{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes, PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns,
BangPatterns #-}
module Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
( Token(..)
, NumericValue(..)
, HashFlag(..)
, Unit
, tokenize
, serialize
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char
import Data.Scientific
import Numeric
import Prelude
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
import Data.Text.Unsafe (inlineInterleaveST)
import qualified Data.Text.Array as A
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import GHC.Base (unsafeChr)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Bits
data Token
= Whitespace
| Comma
| Colon
| Semicolon
| LeftParen
| RightParen
| LeftSquareBracket
| RightSquareBracket
| LeftCurlyBracket
| RightCurlyBracket
| SuffixMatch
| SubstringMatch
| PrefixMatch
| DashMatch
| IncludeMatch
| Column
| String !Text
| BadString
| Number !Text !NumericValue
| Percentage !Text !NumericValue
| Dimension !Text !NumericValue !Unit
| Url !Text
| BadUrl
| Ident !Text
| AtKeyword !Text
| Function !Text
| Hash !HashFlag !Text
| Delim !Char
deriving (Show, Eq)
data NumericValue
= NVInteger !Integer
| NVNumber !Scientific
deriving (Show, Eq)
data HashFlag = HId | HUnrestricted
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Unit = Text
tokenize :: Text -> [Token]
tokenize = parseTokens . preprocessInputStream
preprocessInputStream :: Text -> Text
preprocessInputStream t0@(Text _ _ len) = withNewA len $ \ dst -> do
let go t d = case t of
'\x0D' :. '\x0A' :. t' ->
put '\x0A' t'
'\x0D' :. t' ->
put '\x0A' t'
'\x0C' :. t' ->
put '\x0A' t'
'\x00' :. t' ->
put '\xFFFD' t'
c :. t' ->
put c t'
_ ->
return d
where put x t' = do
write dst d x
go t' (d + 1)
go t0 0
pattern (:.) :: Char -> Text -> Text
pattern x :. xs <- (uncons -> Just (x, xs))
infixr 5 :.
uncons :: Text -> Maybe (Char, Text)
uncons (Text src offs len)
| len <= 0 = Nothing
| otherwise =
Just (w2c (A.unsafeIndex src offs), Text src (offs+1) (len-1))
{-# INLINE uncons #-}
write :: A.MArray s -> Int -> Char -> ST s ()
write dst d x = A.unsafeWrite dst d (c2w x)
{-# INLINE write #-}
writeChar :: A.MArray s -> Int -> Char -> ST s Int
writeChar dst d c
| n < 0x10000 = do
A.unsafeWrite dst d (fromIntegral n)
return (d+1)
| otherwise = do
A.unsafeWrite dst d lo
A.unsafeWrite dst (d+1) hi
return (d+2)
where n = ord c
m = n - 0x10000
lo = fromIntegral $ (m `shiftR` 10) + 0xD800
hi = fromIntegral $ (m .&. 0x3FF) + 0xDC00
{-# INLINE writeChar #-}
type Writer' s = (A.MArray s -> Int -> ST s Int, Text)
type Writer s = A.MArray s -> Int -> ST s (Int, Text)
w2c :: Word16 -> Char
w2c = unsafeChr . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE w2c #-}
c2w :: Char -> Word16
c2w = fromIntegral . ord
{-# INLINE c2w #-}
withNewA :: Int -> (forall s . A.MArray s -> ST s Int) -> Text
withNewA len act = Text a 0 l
where (a, l) = A.run2 $ do
dst <- A.new len
dLen <- act dst
return (dst, dLen)
serialize :: [Token] -> Text
serialize = TL.toStrict . TLB.toLazyText . go
where go [] = ""
go [Delim '\\'] = "\\"
go [x] = renderToken x
go (x:xs@(y:_))
| needComment x y = renderToken x <> "/**/" <> go xs
| otherwise = renderToken x <> go xs
{-# INLINE renderToken #-}
{-# INLINE needComment #-}
needComment :: Token -> Token -> Bool
needComment a CDC = case a of
Delim '!' -> True
Delim '@' -> True
Delim '#' -> True
Delim '-' -> True
Number {} -> True
Dimension {} -> True
Ident _ -> True
AtKeyword _ -> True
Function _ -> True
Hash {} -> True
_ -> False
needComment a b = case a of
Whitespace -> b == Whitespace
Ident _ -> idn || b == CDC || b == LeftParen
AtKeyword _ -> idn || b == CDC
Hash {} -> idn || b == CDC
Dimension {} -> idn || b == CDC
Delim '#' -> idn
Delim '-' -> idn
Number {} -> i || num || b == Delim '%'
Delim '@' -> i || b == Delim '-'
Delim '.' -> num
Delim '+' -> num
Delim '/' -> b == Delim '*' || b == SubstringMatch
Delim '|' -> b == Delim '='
|| b == Delim '|' || b == Column || b == DashMatch
Delim '$' -> b == Delim '='
Delim '*' -> b == Delim '='
Delim '^' -> b == Delim '='
Delim '~' -> b == Delim '='
_ -> False
where idn = i || b == Delim '-' || num
i = case b of
Ident _ -> True
Function _ -> True
Url _ -> True
BadUrl -> True
_ -> False
num = case b of
Number {} -> True
Percentage {} -> True
Dimension {} -> True
_ -> False
renderToken :: Token -> TLB.Builder
renderToken token = case token of
Whitespace -> c ' '
CDO -> "<!--"
CDC -> "-->"
Comma -> c ','
Colon -> c ':'
Semicolon -> c ';'
LeftParen -> c '('
RightParen -> c ')'
LeftSquareBracket -> c '['
RightSquareBracket -> c ']'
LeftCurlyBracket -> c '{'
RightCurlyBracket -> c '}'
SuffixMatch -> "$="
SubstringMatch -> "*="
PrefixMatch -> "^="
DashMatch -> "|="
IncludeMatch -> "~="
Column -> "||"
String x -> string x
BadString -> "\"\n"
Number x _ -> t x
Percentage x _ -> t x <> c '%'
Dimension x _ u -> t x <> t (renderDimensionUnit x u)
Url x -> "url(" <> t (renderUrl x) <> c ')'
BadUrl -> "url(()"
Ident x -> ident x
AtKeyword x -> c '@' <> ident x
Function x -> ident x <> c '('
Hash HId x -> c '#' <> ident x
Hash HUnrestricted x -> c '#' <> t (renderUnrestrictedHash x)
Delim '\\' -> "\\\n"
Delim x -> c x
where c = TLB.singleton
t = TLB.fromText
q = c '"'
string x = q <> t (renderString x) <> q
ident = t . renderIdent
renderString :: Text -> Text
renderString t0@(Text _ _ l)
| T.any needEscape t0 = withNewA (l*8) $ go t0 0
| otherwise = t0
needEscape c = c <= '\x1F' || c == '\x7F' || c == '"' || c == '\\'
go t d dst = case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> return d
Just (c, t')
| c == '\x0' -> do
write dst d '\xFFFD'
go t' (d+1) dst
| (c >= '\x1' && c <= '\x1F') || c == '\x7F' -> do
d' <- escapeAsCodePoint dst d c
go t' d' dst
| c == '"' || c == '\\' -> do
write dst d '\\'
write dst (d+1) c
go t' (d+2) dst
| otherwise -> do
d' <- writeChar dst d c
go t' d' dst
renderUrl :: Text -> Text
renderUrl t0@(Text _ _ l)
| T.any needEscape t0 = withNewA (l*8) $ go t0 0
| otherwise = t0
needEscape c = c <= '\x1F' || c == '\x7F' || isWhitespace c
|| c == '\\' || c == ')' || c == '"' || c == '\'' || c == '('
go t d dst = case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> return d
Just (c, t')
| c == '\x0' -> do
write dst d '\xFFFD'
go t' (d+1) dst
| needEscape c -> do
d' <- escapeAsCodePoint dst d c
go t' d' dst
| otherwise -> do
d' <- writeChar dst d c
go t' d' dst
renderDimensionUnit :: Text -> Text -> Text
renderDimensionUnit num t0@(Text _ _ l)
| not (T.any isExponent num)
, c :. t' <- t0
, isExponent c && validExp t' =
withNewA (l*8) $ \ dst -> do
d' <- escapeAsCodePoint dst 0 c
renderUnrestrictedHash' t' d' dst
| otherwise =
renderIdent t0
where validExp (s :. d :. _) | (s == '+' || s == '-') = isDigit d
validExp (d :. _) = isDigit d
validExp _ = False
renderIdent :: Text -> Text
renderIdent "-" = "\\-"
renderIdent t0@(Text _ _ l) = case t0 of
c :. t'
| isDigit c -> withNewA (l*8) $ \ dst -> do
d' <- escapeAsCodePoint dst 0 c
renderUnrestrictedHash' t' d' dst
'-' :. c :. t'
| isDigit c -> withNewA (l*8) $ \ dst -> do
write dst 0 '-'
d' <- escapeAsCodePoint dst 1 c
renderUnrestrictedHash' t' d' dst
_ -> renderUnrestrictedHash t0
renderUnrestrictedHash :: Text -> Text
renderUnrestrictedHash t0@(Text _ _ l)
| T.any (not . nameCodePoint) t0 =
withNewA (l*8) $ renderUnrestrictedHash' t0 0
| otherwise = t0
renderUnrestrictedHash' :: Text -> Int -> A.MArray s -> ST s Int
renderUnrestrictedHash' = go
where go t d dst = case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> return d
Just (c, t')
| c == '\x0' -> do
write dst d '\xFFFD'
go t' (d+1) dst
| (c >= '\x1' && c <= '\x1F') || c == '\x7F' -> do
d' <- escapeAsCodePoint dst d c
go t' d' dst
| nameCodePoint c -> do
d' <- writeChar dst d c
go t' d' dst
| otherwise -> do
write dst d '\\'
d' <- writeChar dst (d+1) c
go t' d' dst
escapeAsCodePoint :: A.MArray s -> Int -> Char -> ST s Int
escapeAsCodePoint dst d c = do
write dst d '\\'
d' <- foldM (\ o x -> write dst o x >> return (o+1))
(d+1) (showHex (ord c) [])
write dst d' ' '
return (d' + 1)
escapedCodePoint :: Text -> Maybe (Writer' s)
escapedCodePoint t = case t of
(hex -> Just d) :. ts -> go 5 d ts
'\n' :. _ -> Nothing
c :. ts -> Just (\ dst d -> write dst d c >> return (d+1), ts)
_ -> Nothing
where go :: Int -> Int -> Text -> Maybe (Writer' s)
go 0 acc ts = ret acc ts
go n acc ts = case ts of
(hex -> Just d) :. ts' -> go (n-1) (acc*16 + d) ts'
c :. ts' | isWhitespace c -> ret acc ts'
_ -> ret acc ts
ret (safe -> c) ts
| c < 0x10000 = Just
(\ dst d -> write dst d (unsafeChr c) >> return (d+1), ts)
| otherwise = Just
(\ dst d -> write dst d lo >> write dst (d+1) hi >> return (d+2)
where m = c - 0x10000
lo = unsafeChr $ (m `shiftR` 10) + 0xD800
hi = unsafeChr $ (m .&. 0x3FF) + 0xDC00
safe :: Int -> Int
safe x
| x == 0 || x > 0x10FFFF = 0xFFFD
| x .&. 0x1ff800 /= 0xd800 = x
| otherwise = 0xFFFD
hex :: Char -> Maybe Int
hex c
| c >= '0' && c <= '9' = Just (ord c - ord '0')
| c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' = Just (ord c - ord 'a' + 10)
| c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' = Just (ord c - ord 'A' + 10)
| otherwise = Nothing
{-# INLINE safe #-}
{-# INLINE hex #-}
escapedCodePoint' :: Text -> Maybe (Writer' s)
escapedCodePoint' ('\\' :. ts) = escapedCodePoint ts
escapedCodePoint' _ = Nothing
nameStartCodePoint :: Char -> Bool
nameStartCodePoint c =
isAsciiLower c || isAsciiUpper c || c >= '\x0080' || c == '_'
nameCodePoint :: Char -> Bool
nameCodePoint c = nameStartCodePoint c || isDigit c || c == '-'
satisfyOrEscaped :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> Maybe (Writer' s)
satisfyOrEscaped p (c :. ts)
| p c = Just (\ dst d -> write dst d c >> return (d+1), ts)
| c == '\\' = escapedCodePoint ts
satisfyOrEscaped _ _ = Nothing
parseName :: Text -> Maybe (Writer s)
parseName t = case t of
'-' :. ts -> consumeName' <$> satisfyOrEscaped (\ c -> nameStartCodePoint c || c == '-') ts
ts -> consumeName <$> satisfyOrEscaped nameStartCodePoint ts
where consumeName' n dst d = do
write dst d '-'
consumeName n dst (d + 1)
consumeName :: Writer' s -> Writer s
consumeName (w0, ts0) dst d0 = do
d' <- w0 dst d0
loop ts0 d'
where loop ts d = case satisfyOrEscaped nameCodePoint ts of
Just (w, ts') -> do
d' <- w dst d
loop ts' d'
Nothing -> return (d, ts)
{-# INLINE parseName #-}
{-# INLINE consumeName #-}
{-# INLINE satisfyOrEscaped #-}
{-# INLINE escapedCodePoint #-}
{-# INLINE escapedCodePoint' #-}
parseNumericValue :: Text -> Maybe (Text, NumericValue, Text)
parseNumericValue t0@(Text a offs1 _) = case withSign start t0 of
Just (nv, ts@(Text _ offs2 _)) ->
Just (Text a offs1 (offs2 - offs1), nv, ts)
Nothing -> Nothing
where start sign t = case t of
'.' :. (digit -> Just d) :. ts -> dot sign (startIR d) (-1) ts
(digit -> Just d) :. ts -> digits sign (startIR d) ts
_ -> Nothing
digits sign !c t = case t of
'.' :. (digit -> Just d) :. ts -> dot sign (accIR c d) (-1) ts
(digit -> Just d) :. ts -> digits sign (accIR c d) ts
_ -> Just $ expn True (sign $ readIR c) 0 t
dot sign !c !e t = case t of
(digit -> Just d) :. ts -> dot sign (accIR c d) (e-1) ts
_ -> Just $ expn False (sign $ readIR c) e t
expn int c e0 t = case t of
x :. ts
| isExponent x
, Just r <- withSign (expStart c e0 0) ts -> r
_ | int -> (NVInteger c, t)
| otherwise -> (NVNumber $ scientific c e0, t)
expStart c e0 e sign t = case t of
(digit -> Just d) :. ts -> expDigits c e0 (e*10 + d) sign ts
_ -> Nothing
expDigits c e0 !e sign t = case t of
(digit -> Just d) :. ts -> expDigits c e0 (e*10 + d) sign ts
_ -> Just (NVNumber $ scientific c (sign e + e0), t)
digit :: Enum a => Char -> Maybe a
digit c
| isDigit c = Just (toEnum $ ord c - ord '0')
| otherwise = Nothing
withSign :: Num a => ((a -> a) -> Text -> Maybe (b, Text))
-> Text -> Maybe (b, Text)
withSign f t = case t of
'+' :. ts -> f id ts
'-' :. ts -> f negate ts
_ -> f id t
blockDigits :: Int
blockDigits = 40
startBase :: Integer
startBase = 10^blockDigits
type IntegerReader = (Int, [Integer], Integer)
startIR :: Integer -> IntegerReader
startIR d = (1, [], d)
{-# INLINE startIR #-}
{-# INLINE accIR #-}
{-# INLINE readIR #-}
accIR :: IntegerReader -> Integer -> IntegerReader
accIR (n, blocks, !cd) d
| n < blockDigits = (n+1, blocks, cd*10 + d)
| otherwise = (1, cd:blocks, d)
readIR :: IntegerReader -> Integer
readIR (_, [], cd) = cd
readIR (n, blocks, cd) =
go startBase ((cd * padding):blocks) `div` padding
where padding = 10^(blockDigits-n)
go :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
go _ [] = 0
go _ [x] = x
go b xs = go (b*b) (combine b xs)
combine :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
combine _ [] = []
combine _ [x] = [x]
combine b (x0:x1:xs) = x' : combine b xs
where !x' = x0 + x1*b
skipComment :: Text -> Text
skipComment t = case t of
'*' :. '/' :. ts -> ts
_ :. ts -> skipComment ts
ts -> ts
skipWhitespace :: Text -> Text
skipWhitespace t = case t of
c :. ts
| isWhitespace c -> skipWhitespace ts
| otherwise -> t
ts -> ts
parseTokens :: Text -> [Token]
parseTokens t0@(Text _ _ len) = snd $ A.run2 $ do
dst <- A.new len
dsta <- A.unsafeFreeze dst
let go' !t d tgo = do
ts <- inlineInterleaveST $ go d tgo
return (t : ts)
go d tgo = case tgo of
c :. ts | isWhitespace c ->
go' Whitespace d (skipWhitespace ts)
'/' :. '*' :. ts -> go d (skipComment ts)
'<' :. '!' :. '-' :. '-' :. ts -> token CDO ts
'-' :. '-' :. '>' :. ts -> token CDC ts
',' :. ts -> token Comma ts
':' :. ts -> token Colon ts
';' :. ts -> token Semicolon ts
'(' :. ts -> token LeftParen ts
')' :. ts -> token RightParen ts
'[' :. ts -> token LeftSquareBracket ts
']' :. ts -> token RightSquareBracket ts
'{' :. ts -> token LeftCurlyBracket ts
'}' :. ts -> token RightCurlyBracket ts
'$' :. '=' :. ts -> token SuffixMatch ts
'*' :. '=' :. ts -> token SubstringMatch ts
'^' :. '=' :. ts -> token PrefixMatch ts
'|' :. '=' :. ts -> token DashMatch ts
'~' :. '=' :. ts -> token IncludeMatch ts
'|' :. '|' :. ts -> token Column ts
(parseNumericValue -> Just (repr, nv, ts))
| '%' :. ts' <- ts ->
go' (Percentage repr nv) d ts'
| Just u <- parseName ts -> do
(unit, d', ts') <- mkText dst d u
go' (Dimension repr nv unit) d' ts'
| otherwise ->
go' (Number repr nv) d ts
(parseName -> Just n) -> do
(name, d', ts) <- mkText dst d n
if isUrl name then
case ts of
'(' :. (skipWhitespace -> ts') ->
case ts' of
'"' :. _ -> go' (Function name) d' ts'
'\'' :. _ -> go' (Function name) d' ts'
_ -> parseUrl d' ts'
_ -> go' (Ident name) d' ts
case ts of
'(' :. ts' -> go' (Function name) d' ts'
_ -> go' (Ident name) d' ts
'"' :. ts -> parseString '"' d ts
'\'' :. ts -> parseString '\'' d ts
'@' :. (parseName -> Just n) -> do
(name, d', ts) <- mkText dst d n
go' (AtKeyword name) d' ts
'#' :. (parseName -> Just n) -> do
(name, d', ts) <- mkText dst d n
go' (Hash HId name) d' ts
'#' :. (satisfyOrEscaped nameCodePoint -> Just n) -> do
(name, d', ts) <- mkText dst d (consumeName n)
go' (Hash HUnrestricted name) d' ts
c :. ts ->
token (Delim c) ts
_ -> return []
where token t ts = go' t d ts
isUrl t@(Text _ _ 3)
| u :. r :. l :. _ <- t =
(u == 'u' || u == 'U') &&
(r == 'r' || r == 'R') &&
(l == 'l' || l == 'L')
isUrl _ = False
parseString endingCodePoint d0 = string d0
where string d t = case t of
c :. ts | c == endingCodePoint -> ret d ts
'\\' :. ts
| Just (p, ts') <- escapedCodePoint ts -> do
d' <- p dst d
string d' ts'
| '\n' :. ts' <- ts ->
string d ts'
| Text _ _ 0 <- ts ->
string d ts
'\n' :. _ -> go' BadString d t
c :. ts -> do
write dst d c
string (d+1) ts
_ -> ret d t
ret d t = go' (String $ Text dsta d0 (d-d0)) d t
parseUrl d0 tUrl = url d0 (skipWhitespace tUrl)
where ret d ts = go' (Url (Text dsta d0 (d-d0))) d ts
url d t = case t of
')' :. ts -> ret d ts
c :. ts
| c == '"' || c == '\'' || c == '('
|| nonPrintableCodePoint c -> do
badUrl d ts
| isWhitespace c ->
whitespace d ts
'\\' :. ts
| Just (p, ts') <- escapedCodePoint ts -> do
d' <- p dst d
url d' ts'
| otherwise ->
badUrl d ts
c :. ts -> do
write dst d c
url (d+1) ts
_ ->
ret d t
whitespace d t = case t of
c :. ts -> do
if isWhitespace c then
whitespace d ts
else if c == ')' then
ret d ts
badUrl d ts
_ ->
ret d t
badUrl d t = case t of
')' :. ts -> go' BadUrl d ts
(escapedCodePoint' -> Just (_, ts)) -> do
badUrl d ts
_ :. ts ->
badUrl d ts
_ -> go' BadUrl d t
mkText :: A.MArray s -> Int -> Writer s -> ST s (Text, Int, Text)
mkText dest d w = do
(d', ts) <- w dest d
return (Text dsta d (d' - d), d', ts)
r <- go 0 t0
return (dst, r)
isWhitespace :: Char -> Bool
isWhitespace '\x0009' = True
isWhitespace '\x000A' = True
isWhitespace '\x0020' = True
isWhitespace _ = False
nonPrintableCodePoint :: Char -> Bool
nonPrintableCodePoint c
| c >= '\x0000' && c <= '\x0008' = True
| c == '\x000B' = True
| c >= '\x000E' && c <= '\x001F' = True
| c == '\x007F' = True
| otherwise = False
isExponent :: Char -> Bool
isExponent c = c == 'e' || c == 'E'