-- |
-- Module      :  Cryptol.TypeCheck.Kind
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Kind
  ( checkType
  , checkSchema
  , checkNewtype
  , checkPrimType
  , checkTySyn
  , checkPropSyn
  , checkParameterType
  , checkParameterConstraints
  ) where

import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import           Cryptol.Parser.AST (Named(..))
import           Cryptol.Parser.Position
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad hiding (withTParams)
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpType(tRebuild)
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpleSolver(simplify)
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve (simplifyAllConstraints)
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst(listSubst,apSubst)
import           Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.List(sortBy,groupBy)
import           Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import           Data.Function(on)
import           Control.Monad(unless,forM,when)

-- | Check a type signature.  Returns validated schema, and any implicit
-- constraints that we inferred.
checkSchema :: AllowWildCards -> P.Schema Name -> InferM (Schema, [Goal])
checkSchema withWild (P.Forall xs ps t mb) =
  do ((xs1,(ps1,t1)), gs) <-
        collectGoals $
        rng $ withTParams withWild schemaParam xs $
        do ps1 <- mapM checkProp ps
           t1  <- doCheckType t (Just KType)
           return (ps1,t1)
     -- XXX: We probably shouldn't do this, as we are changing what the
     -- user is doing.  We do it so that things are in a propal normal form,
     -- but we should probably figure out another time to do this.
     let newPs = concatMap pSplitAnd $ map (simplify Map.empty)
                                     $ map tRebuild ps1
     return ( Forall xs1 newPs (tRebuild t1)
            , [ g { goal = tRebuild (goal g) } | g <- gs ]

  rng = case mb of
          Nothing -> id
          Just r  -> inRange r

-- | Check a module parameter declarations.  Nothing much to check,
-- we just translate from one syntax to another.
checkParameterType :: P.ParameterType Name -> Maybe String -> InferM ModTParam
checkParameterType a mbDoc =
  do let k = cvtK (P.ptKind a)
         n = thing (P.ptName a)
     return ModTParam { mtpKind = k, mtpName = n, mtpDoc = mbDoc
                      , mtpNumber = P.ptNumber a }

-- | Check a type-synonym declaration.
checkTySyn :: P.TySyn Name -> Maybe String -> InferM TySyn
checkTySyn (P.TySyn x _ as t) mbD =
  do ((as1,t1),gs) <- collectGoals
                    $ inRange (srcRange x)
                    $ do r <- withTParams NoWildCards tySynParam as
                                                      (doCheckType t Nothing)
                         return r
     return TySyn { tsName   = thing x
                  , tsParams = as1
                  , tsConstraints = map (tRebuild . goal) gs
                  , tsDef = tRebuild t1
                  , tsDoc = mbD

-- | Check a constraint-synonym declaration.
checkPropSyn :: P.PropSyn Name -> Maybe String -> InferM TySyn
checkPropSyn (P.PropSyn x _ as ps) mbD =
  do ((as1,t1),gs) <- collectGoals
                    $ inRange (srcRange x)
                    $ do r <- withTParams NoWildCards propSynParam as
                                                      (traverse checkProp ps)
                         return r
     return TySyn { tsName   = thing x
                  , tsParams = as1
                  , tsConstraints = map (tRebuild . goal) gs
                  , tsDef = tRebuild (pAnd t1)
                  , tsDoc = mbD

-- | Check a newtype declaration.
-- XXX: Do something with constraints.
checkNewtype :: P.Newtype Name -> Maybe String -> InferM Newtype
checkNewtype (P.Newtype x as fs) mbD =
  do ((as1,fs1),gs) <- collectGoals $
       inRange (srcRange x) $
       do r <- withTParams NoWildCards newtypeParam as $
               forM fs $ \field ->
                 let n = name field
                 in kInRange (srcRange n) $
                    do t1 <- doCheckType (value field) (Just KType)
                       return (thing n, t1)
          return r

     return Newtype { ntName   = thing x
                    , ntParams = as1
                    , ntConstraints = map goal gs
                    , ntFields = fs1
                    , ntDoc = mbD

checkPrimType :: P.PrimType Name -> Maybe String -> InferM AbstractType
checkPrimType p mbD =
  do let (as,cs) = P.primTCts p
     (as',cs') <- withTParams NoWildCards (TPOther . Just) as $
                    mapM checkProp cs
     pure AbstractType { atName = thing (P.primTName p)
                       , atKind = cvtK (thing (P.primTKind p))
                       , atFixitiy = P.primTFixity p
                       , atCtrs = (as',cs')
                       , atDoc = mbD

checkType :: P.Type Name -> Maybe Kind -> InferM Type
checkType t k =
  do (_, t1) <- withTParams AllowWildCards schemaParam [] $ doCheckType t k
     return (tRebuild t1)

checkParameterConstraints :: [Located (P.Prop Name)] -> InferM [Located Prop]
checkParameterConstraints ps =
  do (_, cs) <- withTParams NoWildCards schemaParam [] (mapM checkL ps)
     return cs
  checkL x = do p <- checkProp (thing x)
                return x { thing = tRebuild p }

{- | Check something with type parameters.

When we check things with type parameters (i.e., type schemas, and type
synonym declarations) we do kind inference based only on the immediately
visible body.  Type parameters that are not mentioned in the body are
defaulted to kind 'KNum'.  If this is not the desired behavior, programmers
may add explicit kind annotations on the type parameters.

Here is an example of how this may show up:

> f : {n}. [8] -> [8]
> f x =  x + `n

Note that @n@ does not appear in the body of the schema, so we will
default it to 'KNum', which is the correct thing in this case.
To use such a function, we'd have to provide an explicit type application:

> f `{n = 3}

There are two reasons for this choice:

  1. It makes it possible to figure if something is correct without
     having to look through arbitrary amounts of code.

  2. It is a bit easier to implement, and it covers the large majority
     of use cases, with a very small inconvenience (an explicit kind
     annotation) in the rest.

withTParams :: AllowWildCards    {- ^ Do we allow wild cards -} ->
              (Name -> TPFlavor) {- ^ What sort of params are these? -} ->
              [P.TParam Name]    {- ^ The params -} ->
              KindM a            {- ^ do this using the params -} ->
              InferM ([TParam], a)
withTParams allowWildCards flav xs m
  | not (null duplicates) = panic "withTParams" $ "Repeated parameters"
                                                : map show duplicates
  | otherwise =
  do (as,a,ctrs) <-
        mdo (a, vars,ctrs) <- runKindM allowWildCards (zip' xs as) m
            as <- mapM (newTP vars) xs
            return (as,a,ctrs)
     mapM_ (uncurry newGoals) ctrs
     return (as,a)

  getKind vs tp =
    case Map.lookup (P.tpName tp) vs of
      Just k  -> return k
      Nothing -> do recordWarning (DefaultingKind tp P.KNum)
                    return KNum

  newTP vs tp = do k <- getKind vs tp
                   let nm = P.tpName tp
                   newTParam tp (flav nm) k

  {- Note that we only zip based on the first argument.
  This is needed to make the monadic recursion work correctly,
  because the data dependency is only on the part that is known. -}
  zip' [] _           = []
  zip' (a:as) ~(t:ts) = (P.tpName a, fmap cvtK (P.tpKind a), t) : zip' as ts

  duplicates = [ ds | ds@(_ : _ : _) <- groupBy ((==) `on` P.tpName)
                                      $ sortBy (compare `on` P.tpName) xs ]

cvtK :: P.Kind -> Kind
cvtK P.KNum  = KNum
cvtK P.KType = KType
cvtK P.KProp = KProp
cvtK (P.KFun k1 k2) = cvtK k1 :-> cvtK k2

-- | Check an application of a type constant.
tcon :: TCon            -- ^ Type constant being applied
     -> [P.Type Name]   -- ^ Type parameters
     -> Maybe Kind      -- ^ Expected kind
     -> KindM Type      -- ^ Resulting type
tcon tc ts0 k =
  do (ts1,k1) <- appTy ts0 (kindOf tc)
     checkKind (TCon tc ts1) k k1

-- | Check a type application of a non built-in type or type variable.
checkTUser ::
  Name          {- ^ The name that is being applied to some arguments. -} ->
  [P.Type Name] {- ^ Parameters to the type -} ->
  Maybe Kind    {- ^ Expected kind -} ->
  KindM Type    {- ^ Resulting type -}
checkTUser x ts k =
  mcase kLookupTyVar      checkBoundVarUse $
  mcase kLookupTSyn       checkTySynUse $
  mcase kLookupNewtype    checkNewTypeUse $
  mcase kLookupParamType  checkModuleParamUse $
  mcase kLookupAbstractType checkAbstractTypeUse $
  checkScopedVarUse -- none of the above, must be a scoped type variable,
                    -- if the renamer did its job correctly.
  checkTySynUse tysyn =
    do (ts1,k1) <- appTy ts (kindOf tysyn)
       let as  = tsParams tysyn
       ts2 <- checkParams as ts1
       let su = zip as ts2
       ps1 <- mapM (`kInstantiateT` su) (tsConstraints tysyn)
       kNewGoals (CtPartialTypeFun (tsName tysyn)) ps1
       t1  <- kInstantiateT (tsDef tysyn) su
       checkKind (TUser x ts1 t1) k k1

  checkNewTypeUse nt =
    do let tc = newtypeTyCon nt
       (ts1,_) <- appTy ts (kindOf tc)
       ts2 <- checkParams (ntParams nt) ts1
       return (TCon tc ts2)

  checkAbstractTypeUse absT =
    do let tc   = abstractTypeTC absT
       (ts1,k1) <- appTy ts (kindOf tc)
       let (as,ps) = atCtrs absT
       case ps of
          [] -> pure ()   -- common case
          _ -> do let need = length as
                      have = length ts1
                  when (need > have) $
                     kRecordError (TooFewTyParams (atName absT) (need - have))
                  let su = listSubst (map tpVar as `zip` ts1)
                  kNewGoals (CtPartialTypeFun (atName absT)) (apSubst su <$> ps)
       checkKind (TCon tc ts1) k k1

  checkParams as ts1
    | paramHave == paramNeed = return ts1
    | paramHave < paramNeed  =
                   do kRecordError (TooFewTyParams x (paramNeed-paramHave))
                      let src = TypeErrorPlaceHolder
                      fake <- mapM (kNewType src . kindOf . tpVar)
                                   (drop paramHave as)
                      return (ts1 ++ fake)
    | otherwise = do kRecordError (TooManyTySynParams x (paramHave-paramNeed))
                     return (take paramNeed ts1)
    where paramHave = length ts1
          paramNeed = length as

  checkModuleParamUse a =
    do let ty = tpVar (mtpParam a)
       (ts1,k1) <- appTy ts (kindOf ty)
       case k of
         Just ks | ks /= k1 -> kRecordError $ KindMismatch ks k1
         _ -> return ()

       unless (null ts1) $
         panic "Kind.checkTUser.checkModuleParam" [ "Unexpected parameters" ]

       return (TVar ty)

  checkBoundVarUse v =
    do unless (null ts) $ kRecordError TyVarWithParams
       case v of
         TLocalVar t mbk ->
            case k of
              Nothing -> return (TVar (tpVar t))
              Just k1 ->
                case mbk of
                  Nothing -> kSetKind x k1 >> return (TVar (tpVar t))
                  Just k2 -> checkKind (TVar (tpVar t)) k k2
         TOuterVar t -> checkKind (TVar (tpVar t)) k (kindOf t)

  checkScopedVarUse =
    do unless (null ts) (kRecordError TyVarWithParams)
       kExistTVar x $ fromMaybe KNum k

  mcase :: (Name -> KindM (Maybe a)) ->
           (a -> KindM Type) ->
           KindM Type ->
           KindM Type
  mcase m f rest =
    do mb <- m x
       case mb of
         Nothing -> rest
         Just a  -> f a

-- | Check a type-application.
appTy :: [P.Type Name]        -- ^ Parameters to type function
      -> Kind                 -- ^ Kind of type function
      -> KindM ([Type], Kind) -- ^ Validated parameters, resulting kind
appTy [] k1 = return ([],k1)

appTy (t : ts) (k1 :-> k2) =
  do t1      <- doCheckType t (Just k1)
     (ts1,k) <- appTy ts k2
     return (t1 : ts1, k)

appTy ts k1 =
  do kRecordError (TooManyTypeParams (length ts) k1)
     return ([], k1)

-- | Validate a parsed type.
doCheckType :: P.Type Name  -- ^ Type that needs to be checked
          -> Maybe Kind     -- ^ Expected kind (if any)
          -> KindM Type     -- ^ Checked type
doCheckType ty k =
  case ty of
    P.TWild         ->
      do wildOk <- kWildOK
         case wildOk of
           AllowWildCards -> return ()
           NoWildCards    -> kRecordError UnexpectedTypeWildCard
         theKind <- case k of
                      Just k1 -> return k1
                      Nothing -> do kRecordWarning (DefaultingWildType P.KNum)
                                    return KNum
         kNewType TypeWildCard theKind

    P.TFun t1 t2    -> tcon (TC TCFun)                 [t1,t2] k
    P.TSeq t1 t2    -> tcon (TC TCSeq)                 [t1,t2] k
    P.TBit          -> tcon (TC TCBit)                 [] k
    P.TNum n        -> tcon (TC (TCNum n))             [] k
    P.TChar n       -> tcon (TC (TCNum $ toInteger $ fromEnum n)) [] k

    P.TTuple ts     -> tcon (TC (TCTuple (length ts))) ts k

    P.TRecord fs    -> do t1 <- TRec `fmap` mapM checkF fs
                          checkKind t1 k KType
    P.TLocated t r1 -> kInRange r1 $ doCheckType t k

    P.TUser x ts    -> checkTUser x ts k

    P.TParens t     -> doCheckType t k

    P.TInfix t x _ u-> doCheckType (P.TUser (thing x) [t, u]) k

  checkF f = do t <- kInRange (srcRange (name f))
                   $ doCheckType (value f) (Just KType)
                return (thing (name f), t)

-- | Validate a parsed proposition.
checkProp :: P.Prop Name      -- ^ Proposition that need to be checked
          -> KindM Type       -- ^ Checked representation
checkProp (P.CType t) = doCheckType t (Just KProp)

-- | Check that a type has the expected kind.
checkKind :: Type         -- ^ Kind-checked type
          -> Maybe Kind   -- ^ Expected kind (if any)
          -> Kind         -- ^ Inferred kind
          -> KindM Type   -- ^ A type consistent with expectations.
checkKind _ (Just k1) k2
  | k1 /= k2    = do kRecordError (KindMismatch k1 k2)
                     kNewType TypeErrorPlaceHolder k1
checkKind t _ _ = return t