{- |
    Module      :  $Header$
    Description :  Compiler options
    Copyright   :  (c) 2005        Martin Engelke
                       2007        Sebastian Fischer
                       2011 - 2016 Björn Peemöller
                       2016 - 2017 Finn Teegen
                       2018        Kai-Oliver Prott
    License     :  BSD-3-clause

    Maintainer  :  fte@informatik.uni-kiel.de
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    This module defines data structures holding options for the
    compilation of Curry programs, and utility functions for printing
    help information as well as parsing the command line arguments.
module CompilerOpts
  ( Options (..), CppOpts (..), PrepOpts (..), WarnOpts (..), DebugOpts (..)
  , CaseMode (..), CymakeMode (..), Verbosity (..), TargetType (..)
  , WarnFlag (..), KnownExtension (..), DumpLevel (..), dumpLevel
  , defaultOptions, defaultPrepOpts, defaultWarnOpts, defaultDebugOpts
  , getCompilerOpts, updateOpts, usage
  ) where

import           Data.List             (intercalate, nub)
import           Data.Maybe            (isJust)
import           Data.Char             (isDigit)
import qualified Data.Map    as Map    (Map, empty, insert)
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment              (getArgs, getProgName)
import System.FilePath                 ( addTrailingPathSeparator, normalise
                                       , splitSearchPath )

import Curry.Files.Filenames           (currySubdir)
import Curry.Syntax.Extension

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Option data structures
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Compiler options
data Options = Options
  -- general
  { optMode         :: CymakeMode         -- ^ modus operandi
  , optVerbosity    :: Verbosity          -- ^ verbosity level
  -- compilation
  , optForce        :: Bool               -- ^ force (re-)compilation of target
  , optLibraryPaths :: [FilePath]         -- ^ directories to search in
                                          --   for libraries
  , optImportPaths  :: [FilePath]         -- ^ directories to search in
                                          --   for imports
  , optHtmlDir      :: Maybe FilePath     -- ^ output directory for HTML
  , optUseSubdir    :: Bool               -- ^ use subdir for output?
  , optInterface    :: Bool               -- ^ create a FlatCurry interface file?
  , optPrepOpts     :: PrepOpts           -- ^ preprocessor options
  , optWarnOpts     :: WarnOpts           -- ^ warning options
  , optTargetTypes  :: [TargetType]       -- ^ what to generate
  , optExtensions   :: [KnownExtension]   -- ^ enabled language extensions
  , optDebugOpts    :: DebugOpts          -- ^ debug options
  , optCaseMode     :: CaseMode           -- ^ case mode
  , optCppOpts      :: CppOpts            -- ^ C preprocessor options
  } deriving Show

-- |C preprocessor options
data CppOpts = CppOpts
  { cppRun         :: Bool                -- ^ run C preprocessor
  , cppDefinitions :: Map.Map String Int  -- ^ defintions for the C preprocessor
  } deriving Show

-- |Preprocessor options
data PrepOpts = PrepOpts
  { ppPreprocess :: Bool      -- ^ apply custom preprocessor
  , ppCmd        :: String    -- ^ preprocessor command
  , ppOpts       :: [String]  -- ^ preprocessor options
  } deriving Show

data CaseMode
  = CaseModeFree
  | CaseModeHaskell
  | CaseModeProlog
  | CaseModeGoedel
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Warning options
data WarnOpts = WarnOpts
  { wnWarn         :: Bool       -- ^ show warnings? (legacy option)
  , wnWarnFlags    :: [WarnFlag] -- ^ Warnings flags (see below)
  , wnWarnAsError  :: Bool       -- ^ Should warnings be treated as errors?
  } deriving Show

-- |Debug options
data DebugOpts = DebugOpts
  { dbDumpLevels      :: [DumpLevel] -- ^ dump levels
  , dbDumpEnv         :: Bool        -- ^ dump compilation environment
  , dbDumpRaw         :: Bool        -- ^ dump data structure
  , dbDumpAllBindings :: Bool        -- ^ dump all bindings instead of just the
                                     --   local bindings
  , dbDumpSimple      :: Bool        -- ^ print more readable environments
  } deriving Show

-- | Default compiler options
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options
  { optMode         = ModeMake
  , optVerbosity    = VerbStatus
  , optForce        = False
  , optLibraryPaths = []
  , optImportPaths  = []
  , optHtmlDir      = Nothing
  , optUseSubdir    = True
  , optInterface    = True
  , optPrepOpts     = defaultPrepOpts
  , optWarnOpts     = defaultWarnOpts
  , optTargetTypes  = []
  , optExtensions   = []
  , optDebugOpts    = defaultDebugOpts
  , optCaseMode     = CaseModeFree
  , optCppOpts      = defaultCppOpts

-- | Default C preprocessor options
defaultCppOpts :: CppOpts
defaultCppOpts = CppOpts
  { cppRun         = False
  , cppDefinitions = Map.empty

-- | Default preprocessor options
defaultPrepOpts :: PrepOpts
defaultPrepOpts = PrepOpts
  { ppPreprocess = False
  , ppCmd        = ""
  , ppOpts       = []

-- | Default warning options
defaultWarnOpts :: WarnOpts
defaultWarnOpts = WarnOpts
  { wnWarn        = True
  , wnWarnFlags   = stdWarnFlags
  , wnWarnAsError = False

-- | Default dump options
defaultDebugOpts :: DebugOpts
defaultDebugOpts = DebugOpts
  { dbDumpLevels      = []
  , dbDumpEnv         = False
  , dbDumpRaw         = False
  , dbDumpAllBindings = False
  , dbDumpSimple      = False

-- |Modus operandi of the program
data CymakeMode
  = ModeHelp           -- ^ Show help information and exit
  | ModeVersion        -- ^ Show version and exit
  | ModeNumericVersion -- ^ Show numeric version, suitable for later processing
  | ModeMake           -- ^ Compile with dependencies
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Verbosity level
data Verbosity
  = VerbQuiet  -- ^ be quiet
  | VerbStatus -- ^ show status of compilation
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- |Description and flag of verbosities
verbosities :: [(Verbosity, String, String)]
verbosities = [ ( VerbQuiet , "0", "quiet" )
              , ( VerbStatus, "1", "status")

-- |Type of the target file
data TargetType
  = Tokens               -- ^ Source code tokens
  | Comments             -- ^ Source code comments
  | Parsed               -- ^ Parsed source code
  | FlatCurry            -- ^ FlatCurry
  | TypedFlatCurry       -- ^ Typed FlatCurry
  | TypeAnnotatedFlatCurry -- ^ Type-annotated FlatCurry
  | AbstractCurry          -- ^ AbstractCurry
  | UntypedAbstractCurry   -- ^ Untyped AbstractCurry
  | Html                   -- ^ HTML documentation
  | AST                  -- ^ Abstract-Syntax-Tree after checks
  | ShortAST             -- ^ Abstract-Syntax-Tree with shortened decls
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Warnings flags
data WarnFlag
  = WarnMultipleImports      -- ^ Warn for multiple imports
  | WarnDisjoinedRules       -- ^ Warn for disjoined function rules
  | WarnUnusedGlobalBindings -- ^ Warn for unused global bindings
  | WarnUnusedBindings       -- ^ Warn for unused local bindings
  | WarnNameShadowing        -- ^ Warn for name shadowing
  | WarnOverlapping          -- ^ Warn for overlapping rules/alternatives
  | WarnIncompletePatterns   -- ^ Warn for incomplete pattern matching
  | WarnMissingSignatures    -- ^ Warn for missing type signatures
  | WarnMissingMethods       -- ^ Warn for missing method implementations
  | WarnOrphanInstances      -- ^ Warn for orphan instances
  | WarnIrregularCaseMode
    deriving (Eq, Bounded, Enum, Show)

-- |Warning flags enabled by default
stdWarnFlags :: [WarnFlag]
stdWarnFlags =
  [ WarnMultipleImports   , WarnDisjoinedRules   --, WarnUnusedGlobalBindings
  , WarnUnusedBindings    , WarnNameShadowing    , WarnOverlapping
  , WarnIncompletePatterns, WarnMissingSignatures, WarnMissingMethods
  , WarnIrregularCaseMode

-- |Description and flag of warnings flags
warnFlags :: [(WarnFlag, String, String)]
warnFlags =
  [ ( WarnMultipleImports     , "multiple-imports"
    , "multiple imports"               )
  , ( WarnDisjoinedRules      , "disjoined-rules"
    , "disjoined function rules"       )
  , ( WarnUnusedGlobalBindings, "unused-global-bindings"
    , "unused bindings"                )
  , ( WarnUnusedBindings      , "unused-bindings"
    , "unused bindings"                )
  , ( WarnNameShadowing       , "name-shadowing"
    , "name shadowing"                 )
  , ( WarnOverlapping         , "overlapping"
    , "overlapping function rules"     )
  , ( WarnIncompletePatterns  , "incomplete-patterns"
    , "incomplete pattern matching"    )
  , ( WarnMissingSignatures   , "missing-signatures"
    , "missing type signatures"        )
  , ( WarnMissingMethods      , "missing-methods"
    , "missing method implementations" )
  , ( WarnOrphanInstances     , "orphan-instances"
    , "orphan instances"               )
  , ( WarnIrregularCaseMode   , "irregular-case-mode"
    , "irregular case mode")

-- |Dump level
data DumpLevel
  = DumpCondCompiled      -- ^ dump source code after conditional compiling
  | DumpParsed            -- ^ dump source code after parsing
  | DumpExtensionChecked  -- ^ dump source code after extension checking
  | DumpTypeSyntaxChecked -- ^ dump source code after type syntax checking
  | DumpKindChecked       -- ^ dump source code after kind checking
  | DumpSyntaxChecked     -- ^ dump source code after syntax checking
  | DumpPrecChecked       -- ^ dump source code after precedence checking
  | DumpDeriveChecked     -- ^ dump source code after derive checking
  | DumpInstanceChecked   -- ^ dump source code after instance checking
  | DumpTypeChecked       -- ^ dump source code after type checking
  | DumpExportChecked     -- ^ dump source code after export checking
  | DumpQualified         -- ^ dump source code after qualification
  | DumpDerived           -- ^ dump source code after deriving
  | DumpDesugared         -- ^ dump source code after desugaring
  | DumpDictionaries      -- ^ dump source code after dictionary transformation
  | DumpNewtypes          -- ^ dump source code after removing newtype constructors
  | DumpSimplified        -- ^ dump source code after simplification
  | DumpLifted            -- ^ dump source code after lambda-lifting
  | DumpTranslated        -- ^ dump IL code after translation
  | DumpCaseCompleted     -- ^ dump IL code after case completion
  | DumpTypedFlatCurry    -- ^ dump typed FlatCurry code
  | DumpFlatCurry         -- ^ dump FlatCurry code
    deriving (Eq, Bounded, Enum, Show)

-- |Description and flag of dump levels
dumpLevel :: [(DumpLevel, String, String)]
dumpLevel = [ (DumpCondCompiled     , "dump-cond" , "conditional compiling"           )
            , (DumpParsed           , "dump-parse", "parsing"                         )
            , (DumpExtensionChecked , "dump-exc"  , "extension checking"              )
            , (DumpTypeSyntaxChecked, "dump-tsc"  , "type syntax checking"            )
            , (DumpKindChecked      , "dump-kc"   , "kind checking"                   )
            , (DumpSyntaxChecked    , "dump-sc"   , "syntax checking"                 )
            , (DumpPrecChecked      , "dump-pc"   , "precedence checking"             )
            , (DumpDeriveChecked    , "dump-dc"   , "derive checking"                 )
            , (DumpInstanceChecked  , "dump-inc"  , "instance checking"               )
            , (DumpTypeChecked      , "dump-tc"   , "type checking"                   )
            , (DumpExportChecked    , "dump-ec"   , "export checking"                 )
            , (DumpQualified        , "dump-qual" , "qualification"                   )
            , (DumpDerived          , "dump-deriv", "deriving"                        )
            , (DumpDesugared        , "dump-ds"   , "desugaring"                      )
            , (DumpDictionaries     , "dump-dict" , "dictionary insertion"            )
            , (DumpNewtypes         , "dump-new"  , "removing newtype constructors"   )
            , (DumpLifted           , "dump-lift" , "lifting"                         )
            , (DumpSimplified       , "dump-simpl", "simplification"                  )
            , (DumpTranslated       , "dump-trans", "pattern matching compilation"    )
            , (DumpCaseCompleted    , "dump-cc"   , "case completion"                 )
            , (DumpTypedFlatCurry   , "dump-tflat", "translation into typed FlatCurry")
            , (DumpFlatCurry        , "dump-flat" , "translation into FlatCurry"      )

-- |Description and flag of language extensions
extensions :: [(KnownExtension, String, String)]
extensions =
  [ ( AnonFreeVars             , "AnonFreeVars"
    , "enable anonymous free variables"              )
  , ( CPP                      , "CPP"
    , "run C preprocessor"                           )
  , ( FunctionalPatterns       , "FunctionalPatterns"
    , "enable functional patterns"                   )
  , ( NegativeLiterals         , "NegativeLiterals"
    , "desugar negated literals as negative literal" )
  , ( NoImplicitPrelude        , "NoImplicitPrelude"
    , "do not implicitly import the Prelude"         )

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Parsing of the command line options.
-- Because some flags require additional arguments, the structure is slightly
-- more complicated to enable malformed arguments to be reported.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Instead of just returning the resulting 'Options' structure, we also
-- collect errors from arguments passed to specific options.
type OptErr = (Options, [String])

-- |An 'OptErrTable' consists of a list of entries of the following form:
--   * a flag to be recognized on the command line
--   * an explanation text for the usage information
--   * a modification funtion adjusting the options structure
-- The type is parametric about the option's type to adjust.
type OptErrTable opt = [(String, String, opt -> opt)]

onOpts :: (Options -> Options) -> OptErr -> OptErr
onOpts f (opts, errs) = (f opts, errs)

onCppOpts :: (CppOpts -> CppOpts) -> OptErr -> OptErr
onCppOpts f (opts, errs) = (opts { optCppOpts = f (optCppOpts opts) }, errs)

onPrepOpts :: (PrepOpts -> PrepOpts) -> OptErr -> OptErr
onPrepOpts f (opts, errs) = (opts { optPrepOpts = f (optPrepOpts opts) }, errs)

onWarnOpts :: (WarnOpts -> WarnOpts) -> OptErr -> OptErr
onWarnOpts f (opts, errs) = (opts { optWarnOpts = f (optWarnOpts opts) }, errs)

onDebugOpts :: (DebugOpts -> DebugOpts) -> OptErr -> OptErr
onDebugOpts f (opts, errs)
  = (opts { optDebugOpts = f (optDebugOpts opts) }, errs)

withArg :: ((a -> b) -> OptErr -> OptErr)
        -> (String -> a -> b) -> String -> OptErr -> OptErr
withArg lift f arg = lift (f arg)

addErr :: String -> OptErr -> OptErr
addErr err (opts, errs) = (opts, errs ++ [err])

mkOptDescr :: ((opt -> opt) -> OptErr -> OptErr)
           -> String -> [String] -> String -> String -> OptErrTable opt
           -> OptDescr (OptErr -> OptErr)
mkOptDescr lift flags longFlags arg what tbl = Option flags longFlags
  (ReqArg (parseOptErr lift what tbl) arg)
  ("set " ++ what ++ " `" ++ arg ++ "', where `" ++ arg ++ "' is one of\n"
    ++ renderOptErrTable tbl)

parseOptErr :: ((opt -> opt) -> OptErr -> OptErr)
            -> String -> OptErrTable opt -> String -> OptErr -> OptErr
parseOptErr lift what table opt = case lookup3 opt table of
  Just f  -> lift f
  Nothing -> addErr $ "unrecognized " ++ what ++ '`' : opt ++ "'\n"
  lookup3 _ []                  = Nothing
  lookup3 k ((k', _, v2) : kvs)
    | k == k'                   = Just v2
    | otherwise                 = lookup3 k kvs

renderOptErrTable :: OptErrTable opt -> String
renderOptErrTable ds
  = intercalate "\n" $ map (\(k, d, _) -> "  " ++ rpad maxLen k ++ ": " ++ d) ds
  maxLen = maximum $ map (\(k, _, _) -> length k) ds
  rpad n x = x ++ replicate (n - length x) ' '

-- | All available compiler options
options :: [OptDescr (OptErr -> OptErr)]
options =
  -- modus operandi
  [ Option "h?" ["help"]
      (NoArg (onOpts $ \ opts -> opts { optMode = ModeHelp }))
      "display this help and exit"
  , Option "V"  ["version"]
      (NoArg (onOpts $ \ opts -> opts { optMode = ModeVersion }))
      "show the version number and exit"
  , Option ""   ["numeric-version"]
      (NoArg (onOpts $ \ opts -> opts { optMode = ModeNumericVersion }))
      "show the numeric version number and exit"
  -- verbosity
  , mkOptDescr onOpts "v" ["verbosity"] "n" "verbosity level" verbDescriptions
  , Option "q"  ["no-verb"]
      (NoArg (onOpts $ \ opts -> opts { optVerbosity = VerbQuiet } ))
      "set verbosity level to quiet"
  -- compilation
  , Option "f"  ["force"]
      (NoArg (onOpts $ \ opts -> opts { optForce = True }))
      "force compilation of target file"
  , Option "P"  ["lib-dir"]
      (ReqArg (withArg onOpts $ \ arg opts -> opts { optLibraryPaths =
        nub $ optLibraryPaths opts ++ splitSearchPath arg}) "dir[:dir]")
      "search for libraries in dir[:dir]"
  , Option "i"  ["import-dir"]
      (ReqArg (withArg onOpts $ \ arg opts -> opts { optImportPaths =
        nub $ optImportPaths opts ++
              map (normalise . addTrailingPathSeparator) (splitSearchPath arg)
              }) "dir[:dir]")
      "search for imports in dir[:dir]"
  , Option []   ["htmldir"]
      (ReqArg (withArg onOpts $ \ arg opts -> opts { optHtmlDir =
        Just arg }) "dir")
      "write HTML documentation into directory `dir'"
  , Option ""   ["no-subdir"]
      (NoArg (onOpts $ \ opts -> opts { optUseSubdir = False }))
      ("disable writing to `" ++ currySubdir ++ "' subdirectory")
  , Option ""   ["no-intf"]
      (NoArg (onOpts $ \ opts -> opts { optInterface = False }))
      "do not create an interface file"
    -- legacy warning flags
  , Option ""   ["no-warn"]
      (NoArg (onWarnOpts $ \ opts -> opts { wnWarn = False }))
      "do not print warnings"
  , Option ""   ["no-overlap-warn"]
      (NoArg (onWarnOpts $ \ opts -> opts {wnWarnFlags =
        addFlag WarnOverlapping (wnWarnFlags opts) }))
      "do not print warnings for overlapping rules"
  -- target types
  , targetOption Tokens                 "tokens"
      "generate token stream"
  , targetOption Comments               "comments"
      "generate comments stream"
  , targetOption Parsed                 "parse-only"
      "generate source representation"
  , targetOption FlatCurry              "flat"
      "generate FlatCurry code"
  , targetOption TypedFlatCurry         "typed-flat"
      "generate typed FlatCurry code"
  , targetOption TypeAnnotatedFlatCurry "type-annotated-flat"
      "generate type-annotated FlatCurry code"
  , targetOption AbstractCurry          "acy"
      "generate typed AbstractCurry"
  , targetOption UntypedAbstractCurry   "uacy"
      "generate untyped AbstractCurry"
  , targetOption Html                   "html"
      "generate html documentation"
  , targetOption AST                    "ast"
      "generate abstract syntax tree"
  , targetOption ShortAST               "short-ast"
      "generate shortened abstract syntax tree for documentation"
  , Option "F"  []
      (NoArg (onPrepOpts $ \ opts -> opts { ppPreprocess = True }))
      "use custom preprocessor"
  , Option ""   ["pgmF"]
      (ReqArg (withArg onPrepOpts $ \ arg opts -> opts { ppCmd = arg})
      "execute preprocessor command <cmd>"
  , Option ""   ["optF"]
      (ReqArg (withArg onPrepOpts $ \ arg opts ->
        opts { ppOpts = ppOpts opts ++ [arg]}) "option")
      "execute preprocessor with option <option>"
  -- extensions
  , Option "e"  ["extended"]
      (NoArg (onOpts $ \ opts -> opts { optExtensions =
        nub $ kielExtensions ++ optExtensions opts }))
      "enable extended Curry functionalities"
  , mkOptDescr onOpts      "c" ["case-mode"] "mode" "case mode"          caseModeDescriptions
  , mkOptDescr onOpts      "X" []            "ext"  "language extension" extDescriptions
  , mkOptDescr onWarnOpts  "W" []            "opt"  "warning option"     warnDescriptions
  , mkOptDescr onDebugOpts "d" []            "opt"  "debug option"       debugDescriptions
  , Option ""   ["cpp"]
      (NoArg (onCppOpts $ \ opts -> opts { cppRun = True }))
      "run C preprocessor"
  , Option "D"  []
      (ReqArg (withArg ($) parseCppDefinition) "s=v")
      "define symbol `s` with value `v` for the C preprocessor"

parseCppDefinition :: String -> OptErr -> OptErr
parseCppDefinition arg optErr
  | not (null s) && not (null v) && all isDigit v
  = onCppOpts (addCppDefinition s v) optErr
  | otherwise
  = addErr (cppDefinitionErr arg) optErr
  where (s, v) = fmap (drop 1) $ break ('=' ==) arg

addCppDefinition :: String -> String -> CppOpts -> CppOpts
addCppDefinition s v opts =
  opts { cppDefinitions = Map.insert s (read v) (cppDefinitions opts) }

cppDefinitionErr :: String -> String
cppDefinitionErr = (++) "Invalid format for option '-D': "

targetOption :: TargetType -> String -> String -> OptDescr (OptErr -> OptErr)
targetOption ty flag desc
  = Option "" [flag] (NoArg (onOpts $ \ opts -> opts { optTargetTypes =
      nub $ ty : optTargetTypes opts })) desc

verbDescriptions :: OptErrTable Options
verbDescriptions = map toDescr verbosities
  toDescr (flag, name, desc)
    = (name, desc, \ opts -> opts { optVerbosity = flag })

extDescriptions :: OptErrTable Options
extDescriptions = map toDescr extensions
  toDescr (flag, name, desc)
    = (name, desc,
        \opts -> let cppOpts = optCppOpts opts
                 in opts { optCppOpts    =
                             cppOpts { cppRun = cppRun cppOpts || flag == CPP }
                         , optExtensions = addFlag flag (optExtensions opts)

caseModeDescriptions :: OptErrTable Options
  = [ ( "free"   , "use free case mode"
        , \ opts -> opts { optCaseMode = CaseModeFree    } )
    , ( "haskell", "use haskell style case mode"
        , \ opts -> opts { optCaseMode = CaseModeHaskell } )
    , ( "prolog" , "use prolog style case mode"
        , \ opts -> opts { optCaseMode = CaseModeProlog  } )
    , ( "goedel"  , "use goedel case mode"
        , \ opts -> opts { optCaseMode = CaseModeGoedel  } )

warnDescriptions :: OptErrTable WarnOpts
  = [ ( "all"  , "turn on all warnings"
        , \ opts -> opts { wnWarnFlags = [minBound .. maxBound] } )
    , ("none" , "turn off all warnings"
        , \ opts -> opts { wnWarnFlags = []                     } )
    , ("error", "treat warnings as errors"
        , \ opts -> opts { wnWarnAsError = True                 } )
    ] ++ map turnOn warnFlags ++ map turnOff warnFlags
  turnOn (flag, name, desc)
    = (name, "warn for " ++ desc
      , \ opts -> opts { wnWarnFlags = addFlag flag (wnWarnFlags opts)})
  turnOff (flag, name, desc)
    = ("no-" ++ name, "do not warn for " ++ desc
      , \ opts -> opts { wnWarnFlags = removeFlag flag (wnWarnFlags opts)})

debugDescriptions :: OptErrTable DebugOpts
debugDescriptions =
  [ ( "dump-all"          , "dump everything"
    , \ opts -> opts { dbDumpLevels = [minBound .. maxBound]    })
  , ( "dump-none"         , "dump nothing"
    , \ opts -> opts { dbDumpLevels = []                        })
  , ( "dump-env"          , "additionally dump compiler environment"
    , \ opts -> opts { dbDumpEnv = True                         })
  , ( "dump-raw"          , "dump as raw AST (instead of pretty printing)"
    , \ opts -> opts { dbDumpRaw = True                         })
  , ( "dump-all-bindings" , "when dumping bindings, dump all instead of just local ones"
    , \ opts -> opts { dbDumpAllBindings = True                 })
  , ( "dump-simple" , "print a simplified, more readable environment"
    , \ opts -> opts { dbDumpSimple = True                      })

  ] ++ map toDescr dumpLevel
  toDescr (flag, name, desc)
    = (name , "dump code after " ++ desc
        , \ opts -> opts { dbDumpLevels = addFlag flag (dbDumpLevels opts)})

addFlag :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
addFlag o opts = nub $ o : opts

removeFlag :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
removeFlag o opts = filter (/= o) opts

-- |Update the 'Options' record by the parsed and processed arguments
updateOpts :: Options -> [String] -> (Options, [String], [String])
updateOpts opts args = (opts', files, errs ++ errs2 ++ checkOpts opts files)
  (opts', errs2) = foldl (flip ($)) (opts, []) optErrs
  (optErrs, files, errs) = getOpt Permute options args

-- |Parse the command line arguments
parseOpts :: [String] -> (Options, [String], [String])
parseOpts = updateOpts defaultOptions

-- |Check options and files and return a list of error messages
checkOpts :: Options -> [String] -> [String]
checkOpts opts _
  = [ "The option '--htmldir' is only valid for HTML generation mode"
    | isJust (optHtmlDir opts) && Html `notElem` optTargetTypes opts ]

-- |Print the usage information of the command line tool.
usage :: String -> String
usage prog = usageInfo header options
  where header = "usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION] ... MODULES ..."

-- |Retrieve the compiler 'Options'
getCompilerOpts :: IO (String, Options, [String], [String])
getCompilerOpts = do
  args <- getArgs
  prog <- getProgName
  let (opts, files, errs) = parseOpts args
  return (prog, opts, files, errs)