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cryptonite-0.25: Cryptography Primitives sink

MaintainerVincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
Safe HaskellNone




Generalized cryptographic hash interface, that you can use with cryptographic hash algorithm that belong to the HashAlgorithm type class.

import Crypto.Hash

sha1 :: ByteString -> Digest SHA1
sha1 = hash

hexSha3_512 :: ByteString -> String
hexSha3_512 bs = show (hash bs :: Digest SHA3_512)



data Context a Source #

Represent a context for a given hash algorithm.


NFData (Context a) Source # 


rnf :: Context a -> () #

ByteArrayAccess (Context a) Source # 


length :: Context a -> Int #

withByteArray :: Context a -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO a #

copyByteArrayToPtr :: Context a -> Ptr p -> IO () #

data Digest a Source #

Represent a digest for a given hash algorithm.

This type is an instance of ByteArrayAccess from package memory. Module Data.ByteArray provides many primitives to work with those values including conversion to other types.

Creating a digest from a bytearray is also possible with function digestFromByteString.


Eq (Digest a) Source # 


(==) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

Ord (Digest a) Source # 


compare :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

(>) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Bool #

max :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Digest a #

min :: Digest a -> Digest a -> Digest a #

Show (Digest a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Digest a -> ShowS #

show :: Digest a -> String #

showList :: [Digest a] -> ShowS #

NFData (Digest a) Source # 


rnf :: Digest a -> () #

ByteArrayAccess (Digest a) Source # 


length :: Digest a -> Int #

withByteArray :: Digest a -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO a #

copyByteArrayToPtr :: Digest a -> Ptr p -> IO () #


digestFromByteString :: forall a ba. (HashAlgorithm a, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ba -> Maybe (Digest a) Source #

Try to transform a bytearray into a Digest of specific algorithm.

If the digest is not the right size for the algorithm specified, then Nothing is returned.

Hash methods parametrized by algorithm

hashInitWith :: HashAlgorithm alg => alg -> Context alg Source #

Initialize a new context for a specified hash algorithm

hashWith :: (ByteArrayAccess ba, HashAlgorithm alg) => alg -> ba -> Digest alg Source #

Run the hash function but takes an explicit hash algorithm parameter

Hash methods

hashInit :: forall a. HashAlgorithm a => Context a Source #

Initialize a new context for this hash algorithm

hashUpdates :: forall a ba. (HashAlgorithm a, ByteArrayAccess ba) => Context a -> [ba] -> Context a Source #

Update the context with a list of strict bytestring, and return a new context with the updates.

hashUpdate :: (ByteArrayAccess ba, HashAlgorithm a) => Context a -> ba -> Context a Source #

run hashUpdates on one single bytestring and return the updated context.

hashFinalize :: forall a. HashAlgorithm a => Context a -> Digest a Source #

Finalize a context and return a digest.

hashBlockSize :: HashAlgorithm a => a -> Int Source #

Get the block size of a hash algorithm

hashDigestSize :: HashAlgorithm a => a -> Int Source #

Get the digest size of a hash algorithm

hash :: (ByteArrayAccess ba, HashAlgorithm a) => ba -> Digest a Source #

Hash a strict bytestring into a digest.

hashlazy :: HashAlgorithm a => ByteString -> Digest a Source #

Hash a lazy bytestring into a digest.

Hash algorithms