{- |
    Module      :  $Header$
    Description :  Split module into code fragments
    Copyright   :  (c) 2014 - 2016 Björn Peemöller
                       2016        Jan Tikovsky
                       2016 - 2017 Finn Teegen
    License     :  BSD-3-clause

    Maintainer  :  bjp@informatik.uni-kiel.de
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    This module arranges the tokens of the module into different code
    categories for HTML presentation. The parsed and qualified module
    is used to establish links between used identifiers and their definitions.

    The fully qualified module is traversed to generate a list of code elements.
    Code elements representing identifiers are distinguished by their kind
    (type constructor, data constructor, function, (type) variable).
    They include information about their usage (i.e., declaration, call etc.)
    and whether the identifier occurs fully qualified in
    the source code or not. Initially, all identifier codes are fully qualified.

    In a next step, the token stream of the given program and the code list are
    traversed sequentially (see `encodeToks`). The information in the token
    stream is used to:

      * add code elements for newlines, spaces and pragmas
      * update the qualification information of identifiers in the code list.

module Html.SyntaxColoring
  ( Code (..), TypeUsage (..), ConsUsage (..)
  , IdentUsage (..), FuncUsage (..)
  , genProgram, code2string, getQualIdent
  ) where

import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List     (sortBy)

import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Base.Position
import Curry.Base.SpanInfo ()
import Curry.Syntax

import Base.Messages

-- |Type of codes which are distinguished for HTML output
-- the boolean flags indicate whether the corresponding identifier
-- occurs qualified in the source module
data Code
  = Keyword     String
  | Space       Int
  | NewLine
  | Pragma      String
  | TypeCons    TypeUsage  Bool QualIdent
  | DataCons    ConsUsage  Bool QualIdent
  | Function    FuncUsage  Bool QualIdent
  | Identifier  IdentUsage Bool QualIdent
  | ModuleName  ModuleIdent
  | Commentary  String
  | NumberCode  String
  | StringCode  String
  | CharCode    String
  | Symbol      String
    deriving Show

data TypeUsage
  = TypeDeclare
  | TypeRefer
  | TypeExport
  | TypeImport
    deriving Show

data ConsUsage
  = ConsDeclare
  | ConsPattern
  | ConsCall
  | ConsInfix
  | ConsExport
  | ConsImport
    deriving Show

data FuncUsage
  = FuncDeclare
  | FuncTypeSig
  | FuncCall
  | FuncInfix
  | FuncExport
  | FuncImport
    deriving Show

data IdentUsage
  = IdDeclare -- declare a (type) variable
  | IdRefer   -- refer to a (type) variable
  | IdUnknown -- unknown usage
    deriving Show

-- @param fully qualified module
-- @param lex-Result
-- @return code list
genProgram :: Module a -> [(Position, Token)] -> [Code]
genProgram m pts = encodeToks (first "") (filter validCode (idsModule m)) pts

-- predicate to remove identifier codes for primitives
-- because they do not form valid link targets
validCode :: Code -> Bool
validCode (TypeCons   _ _ t) = t `notElem` [qUnitId, qListId]         && not (isQTupleId t)
validCode (DataCons   _ _ c) = c `notElem` [qUnitId, qNilId, qConsId] && not (isQTupleId c)
validCode (Identifier _ _ i) = not $ isAnonId $ unqualify i
validCode _                  = True

-- @param code
-- @return qid if available
getQualIdent :: Code -> Maybe QualIdent
getQualIdent (DataCons   _ _ qid) = Just qid
getQualIdent (Function   _ _ qid) = Just qid
getQualIdent (Identifier _ _ qid) = Just qid
getQualIdent (TypeCons   _ _ qid) = Just qid
getQualIdent _                    = Nothing

encodeToks :: Position -> [Code] -> [(Position, Token)] -> [Code]
encodeToks _   _   []                     = []
encodeToks cur ids toks@((pos, tok) : ts)
  -- advance line
  | line cur   < line   pos = NewLine : encodeToks (nl cur) ids toks
  -- advance column
  | column cur < column pos = let d = column pos - column cur
                              in  Space d : encodeToks (incr cur d) ids toks
  -- pragma token
  | isPragmaToken tok       = let (ps, (end:rest)) = break (isPragmaEnd . snd) toks
                                  s = unwords $ map (showToken . snd) (ps ++ [end])
                              in  Pragma s : encodeToks (incr cur (length s)) ids rest
  -- identifier token
  | isIdentTok tok          = case ids of
    []     -> encodeTok tok : encodeToks newPos [] ts
      | tokenStr == code2string i' -> i' : encodeToks newPos is ts
  -- the 'otherwise' case should never occur if the token stream and
  -- the qualified AST which was used to generate the code list correspond to
  -- the same module
      | otherwise                  -> encodeToks cur is toks
      where i' = setQualified (isQualIdentTok tok) i
  -- other token
  | otherwise               = encodeTok tok : encodeToks newPos ids ts
  tokenStr = showToken tok
  newPos   = incr cur (length tokenStr)

setQualified :: Bool -> Code -> Code
setQualified b (DataCons   u _ c) = DataCons u b c
setQualified b (Function   u _ f) = Function u b f
setQualified b (Identifier u _ i) = Identifier u b i
setQualified b (TypeCons   u _ t) = TypeCons u b t
setQualified _ m@(ModuleName   _) = m
setQualified _ s@(Symbol       _) = s
setQualified _ c                  = internalError $ "Html.SyntaxColoring.setQualified: " ++ show c

code2string :: Code -> String
code2string (Keyword           s) = s
code2string (Space             i) = replicate i ' '
code2string NewLine               = "\n"
code2string (Pragma            s) = s
code2string (DataCons    _ b qid) = ident2string b qid
code2string (TypeCons    _ b qid) = ident2string b qid
code2string (Function    _ b qid) = ident2string b qid
code2string (Identifier  _ b qid) = ident2string b qid
code2string (ModuleName      mid) = moduleName mid
code2string (Commentary        s) = s
code2string (NumberCode        s) = s
code2string (StringCode        s) = s
code2string (CharCode          s) = s
code2string (Symbol            s) = s

ident2string :: Bool -> QualIdent -> String
ident2string False q = idName $ unqualify q
ident2string True  q = qualName q

encodeTok :: Token -> Code
encodeTok tok@(Token c _)
  | c `elem` numCategories          = NumberCode (showToken tok)
  | c == CharTok                    = CharCode   (showToken tok)
  | c == StringTok                  = StringCode (showToken tok)
  | c `elem` keywordCategories      = Keyword    (showToken tok)
  | c `elem` specialIdentCategories = Keyword    (showToken tok)
  | c `elem` punctuationCategories  = Symbol     (showToken tok)
  | c `elem` reservedOpsCategories  = Symbol     (showToken tok)
  | c `elem` commentCategories      = Commentary (showToken tok)
  | c `elem` identCategories        = Identifier IdUnknown False $ qualify $ mkIdent
                                      $ showToken tok
  | c `elem` whiteSpaceCategories   = Space 0
  | c `elem` pragmaCategories       = Pragma     (showToken tok)
  | otherwise                       = internalError $
    "SyntaxColoring.encodeTok: Unknown token " ++ showToken tok

numCategories :: [Category]
numCategories = [IntTok, FloatTok]

keywordCategories :: [Category]
keywordCategories =
  [ KW_case, KW_class, KW_data, KW_default, KW_deriving, KW_do, KW_else
  , KW_external, KW_fcase, KW_free, KW_if, KW_import, KW_in
  , KW_infix, KW_infixl, KW_infixr, KW_instance, KW_let, KW_module, KW_newtype
  , KW_of, KW_then, KW_type, KW_where

specialIdentCategories :: [Category]
specialIdentCategories =
  [ Id_as, Id_ccall, Id_forall, Id_hiding
  , Id_interface, Id_primitive, Id_qualified ]

punctuationCategories :: [Category]
punctuationCategories =
  [ LeftParen, RightParen, Semicolon, LeftBrace, RightBrace
  , LeftBracket, RightBracket, Comma, Underscore, Backquote ]

reservedOpsCategories :: [Category]
reservedOpsCategories =
  [ At, Colon, DotDot, DoubleArrow, DoubleColon, Equals, Backslash, Bar
  , LeftArrow, RightArrow, Tilde ]

commentCategories :: [Category]
commentCategories = [LineComment, NestedComment]

identCategories :: [Category]
identCategories = [Id, QId, Sym, QSym, SymDot, SymMinus, SymStar]

isPragmaToken :: Token -> Bool
isPragmaToken (Token c _) = c `elem` pragmaCategories

isPragmaEnd :: Token -> Bool
isPragmaEnd (Token c _) = c == PragmaEnd

isIdentTok :: Token -> Bool
isIdentTok (Token c _) = c `elem` identCategories

isQualIdentTok :: Token -> Bool
isQualIdentTok (Token c _) = c `elem` [QId, QSym]

whiteSpaceCategories :: [Category]
whiteSpaceCategories = [EOF, VSemicolon, VRightBrace]

pragmaCategories :: [Category]
pragmaCategories = [PragmaLanguage, PragmaOptions, PragmaEnd]

cmpDecl :: Decl a -> Decl a -> Ordering
cmpDecl = compare `on` getPosition

cmpImportDecl :: ImportDecl -> ImportDecl -> Ordering
cmpImportDecl = compare `on` getPosition

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Extract all identifiers mentioned in the source code as a Code entity
-- in the order of their occurrence. The extracted information is then used
-- to enrich the identifier tokens with additional information, e.g., for
-- link generation.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

idsModule :: Module a -> [Code]
idsModule (Module _ _ mid es is ds) =
  let hdrCodes = ModuleName mid : idsExportSpec es
      impCodes = concatMap idsImportDecl (sortBy cmpImportDecl is)
      dclCodes = concatMap idsDecl       (sortBy cmpDecl ds)
  in  hdrCodes ++ impCodes ++ dclCodes

-- Exports

idsExportSpec ::  Maybe ExportSpec -> [Code]
idsExportSpec Nothing                 = []
idsExportSpec (Just (Exporting _ es)) = concatMap idsExport es

idsExport :: Export -> [Code]
idsExport (Export            _ qid) = [Function FuncExport False qid]
idsExport (ExportTypeWith _ qid cs) = TypeCons TypeExport False qid :
  map (DataCons ConsExport False . qualify) cs
idsExport (ExportTypeAll     _ qid) = [TypeCons TypeExport False qid]
idsExport (ExportModule      _ mid) = [ModuleName mid]

-- Imports

idsImportDecl :: ImportDecl -> [Code]
idsImportDecl (ImportDecl _ mid _ mAlias spec)
  = ModuleName mid : aliasCode ++ maybe [] (idsImportSpec mid) spec
  where aliasCode = maybe [] ((:[]) . ModuleName) mAlias

idsImportSpec :: ModuleIdent -> ImportSpec -> [Code]
idsImportSpec mid (Importing _ is) = concatMap (idsImport mid) is
idsImportSpec mid (Hiding    _ is) = concatMap (idsImport mid) is

idsImport :: ModuleIdent -> Import -> [Code]
idsImport mid (Import            _ i) =
  [Function FuncImport False $ qualifyWith mid i]
idsImport mid (ImportTypeWith _ t cs) =
  TypeCons TypeImport False (qualifyWith mid t) :
    map (DataCons ConsImport False . qualifyWith mid) cs
idsImport mid (ImportTypeAll     _ t) =
  [TypeCons TypeImport False $ qualifyWith mid t]

-- Declarations

idsDecl :: Decl a -> [Code]
idsDecl (InfixDecl        _ _ _ ops) =
  map (Function FuncInfix False . qualify) ops
idsDecl (DataDecl   _ d vs cds clss) =
  TypeCons TypeDeclare False (qualify d) :
    map (Identifier IdDeclare False . qualify) vs ++
      concatMap idsConstrDecl cds ++ map (TypeCons TypeRefer False) clss
idsDecl (ExternalDataDecl    _ d vs) =
  TypeCons TypeDeclare False (qualify d) :
    map (Identifier IdDeclare False . qualify) vs
idsDecl (NewtypeDecl _ t vs nc clss) =
  TypeCons TypeDeclare False (qualify t) :
    map (Identifier IdDeclare False . qualify) vs ++ idsNewConstrDecl nc ++
      map (TypeCons TypeRefer False) clss
idsDecl (TypeDecl         _ t vs ty) =
  TypeCons TypeDeclare False (qualify t) :
    map (Identifier IdDeclare False . qualify) vs ++ idsTypeExpr ty
idsDecl (TypeSig           _ fs qty) =
  map (Function FuncTypeSig False . qualify) fs ++ idsQualTypeExpr qty
idsDecl (FunctionDecl     _ _ _ eqs) = concatMap idsEquation eqs
idsDecl (ExternalDecl          _ fs) =
  map (Function FuncDeclare False . qualify . varIdent) fs
idsDecl (PatternDecl        _ p rhs) = idsPat p ++ idsRhs rhs
idsDecl (FreeDecl              _ vs) =
  map (Identifier IdDeclare False . qualify . varIdent) vs
idsDecl (DefaultDecl          _ tys) = concatMap idsTypeExpr tys
idsDecl (ClassDecl      _ cx c v ds) =
  idsContext cx ++ TypeCons TypeDeclare False (qualify c) :
    Identifier IdDeclare False (qualify v) : concatMap idsClassDecl ds
idsDecl (InstanceDecl  _ cx c ty ds) = idsContext cx ++
  TypeCons TypeRefer False c : idsTypeExpr ty ++ concatMap idsInstanceDecl ds

idsConstrDecl :: ConstrDecl -> [Code]
idsConstrDecl (ConstrDecl     _ c tys) =
  DataCons ConsDeclare False (qualify c) : concatMap idsTypeExpr tys
idsConstrDecl (ConOpDecl _ ty1 op ty2) =
  idsTypeExpr ty1 ++ (DataCons ConsDeclare False $ qualify op) : idsTypeExpr ty2
idsConstrDecl (RecordDecl      _ c fs) =
  DataCons ConsDeclare False (qualify c) : concatMap idsFieldDecl fs

idsNewConstrDecl :: NewConstrDecl -> [Code]
idsNewConstrDecl (NewConstrDecl _ c     ty) =
  DataCons ConsDeclare False (qualify c) : idsTypeExpr ty
idsNewConstrDecl (NewRecordDecl _ c (l,ty)) =
  DataCons ConsDeclare False (qualify c) :
    (Function FuncDeclare False $ qualify l) : idsTypeExpr ty

idsClassDecl :: Decl a -> [Code]
idsClassDecl (TypeSig       _ fs qty) =
  map (Function FuncDeclare False . qualify) fs ++ idsQualTypeExpr qty
idsClassDecl (FunctionDecl _ _ _ eqs) = concatMap idsEquation eqs
idsClassDecl _                        =
  internalError "SyntaxColoring.idsClassDecl"

idsInstanceDecl :: Decl a -> [Code]
idsInstanceDecl (FunctionDecl _ _ _ eqs) = concatMap idsEquation eqs
idsInstanceDecl _                        =
  internalError "SyntaxColoring.idsInstanceDecl"

idsQualTypeExpr :: QualTypeExpr -> [Code]
idsQualTypeExpr (QualTypeExpr _ cx ty) = idsContext cx ++ idsTypeExpr ty

idsContext :: Context -> [Code]
idsContext = concatMap idsConstraint

idsConstraint :: Constraint -> [Code]
idsConstraint (Constraint _ qcls ty) =
  TypeCons TypeRefer False qcls : idsTypeExpr ty

idsTypeExpr :: TypeExpr -> [Code]
idsTypeExpr (ConstructorType _ qid) = [TypeCons TypeRefer False qid]
idsTypeExpr (ApplyType   _ ty1 ty2) = concatMap idsTypeExpr [ty1, ty2]
idsTypeExpr (VariableType      _ v) = [Identifier IdRefer False (qualify v)]
idsTypeExpr (TupleType       _ tys) = concatMap idsTypeExpr tys
idsTypeExpr (ListType         _ ty) = idsTypeExpr ty
idsTypeExpr (ArrowType   _ ty1 ty2) = concatMap idsTypeExpr [ty1, ty2]
idsTypeExpr (ParenType        _ ty) = idsTypeExpr ty
idsTypeExpr (ForallType    _ vs ty) =
  map (Identifier IdDeclare False . qualify) vs ++ idsTypeExpr ty

idsFieldDecl :: FieldDecl -> [Code]
idsFieldDecl (FieldDecl _ ls ty) =
  map (Function FuncDeclare False . qualify . unRenameIdent) ls ++ idsTypeExpr ty

idsEquation :: Equation a -> [Code]
idsEquation (Equation _ lhs rhs) = idsLhs lhs ++ idsRhs rhs

idsLhs :: Lhs a -> [Code]
idsLhs (FunLhs    _ f ps) =
  Function FuncDeclare False (qualify f) : concatMap idsPat ps
idsLhs (OpLhs _ p1 op p2) =
  idsPat p1 ++ [Function FuncDeclare False $ qualify op] ++ idsPat p2
idsLhs (ApLhs   _ lhs ps) = idsLhs lhs ++ concatMap idsPat ps

idsRhs :: Rhs a -> [Code]
idsRhs (SimpleRhs  _ e  ds) = idsExpr e ++ concatMap idsDecl ds
idsRhs (GuardedRhs _ ce ds) = concatMap idsCondExpr ce ++ concatMap idsDecl ds

idsCondExpr :: CondExpr a -> [Code]
idsCondExpr (CondExpr _ e1 e2) = idsExpr e1 ++ idsExpr e2

idsPat :: Pattern a -> [Code]
idsPat (LiteralPattern          _ _ _) = []
idsPat (NegativePattern         _ _ _) = []
idsPat (VariablePattern         _ _ v) = [Identifier IdDeclare False (qualify v)]
idsPat (ConstructorPattern _ _ qid ps) =
  DataCons ConsPattern False qid : concatMap idsPat ps
idsPat (InfixPattern    _ _ p1 qid p2) =
  idsPat p1 ++ DataCons ConsPattern False qid : idsPat p2
idsPat (ParenPattern              _ p) = idsPat p
idsPat (RecordPattern      _ _ qid fs) =
  DataCons ConsPattern False qid : concatMap (idsField idsPat) fs
idsPat (TuplePattern            _ ps) = concatMap idsPat ps
idsPat (ListPattern            _ _ ps) = concatMap idsPat ps
idsPat (AsPattern               _ v p) =
  Identifier IdDeclare False (qualify v) : idsPat p
idsPat (LazyPattern               _ p) = idsPat p
idsPat (FunctionPattern    _ _ qid ps) =
  Function FuncCall False qid : concatMap idsPat ps
idsPat (InfixFuncPattern  _ _ p1 f p2) =
  idsPat p1 ++ Function FuncInfix False f : idsPat p2

idsExpr :: Expression a -> [Code]
idsExpr (Literal              _ _ _) = []
idsExpr (Variable           _ _ qid)
  | isQualified qid                = [Function FuncCall False qid]
  | hasGlobalScope (unqualify qid) = [Function FuncCall False qid]
  | otherwise                      = [Identifier IdRefer False qid]
idsExpr (Constructor        _ _ qid) = [DataCons ConsCall False qid]
idsExpr (Paren                  _ e) = idsExpr e
idsExpr (Typed              _ e qty) = idsExpr e ++ idsQualTypeExpr qty
idsExpr (Record          _ _ qid fs) =
  DataCons ConsCall False qid : concatMap (idsField idsExpr) fs
idsExpr (RecordUpdate        _ e fs) =
  idsExpr e ++ concatMap (idsField idsExpr) fs
idsExpr (Tuple                 _ es) = concatMap idsExpr es
idsExpr (List                _ _ es) = concatMap idsExpr es
idsExpr (ListCompr        _ e stmts) = idsExpr e ++ concatMap idsStmt stmts
idsExpr (EnumFrom               _ e) = idsExpr e
idsExpr (EnumFromThen       _ e1 e2) = concatMap idsExpr [e1, e2]
idsExpr (EnumFromTo         _ e1 e2) = concatMap idsExpr [e1, e2]
idsExpr (EnumFromThenTo  _ e1 e2 e3) = concatMap idsExpr [e1, e2, e3]
idsExpr (UnaryMinus             _ e) = Symbol "-" : idsExpr e
idsExpr (Apply              _ e1 e2) = idsExpr e1 ++ idsExpr e2
idsExpr (InfixApply      _ e1 op e2) = idsExpr e1 ++ idsInfix op ++ idsExpr e2
idsExpr (LeftSection         _ e op) = idsExpr e ++ idsInfix op
idsExpr (RightSection        _ op e) = idsInfix op ++ idsExpr e
idsExpr (Lambda              _ ps e) = concatMap idsPat ps ++ idsExpr e
idsExpr (Let                 _ ds e) = concatMap idsDecl ds ++ idsExpr e
idsExpr (Do               _ stmts e) = concatMap idsStmt stmts ++ idsExpr e
idsExpr (IfThenElse      _ e1 e2 e3) = concatMap idsExpr [e1, e2, e3]
idsExpr (Case            _ _ e alts) = idsExpr e ++ concatMap idsAlt alts

idsField :: (a -> [Code]) -> Field a -> [Code]
idsField f (Field _ l x) = Function FuncCall False l : f x

idsInfix :: InfixOp a -> [Code]
idsInfix (InfixOp     _ qid) = [Function FuncInfix False qid]
idsInfix (InfixConstr _ qid) = [DataCons ConsInfix False qid]

idsStmt :: Statement a -> [Code]
idsStmt (StmtExpr   _ e) = idsExpr e
idsStmt (StmtDecl  _ ds) = concatMap idsDecl ds
idsStmt (StmtBind _ p e) = idsPat p ++ idsExpr e

idsAlt :: Alt a -> [Code]
idsAlt (Alt _ p rhs) = idsPat p ++ idsRhs rhs

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Conversion from a token to a string
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

showToken :: Token -> String
showToken (Token Id                 a) = showAttr a
showToken (Token QId                a) = showAttr a
showToken (Token Sym                a) = showAttr a
showToken (Token QSym               a) = showAttr a
showToken (Token IntTok             a) = showAttr a
showToken (Token FloatTok           a) = showAttr a
showToken (Token CharTok            a) = showAttr a
showToken (Token StringTok          a) = showAttr a
showToken (Token LeftParen          _) = "("
showToken (Token RightParen         _) = ")"
showToken (Token Semicolon          _) = ";"
showToken (Token LeftBrace          _) = "{"
showToken (Token RightBrace         _) = "}"
showToken (Token LeftBracket        _) = "["
showToken (Token RightBracket       _) = "]"
showToken (Token Comma              _) = ","
showToken (Token Underscore         _) = "_"
showToken (Token Backquote          _) = "`"
showToken (Token VSemicolon         _) = ""
showToken (Token VRightBrace        _) = ""
showToken (Token At                 _) = "@"
showToken (Token Colon              _) = ":"
showToken (Token DotDot             _) = ".."
showToken (Token DoubleArrow        _) = "=>"
showToken (Token DoubleColon        _) = "::"
showToken (Token Equals             _) = "="
showToken (Token Backslash          _) = "\\"
showToken (Token Bar                _) = "|"
showToken (Token LeftArrow          _) = "<-"
showToken (Token RightArrow         _) = "->"
showToken (Token Tilde              _) = "~"
showToken (Token SymDot             _) = "."
showToken (Token SymMinus           _) = "-"
showToken (Token SymStar            _) = "*"
showToken (Token KW_case            _) = "case"
showToken (Token KW_class           _) = "class"
showToken (Token KW_data            _) = "data"
showToken (Token KW_default         _) = "default"
showToken (Token KW_deriving        _) = "deriving"
showToken (Token KW_do              _) = "do"
showToken (Token KW_else            _) = "else"
showToken (Token KW_external        _) = "external"
showToken (Token KW_fcase           _) = "fcase"
showToken (Token KW_free            _) = "free"
showToken (Token KW_if              _) = "if"
showToken (Token KW_import          _) = "import"
showToken (Token KW_in              _) = "in"
showToken (Token KW_infix           _) = "infix"
showToken (Token KW_infixl          _) = "infixl"
showToken (Token KW_infixr          _) = "infixr"
showToken (Token KW_instance        _) = "instance"
showToken (Token KW_let             _) = "let"
showToken (Token KW_module          _) = "module"
showToken (Token KW_newtype         _) = "newtype"
showToken (Token KW_of              _) = "of"
showToken (Token KW_then            _) = "then"
showToken (Token KW_type            _) = "type"
showToken (Token KW_where           _) = "where"
showToken (Token Id_as              _) = "as"
showToken (Token Id_ccall           _) = "ccall"
showToken (Token Id_forall          _) = "forall"
showToken (Token Id_hiding          _) = "hiding"
showToken (Token Id_interface       _) = "interface"
showToken (Token Id_primitive       _) = "primitive"
showToken (Token Id_qualified       _) = "qualified"
showToken (Token EOF                _) = ""
showToken (Token PragmaHiding       _) = "{-# HIDING"
showToken (Token PragmaLanguage     _) = "{-# LANGUAGE"
showToken (Token PragmaOptions      a) = "{-# OPTIONS" ++ showAttr a
showToken (Token PragmaMethod       _) = "{-# METHOD"
showToken (Token PragmaModule       _) = "{-# MODULE"
showToken (Token PragmaEnd          _) = "#-}"
showToken (Token LineComment   (StringAttributes s _)) = s
showToken (Token LineComment   a                     ) = showAttr a
showToken (Token NestedComment (StringAttributes s _)) = s
showToken (Token NestedComment                      a) = showAttr a

showAttr :: Attributes -> [Char]
showAttr NoAttributes             = ""
showAttr (CharAttributes     c _) = show c
showAttr (IntAttributes      i _) = show i
showAttr (FloatAttributes    f _) = show f
showAttr (StringAttributes   s _) = show s
showAttr (IdentAttributes    m i)
  | null m    = idName   $                          (mkIdent i)
  | otherwise = qualName $ qualifyWith (mkMIdent m) (mkIdent i)
showAttr (OptionsAttributes mt s) = showTool mt ++ ' ' : s

showTool :: Maybe String -> String
showTool Nothing  = ""
showTool (Just t) = '_' : t