{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.Eval.What4
( What4(..)
, W4Result(..)
, W4Defs(..)
, W4Eval
, w4Eval
, Value
, evalPrim
) where
import Control.Monad (join)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified What4.Interface as W4
import Cryptol.Eval.Backend
import Cryptol.Eval.Generic
import Cryptol.Eval.Type (finNat')
import Cryptol.Eval.Value
import Cryptol.Eval.What4.Value
import Cryptol.Eval.What4.Float(floatPrims)
import Cryptol.Testing.Random( randomV )
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
evalPrim :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => sym -> PrimIdent -> Maybe (Value sym)
evalPrim sym prim = Map.lookup prim (primTable sym)
primTable :: W4.IsSymExprBuilder sym => sym -> Map.Map PrimIdent (Value sym)
primTable w4sym = let sym = What4 w4sym in
Map.union (floatPrims sym) $
Map.fromList $ map (\(n, v) -> (prelPrim n, v))
("True" , VBit (bitLit sym True))
, ("False" , VBit (bitLit sym False))
, ("number" , ecNumberV sym)
, ("fraction" , ecFractionV sym)
, ("ratio" , ratioV sym)
, ("zero" , VPoly (zeroV sym))
, ("&&" , binary (andV sym))
, ("||" , binary (orV sym))
, ("^" , binary (xorV sym))
, ("complement" , unary (complementV sym))
, ("fromInteger" , fromIntegerV sym)
, ("+" , binary (addV sym))
, ("-" , binary (subV sym))
, ("negate" , unary (negateV sym))
, ("*" , binary (mulV sym))
, ("toInteger" , toIntegerV sym)
, ("/" , binary (divV sym))
, ("%" , binary (modV sym))
, ("^^" , expV sym)
, ("infFrom" , infFromV sym)
, ("infFromThen" , infFromThenV sym)
, ("recip" , recipV sym)
, ("/." , fieldDivideV sym)
, ("floor" , unary (floorV sym))
, ("ceiling" , unary (ceilingV sym))
, ("trunc" , unary (truncV sym))
, ("roundAway" , unary (roundAwayV sym))
, ("roundToEven" , unary (roundToEvenV sym))
, ("/$" , sdivV sym)
, ("%$" , smodV sym)
, ("lg2" , lg2V sym)
, (">>$" , sshrV w4sym)
, ("<" , binary (lessThanV sym))
, (">" , binary (greaterThanV sym))
, ("<=" , binary (lessThanEqV sym))
, (">=" , binary (greaterThanEqV sym))
, ("==" , binary (eqV sym))
, ("!=" , binary (distinctV sym))
, ("<$" , binary (signedLessThanV sym))
, ("fromTo" , fromToV sym)
, ("fromThenTo" , fromThenToV sym)
, ("#" ,
nlam $ \ front ->
nlam $ \ back ->
tlam $ \ elty ->
lam $ \ l -> return $
lam $ \ r -> join (ccatV sym front back elty <$> l <*> r))
, ("join" ,
nlam $ \ parts ->
nlam $ \ (finNat' -> each) ->
tlam $ \ a ->
lam $ \ x ->
joinV sym parts each a =<< x)
, ("split" , ecSplitV sym)
, ("splitAt" ,
nlam $ \ front ->
nlam $ \ back ->
tlam $ \ a ->
lam $ \ x ->
splitAtV sym front back a =<< x)
, ("reverse" , nlam $ \_a ->
tlam $ \_b ->
lam $ \xs -> reverseV sym =<< xs)
, ("transpose" , nlam $ \a ->
nlam $ \b ->
tlam $ \c ->
lam $ \xs -> transposeV sym a b c =<< xs)
, ("<<" , logicShift sym "<<" shiftShrink
(w4bvShl w4sym) (w4bvLshr w4sym)
shiftLeftReindex shiftRightReindex)
, (">>" , logicShift sym ">>" shiftShrink
(w4bvLshr w4sym) (w4bvShl w4sym)
shiftRightReindex shiftLeftReindex)
, ("<<<" , logicShift sym "<<<" rotateShrink
(w4bvRol w4sym) (w4bvRor w4sym)
rotateLeftReindex rotateRightReindex)
, (">>>" , logicShift sym ">>>" rotateShrink
(w4bvRor w4sym) (w4bvRol w4sym)
rotateRightReindex rotateLeftReindex)
, ("@" , indexPrim sym (indexFront_int w4sym) (indexFront_bits w4sym) (indexFront_word w4sym))
, ("!" , indexPrim sym (indexBack_int w4sym) (indexBack_bits w4sym) (indexBack_word w4sym))
, ("update" , updatePrim sym (updateFrontSym_word w4sym) (updateFrontSym w4sym))
, ("updateEnd" , updatePrim sym (updateBackSym_word w4sym) (updateBackSym w4sym))
, ("parmap" , parmapV sym)
, ("fromZ" , fromZV sym)
, ("error" ,
tlam $ \a ->
nlam $ \_ ->
VFun $ \s -> errorV sym a =<< (valueToString sym =<< s))
, ("random" ,
tlam $ \a ->
wlam sym $ \x ->
case wordAsLit sym x of
Just (_,i) -> randomV sym a i
Nothing -> cryUserError sym "cannot evaluate 'random' with symbolic inputs")
, ("trace",
nlam $ \_n ->
tlam $ \_a ->
tlam $ \_b ->
lam $ \s -> return $
lam $ \x -> return $
lam $ \y -> do
_ <- s
_ <- x