{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Geom2D.CubicBezier.Stroke
(penCircle, pathToPen, penStrokeOpen, penStrokeClosed, Pen,
import Geom2D
import Geom2D.CubicBezier
import Data.Monoid
data Pen a = PenEllipse (Transform a) (Transform a) (Transform a)
| PenPath [PenSegment a]
data PenSegment a = PenCorner !(Point a) !(Point a)
| PenCurve !(Point a) !(CubicBezier a)
penCircle :: (Floating a) => Pen a
penCircle = PenEllipse idTrans rotate90L rotate90R
{-# SPECIALIZE penCircle :: Pen Double #-}
pathToPen :: (Floating a) => ClosedPath a -> Pen a
pathToPen (ClosedPath []) = PenPath []
pathToPen (ClosedPath nodes) =
PenPath $ pathToPen' $ nodes ++ take 2 nodes
pathToPen' :: Num a => [(Point a, PathJoin a)] -> [PenSegment a]
pathToPen' [] = []
pathToPen' [_] = []
pathToPen' [_, _] = []
pathToPen' ((p, JoinLine):tl@((q, JoinLine):_)) =
PenCorner (q ^-^ p) q : pathToPen' tl
pathToPen' ((_, JoinCurve _ _):tl@((_, JoinLine):_)) =
pathToPen' tl
pathToPen' ((p, JoinLine):tl@((q1, JoinCurve q2 q3):(q4, _):_)) =
PenCurve (q1 ^-^ p) (CubicBezier q1 q2 q3 q4) :
pathToPen' tl
pathToPen' ((_, JoinCurve _ p3):tl@((q1, JoinCurve q2 q3):(q4, _):_)) =
PenCurve (q1 ^-^ p3) (CubicBezier q1 q2 q3 q4) :
pathToPen' tl
noTranslate :: Num a => Transform a -> Transform a
noTranslate (Transform a b _ c d _) =
Transform a b 0 c d 0
instance (Floating a, Eq a) => AffineTransform (Pen a) a where
{-# SPECIALIZE transform :: Transform Double -> Pen Double -> Pen Double #-}
transform t (PenEllipse trans _ _) =
let t2@(Transform a b c d e f) = transform t trans
in case inverse $ noTranslate t2 of
Nothing -> pathToPen $
ClosedPath [
(Point c f ^+^ p, JoinLine),
(Point c f ^-^ p, JoinLine)]
p | a /= 0 && b /= 0 =
sqrt(1 + a*a/(b*b)) *^ Point a d
| d /= 0 && e /= 0 =
sqrt(1 + d*d/(e*e)) *^ Point a d
| a /= 0 = Point (a+d) 0
| b /= 0 = Point 0 (b+e)
| otherwise = Point 1e-5 1e-5
Just inv ->
PenEllipse t2 (transform rotate90L inv) (transform rotate90R inv)
transform t (PenPath segments) =
PenPath $ map (transformSegment t) segments
transformSegment :: Num b => Transform b -> PenSegment b -> PenSegment b
transformSegment t (PenCorner p q) =
PenCorner (transform t (q^+^p) ^-^ q') q'
where q' = transform t q
transformSegment t (PenCurve p c) =
PenCurve (transform t (cubicC0 c^+^p) ^-^ cubicC0 c') c'
where c' = transform t c
offsetPoint :: (Floating a) => a -> Point a -> Point a -> Point a
offsetPoint dist start tangent =
start ^+^ (rotate90L $* dist *^ normVector tangent)
bezierOffsetPoint :: CubicBezier Double -> Double -> Double -> (DPoint, DPoint)
bezierOffsetPoint cb dist t = (offsetPoint dist p p', p')
where (p, p') = evalBezierDeriv cb t
bezierOffset :: CubicBezier Double
-> Double
-> Maybe Int
-> Double
-> Bool
-> [CubicBezier Double]
bezierOffset cb dist (Just m) tol faster =
approximatePathMax m (bezierOffsetPoint cb dist) 15 tol 0 1 faster
bezierOffset cb dist Nothing tol faster =
approximatePath (bezierOffsetPoint cb dist) 15 tol 0 1 faster
penOffset :: Pen Double -> Point Double -> Point Double
penOffset (PenEllipse trans leftInv _) dir =
transform trans $ normVector $ leftInv $* dir
penOffset (PenPath segments) dir =
pathOffsetPoint (cycle segments) dir
penOffsetFun :: Pen Double -> (Double -> (DPoint, DPoint)) -> Double -> (Point Double, Point Double)
penOffsetFun pen f t =
(px ^+^ penOffset pen px', px')
(px, px') = f t
firstPoint :: PenSegment a -> Point a
firstPoint (PenCorner _ p) = p
firstPoint (PenCurve _ c) = cubicC0 c
pathOffsetPoint :: [PenSegment Double] -> Point Double -> Point Double
pathOffsetPoint (PenCorner c p:b:rest) dir
| vectorCross dir c > 0 = pathOffsetPoint (b:rest) dir
| vectorCross dir (firstPoint b ^-^ p) > 0 = p
| otherwise = pathOffsetPoint (b:rest) dir
pathOffsetPoint (PenCurve c curve@(CubicBezier p1 p2 p3 p4):b:rest) dir
| vectorCross dir c > 0 = pathOffsetPoint (b:rest) dir
| vectorCross dir (p2 ^-^ p1) > 0 = p1
| vectorCross dir (p3 ^-^ p4) > 0 =
case findBezierTangent dir curve of
(t:_) -> evalBezier curve t
[] -> p4
| vectorCross dir (firstPoint b ^-^ p4) > 0 = p4
| otherwise = pathOffsetPoint (b:rest) dir
pathOffsetPoint _ _ = error "unexpected end of list"
segDirs :: [(DPoint, PathJoin Double)] -> Point Double -> [(DPoint, DPoint)]
segDirs [] _ = []
segDirs [(p, JoinLine)] q = [(dp, dp)]
where dp = q ^-^ p
segDirs [(p1, JoinCurve p2 p3 )] p4 = [(p2 ^-^ p1, p4 ^-^ p3)]
segDirs ((p, JoinLine):r@((q, _):_)) s = (dp, dp): segDirs r s
where dp = q ^-^ p
segDirs ((p1, JoinCurve p2 p3 ):r@((p4,_):_)) q = (p2 ^-^ p1, p4 ^-^ p3):segDirs r q
penStrokeOpen :: Int -> Double -> Bool -> Pen Double -> OpenPath Double -> [ClosedPath Double]
penStrokeOpen samples tol fast pen (OpenPath segments p) =
union [closeOpenPath path] NonZero tol
dirs = segDirs segments (fst $ head segments)
fdirs = map fst (tail dirs)
fd = fst $ head dirs
ld = snd $ last dirs
ldirs = map snd dirs
pts = map fst (tail segments) ++ [p]
leftJoins = zipWith (penJoinLeft pen) ldirs fdirs
leftStrokes = zipWith (strokeLeft samples tol fast pen) segments pts
rightJoins = zipWith (penJoinRight pen) ldirs fdirs
rightStrokes = zipWith (strokeRight samples tol fast pen) segments pts
path =
mconcat $
penJoinLeft pen (turnAround fd) fd :
interleave leftStrokes leftJoins ++
penJoinLeft pen ld (turnAround ld) :
reverse (interleave rightStrokes rightJoins)
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave [] xs = xs
interleave xs [] = xs
interleave (x:xs) (y:ys) = x:y:interleave xs ys
penStrokeClosed :: Int -> Double -> Bool -> Pen Double -> ClosedPath Double
-> [ClosedPath Double]
penStrokeClosed _ _ _ _ (ClosedPath []) = [ClosedPath []]
penStrokeClosed samples tol fast pen (ClosedPath segments) =
union [closeOpenPath leftPath, closeOpenPath rightPath] NonZero tol
dirs = segDirs segments (fst $ head segments)
fdirs = map fst (tail dirs) ++ [fst (head dirs)]
ldirs = map snd dirs
pts = map fst (tail segments) ++ [fst (head segments)]
leftJoins = zipWith (penJoinLeft pen) ldirs fdirs
leftStrokes = zipWith (strokeLeft samples tol fast pen) segments pts
rightJoins = zipWith (penJoinRight pen) ldirs fdirs
rightStrokes = zipWith (strokeRight samples tol fast pen) segments pts
leftPath =
mconcat $ interleave leftStrokes leftJoins
rightPath =
mconcat $ reverse $ interleave rightStrokes rightJoins
strokeLeft :: Int -> Double -> Bool -> Pen Double -> (DPoint, PathJoin Double) -> DPoint -> OpenPath Double
strokeLeft _ _ _ pen (p, JoinLine) q =
OpenPath [(p ^+^ offset, JoinLine)] (q ^+^ offset)
where offset = penOffset pen (q ^-^ p)
strokeLeft samples tol fast pen (p1, JoinCurve p2 p3) p4 =
curvesToOpen $ approximatePath
(penOffsetFun pen (evalBezierDeriv (CubicBezier p1 p2 p3 p4)))
samples tol 0 1 fast
strokeRight :: Int -> Double -> Bool -> Pen Double -> (DPoint, PathJoin Double) -> DPoint -> OpenPath Double
strokeRight _ _ _ pen (p, JoinLine) q =
OpenPath [(q ^+^ offset, JoinLine)] (p ^+^ offset)
where offset = penOffset pen (p ^-^ q)
strokeRight samples tol fast pen (p1, JoinCurve p2 p3) p4 =
curvesToOpen $ approximatePath
(penOffsetFun pen (evalBezierDeriv (CubicBezier p4 p3 p2 p1)))
samples tol 0 1 fast
penJoinLeft :: Pen Double -> DPoint -> DPoint -> OpenPath Double
penJoinLeft = penJoin
penJoinRight :: Pen Double -> DPoint -> DPoint -> OpenPath Double
penJoinRight pen from to = penJoin pen (turnAround to) (turnAround from)
ellipticArc :: Transform Double -> Transform Double
-> Point Double -> Point Double -> CubicBezier Double
ellipticArc trans leftInv from to =
trans $* bezierArc
(vectorAngle $ leftInv $* from)
(vectorAngle $ leftInv $* to)
segmentsToPath :: (Eq a) => [PenSegment a] -> OpenPath a
segmentsToPath [PenCorner _ q] =
OpenPath [] q
segmentsToPath [PenCurve _ (CubicBezier p1 p2 p3 p4)] =
OpenPath [(p1, JoinCurve p2 p3)] p4
segmentsToPath (PenCorner _ p:r) =
consOpenPath p JoinLine (segmentsToPath r)
segmentsToPath (PenCurve _ (CubicBezier p1 p2 p3 p4):r) =
consOpenPath p1 (JoinCurve p2 p3) $
case r of
(PenCurve _ (CubicBezier q1 _ _ _):_)
| p4 /= q1 -> consOpenPath p4 JoinLine $ segmentsToPath r
_ -> segmentsToPath r
segmentsToPath [] = emptyOpenPath
emptyOpenPath :: OpenPath a
emptyOpenPath = OpenPath [] (error "empty path")
penJoin :: Pen Double -> Point Double
-> Point Double -> OpenPath Double
penJoin pen@(PenEllipse trans leftInv _) from to
| dir == 0 = emptyOpenPath
| dir > 0 &&
sameQuadrant from to =
curvesToOpen [ellipticArc trans leftInv from to]
| otherwise =
curvesToOpen [ellipticArc trans leftInv from next] <>
penJoin pen next to
where next = nextVector from
dir = vectorCross from to
penJoin (PenPath segments) from to =
segmentsToPath $
nextSegments (firstSegment (cycle segments) from) to
firstSegment :: [PenSegment Double] -> Point Double -> [PenSegment Double]
firstSegment segments@(PenCorner c _:q:rest) from
| vectorCross from c > 0 =
firstSegment (q:rest) from
| otherwise = segments
firstSegment segments@(PenCurve c curve@(CubicBezier p1 p2 p3 p4):q:rest) from
| vectorCross from c > 0 = firstSegment (q:rest) from
| vectorCross from (p2 ^-^ p1) > 0 = segments
| vectorCross from (p4 ^-^ p3) > 0 =
case findBezierTangent from curve of
(t:_) -> PenCurve from (snd (splitBezier curve t)):q:rest
_ -> q:rest
| vectorCross from (firstPoint q ^-^ p4) > 0 =
PenCorner (firstPoint q ^-^ p4) p4:q:rest
| otherwise = firstSegment (q:rest) from
firstSegment _ _ = error "firstsegment: finite list"
nextSegments :: [PenSegment Double] -> Point Double -> [PenSegment Double]
nextSegments (PenCorner c p:q:rest) to
| vectorCross to c > 0 =
PenCorner c p: nextSegments (q:rest) to
| otherwise = []
nextSegments (pc@(PenCurve c curve@(CubicBezier p1 p2 p3 p4)):q:rest) to
| vectorCross to c > 0 = pc: nextSegments (q:rest) to
| vectorCross to (p2 ^-^ p1) > 0 = []
| vectorCross to (p4 ^-^ p3) > 0 =
case findBezierTangent to curve of
(t:_) -> [PenCurve c (fst (splitBezier curve t))]
_ -> []
| vectorCross to (firstPoint q ^-^ p4) > 0 =
[PenCorner (firstPoint q ^-^ p4) p4]
| otherwise = pc:firstSegment (q:rest) to
nextSegments _ _ = error "nextSegments: finite list"
sameQuadrant :: (Num a, Eq a) => Point a -> Point a -> Bool
sameQuadrant v w =
signum (pointX v) /= -signum (pointX w) &&
signum (pointY v) /= -signum (pointY w)
nextVector :: (Ord a1, Num a1, Num a) => Point a1 -> Point a
nextVector v
| pointX v >= 0 &&
pointY v > 0 = Point 1 0
| pointX v > 0 &&
pointY v <= 0 = Point 0 (-1)
| pointX v <= 0 &&
pointY v < 0 = Point (-1) 0
| otherwise = Point 0 1