{-# LANGUAGE Safe, PatternGuards, MultiWayIf #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric
  ( cryIsEqual, cryIsNotEqual, cryIsGeq
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative(Alternative(..))
import           Control.Monad (guard,mzero)
import           Data.List (sortBy)

import Cryptol.Utils.Patterns
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type hiding (tMul)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypePat
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Types
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Interval
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpType as Simp

{- Convention for comments:

  K1, K2 ...          Concrete constants
  s1, s2, t1, t2 ...  Arbitrary type expressions
  a, b, c ...         Type variables


-- | Try to solve @t1 = t2@
cryIsEqual :: Ctxt -> Type -> Type -> Solved
cryIsEqual ctxt t1 t2 =
  matchDefault Unsolved $
        (pBin PEqual (==) t1 t2)
    <|> (aNat' t1 >>= tryEqK ctxt t2)
    <|> (aNat' t2 >>= tryEqK ctxt t1)
    <|> (aTVar t1 >>= tryEqVar t2)
    <|> (aTVar t2 >>= tryEqVar t1)
    <|> ( guard (t1 == t2) >> return (SolvedIf []))
    <|> tryEqMin t1 t2
    <|> tryEqMin t2 t1
    <|> tryEqMins t1 t2
    <|> tryEqMins t2 t1
    <|> tryEqMulConst t1 t2
    <|> tryEqAddInf ctxt t1 t2
    <|> tryAddConst (=#=) t1 t2
    <|> tryCancelVar ctxt (=#=) t1 t2
    <|> tryLinearSolution t1 t2
    <|> tryLinearSolution t2 t1

-- | Try to solve @t1 /= t2@
cryIsNotEqual :: Ctxt -> Type -> Type -> Solved
cryIsNotEqual _i t1 t2 = matchDefault Unsolved (pBin PNeq (/=) t1 t2)

-- | Try to solve @t1 >= t2@
cryIsGeq :: Ctxt -> Type -> Type -> Solved
cryIsGeq i t1 t2 =
  matchDefault Unsolved $
        (pBin PGeq (>=) t1 t2)
    <|> (aNat' t1 >>= tryGeqKThan i t2)
    <|> (aNat' t2 >>= tryGeqThanK i t1)
    <|> (aTVar t2 >>= tryGeqThanVar i t1)
    <|> tryGeqThanSub i t1 t2
    <|> (geqByInterval i t1 t2)
    <|> (guard (t1 == t2) >> return (SolvedIf []))
    <|> tryAddConst (>==) t1 t2
    <|> tryCancelVar i (>==) t1 t2
    <|> tryMinIsGeq t1 t2
    -- XXX: k >= width e
    -- XXX: width e >= k

  -- XXX: max t 10 >= 2 --> True
  -- XXX: max t 2 >= 10 --> a >= 10

-- | Try to solve something by evaluation.
pBin :: PC -> (Nat' -> Nat' -> Bool) -> Type -> Type -> Match Solved
pBin tf p t1 t2 =
      Unsolvable <$> anError KNum t1
  <|> Unsolvable <$> anError KNum t2
  <|> (do x <- aNat' t1
          y <- aNat' t2
          return $ if p x y
                      then SolvedIf []
                      else Unsolvable $ TCErrorMessage
                        $ "Unsolvable constraint: " ++
                              show (pp (TCon (PC tf) [ tNat' x, tNat' y ])))

-- GEQ

-- | Try to solve @K >= t@
tryGeqKThan :: Ctxt -> Type -> Nat' -> Match Solved
tryGeqKThan _ _ Inf = return (SolvedIf [])
tryGeqKThan _ ty (Nat n) =

  -- K1 >= K2 * t
  do (a,b) <- aMul ty
     m     <- aNat' a
     return $ SolvedIf
            $ case m of
                Inf   -> [ b =#= tZero ]
                Nat 0 -> []
                Nat k -> [ tNum (div n k) >== b ]

-- | Try to solve @t >= K@
tryGeqThanK :: Ctxt -> Type -> Nat' -> Match Solved
tryGeqThanK _ t Inf = return (SolvedIf [ t =#= tInf ])
tryGeqThanK _ t (Nat k) =

  -- K1 + t >= K2
  do (a,b) <- anAdd t
     n     <- aNat a
     return $ SolvedIf $ if n >= k
                            then []
                            else [ b >== tNum (k - n) ]
  -- XXX: K1 ^^ n >= K2

tryGeqThanSub :: Ctxt -> Type -> Type -> Match Solved
tryGeqThanSub _ x y =

  -- t1 >= t1 - t2
  do (a,_) <- (|-|) y
     guard (x == a)
     return (SolvedIf [])

tryGeqThanVar :: Ctxt -> Type -> TVar -> Match Solved
tryGeqThanVar _ctxt ty x =
  -- (t + a) >= a
  do (a,b) <- anAdd ty
     let check y = do x' <- aTVar y
                      guard (x == x')
                      return (SolvedIf [])
     check a <|> check b

-- | Try to prove GEQ by considering the known intervals for the given types.
geqByInterval :: Ctxt -> Type -> Type -> Match Solved
geqByInterval ctxt x y =
  let ix = typeInterval ctxt x
      iy = typeInterval ctxt y
  in case (iLower ix, iUpper iy) of
       (l,Just n) | l >= n -> return (SolvedIf [])
       _                   -> mzero

-- min K1 t >= K2 ~~> t >= K2, if K1 >= K2;  Err otherwise
tryMinIsGeq :: Type -> Type -> Match Solved
tryMinIsGeq t1 t2 =
  do (a,b) <- aMin t1
     k1    <- aNat a
     k2    <- aNat t2
     return $ if k1 >= k2
               then SolvedIf [ b >== t2 ]
               else Unsolvable $ TCErrorMessage $
                      show k1 ++ " can't be greater than " ++ show k2


-- | Cancel finite positive variables from both sides.
-- @(fin a, a >= 1) =>  a * t1 == a * t2 ~~~> t1 == t2@
-- @(fin a, a >= 1) =>  a * t1 >= a * t2 ~~~> t1 >= t2@
tryCancelVar :: Ctxt -> (Type -> Type -> Prop) -> Type -> Type -> Match Solved
tryCancelVar ctxt p t1 t2 =
  let lhs = preproc t1
      rhs = preproc t2
  in case check [] [] lhs rhs of
       Nothing -> fail ""
       Just x  -> return x

  check doneLHS doneRHS lhs@((a,mbA) : moreLHS) rhs@((b, mbB) : moreRHS) =
    do x <- mbA
       y <- mbB
       case compare x y of
         LT -> check (a : doneLHS) doneRHS moreLHS rhs
         EQ -> return $ SolvedIf [ p (term (doneLHS ++ map fst moreLHS))
                                     (term (doneRHS ++ map fst moreRHS)) ]
         GT -> check doneLHS (b : doneRHS) lhs moreRHS
  check _ _ _ _ = Nothing

  term xs = case xs of
              [] -> tNum (1::Int)
              _  -> foldr1 tMul xs

  preproc t = let fs = splitMul t []
              in sortBy cmpFact (zip fs (map cancelVar fs))

  splitMul t rest = case matchMaybe (aMul t) of
                      Just (a,b) -> splitMul a (splitMul b rest)
                      Nothing    -> t : rest

  cancelVar t = matchMaybe $ do x <- aTVar t
                                guard (iIsPosFin (tvarInterval ctxt x))
                                return x

  -- cancellable variables go first, sorted alphabetically
  cmpFact (_,mbA) (_,mbB) =
    case (mbA,mbB) of
      (Just x, Just y)  -> compare x y
      (Just _, Nothing) -> LT
      (Nothing, Just _) -> GT
      _                 -> EQ

-- min t1 t2 = t1 ~> t1 <= t2
tryEqMin :: Type -> Type -> Match Solved
tryEqMin x y =
  do (a,b) <- aMin x
     let check m1 m2 = do guard (m1 == y)
                          return $ SolvedIf [ m2 >== m1 ]
     check a b <|> check b a

-- t1 == min (K + t1) t2 ~~> t1 == t2, if K >= 1
-- (also if (K + t1) is one term in a multi-way min)
tryEqMins :: Type -> Type -> Match Solved
tryEqMins x y =
  do (a, b) <- aMin y
     let ys = splitMin a ++ splitMin b
     let ys' = filter (not . isGt) ys
     let y' = if null ys' then tInf else foldr1 Simp.tMin ys'
     return $ if length ys' < length ys
              then SolvedIf [x =#= y']
              else Unsolved
    splitMin :: Type -> [Type]
    splitMin ty =
      case matchMaybe (aMin ty) of
        Just (t1, t2) -> splitMin t1 ++ splitMin t2
        Nothing       -> [ty]

    isGt :: Type -> Bool
    isGt t =
      case matchMaybe (asAddK t) of
        Just (k, t') -> k > 0 && t' == x
        Nothing      -> False

    asAddK :: Type -> Match (Integer, Type)
    asAddK t =
      do (t1, t2) <- anAdd t
         k <- aNat t1
         return (k, t2)

tryEqVar :: Type -> TVar -> Match Solved
tryEqVar ty x =

  -- a = K + a --> x = inf
  (do (k,tv) <- matches ty (anAdd, aNat, aTVar)
      guard (tv == x && k >= 1)

      return $ SolvedIf [ TVar x =#= tInf ]

  -- a = min (K + a) t --> a = t
  (do (l,r) <- aMin ty
      let check this other =
            do (k,x') <- matches this (anAdd, aNat', aTVar)
               guard (x == x' && k >= Nat 1)
               return $ SolvedIf [ TVar x =#= other ]
      check l r <|> check r l
  -- a = K + min t a
  (do (k,(l,r)) <- matches ty (anAdd, aNat, aMin)
      guard (k >= 1)
      let check a b = do x' <- aTVar a
                         guard (x' == x)
                         return (SolvedIf [ TVar x =#= tAdd (tNum k) b ])
      check l r <|> check r l

-- e.g., 10 = t
tryEqK :: Ctxt -> Type -> Nat' -> Match Solved
tryEqK ctxt ty lk =

  -- (t1 + t2 = inf, fin t1) ~~~> t2 = inf
  do guard (lk == Inf)
     (a,b) <- anAdd ty
     let check x y = do guard (iIsFin (typeInterval ctxt x))
                        return $ SolvedIf [ y =#= tInf ]
     check a b <|> check b a

  -- (K1 + t = K2, K2 >= K1) ~~~> t = (K2 - K1)
  do (rk, b) <- matches ty (anAdd, aNat', __)
     return $
       case nSub lk rk of
         -- NOTE: (Inf - Inf) shouldn't be possible
         Nothing -> Unsolvable
                      $ TCErrorMessage
                      $ "Adding " ++ showNat' rk ++ " will always exceed "
                                  ++ showNat' lk

         Just r -> SolvedIf [ b =#= tNat' r ]

  -- (lk = t - rk) ~~> t = lk + rk
  do (t,rk) <- matches ty ((|-|) , __, aNat')
     return (SolvedIf [ t =#= tNat' (nAdd lk rk) ])

  do (rk, b) <- matches ty (aMul, aNat', __)
     return $
       case (lk,rk) of
         -- Inf * t = Inf ~~~>  t >= 1
         (Inf,Inf)    -> SolvedIf [ b >== tOne ]

         -- K * t = Inf ~~~> t = Inf
         (Inf,Nat _)  -> SolvedIf [ b =#= tInf ]

         -- Inf * t = 0 ~~~> t = 0
         (Nat 0, Inf) -> SolvedIf [ b =#= tZero ]

         -- Inf * t = K ~~~> ERR      (K /= 0)
         (Nat k, Inf) -> Unsolvable
                       $ TCErrorMessage
                       $ show k ++ " != inf * anything"

         (Nat lk', Nat rk')
           -- 0 * t = K2 ~~> K2 = 0
           | rk' == 0 -> SolvedIf [ tNat' lk =#= tZero ]
              -- shouldn't happen, as `0 * t = t` should have been simplified

           -- K1 * t = K2 ~~> t = K2/K1
           | (q,0) <- divMod lk' rk' -> SolvedIf [ b =#= tNum q ]
           | otherwise ->
             $ TCErrorMessage
             $ showNat' lk ++ " != " ++ showNat' rk ++ " * anything"

  -- K1 == K2 ^^ t    ~~> t = logBase K2 K1
  do (rk, b) <- matches ty ((|^|), aNat, __)
     return $ case lk of
                Inf | rk > 1 -> SolvedIf [ b =#= tInf ]
                Nat n | Just (a,True) <- genLog n rk -> SolvedIf [ b =#= tNum a]
                _ -> Unsolvable $ TCErrorMessage
                       $ show rk ++ " ^^ anything != " ++ showNat' lk

  -- XXX: Min, Max, etx
  -- 2  = min (10,y)  --> y = 2
  -- 2  = min (2,y)   --> y >= 2
  -- 10 = min (2,y)   --> impossible

-- | K1 * t1 + K2 * t2 + ... = K3 * t3 + K4 * t4 + ...
tryEqMulConst :: Type -> Type -> Match Solved
tryEqMulConst l r =
  do (lc,ls) <- matchLinear l
     (rc,rs) <- matchLinear r
     let d = foldr1 gcd (lc : rc : map fst (ls ++ rs))
     guard (d > 1)
     return (SolvedIf [build d lc ls =#= build d rc rs])
  build d k ts   = foldr tAdd (cancel d k) (map (buildS d) ts)
  buildS d (k,t) = tMul (cancel d k) t
  cancel d x     = tNum (div x d)

-- | @(t1 + t2 = Inf, fin t1)  ~~> t2 = Inf@
tryEqAddInf :: Ctxt -> Type -> Type -> Match Solved
tryEqAddInf ctxt l r = check l r <|> check r l

  -- check for x = a + b /\ x = inf
  check x y =
    do (x1,x2) <- anAdd x
       aInf y

       let x1Fin = iIsFin (typeInterval ctxt x1)
       let x2Fin = iIsFin (typeInterval ctxt x2)

       return $!
         if | x1Fin ->
              SolvedIf [ x2 =#= y ]

            | x2Fin ->
              SolvedIf [ x1 =#= y ]

            | otherwise ->

-- | Check for addition of constants to both sides of a relation.
--  @((K1 + K2) + t1) `R` (K1 + t2)  ~~>   (K2 + t1) `R` t2@
-- This relies on the fact that constants are floated left during
-- simplification.
tryAddConst :: (Type -> Type -> Prop) -> Type -> Type -> Match Solved
tryAddConst rel l r =
  do (x1,x2) <- anAdd l
     (y1,y2) <- anAdd r

     k1 <- aNat x1
     k2 <- aNat y1

     if k1 > k2
        then return (SolvedIf [ tAdd (tNum (k1 - k2)) x2 `rel` y2 ])
        else return (SolvedIf [ x2 `rel` tAdd (tNum (k2 - k1)) y2 ])

-- | Check for situations where a unification variable is involved in
--   a sum of terms not containing additional unification variables,
--   and replace it with a solution and an inequality.
--   @s1 = ?a + s2 ~~> (?a = s1 - s2, s1 >= s2)@
tryLinearSolution :: Type -> Type -> Match Solved
tryLinearSolution s1 t =
  do (a,xs) <- matchLinearUnifier t
     guard (noFreeVariables s1)

     -- NB: matchLinearUnifier only matches if xs is nonempty
     let s2 = foldr1 Simp.tAdd xs
     return (SolvedIf [ TVar a =#= (Simp.tSub s1 s2), s1 >== s2 ])

-- | Match a sum of the form @(s1 + ... + ?a + ... sn)@ where
--   @s1@ through @sn@ do not contain any free variables.
--   Note: a successful match should only occur if @s1 ... sn@ is
--   not empty.
matchLinearUnifier :: Pat Type (TVar,[Type])
matchLinearUnifier = go []
  go xs t =
    -- Case where a free variable occurs at the end of a sequence of additions.
    -- NB: match fails if @xs@ is empty
    do v <- aFreeTVar t
       guard (not . null $ xs)
       return (v, xs)
    -- Next symbol is an addition
    do (x, y) <- anAdd t

        -- Case where a free variable occurs in the middle of an expression
       (do v <- aFreeTVar x
           guard (noFreeVariables y)
           return (v, reverse (y:xs))

         -- Non-free-variable recursive case
        do guard (noFreeVariables x)
           go (x:xs) y)

-- | Is this a sum of products, where the products have constant coefficients?
matchLinear :: Pat Type (Integer, [(Integer,Type)])
matchLinear = go (0, [])
  go (c,ts) t =
    do n <- aNat t
       return (n + c, ts)
    do (x,y) <- aMul t
       n     <- aNat x
       return (c, (n,y) : ts)
    do (l,r) <- anAdd t
       (c',ts') <- go (c,ts) l
       go (c',ts') r

showNat' :: Nat' -> String
showNat' Inf = "inf"
showNat' (Nat n) = show n