{- |
    Module      :  $Header$
    Description :  Type computation of Curry expressions
    Copyright   :  (c) 2003 - 2006 Wolfgang Lux
                       2014 - 2015 Jan Tikovsky
                       2016        Finn Teegen
    License     :  BSD-3-clause

    Maintainer  :  bjp@informatik.uni-kiel.de
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    After the compiler has attributed patterns and expressions with type
    information during type inference, it is straightforward to recompute
    the type of every pattern and expression. Since all annotated types
    are monomorphic, there is no need to instantiate any variables or
    perform any (non-trivial) unifications.

module Base.Typing
  ( Typeable (..)
  , withType, matchType
  , bindDecls, bindDecl, bindPatterns, bindPattern, declVars, patternVars
  ) where

import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Syntax

import Base.Messages (internalError)
import Base.Types
import Base.TypeSubst
import Base.Utils (fst3)

import Env.Value

class Typeable a where
  typeOf :: a -> Type

instance Typeable Type where
  typeOf = id

instance Typeable PredType where
  typeOf = unpredType

instance Typeable a => Typeable (Rhs a) where
  typeOf (SimpleRhs  _ e _ ) = typeOf e
  typeOf (GuardedRhs _ es _) = head [typeOf e | CondExpr _ _ e <- es]

instance Typeable a => Typeable (Pattern a) where
  typeOf (LiteralPattern _ a _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (NegativePattern _ a _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (VariablePattern _ a _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (ConstructorPattern _ a _ _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (InfixPattern _ a _ _ _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (ParenPattern _ t) = typeOf t
  typeOf (RecordPattern _ a _ _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (TuplePattern _ ts) = tupleType $ map typeOf ts
  typeOf (ListPattern _ a _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (AsPattern _ _ t) = typeOf t
  typeOf (LazyPattern _ t) = typeOf t
  typeOf (FunctionPattern _ a _ _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (InfixFuncPattern _ a _ _ _) = typeOf a

instance Typeable a => Typeable (Expression a) where
  typeOf (Literal _ a _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (Variable _ a _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (Constructor _ a _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (Paren _ e) = typeOf e
  typeOf (Typed _ e _) = typeOf e
  typeOf (Record _ a _ _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (RecordUpdate _ e _) = typeOf e
  typeOf (Tuple _ es) = tupleType (map typeOf es)
  typeOf (List _ a _) = typeOf a
  typeOf (ListCompr _ e _) = listType (typeOf e)
  typeOf (EnumFrom _ e) = listType (typeOf e)
  typeOf (EnumFromThen _ e _) = listType (typeOf e)
  typeOf (EnumFromTo _ e _) = listType (typeOf e)
  typeOf (EnumFromThenTo _ e _ _) = listType (typeOf e)
  typeOf (UnaryMinus _ e) = typeOf e
  typeOf (Apply _ e _) = case typeOf e of
    TypeArrow _ ty -> ty
    _ -> internalError "Base.Typing.typeOf: application"
  typeOf (InfixApply _ _ op _) = case typeOf (infixOp op) of
    TypeArrow _ (TypeArrow _ ty) -> ty
    _ -> internalError "Base.Typing.typeOf: infix application"
  typeOf (LeftSection _ _ op) = case typeOf (infixOp op) of
    TypeArrow _ ty -> ty
    _ -> internalError "Base.Typing.typeOf: left section"
  typeOf (RightSection _ op _) = case typeOf (infixOp op) of
    TypeArrow ty1 (TypeArrow _ ty2) -> TypeArrow ty1 ty2
    _ -> internalError "Base.Typing.typeOf: right section"
  typeOf (Lambda _ ts e) = foldr (TypeArrow . typeOf) (typeOf e) ts
  typeOf (Let _ _ e) = typeOf e
  typeOf (Do _ _ e) = typeOf e
  typeOf (IfThenElse _ _ e _) = typeOf e
  typeOf (Case _ _ _ as) = typeOf $ head as

instance Typeable a => Typeable (Alt a) where
  typeOf (Alt _ _ rhs) = typeOf rhs

-- When inlining variable and function definitions, the compiler must
-- eventually update the type annotations of the inlined expression. To
-- that end, the variable or function's annotated type and the type of
-- the inlined expression must be unified. Since the program is type
-- correct, this unification is just a simple one way matching where we
-- only need to match the type variables in the inlined expression's type
-- with the corresponding types in the variable or function's annotated
-- type.

withType :: (Functor f, Typeable (f Type)) => Type -> f Type -> f Type
withType ty e = fmap (subst (matchType (typeOf e) ty idSubst)) e

matchType :: Type -> Type -> TypeSubst -> TypeSubst
matchType ty1 ty2 = fromMaybe noMatch (matchType' ty1 ty2)
    noMatch = internalError $ "Base.Typing.matchType: " ++
                                showsPrec 11 ty1 " " ++ showsPrec 11 ty2 ""

matchType' :: Type -> Type -> Maybe (TypeSubst -> TypeSubst)
matchType' (TypeVariable tv) ty
  | ty == TypeVariable tv = Just id
  | otherwise = Just (bindSubst tv ty)
matchType' (TypeConstructor tc1) (TypeConstructor tc2)
  | tc1 == tc2 = Just id
matchType' (TypeConstrained _ tv1) (TypeConstrained _ tv2)
  | tv1 == tv2 = Just id
matchType' (TypeApply ty11 ty12) (TypeApply ty21 ty22) =
  fmap (. matchType ty12 ty22) (matchType' ty11 ty21)
matchType' (TypeArrow ty11 ty12) (TypeArrow ty21 ty22) =
  Just (matchType ty11 ty21 . matchType ty12 ty22)
matchType' (TypeApply ty11 ty12) (TypeArrow ty21 ty22) =
  fmap (. matchType ty12 ty22)
       (matchType' ty11 (TypeApply (TypeConstructor qArrowId) ty21))
matchType' (TypeArrow ty11 ty12) (TypeApply ty21 ty22) =
  fmap (. matchType ty12 ty22)
       (matchType' (TypeApply (TypeConstructor qArrowId) ty11) ty21)
matchType' (TypeForall _ ty1) (TypeForall _ ty2) = matchType' ty1 ty2
matchType' (TypeForall _ ty1) ty2 = matchType' ty1 ty2
matchType' ty1 (TypeForall _ ty2) = matchType' ty1 ty2
matchType' _ _ = Nothing

-- The functions 'bindDecls', 'bindDecl', 'bindPatterns' and 'bindPattern'
-- augment the value environment with the types of the entities defined in
-- local declaration groups and patterns, respectively, using the types from
-- their type annotations.

bindDecls :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => [Decl t] -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindDecls = flip $ foldr bindDecl

bindDecl :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => Decl t -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindDecl d vEnv = bindLocalVars (filter unbound $ declVars d) vEnv
  where unbound v = null $ lookupValue (fst3 v) vEnv

bindPatterns :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => [Pattern t] -> ValueEnv
             -> ValueEnv
bindPatterns = flip $ foldr bindPattern

bindPattern :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => Pattern t -> ValueEnv
            -> ValueEnv
bindPattern t vEnv = bindLocalVars (filter unbound $ patternVars t) vEnv
  where unbound v = null $ lookupValue (fst3 v) vEnv

declVars :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => Decl t -> [(Ident, Int, t)]
declVars (InfixDecl        _ _ _ _) = []
declVars (TypeSig            _ _ _) = []
declVars (FunctionDecl  _ ty f eqs) = [(f, eqnArity $ head eqs, ty)]
declVars (PatternDecl        _ t _) = patternVars t
declVars (FreeDecl            _ vs) = [(v, 0, ty) | Var ty v <- vs]
declVars _                          = internalError "Base.Typing.declVars"

patternVars :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => Pattern t -> [(Ident, Int, t)]
patternVars (LiteralPattern         _ _ _) = []
patternVars (NegativePattern        _ _ _) = []
patternVars (VariablePattern       _ ty v) = [(v, 0, ty)]
patternVars (ConstructorPattern  _ _ _ ts) = concatMap patternVars ts
patternVars (InfixPattern     _ _ t1 _ t2) = patternVars t1 ++ patternVars t2
patternVars (ParenPattern             _ t) = patternVars t
patternVars (RecordPattern       _ _ _ fs) =
  concat [patternVars t | Field _ _ t <- fs]
patternVars (TuplePattern            _ ts) = concatMap patternVars ts
patternVars (ListPattern           _ _ ts) = concatMap patternVars ts
patternVars (AsPattern              _ v t) =
  (v, 0, toValueType $ typeOf t) : patternVars t
patternVars (LazyPattern              _ t) = patternVars t
patternVars (FunctionPattern     _ _ _ ts) = nub $ concatMap patternVars ts
patternVars (InfixFuncPattern _ _ t1 _ t2) =
  nub $ patternVars t1 ++ patternVars t2