{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-type-defaults #-}

module Cut.CutVideo
  ( extract
  , Interval(..)
  , Silent
  , Sound
  , combine
  , combineOutput

import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Catch
import           Cut.Analyze
import           Cut.Ffmpeg
import           Cut.Options
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Text                      ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text                     as Text
import           Data.Text.Lens
import           Shelly                  hiding ( FilePath )

specifyTracks :: Options -> [Text]
specifyTracks options =
  [ "-map"
  , "0:0"
  , "-map"  -- then copy only the voice track
  , "0:" <> options ^. voice_track . to show . packed

toArgs :: Options -> FilePath -> Interval Sound -> (Interval Sound, [Text])
toArgs options tmp inter =
  ( inter
  , -- keep ter interval for debugging
    ["-y", "-ss", start, "-t", duration, "-i", options ^. in_file . packed]
    <> specifyTracks options
    <> [ Text.pack tmp
         <> "/"
         <> options
         ^. out_file
         .  packed
         <> "-"
         <> fname
         <> ".mkv"
  start    = floatToText $ interval_start inter
  duration = floatToText $ interval_duration inter
  fname    = Text.pack $ show $ truncate $ interval_start inter * 100

extract :: Options -> FilePath -> [Interval Sound] -> IO ()
extract options tempDir intervals = do
      (\(inter, args) -> void $ catch (shelly $ ffmpeg args) $ \exec -> do
          (print ("expection during edit: ", exec :: SomeException, args, inter)
        pure ["expection"]
    $   toArgs options tempDir
    <$> intervals
  liftIO $ putStrLn "finish extracting"

combineOutput :: FilePath
combineOutput = "combined-output.mkv"

combine :: FilePath -> Sh ()
combine tempfiles = do
  output' <- ffmpeg args
  liftIO $ print ("output", output')
 where -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7333232/how-to-concatenate-two-mp4-files-using-ffmpeg
  args =
    [ "-y"
    , "-f"
    , "concat"
    , "-safe"
    , "0"
    , "-i"
    , Text.pack (tempfiles <> "/input.txt")
    , "-c"
    , "copy"
    , Text.pack $ tempfiles <> "/" <> combineOutput