csound-expression-typed- typed core for the library csound-expression

Safe HaskellNone





data Win Source



data GuiNode Source



newtype GuiHandle Source




unGuiHandle :: Int

newtype Gui Source

A visual representation of the GUI-element.




unGui :: LowGui

data InitMe Source



restoreTree :: GuiMap -> Gui -> GuiSource

guiMap :: [GuiNode] -> GuiMapSource

fromElem :: ElemOuts -> [InitMe] -> Elem -> GuiSource

guiStmt :: Monad m => [Panel] -> DepT m ()Source


hor :: [Gui] -> GuiSource

Horizontal groupping of the elements. All elements are placed in the stright horizontal line and aligned by Y-coordinate and height.

ver :: [Gui] -> GuiSource

Vertical groupping of the elements. All elements are placed in the stright vertical line and aligned by X-coordinate and width.

space :: GuiSource

An empty space.

sca :: Double -> Gui -> GuiSource

Scales an element within the group. It depends on the type of the alignment (horizontal or vertical) which side of the bounding box is scaled. If it's a horizontal group then the width is scaled and height is scaled otherwise.

Every element in the group has a scaling factor. By default it equals to one. During rendering all scaling factors are summed and divided on the sum of all factors. So that factors become weights or proportions. This process is called normalization. Scaling one element affects not only this element but all other elements in the group!

An example:

One element is twice as large as the other two:

 hor [a, b, sca 2 c]

Why is it so? Let's look at the hidden scaling factors:

 hor [sca 1 a, sca 1 b, sca 2 c]

During rendering we scale all the scaling fators so that total sum equals to one:

 hor [sca 0.25 a, sca 0.25 b, sca 0.5 c]

horSca :: [(Double, Gui)] -> GuiSource

Weighted horizontal grouping. It takes a list of scaling factors and elements.

verSca :: [(Double, Gui)] -> GuiSource

Weighted vertical grouping. It takes a list of scaling factors and elements.

padding :: Int -> Gui -> GuiSource

Sets the padding of the element. How much empty space to reserve outside the element.

margin :: Int -> Gui -> GuiSource

Sets the margin of the element. How much empty space to reserve between the elements within the group. It affects only compound elements.


props :: [Prop] -> Gui -> GuiSource

Sets the properties for a GUI element.

forceProps :: [Prop] -> Gui -> GuiSource

Sets the properties for a GUI element on all levels.

type Color = Colour DoubleSource

The Csound colours.

data Rect Source

A rectangle.




px :: Int
py :: Int
width :: Int
height :: Int


data Material Source

The type of the material of the element. It affects sliders and buttons.




data Orient Source

The orientation of the widget (slider, roller). This property is never needs to be set in practice. If this property is not set then default orientation is calculated from the bounding box of the widget. If the width is greater than the height then we need to use a horizontal widget otherwise it should be a vertical one.



data LabelType Source

Some values are not implemented on the Csound level.



Handy short-cuts for the function props.


data ValDiap Source

The diapason of the continuous value.



data ValSpan Source

A value span is a diapason of the value and a type of the scale (can be linear or exponential).

linSpan :: Double -> Double -> ValSpanSource

Makes a linear ValSpan with specified boundaries.

 linSpan minVal maxVal

expSpan :: Double -> Double -> ValSpanSource

Makes an exponential ValSpan with specified boundaries.

 expSpan minVal maxVal

uspan :: ValSpanSource

Unit span. A special case:

 uspan = linSpan 0 1

bspan :: ValSpanSource

Bipolar unit span. A special case:

 uspan = linSpan (-1) 1

uspanExp :: ValSpanSource

An exponential unit span. A special case:

 uspan = expSpan 0 1

data KnobType Source


ThreeD (Maybe Int) 


data SliderType Source




data TextType Source




data ButtonType Source

The type of the button. It affects toggle buttons and button banks.

In Csound buttons and toggle buttons are constructed with the same function (but with different button types). But in this library they are contructed by different functions (button and toggle). Normal button is a plain old button, but other values specify toggle buttons. So this property doesn't affect the buttons (since they could be only normal buttons).



panel :: Gui -> SE ()Source

Renders the GUI elements on the window. Rectangle is calculated automatically (window doesn't listens for keyboard events).

keyPanel :: Gui -> SE ()Source

Renders the GUI elements on the window. Rectangle is calculated automatically (window listens for keyboard events).

tabs :: [(String, Gui)] -> SE ()Source

Renders the GUI elements with tabs. Rectangles are calculated automatically.

keyTabs :: [(String, Gui)] -> SE ()Source

Renders the GUI elements with tabs. Rectangles are calculated automatically.

panels :: [Gui] -> SE ()Source

Renders a list of panels.

keyPanels :: [Gui] -> SE ()Source

Renders a list of panels. Panels are sensitive to keyboard events.

panelBy :: String -> Maybe Rect -> Gui -> SE ()Source

Renders the GUI elements on the window. We can specify the window title and rectangle of the window.

keyPanelBy :: String -> Maybe Rect -> Gui -> SE ()Source

Renders the GUI elements on the window. We can specify the window title and rectangle of the window. Panesls are sensitive to keyboard events.

tabsBy :: String -> Maybe Rect -> [(String, Maybe Rect, Gui)] -> SE ()Source

Renders the GUI elements with tabs. We can specify the window title and rectangles for all tabs and for the main window.

keyTabsBy :: String -> Maybe Rect -> [(String, Maybe Rect, Gui)] -> SE ()Source

Renders the GUI elements with tabs. We can specify the window title and rectangles for all tabs and for the main window. Tabs are sensitive to keyboard events.


type Input a = aSource

Widgets that produce something has inputs.

type Output a = a -> SE ()Source

Widgets that consume something has outputs.

type Inner = SE ()Source

Widgets that just do something inside them or have an inner state.

noInput :: Input ()Source

A value for widgets that produce nothing.

noOutput :: Output ()Source

A value for widgets that consume nothing.

noInner :: InnerSource

A value for stateless widgets.

type Widget a b = SE (Gui, Output a, Input b, Inner)Source

A widget consists of visible element (Gui), value consumer (Output) and producer (Input) and an inner state (Inner).

widget :: SE (Gui, Output a, Input b, Inner) -> Widget a bSource

A widget constructor.

type Source a = SE (Gui, Input a)Source

A producer of the values.

source :: SE (Gui, Input a) -> Source aSource

A producer constructor.

type Sink a = SE (Gui, Output a)Source

A consumer of the values.

sink :: SE (Gui, Output a) -> Sink aSource

A consumer constructor.

type Display = SE GuiSource

A static element. We can only look at it.

display :: SE Gui -> DisplaySource

A display constructor.


count :: ValDiap -> ValStep -> Maybe ValStep -> Double -> Source (Evt D)Source

Allows the user to increase/decrease a value with mouse clicks on a corresponding arrow button. Output is an event stream that contains values when counter changes.

 count diapason fineValStep maybeCoarseValStep initValue 

doc: http:www.csounds.commanualhtml/FLcount.html

countSig :: ValDiap -> ValStep -> Maybe ValStep -> Double -> Source SigSource

A variance on the function count, but it produces a signal of piecewise constant function.

joy :: ValSpan -> ValSpan -> (Double, Double) -> Source (Sig, Sig)Source

It is a squared area that allows the user to modify two output values at the same time. It acts like a joystick.

 joy valueSpanX valueSpanY (initX, initY) 

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLjoy.html

knob :: String -> ValSpan -> Double -> Source SigSource

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a knob.

 knob valueSpan initValue

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLknob.html

roller :: String -> ValSpan -> ValStep -> Double -> Source SigSource

FLroller is a sort of knob, but put transversally.

 roller valueSpan step initVal

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLroller.html

slider :: String -> ValSpan -> Double -> Source SigSource

FLslider puts a slider into the corresponding container.

 slider valueSpan initVal 

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLslider.html

sliderBank :: String -> [Double] -> Source [Sig]Source

Constructs a list of linear unit sliders (ranges in [0, 1]). It takes a list of init values.

numeric :: String -> ValDiap -> ValStep -> Double -> Source SigSource

numeric (originally FLtext in the Csound) allows the user to modify a parameter value by directly typing it into a text field.

 numeric diapason step initValue 

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLtext.html

meter :: String -> ValSpan -> Double -> Sink SigSource

A slider that serves as indicator. It consumes values instead of producing.

 meter valueSpan initValue

box :: String -> DisplaySource

A FLTK widget that displays text inside of a box. If the text is longer than 255 characters the text is split on several parts (Csound limitations).

 box text

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLbox.html

button :: String -> Source (Evt Unit)Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a button.

 button text

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLbutton.html

butBank :: String -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Source (Evt (D, D))Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a bank of buttons. Result is (x, y) coordinate of the triggered button.

 butBank xNumOfButtons yNumOfButtons

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLbutBank.html

butBankSig :: String -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Source (Sig, Sig)Source

A variance on the function butBank, but it produces a signal of piecewise constant function. Result is (x, y) coordinate of the triggered button.

butBank1 :: String -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Source (Evt D)Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a bank of buttons.

 butBank xNumOfButtons yNumOfButtons

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLbutBank.html

toggle :: String -> Source (Evt D)Source

A FLTK widget opcode that creates a toggle button.

 button text

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLbutton.html

toggleSig :: String -> Source SigSource

A variance on the function toggle, but it produces a signal of piecewise constant function.

value :: String -> Double -> Sink SigSource

FLvalue shows current the value of a valuator in a text field.

 value initVal

doc: http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLvalue.html


setTitle :: String -> Gui -> SE GuiSource

Appends a title to a group of widgets.


data KeyEvt Source

Keyboard events.


Press Key 
Release Key 


keyIn :: KeyEvt -> Evt UnitSource

The stream of keyboard press/release events.