{-# Language FlexibleInstances, DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error where
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.DeepSeq(NFData)
import GHC.Generics(Generic)
import Data.List((\\),sortBy,groupBy,minimumBy)
import Data.Function(on)
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located(..), Range(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name(Name)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(Ident)
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
cleanupErrors :: [(Range,Error)] -> [(Range,Error)]
cleanupErrors = dropErrorsFromSameLoc
. sortBy (compare `on` (cmpR . fst))
. dropSumbsumed
dropErrorsFromSameLoc = map chooseBestError
. groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
addErrorSize (r,e) = (length (show (pp e)), (r,e))
chooseBestError = snd . minimumBy (compare `on` fst) . map addErrorSize
cmpR r = ( source r
, from r
, to r
dropSumbsumed xs =
case xs of
(r,e) : rest -> (r,e) :
dropSumbsumed (filter (not .subsumes e . snd) rest)
[] -> []
subsumes :: Error -> Error -> Bool
subsumes (NotForAll x _) (NotForAll y _) = x == y
subsumes _ _ = False
data Warning = DefaultingKind (P.TParam Name) P.Kind
| DefaultingWildType P.Kind
| DefaultingTo TVarInfo Type
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
data Error = ErrorMsg Doc
| KindMismatch Kind Kind
| TooManyTypeParams Int Kind
| TyVarWithParams
| TooManyTySynParams Name Int
| TooFewTyParams Name Int
| RecursiveTypeDecls [Name]
| TypeMismatch Type Type
| RecursiveType Type Type
| UnsolvedGoals (Maybe TCErrorMessage) [Goal]
| UnsolvedDelayedCt DelayedCt
| UnexpectedTypeWildCard
| TypeVariableEscaped Type [TParam]
| NotForAll TVar Type
| TooManyPositionalTypeParams
| CannotMixPositionalAndNamedTypeParams
| UndefinedTypeParameter (Located Ident)
| RepeatedTypeParameter Ident [Range]
| AmbiguousSize TVarInfo (Maybe Type)
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
instance TVars Warning where
apSubst su warn =
case warn of
DefaultingKind {} -> warn
DefaultingWildType {} -> warn
DefaultingTo d ty -> DefaultingTo d (apSubst su ty)
instance FVS Warning where
fvs warn =
case warn of
DefaultingKind {} -> Set.empty
DefaultingWildType {} -> Set.empty
DefaultingTo _ ty -> fvs ty
instance TVars Error where
apSubst su err =
case err of
ErrorMsg _ -> err
KindMismatch {} -> err
TooManyTypeParams {} -> err
TyVarWithParams -> err
TooManyTySynParams {} -> err
TooFewTyParams {} -> err
RecursiveTypeDecls {} -> err
TypeMismatch t1 t2 -> TypeMismatch (apSubst su t1) (apSubst su t2)
RecursiveType t1 t2 -> RecursiveType (apSubst su t1) (apSubst su t2)
UnsolvedGoals x gs -> UnsolvedGoals x (apSubst su gs)
UnsolvedDelayedCt g -> UnsolvedDelayedCt (apSubst su g)
UnexpectedTypeWildCard -> err
TypeVariableEscaped t xs -> TypeVariableEscaped (apSubst su t) xs
NotForAll x t -> NotForAll x (apSubst su t)
TooManyPositionalTypeParams -> err
CannotMixPositionalAndNamedTypeParams -> err
UndefinedTypeParameter {} -> err
RepeatedTypeParameter {} -> err
AmbiguousSize x t -> AmbiguousSize x (apSubst su t)
instance FVS Error where
fvs err =
case err of
ErrorMsg {} -> Set.empty
KindMismatch {} -> Set.empty
TooManyTypeParams {} -> Set.empty
TyVarWithParams -> Set.empty
TooManyTySynParams {} -> Set.empty
TooFewTyParams {} -> Set.empty
RecursiveTypeDecls {} -> Set.empty
TypeMismatch t1 t2 -> fvs (t1,t2)
RecursiveType t1 t2 -> fvs (t1,t2)
UnsolvedGoals _ gs -> fvs gs
UnsolvedDelayedCt g -> fvs g
UnexpectedTypeWildCard -> Set.empty
TypeVariableEscaped t xs -> fvs t `Set.union`
Set.fromList (map TVBound xs)
NotForAll x t -> Set.insert x (fvs t)
TooManyPositionalTypeParams -> Set.empty
CannotMixPositionalAndNamedTypeParams -> Set.empty
UndefinedTypeParameter {} -> Set.empty
RepeatedTypeParameter {} -> Set.empty
AmbiguousSize _ t -> fvs t
instance PP Warning where
ppPrec = ppWithNamesPrec IntMap.empty
instance PP Error where
ppPrec = ppWithNamesPrec IntMap.empty
instance PP (WithNames Warning) where
ppPrec _ (WithNames warn names) =
addTVarsDescsAfter names warn $
case warn of
DefaultingKind x k ->
text "Assuming " <+> pp x <+> text "to have" <+> P.cppKind k
DefaultingWildType k ->
text "Assuming _ to have" <+> P.cppKind k
DefaultingTo d ty ->
text "Defaulting" <+> pp (tvarDesc d) <+> text "to"
<+> ppWithNames names ty
instance PP (WithNames Error) where
ppPrec _ (WithNames err names) =
case err of
ErrorMsg msg ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err
RecursiveType t1 t2 ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Matching would result in an infinite type."
("The type: " <+> ppWithNames names t1 $$
"occurs in:" <+> ppWithNames names t2)
UnexpectedTypeWildCard ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Wild card types are not allowed in this context"
"(e.g., they cannot be used in type synonyms)."
KindMismatch k1 k2 ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Incorrect type form."
("Expected:" <+> cppKind k1 $$
"Inferred:" <+> cppKind k2)
TooManyTypeParams extra k ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Malformed type."
("Kind" <+> quotes (pp k) <+> "is not a function," $$
"but it was applied to" <+> pl extra "parameter" <.> ".")
TyVarWithParams ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Malformed type."
"Type variables cannot be applied to parameters."
TooManyTySynParams t extra ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Malformed type."
("Type synonym" <+> nm t <+> "was applied to" <+>
pl extra "extra parameters" <.> text ".")
TooFewTyParams t few ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Malformed type."
("Type" <+> nm t <+> "is missing" <+> int few <+> text "parameters.")
RecursiveTypeDecls ts ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Recursive type declarations:"
(fsep $ punctuate comma $ map nm ts)
TypeMismatch t1 t2 ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Type mismatch:"
("Expected type:" <+> ppWithNames names t1 $$
"Inferred type:" <+> ppWithNames names t2 $$
mismatchHint t1 t2)
UnsolvedGoals imp gs
| Just msg <- imp ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Unsolvable constraints:" $
let reason = ["Reason:" <+> text (tcErrorMessage msg)]
unErr g = case tIsError (goal g) of
Just (_,p) -> g { goal = p }
Nothing -> g
bullets (map (ppWithNames names) (map unErr gs) ++ reason)
| noUni ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Unsolved constraints:" $
bullets (map (ppWithNames names) gs)
| otherwise ->
addTVarsDescsBefore names err $
nested "subject to the following constraints:" $
bullets (map (ppWithNames names) gs)
UnsolvedDelayedCt g
| noUni ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Failed to validate user-specified signature." $
ppWithNames names g
| otherwise ->
addTVarsDescsBefore names err $
nested "while validating user-specified signature" $
ppWithNames names g
TypeVariableEscaped t xs ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested ("The type" <+> ppWithNames names t <+>
"is not sufficiently polymorphic.")
("It cannot depend on quantified variables:" <+>
sep (punctuate comma (map (ppWithNames names) xs)))
NotForAll x t ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
nested "Inferred type is not sufficiently polymorphic."
("Quantified variable:" <+> ppWithNames names x $$
"cannot match type:" <+> ppWithNames names t)
TooManyPositionalTypeParams ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
"Too many positional type-parameters in explicit type application"
CannotMixPositionalAndNamedTypeParams ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
"Named and positional type applications may not be mixed."
UndefinedTypeParameter x ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
"Undefined type parameter `" <.> pp (thing x) <.> "`."
$$ "See" <+> pp (srcRange x)
RepeatedTypeParameter x rs ->
addTVarsDescsAfter names err $
"Multiple definitions for type parameter `" <.> pp x <.> "`:"
$$ nest 2 (bullets (map pp rs))
AmbiguousSize x t ->
let sizeMsg =
case t of
Just t' -> "Must be at least:" <+> ppWithNames names t'
Nothing -> empty
in addTVarsDescsAfter names err ("Ambiguous numeric type:" <+> pp (tvarDesc x) $$ sizeMsg)
bullets xs = vcat [ "•" <+> d | d <- xs ]
nested x y = x $$ nest 2 y
pl 1 x = text "1" <+> text x
pl n x = text (show n) <+> text x <.> text "s"
nm x = text "`" <.> pp x <.> text "`"
mismatchHint (TRec fs1) (TRec fs2) =
hint "Missing" missing $$ hint "Unexpected" extra
missing = displayOrder fs1 \\ displayOrder fs2
extra = displayOrder fs2 \\ displayOrder fs1
hint _ [] = mempty
hint s [x] = text s <+> text "field" <+> pp x
hint s xs = text s <+> text "fields" <+> commaSep (map pp xs)
mismatchHint _ _ = mempty
noUni = Set.null (Set.filter isFreeTV (fvs err))