAlgorithm -> prim wX wY -> FL prim wX wY Source #
It can sometimes be handy to have a canonical representation of a given
patch. We achieve this by defining a canonical form for each patch type,
and a function canonize
which takes a patch and puts it into
canonical form. This routine is used by the diff function to create an
optimal patch (based on an LCS algorithm) from a simple hunk describing the
old and new version of a file.
canonizeFL :: DiffAlgorithm -> FL prim wX wY -> FL prim wX wY Source #
puts a sequence of primitive patches into
canonical form. Even if the patches are just hunk patches,
this is not necessarily the same set of results as you would get
if you applied the sequence to a specific tree and recalculated
a diff.
Note that this process does not preserve the commutation behaviour of the patches and is therefore not appropriate for use when working with already recorded patches (unless doing amend-record or the like).
coalesce :: (prim :> prim) wX wY -> Maybe (FL prim wX wY) Source #
class PrimClassify prim where Source #
primIsAddfile, primIsRmfile, primIsAdddir, primIsRmdir, primIsMove, primIsHunk, primIsTokReplace, primIsBinary, primIsSetpref, is_filepatch
primIsAddfile :: prim wX wY -> Bool Source #
primIsRmfile :: prim wX wY -> Bool Source #
primIsAdddir :: prim wX wY -> Bool Source #
primIsRmdir :: prim wX wY -> Bool Source #
primIsMove :: prim wX wY -> Bool Source #
primIsHunk :: prim wX wY -> Bool Source #
primIsTokReplace :: prim wX wY -> Bool Source #
primIsBinary :: prim wX wY -> Bool Source #
primIsSetpref :: prim wX wY -> Bool Source #
is_filepatch :: prim wX wY -> Maybe FileName Source #
class PrimDetails prim where Source #
summarizePrim :: prim wX wY -> [SummDetail] Source #
showPrimFL :: PrimShow prim => FileNameFormat -> FL prim wA wB -> Doc Source #
class PrimApply prim where Source #
applyPrimFL :: ApplyMonad (ApplyState prim) m => FL prim wX wY -> m () Source #
class (Patchy prim, MyEq prim, PatchListFormat prim, IsHunk prim, RepairToFL prim, PatchInspect prim, ReadPatch prim, ShowPatch prim, Show2 prim, PrimConstruct prim, PrimCanonize prim, PrimClassify prim, PrimDetails prim, PrimShow prim, PrimRead prim, PrimApply prim) => PrimPatch prim Source #
class PrimPatch (PrimOf p) => PrimPatchBase p Source #
PrimPatchBase DummyPatch Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (RL p) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (FL p) Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (RepoPatchV1 prim) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (Named p) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (RebaseName p) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (RebaseFixup p) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (Suspended p) Source # | |
PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (WithDroppedDeps p) Source # | |
PrimPatch (PrimOf p) => PrimPatchBase (RebaseChange p) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (RebaseSelect p) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (WrappedNamed rt p) Source # | |
PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (PatchInfoAnd rt p) Source # | |
class FromPrim p => ToFromPrim p where Source #
ToFromPrim (RepoPatchV2 prim) Source # | |