{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, Safe, PatternGuards #-}
module Cryptol.Parser.Unlit
( unLit, PreProc(..), guessPreProc, knownExts
) where
import Data.Text(Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Char(isSpace)
import System.FilePath(takeExtension)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
data PreProc = None | Markdown | LaTeX
knownExts :: [String]
knownExts =
[ "cry"
, "tex"
, "markdown"
, "md"
guessPreProc :: FilePath -> PreProc
guessPreProc file = case takeExtension file of
".tex" -> LaTeX
".markdown" -> Markdown
".md" -> Markdown
_ -> None
unLit :: PreProc -> Text -> Text
unLit None = id
unLit proc = Text.unlines . concatMap toCryptol . preProc proc . Text.lines
preProc :: PreProc -> [Text] -> [Block]
preProc p =
case p of
None -> return . Code
Markdown -> markdown
LaTeX -> latex
data Block = Code [Text] | Comment [Text]
toCryptol :: Block -> [Text]
toCryptol (Code xs) = xs
toCryptol (Comment ls) =
case ls of
[] -> []
[l] -> [ "/* " `Text.append` l `Text.append` " */" ]
l1 : rest -> let (more, l) = splitLast rest
in "/* " `Text.append` l1 : more ++ [ l `Text.append` " */" ]
splitLast [] = panic "Cryptol.Parser.Unlit.toCryptol" [ "splitLast []" ]
splitLast [x] = ([], x)
splitLast (x : xs) = let (ys,y) = splitLast xs
in (x:ys,y)
mk :: ([Text] -> Block) -> [Text] -> [Block]
mk _ [] = []
mk c ls = [ c (reverse ls) ]
markdown :: [Text] -> [Block]
markdown = blanks []
comment current [] = mk Comment current
comment current (l : ls)
| Just op <- isOpenFence l = mk Comment (l : current) ++ fenced op [] ls
| isBlank l = blanks (l : current) ls
| otherwise = comment (l : current) ls
blanks current [] = mk Comment current
blanks current (l : ls)
| Just op <- isOpenFence l = mk Comment (l : current) ++ fenced op [] ls
| isCodeLine l = mk Comment current ++ code [l] ls
| isBlank l = blanks (l : current) ls
| otherwise = comment (l : current) ls
code current [] = mk Code current
code current (l : ls)
| isCodeLine l = code (l : current) ls
| otherwise = mk Code current ++ comment [] (l : ls)
fenced op current [] = mk op current
fenced op current (l : ls)
| isCloseFence l = mk op current ++ comment [l] ls
| otherwise = fenced op (l : current) ls
isOpenFence l
| "```" `Text.isPrefixOf` l' =
Just $ case Text.drop 3 l' of
l'' | "cryptol" `Text.isPrefixOf` l'' -> Code
| isBlank l'' -> Code
| otherwise -> Comment
| otherwise = Nothing
l' = Text.dropWhile isSpace l
isCloseFence l = "```" `Text.isPrefixOf` Text.dropWhile isSpace l
isBlank l = Text.all isSpace l
isCodeLine l = "\t" `Text.isPrefixOf` l || " " `Text.isPrefixOf` l
latex :: [Text] -> [Block]
latex = comment []
comment current [] = mk Comment current
comment current (l : ls)
| isBeginCode l = mk Comment (l : current) ++ code [] ls
| otherwise = comment (l : current) ls
code current [] = mk Code current
code current (l : ls)
| isEndCode l = mk Code current ++ comment [l] ls
| otherwise = code (l : current) ls
isBeginCode l = "\\begin{code}" `Text.isPrefixOf` l
isEndCode l = "\\end{code}" `Text.isPrefixOf` l