-- |
-- Module      :  Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module contains types used during type inference.

{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes where

import           Control.Monad(guard)

import           Cryptol.Parser.Position
import           Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (asPrim,nameLoc)
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypePat
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpType(tMax)
import           Cryptol.Utils.Ident (ModName, PrimIdent(..), preludeName)
import           Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import           Cryptol.Utils.Misc(anyJust)

import           Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq

data SolverConfig = SolverConfig
  { solverPath    :: FilePath   -- ^ The SMT solver to invoke
  , solverArgs    :: [String]   -- ^ Additional arguments to pass to the solver
  , solverVerbose :: Int        -- ^ How verbose to be when type-checking
  , solverPreludePath :: [FilePath]
    -- ^ Look for the solver prelude in these locations.
  } deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

-- | The types of variables in the environment.
data VarType = ExtVar Schema
               -- ^ Known type

             | CurSCC {- LAZY -} Expr Type
               {- ^ Part of current SCC.  The expression will replace the
               variable, after we are done with the SCC.  In this way a
               variable that gets generalized is replaced with an appropriate
               instantiation of itself. -}

data Goals = Goals
  { goalSet :: Set Goal
    -- ^ A bunch of goals, not including the ones in 'literalGoals'.

  , saturatedPropSet :: Set Prop
    -- ^ The set of nonliteral goals, saturated by all superclass implications

  , literalGoals :: Map TVar LitGoal
    -- ^ An entry @(a,t)@ corresponds to @Literal t a@.
  } deriving (Show)

-- | This abuses the type 'Goal' a bit. The 'goal' field contains
-- only the numeric part of the Literal constraint.  For example,
-- @(a, Goal { goal = t })@ representats the goal for @Literal t a@
type LitGoal = Goal

litGoalToGoal :: (TVar,LitGoal) -> Goal
litGoalToGoal (a,g) = g { goal = pLiteral (goal g) (TVar a) }

goalToLitGoal :: Goal -> Maybe (TVar,LitGoal)
goalToLitGoal g =
  do (tn,a) <- matchMaybe $ do (tn,b) <- aLiteral (goal g)
                               a      <- aTVar b
                               return (tn,a)
     return (a, g { goal = tn })

emptyGoals :: Goals
emptyGoals  = Goals { goalSet = Set.empty, saturatedPropSet = Set.empty, literalGoals = Map.empty }

nullGoals :: Goals -> Bool
nullGoals gs = Set.null (goalSet gs) && Map.null (literalGoals gs)

fromGoals :: Goals -> [Goal]
fromGoals gs = map litGoalToGoal (Map.toList (literalGoals gs)) ++
               Set.toList (goalSet gs)

goalsFromList :: [Goal] -> Goals
goalsFromList = foldr insertGoal emptyGoals

insertGoal :: Goal -> Goals -> Goals
insertGoal g gls
  | Just (a,newG) <- goalToLitGoal g =
       -- XXX: here we are arbitrarily using the info of the first goal,
       -- which could lead to a confusing location for a constraint.
       let jn g1 g2 = g1 { goal = tMax (goal g1) (goal g2) } in
       gls { literalGoals = Map.insertWith jn a newG (literalGoals gls)
           , saturatedPropSet = Set.insert (pFin (TVar a)) (saturatedPropSet gls)

  -- If the goal is already implied by some other goal, skip it
  | Set.member (goal g) (saturatedPropSet gls) = gls

  -- Otherwise, it is not already implied, add it and saturate
  | otherwise =
       gls { goalSet = gs', saturatedPropSet = sps'  }

       ips  = superclassSet (goal g)
       igs  = Set.map (\p -> g{ goal = p}) ips

       -- remove all the goals that are implied by ips
       gs'  = Set.insert g (Set.difference (goalSet gls) igs)

       -- add the goal and all its implied toals to the saturated set
       sps' = Set.insert (goal g) (Set.union (saturatedPropSet gls) ips)

-- | Something that we need to find evidence for.
data Goal = Goal
  { goalSource :: ConstraintSource  -- ^ What it is about
  , goalRange  :: Range             -- ^ Part of source code that caused goal
  , goal       :: Prop              -- ^ What needs to be proved
  } deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

instance Eq Goal where
  x == y = goal x == goal y

instance Ord Goal where
  compare x y = compare (goal x) (goal y)

data HasGoal = HasGoal
  { hasName :: !Int
  , hasGoal :: Goal
  } deriving Show

-- | A solution for a 'HasGoal'
data HasGoalSln = HasGoalSln
  { hasDoSelect :: Expr -> Expr
    -- ^ Select a specific field from the input expsression.

  , hasDoSet    :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
    -- ^ Set a field of the first expression to the second expression

-- | Delayed implication constraints, arising from user-specified type sigs.
data DelayedCt = DelayedCt
  { dctSource :: Maybe Name   -- ^ Signature that gave rise to this constraint
                              -- Nothing means module top-level
  , dctForall :: [TParam]
  , dctAsmps  :: [Prop]
  , dctGoals  :: [Goal]
  } deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

-- | Information about how a constraint came to be, used in error reporting.
data ConstraintSource
  = CtComprehension       -- ^ Computing shape of list comprehension
  | CtSplitPat            -- ^ Use of a split pattern
  | CtTypeSig             -- ^ A type signature in a pattern or expression
  | CtInst Expr           -- ^ Instantiation of this expression
  | CtSelector
  | CtExactType
  | CtEnumeration
  | CtDefaulting          -- ^ Just defaulting on the command line
  | CtPartialTypeFun Name -- ^ Use of a partial type function.
  | CtImprovement
  | CtPattern Doc         -- ^ Constraints arising from type-checking patterns
  | CtModuleInstance ModName -- ^ Instantiating a parametrized module
    deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

instance TVars ConstraintSource where
  apSubst su src =
    case src of
      CtComprehension -> src
      CtSplitPat      -> src
      CtTypeSig       -> src
      CtInst e        -> CtInst (apSubst su e)
      CtSelector      -> src
      CtExactType     -> src
      CtEnumeration   -> src
      CtDefaulting    -> src
      CtPartialTypeFun _ -> src
      CtImprovement    -> src
      CtPattern _      -> src
      CtModuleInstance _ -> src

instance FVS Goal where
  fvs g = fvs (goal g)

instance FVS DelayedCt where
  fvs d = fvs (dctAsmps d, dctGoals d) `Set.difference`
                            Set.fromList (map tpVar (dctForall d))

instance TVars Goals where
  -- XXX: could be more efficient
  apSubst su gs = case anyJust apG (fromGoals gs) of
                    Nothing  -> gs
                    Just gs1 -> goalsFromList (concatMap norm gs1)
    norm g = [ g { goal = p } | p <- pSplitAnd (goal g) ]
    apG g  = mk g <$> apSubstMaybe su (goal g)
    mk g p = g { goal = p }

instance TVars Goal where
  apSubst su g = Goal { goalSource = apSubst su (goalSource g)
                      , goalRange  = goalRange g
                      , goal       = apSubst su (goal g)

instance TVars HasGoal where
  apSubst su h = h { hasGoal = apSubst su (hasGoal h) }

instance TVars DelayedCt where
  apSubst su g
    | Set.null captured =
       DelayedCt { dctSource = dctSource g
                 , dctForall = dctForall g
                 , dctAsmps  = apSubst su (dctAsmps g)
                 , dctGoals  = apSubst su (dctGoals g)

    | otherwise = panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst.apSubst (DelayedCt)"
                    [ "Captured quantified variables:"
                    , "Substitution: " ++ show su
                    , "Variables:    " ++ show captured
                    , "Constraint:   " ++ show g

    captured = Set.fromList (map tpVar (dctForall g))
    subVars = Set.unions
                $ map (fvs . applySubstToVar su)
                $ Set.toList used
    used = fvs (dctAsmps g, map goal (dctGoals g)) `Set.difference`
                Set.fromList (map tpVar (dctForall g))

-- | For use in error messages
cppKind :: Kind -> Doc
cppKind ki =
  case ki of
    KNum  -> text "a numeric type"
    KType -> text "a value type"
    KProp -> text "a constraint"
    _     -> pp ki

addTVarsDescsAfter :: FVS t => NameMap -> t -> Doc -> Doc
addTVarsDescsAfter nm t d
  | Set.null vs = d
  | otherwise   = d $$ text "where" $$ vcat (map desc (Set.toList vs))
  vs     = fvs t
  desc v = ppWithNames nm v <+> text "is" <+> pp (tvInfo v)

addTVarsDescsBefore :: FVS t => NameMap -> t -> Doc -> Doc
addTVarsDescsBefore nm t d = frontMsg $$ d $$ backMsg
  (vs1,vs2)  = Set.partition isFreeTV (fvs t)

  frontMsg | null vs1  = empty
           | otherwise = "Failed to infer the following types:"
                         $$ nest 2 (vcat (map desc1 (Set.toList vs1)))
  desc1 v    = "•" <+> ppWithNames nm v <.> comma <+> pp (tvInfo v)

  backMsg  | null vs2  = empty
           | otherwise = "where"
                         $$ nest 2 (vcat (map desc2 (Set.toList vs2)))
  desc2 v    = ppWithNames nm v <+> text "is" <+> pp (tvInfo v)

instance PP ConstraintSource where
  ppPrec _ src =
    case src of
      CtComprehension -> "list comprehension"
      CtSplitPat      -> "split (#) pattern"
      CtTypeSig       -> "type signature"
      CtInst e        -> "use of" <+> ppUse e
      CtSelector      -> "use of selector"
      CtExactType     -> "matching types"
      CtEnumeration   -> "list enumeration"
      CtDefaulting    -> "defaulting"
      CtPartialTypeFun f -> "use of partial type function" <+> pp f
      CtImprovement   -> "examination of collected goals"
      CtPattern desc  -> "checking a pattern:" <+> desc
      CtModuleInstance n -> "module instantiation" <+> pp n

ppUse :: Expr -> Doc
ppUse expr =
  case expr of
    EVar (isPrelPrim -> Just prim)
      | prim == "number"       -> "literal or demoted expression"
      | prim == "infFrom"      -> "infinite enumeration"
      | prim == "infFromThen"  -> "infinite enumeration (with step)"
      | prim == "fromTo"       -> "finite enumeration"
      | prim == "fromThenTo"   -> "finite enumeration"
    _                                    -> "expression" <+> pp expr
  isPrelPrim x = do PrimIdent p i <- asPrim x
                    guard (p == preludeName)
                    pure i

instance PP (WithNames Goal) where
  ppPrec _ (WithNames g names) =
      (ppWithNames names (goal g)) $$
               nest 2 (text "arising from" $$
                       pp (goalSource g)   $$
                       text "at" <+> pp (goalRange g))

instance PP (WithNames DelayedCt) where
  ppPrec _ (WithNames d names) =
    sig $$ "we need to show that" $$
    nest 2 (vcat [ vars, asmps, "the following constraints hold:"
                 , nest 2 $ vcat
                          $ bullets
                          $ map (ppWithNames ns1)
                          $ dctGoals d ])
    bullets xs = [ "•" <+> x | x <- xs ]

    sig = case name of
            Just n -> "in the definition of" <+> quotes (pp n) <.>
                      comma <+> "at" <+> pp (nameLoc n) <.> comma
            Nothing -> "when checking the module's parameters,"

    name  = dctSource d
    vars = case dctForall d of
             [] -> empty
             xs -> "for any type" <+>
                      fsep (punctuate comma (map (ppWithNames ns1 ) xs))
    asmps = case dctAsmps d of
              [] -> empty
              xs -> "assuming" $$
                    nest 2 (vcat (bullets (map (ppWithNames ns1) xs)))

    ns1 = addTNames (dctForall d) names