{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer (
NamingEnv(), shadowing
, BindsNames(..), InModule(..), namingEnv'
, checkNamingEnv
, shadowNames
, Rename(..), runRenamer, RenameM()
, RenamerError(..)
, RenamerWarning(..)
, renameVar
, renameType
, renameModule
) where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Exports
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import Cryptol.Parser.Selector(ppNestedSels,selName)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
import Data.List(find)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Map.Strict ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import MonadLib hiding (mapM, mapM_)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
data RenamerError
= MultipleSyms (Located PName) [Name] NameDisp
| UnboundExpr (Located PName) NameDisp
| UnboundType (Located PName) NameDisp
| OverlappingSyms [Name] NameDisp
| ExpectedValue (Located PName) NameDisp
| ExpectedType (Located PName) NameDisp
| FixityError (Located Name) Fixity (Located Name) Fixity NameDisp
| InvalidConstraint (Type PName) NameDisp
| MalformedBuiltin (Type PName) PName NameDisp
| BoundReservedType PName (Maybe Range) Doc NameDisp
| OverlappingRecordUpdate (Located [Selector]) (Located [Selector]) NameDisp
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
instance PP RenamerError where
ppPrec _ e = case e of
MultipleSyms lqn qns disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
4 $ (text "Multiple definitions for symbol:" <+> pp (thing lqn))
$$ vcat (map ppLocName qns)
UnboundExpr lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
4 (text "Value not in scope:" <+> pp (thing lqn))
UnboundType lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
4 (text "Type not in scope:" <+> pp (thing lqn))
OverlappingSyms qns disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error]")
4 $ text "Overlapping symbols defined:"
$$ vcat (map ppLocName qns)
ExpectedValue lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
4 (fsep [ text "Expected a value named", quotes (pp (thing lqn))
, text "but found a type instead"
, text "Did you mean `(" <.> pp (thing lqn) <.> text")?" ])
ExpectedType lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
4 (fsep [ text "Expected a type named", quotes (pp (thing lqn))
, text "but found a value instead" ])
FixityError o1 f1 o2 f2 disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange o1) <+> text "and" <+> pp (srcRange o2))
4 (fsep [ text "The fixities of"
, nest 2 $ vcat
[ "•" <+> pp (thing o1) <+> parens (pp f1)
, "•" <+> pp (thing o2) <+> parens (pp f2) ]
, text "are not compatible."
, text "You may use explicit parentheses to disambiguate." ])
InvalidConstraint ty disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
4 (fsep [ pp ty, text "is not a valid constraint" ])
MalformedBuiltin ty pn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
4 (fsep [ text "invalid use of built-in type", pp pn
, text "in type", pp ty ])
BoundReservedType n loc src disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) loc)
4 (fsep [ text "built-in type", quotes (pp n), text "shadowed in", src ])
OverlappingRecordUpdate xs ys disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang "[error] Overlapping record updates:"
4 (vcat [ ppLab xs, ppLab ys ])
ppLab as = ppNestedSels (thing as) <+> "at" <+> pp (srcRange as)
data RenamerWarning
= SymbolShadowed Name [Name] NameDisp
| UnusedName Name NameDisp
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
instance PP RenamerWarning where
ppPrec _ (SymbolShadowed new originals disp) = fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[warning] at" <+> loc)
4 $ fsep [ text "This binding for" <+> backticks sym
, text "shadows the existing binding" <.> plural <+>
text "at" ]
$$ vcat (map (pp . nameLoc) originals)
plural | length originals > 1 = char 's'
| otherwise = empty
loc = pp (nameLoc new)
sym = pp new
ppPrec _ (UnusedName x disp) = fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[warning] at" <+> pp (nameLoc x))
4 (text "Unused name:" <+> pp x)
data RenamerWarnings = RenamerWarnings
{ renWarnNameDisp :: !NameDisp
, renWarnShadow :: Map Name (Set Name)
, renWarnUnused :: Set Name
noRenamerWarnings :: RenamerWarnings
noRenamerWarnings = RenamerWarnings
{ renWarnNameDisp = mempty
, renWarnShadow = Map.empty
, renWarnUnused = Set.empty
addRenamerWarning :: RenamerWarning -> RenamerWarnings -> RenamerWarnings
addRenamerWarning w ws =
case w of
SymbolShadowed x xs d ->
ws { renWarnNameDisp = renWarnNameDisp ws <> d
, renWarnShadow = Map.insertWith Set.union x (Set.fromList xs)
(renWarnShadow ws)
UnusedName x d ->
ws { renWarnNameDisp = renWarnNameDisp ws <> d
, renWarnUnused = Set.insert x (renWarnUnused ws)
listRenamerWarnings :: RenamerWarnings -> [RenamerWarning]
listRenamerWarnings ws =
[ mk (UnusedName x) | x <- Set.toList (renWarnUnused ws) ] ++
[ mk (SymbolShadowed x (Set.toList xs))
| (x,xs) <- Map.toList (renWarnShadow ws) ]
mk f = f (renWarnNameDisp ws)
data RO = RO
{ roLoc :: Range
, roMod :: !ModName
, roNames :: NamingEnv
, roDisp :: !NameDisp
data RW = RW
{ rwWarnings :: !RenamerWarnings
, rwErrors :: !(Seq.Seq RenamerError)
, rwSupply :: !Supply
, rwNameUseCount :: !(Map Name Int)
newtype RenameM a = RenameM
{ unRenameM :: ReaderT RO (StateT RW Lift) a }
instance S.Semigroup a => S.Semigroup (RenameM a) where
{-# INLINE (<>) #-}
a <> b =
do x <- a
y <- b
return (x S.<> y)
instance (S.Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (RenameM a) where
{-# INLINE mempty #-}
mempty = return mempty
{-# INLINE mappend #-}
mappend = (S.<>)
instance Functor RenameM where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f m = RenameM (fmap f (unRenameM m))
instance Applicative RenameM where
{-# INLINE pure #-}
pure x = RenameM (pure x)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
l <*> r = RenameM (unRenameM l <*> unRenameM r)
instance Monad RenameM where
{-# INLINE return #-}
return x = RenameM (return x)
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
m >>= k = RenameM (unRenameM m >>= unRenameM . k)
instance FreshM RenameM where
liftSupply f = RenameM $ sets $ \ RW { .. } ->
let (a,s') = f rwSupply
rw' = RW { rwSupply = s', .. }
in a `seq` rw' `seq` (a, rw')
runRenamer :: Supply -> ModName -> NamingEnv -> RenameM a
-> (Either [RenamerError] (a,Supply),[RenamerWarning])
runRenamer s ns env m = (res, listRenamerWarnings warns)
warns = foldr addRenamerWarning (rwWarnings rw)
(warnUnused ns env ro rw)
(a,rw) = runM (unRenameM m) ro
RW { rwErrors = Seq.empty
, rwWarnings = noRenamerWarnings
, rwSupply = s
, rwNameUseCount = Map.empty
ro = RO { roLoc = emptyRange
, roNames = env
, roMod = ns
, roDisp = neverQualifyMod ns `mappend` toNameDisp env
res | Seq.null (rwErrors rw) = Right (a,rwSupply rw)
| otherwise = Left (F.toList (rwErrors rw))
record :: (NameDisp -> RenamerError) -> RenameM ()
record f = RenameM $
do RO { .. } <- ask
RW { .. } <- get
set RW { rwErrors = rwErrors Seq.|> f roDisp, .. }
curLoc :: RenameM Range
curLoc = RenameM (roLoc `fmap` ask)
located :: a -> RenameM (Located a)
located thing =
do srcRange <- curLoc
return Located { .. }
withLoc :: HasLoc loc => loc -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
withLoc loc m = RenameM $ case getLoc loc of
Just range -> do
ro <- ask
local ro { roLoc = range } (unRenameM m)
Nothing -> unRenameM m
getNS :: RenameM ModName
getNS = RenameM (roMod `fmap` ask)
shadowNames :: BindsNames env => env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNames = shadowNames' CheckAll
data EnvCheck = CheckAll
| CheckOverlap
| CheckNone
deriving (Eq,Show)
shadowNames' :: BindsNames env => EnvCheck -> env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNames' check names m = do
do env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' names)
RenameM $
do ro <- ask
env' <- sets (checkEnv (roDisp ro) check env (roNames ro))
let ro' = ro { roNames = env' `shadowing` roNames ro }
local ro' (unRenameM m)
shadowNamesNS :: BindsNames (InModule env) => env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNamesNS names m =
do ns <- getNS
shadowNames (InModule ns names) m
checkEnv :: NameDisp -> EnvCheck -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv -> RW -> (NamingEnv,RW)
checkEnv disp check l r rw
| check == CheckNone = (l',rw)
| otherwise = (l',rw'')
l' = l { neExprs = es, neTypes = ts }
(rw',es) = Map.mapAccumWithKey (step neExprs) rw (neExprs l)
(rw'',ts) = Map.mapAccumWithKey (step neTypes) rw' (neTypes l)
step prj acc k ns = (acc', [head ns])
acc' = acc
{ rwWarnings =
if check == CheckAll
then case Map.lookup k (prj r) of
Nothing -> rwWarnings acc
Just os -> addRenamerWarning
(SymbolShadowed (head ns) os disp)
(rwWarnings acc)
else rwWarnings acc
, rwErrors = rwErrors acc Seq.>< containsOverlap disp ns
containsOverlap :: NameDisp -> [Name] -> Seq.Seq RenamerError
containsOverlap _ [_] = Seq.empty
containsOverlap _ [] = panic "Renamer" ["Invalid naming environment"]
containsOverlap disp ns = Seq.singleton (OverlappingSyms ns disp)
checkNamingEnv :: NamingEnv -> ([RenamerError],[RenamerWarning])
checkNamingEnv env = (F.toList out, [])
out = Map.foldr check outTys (neExprs env)
outTys = Map.foldr check mempty (neTypes env)
disp = toNameDisp env
check ns acc = containsOverlap disp ns Seq.>< acc
recordUse :: Name -> RenameM ()
recordUse x = RenameM $ sets_ $ \rw ->
rw { rwNameUseCount = Map.insertWith (+) x 1 (rwNameUseCount rw) }
warnUnused :: ModName -> NamingEnv -> RO -> RW -> [RenamerWarning]
warnUnused m0 env ro rw =
map warn
$ Map.keys
$ Map.filterWithKey keep
$ rwNameUseCount rw
warn x = UnusedName x (roDisp ro)
keep k n = n == 1 && isLocal k
oldNames = fst (visibleNames env)
isLocal nm = case nameInfo nm of
Declared m sys -> sys == UserName &&
m == m0 && nm `Set.notMember` oldNames
Parameter -> True
class Rename f where
rename :: f PName -> RenameM (f Name)
renameModule :: Module PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Module Name)
renameModule m =
do env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' m)
decls' <- shadowNames' CheckOverlap env (traverse rename (mDecls m))
let m1 = m { mDecls = decls' }
exports = modExports m1
mapM_ recordUse (eTypes exports)
return (env,m1)
instance Rename TopDecl where
rename td = case td of
Decl d -> Decl <$> traverse rename d
DPrimType d -> DPrimType <$> traverse rename d
TDNewtype n -> TDNewtype <$> traverse rename n
Include n -> return (Include n)
DParameterFun f -> DParameterFun <$> rename f
DParameterType f -> DParameterType <$> rename f
DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint <$> mapM renameLocated d
renameLocated :: Rename f => Located (f PName) -> RenameM (Located (f Name))
renameLocated x =
do y <- rename (thing x)
return x { thing = y }
instance Rename PrimType where
rename pt =
do x <- rnLocated renameType (primTName pt)
let (as,ps) = primTCts pt
(_,cts) <- renameQual as ps $ \as' ps' -> pure (as',ps')
pure pt { primTCts = cts, primTName = x }
instance Rename ParameterType where
rename a =
do n' <- rnLocated renameType (ptName a)
return a { ptName = n' }
instance Rename ParameterFun where
rename a =
do n' <- rnLocated renameVar (pfName a)
sig' <- renameSchema (pfSchema a)
return a { pfName = n', pfSchema = snd sig' }
rnLocated :: (a -> RenameM b) -> Located a -> RenameM (Located b)
rnLocated f loc = withLoc loc $
do a' <- f (thing loc)
return loc { thing = a' }
instance Rename Decl where
rename d = case d of
DSignature ns sig -> DSignature <$> traverse (rnLocated renameVar) ns
<*> rename sig
DPragma ns p -> DPragma <$> traverse (rnLocated renameVar) ns
<*> pure p
DBind b -> DBind <$> rename b
DPatBind pat e -> do (pe,pat') <- renamePat pat
shadowNames pe (DPatBind pat' <$> rename e)
DType syn -> DType <$> rename syn
DProp syn -> DProp <$> rename syn
DLocated d' r -> withLoc r
$ DLocated <$> rename d' <*> pure r
DFixity{} -> panic "Renamer" ["Unexpected fixity declaration"
, show d]
instance Rename Newtype where
rename n = do
name' <- rnLocated renameType (nName n)
shadowNames (nParams n) $
do ps' <- traverse rename (nParams n)
body' <- traverse (rnNamed rename) (nBody n)
return Newtype { nName = name'
, nParams = ps'
, nBody = body' }
renameVar :: PName -> RenameM Name
renameVar qn = do
ro <- RenameM ask
case Map.lookup qn (neExprs (roNames ro)) of
Just [n] -> return n
Just [] -> panic "Renamer" ["Invalid expression renaming environment"]
Just syms ->
do n <- located qn
record (MultipleSyms n syms)
return (head syms)
Nothing ->
do n <- located qn
case Map.lookup qn (neTypes (roNames ro)) of
Just _ -> record (ExpectedValue n)
Nothing -> record (UnboundExpr n)
mkFakeName qn
typeExists :: PName -> RenameM (Maybe Name)
typeExists pn =
do ro <- RenameM ask
case Map.lookup pn (neTypes (roNames ro)) of
Just [n] -> recordUse n >> return (Just n)
Just [] -> panic "Renamer" ["Invalid type renaming environment"]
Just syms -> do n <- located pn
mapM_ recordUse syms
record (MultipleSyms n syms)
return (Just (head syms))
Nothing -> return Nothing
renameType :: PName -> RenameM Name
renameType pn =
do mb <- typeExists pn
case mb of
Just n -> return n
Nothing ->
do ro <- RenameM ask
let n = Located { srcRange = roLoc ro, thing = pn }
case Map.lookup pn (neExprs (roNames ro)) of
Just _ -> record (ExpectedType n)
Nothing -> record (UnboundType n)
mkFakeName pn
mkFakeName :: PName -> RenameM Name
mkFakeName pn =
do ro <- RenameM ask
liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) (roLoc ro))
instance Rename Schema where
rename s = snd `fmap` renameSchema s
renameSchema :: Schema PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Schema Name)
renameSchema (Forall ps p ty loc) =
renameQual ps p $ \ps' p' ->
do ty' <- rename ty
pure (Forall ps' p' ty' loc)
renameQual :: [TParam PName] -> [Prop PName] ->
([TParam Name] -> [Prop Name] -> RenameM a) ->
RenameM (NamingEnv, a)
renameQual as ps k =
do env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' as)
res <- shadowNames env $ do as' <- traverse rename as
ps' <- traverse rename ps
k as' ps'
pure (env,res)
instance Rename TParam where
rename TParam { .. } =
do n <- renameType tpName
return TParam { tpName = n, .. }
instance Rename Prop where
rename (CType t) = CType <$> rename t
instance Rename Type where
rename ty0 =
case ty0 of
TFun a b -> TFun <$> rename a <*> rename b
TSeq n a -> TSeq <$> rename n <*> rename a
TBit -> return TBit
TNum c -> return (TNum c)
TChar c -> return (TChar c)
TUser qn ps -> TUser <$> renameType qn <*> traverse rename ps
TTyApp fs -> TTyApp <$> traverse (traverse rename) fs
TRecord fs -> TRecord <$> traverse (traverse rename) fs
TTuple fs -> TTuple <$> traverse rename fs
TWild -> return TWild
TLocated t' r -> withLoc r (TLocated <$> rename t' <*> pure r)
TParens t' -> TParens <$> rename t'
TInfix a o _ b -> do o' <- renameTypeOp o
a' <- rename a
b' <- rename b
mkTInfix a' o' b'
mkTInfix :: Type Name -> (Located Name, Fixity) -> Type Name -> RenameM (Type Name)
mkTInfix t@(TInfix x o1 f1 y) op@(o2,f2) z =
case compareFixity f1 f2 of
FCLeft -> return (TInfix t o2 f2 z)
FCRight -> do r <- mkTInfix y op z
return (TInfix x o1 f1 r)
FCError -> do record (FixityError o1 f1 o2 f2)
return (TInfix t o2 f2 z)
mkTInfix (TLocated t' _) op z =
mkTInfix t' op z
mkTInfix t (o,f) z =
return (TInfix t o f z)
instance Rename Bind where
rename b = do
n' <- rnLocated renameVar (bName b)
mbSig <- traverse renameSchema (bSignature b)
shadowNames (fst `fmap` mbSig) $
do (patEnv,pats') <- renamePats (bParams b)
e' <- shadowNames' CheckNone patEnv (rnLocated rename (bDef b))
return b { bName = n'
, bParams = pats'
, bDef = e'
, bSignature = snd `fmap` mbSig
, bPragmas = bPragmas b
instance Rename BindDef where
rename DPrim = return DPrim
rename (DExpr e) = DExpr <$> rename e
instance Rename Pattern where
rename p = case p of
PVar lv -> PVar <$> rnLocated renameVar lv
PWild -> pure PWild
PTuple ps -> PTuple <$> traverse rename ps
PRecord nps -> PRecord <$> traverse (traverse rename) nps
PList elems -> PList <$> traverse rename elems
PTyped p' t -> PTyped <$> rename p' <*> rename t
PSplit l r -> PSplit <$> rename l <*> rename r
PLocated p' loc -> withLoc loc
$ PLocated <$> rename p' <*> pure loc
instance Rename UpdField where
rename (UpdField h ls e) =
case ls of
l : more ->
case more of
[] -> case h of
UpdSet -> UpdField UpdSet [l] <$> rename e
UpdFun -> UpdField UpdFun [l] <$> rename (EFun [PVar p] e)
p = UnQual . selName <$> last ls
_ -> UpdField UpdFun [l] <$> rename (EUpd Nothing [ UpdField h more e])
[] -> panic "rename@UpdField" [ "Empty label list." ]
instance Rename Expr where
rename expr = case expr of
EVar n -> EVar <$> renameVar n
ELit l -> return (ELit l)
ENeg e -> ENeg <$> rename e
EComplement e -> EComplement
<$> rename e
EGenerate e -> EGenerate
<$> rename e
ETuple es -> ETuple <$> traverse rename es
ERecord fs -> ERecord <$> traverse (traverse rename) fs
ESel e' s -> ESel <$> rename e' <*> pure s
EUpd mb fs -> do checkLabels fs
EUpd <$> traverse rename mb <*> traverse rename fs
EList es -> EList <$> traverse rename es
EFromTo s n e t -> EFromTo <$> rename s
<*> traverse rename n
<*> rename e
<*> traverse rename t
EInfFrom a b -> EInfFrom<$> rename a <*> traverse rename b
EComp e' bs -> do arms' <- traverse renameArm bs
let (envs,bs') = unzip arms'
shadowNames' CheckOverlap envs (EComp <$> rename e' <*> pure bs')
EApp f x -> EApp <$> rename f <*> rename x
EAppT f ti -> EAppT <$> rename f <*> traverse rename ti
EIf b t f -> EIf <$> rename b <*> rename t <*> rename f
EWhere e' ds -> do ns <- getNS
shadowNames (map (InModule ns) ds) $
EWhere <$> rename e' <*> traverse rename ds
ETyped e' ty -> ETyped <$> rename e' <*> rename ty
ETypeVal ty -> ETypeVal<$> rename ty
EFun ps e' -> do (env,ps') <- renamePats ps
shadowNames' CheckNone env (EFun ps' <$> rename e')
ELocated e' r -> withLoc r
$ ELocated <$> rename e' <*> pure r
ESplit e -> ESplit <$> rename e
EParens p -> EParens <$> rename p
EInfix x y _ z -> do op <- renameOp y
x' <- rename x
z' <- rename z
mkEInfix x' op z'
checkLabels :: [UpdField PName] -> RenameM ()
checkLabels = foldM_ check [] . map labs
labs (UpdField _ ls _) = ls
check done l =
do case find (overlap l) done of
Just l' -> record (OverlappingRecordUpdate (reLoc l) (reLoc l'))
Nothing -> pure ()
pure (l : done)
overlap xs ys =
case (xs,ys) of
([],_) -> True
(_, []) -> True
(x : xs', y : ys') -> same x y && overlap xs' ys'
same x y =
case (thing x, thing y) of
(TupleSel a _, TupleSel b _) -> a == b
(ListSel a _, ListSel b _) -> a == b
(RecordSel a _, RecordSel b _) -> a == b
_ -> False
reLoc xs = (head xs) { thing = map thing xs }
mkEInfix :: Expr Name
-> (Located Name,Fixity)
-> Expr Name
-> RenameM (Expr Name)
mkEInfix e@(EInfix x o1 f1 y) op@(o2,f2) z =
case compareFixity f1 f2 of
FCLeft -> return (EInfix e o2 f2 z)
FCRight -> do r <- mkEInfix y op z
return (EInfix x o1 f1 r)
FCError -> do record (FixityError o1 f1 o2 f2)
return (EInfix e o2 f2 z)
mkEInfix (ELocated e' _) op z =
mkEInfix e' op z
mkEInfix e (o,f) z =
return (EInfix e o f z)
renameOp :: Located PName -> RenameM (Located Name, Fixity)
renameOp ln =
withLoc ln $
do n <- renameVar (thing ln)
fixity <- lookupFixity n
return (ln { thing = n }, fixity)
renameTypeOp :: Located PName -> RenameM (Located Name, Fixity)
renameTypeOp ln =
withLoc ln $
do n <- renameType (thing ln)
fixity <- lookupFixity n
return (ln { thing = n }, fixity)
lookupFixity :: Name -> RenameM Fixity
lookupFixity n =
case nameFixity n of
Just fixity -> return fixity
Nothing -> return defaultFixity
instance Rename TypeInst where
rename ti = case ti of
NamedInst nty -> NamedInst <$> traverse rename nty
PosInst ty -> PosInst <$> rename ty
renameArm :: [Match PName] -> RenameM (NamingEnv,[Match Name])
renameArm (m:ms) =
do (me,m') <- renameMatch m
shadowNames' CheckNone me $
do (env,rest) <- renameArm ms
return (env `shadowing` me, m':rest)
renameArm [] =
return (mempty,[])
renameMatch :: Match PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Match Name)
renameMatch (Match p e) =
do (pe,p') <- renamePat p
e' <- rename e
return (pe,Match p' e')
renameMatch (MatchLet b) =
do ns <- getNS
be <- liftSupply (namingEnv' (InModule ns b))
b' <- shadowNames be (rename b)
return (be,MatchLet b')
renamePat :: Pattern PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv, Pattern Name)
renamePat p =
do pe <- patternEnv p
p' <- shadowNames pe (rename p)
return (pe, p')
renamePats :: [Pattern PName] -> RenameM (NamingEnv,[Pattern Name])
renamePats = loop
loop ps = case ps of
p:rest -> do
pe <- patternEnv p
shadowNames pe $
do p' <- rename p
(env',rest') <- loop rest
return (pe `mappend` env', p':rest')
[] -> return (mempty, [])
patternEnv :: Pattern PName -> RenameM NamingEnv
patternEnv = go
go (PVar Located { .. }) =
do n <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent thing) srcRange)
return (singletonE thing n)
go PWild = return mempty
go (PTuple ps) = bindVars ps
go (PRecord fs) = bindVars (fmap snd (recordElements fs))
go (PList ps) = foldMap go ps
go (PTyped p ty) = go p `mappend` typeEnv ty
go (PSplit a b) = go a `mappend` go b
go (PLocated p loc) = withLoc loc (go p)
bindVars [] = return mempty
bindVars (p:ps) =
do env <- go p
shadowNames env $
do rest <- bindVars ps
return (env `mappend` rest)
typeEnv (TFun a b) = bindTypes [a,b]
typeEnv (TSeq a b) = bindTypes [a,b]
typeEnv TBit = return mempty
typeEnv TNum{} = return mempty
typeEnv TChar{} = return mempty
typeEnv (TUser pn ps) =
do mb <- typeExists pn
case mb of
Just _ -> bindTypes ps
| null ps ->
do loc <- curLoc
n <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) loc)
return (singletonT pn n)
| otherwise ->
do loc <- curLoc
record (UnboundType (Located loc pn))
n <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) loc)
return (singletonT pn n)
typeEnv (TRecord fs) = bindTypes (map snd (recordElements fs))
typeEnv (TTyApp fs) = bindTypes (map value fs)
typeEnv (TTuple ts) = bindTypes ts
typeEnv TWild = return mempty
typeEnv (TLocated ty loc) = withLoc loc (typeEnv ty)
typeEnv (TParens ty) = typeEnv ty
typeEnv (TInfix a _ _ b) = bindTypes [a,b]
bindTypes [] = return mempty
bindTypes (t:ts) =
do env' <- typeEnv t
shadowNames env' $
do res <- bindTypes ts
return (env' `mappend` res)
instance Rename Match where
rename m = case m of
Match p e -> Match <$> rename p <*> rename e
MatchLet b -> shadowNamesNS b (MatchLet <$> rename b)
instance Rename TySyn where
rename (TySyn n f ps ty) =
shadowNames ps $ TySyn <$> rnLocated renameType n
<*> pure f
<*> traverse rename ps
<*> rename ty
instance Rename PropSyn where
rename (PropSyn n f ps cs) =
shadowNames ps $ PropSyn <$> rnLocated renameType n
<*> pure f
<*> traverse rename ps
<*> traverse rename cs
rnNamed :: (a -> RenameM b) -> Named a -> RenameM (Named b)
rnNamed = traverse
{-# INLINE rnNamed #-}