{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Cryptol.Parser.NoInclude
( removeIncludesModule
, IncludeError(..), ppIncludeError
) where
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Text(Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import MonadLib
import System.Directory (makeAbsolute)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory,(</>),isAbsolute)
import Cryptol.Parser (parseProgramWith)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.LexerUtils (Config(..),defaultConfig)
import Cryptol.Parser.ParserUtils
import Cryptol.Parser.Unlit (guessPreProc)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
removeIncludesModule :: FilePath -> Module PName -> IO (Either [IncludeError] (Module PName))
removeIncludesModule modPath m = runNoIncM modPath (noIncludeModule m)
data IncludeError
= IncludeFailed (Located FilePath)
| IncludeParseError ParseError
| IncludeCycle [Located FilePath]
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
ppIncludeError :: IncludeError -> Doc
ppIncludeError ie = case ie of
IncludeFailed lp -> (char '`' <.> text (thing lp) <.> char '`')
<+> text "included at"
<+> pp (srcRange lp)
<+> text "was not found"
IncludeParseError pe -> ppError pe
IncludeCycle is -> text "includes form a cycle:"
$$ nest 2 (vcat (map (pp . srcRange) is))
newtype NoIncM a = M
{ unM :: ReaderT Env (ExceptionT [IncludeError] IO) a }
data Env = Env { envSeen :: [Located FilePath]
, envIncPath :: FilePath
runNoIncM :: FilePath -> NoIncM a -> IO (Either [IncludeError] a)
runNoIncM sourcePath m =
do incPath <- getIncPath sourcePath
runM (unM m) Env { envSeen = [], envIncPath = incPath }
tryNoIncM :: NoIncM a -> NoIncM (Either [IncludeError] a)
tryNoIncM m = M (try (unM m))
getIncPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getIncPath file = makeAbsolute (takeDirectory file)
withIncPath :: FilePath -> NoIncM a -> NoIncM a
withIncPath path (M body) = M $
do incPath <- inBase (getIncPath path)
env <- ask
local env { envIncPath = incPath } body
fromIncPath :: FilePath -> NoIncM FilePath
fromIncPath path
| isAbsolute path = return path
| otherwise = M $
do Env { .. } <- ask
return (envIncPath </> path)
instance Functor NoIncM where
fmap = liftM
instance A.Applicative NoIncM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad NoIncM where
return x = M (return x)
m >>= f = M (unM m >>= unM . f)
fail x = M (fail x)
includeFailed :: Located FilePath -> NoIncM a
includeFailed path = M (raise [IncludeFailed path])
pushPath :: Located FilePath -> NoIncM a -> NoIncM a
pushPath path m = M $ do
Env { .. } <- ask
let alreadyIncluded l = thing path == thing l
when (any alreadyIncluded envSeen) (raise [IncludeCycle envSeen])
local Env { envSeen = path:envSeen, .. } (unM m)
failsWith :: X.Exception e => IO a -> (e -> NoIncM a) -> NoIncM a
failsWith m k = M $ do
e <- inBase (X.try m)
case e of
Right a -> return a
Left exn -> unM (k exn)
collectErrors :: (a -> NoIncM b) -> [a] -> NoIncM [b]
collectErrors f ts = do
es <- mapM (tryNoIncM . f) ts
let (ls,rs) = partitionEithers es
errs = concat ls
unless (null errs) (M (raise errs))
return rs
noIncludeModule :: Module PName -> NoIncM (Module PName)
noIncludeModule m = update `fmap` collectErrors noIncTopDecl (mDecls m)
update tds = m { mDecls = concat tds }
noIncludeProgram :: Program PName -> NoIncM (Program PName)
noIncludeProgram (Program tds) =
(Program . concat) `fmap` collectErrors noIncTopDecl tds
noIncTopDecl :: TopDecl PName -> NoIncM [TopDecl PName]
noIncTopDecl td = case td of
Decl _ -> return [td]
DPrimType {} -> pure [td]
TDNewtype _-> return [td]
DParameterType {} -> return [td]
DParameterConstraint {} -> return [td]
DParameterFun {} -> return [td]
Include lf -> resolveInclude lf
resolveInclude :: Located FilePath -> NoIncM [TopDecl PName]
resolveInclude lf = pushPath lf $ do
source <- readInclude lf
case parseProgramWith (defaultConfig { cfgSource = thing lf, cfgPreProc = guessPreProc (thing lf) }) source of
Right prog -> do
Program ds <- withIncPath (thing lf) (noIncludeProgram prog)
return ds
Left err -> M (raise [IncludeParseError err])
readInclude :: Located FilePath -> NoIncM Text
readInclude path = do
file <- fromIncPath (thing path)
source <- T.readFile file `failsWith` handler
return source
handler :: X.IOException -> NoIncM a
handler _ = includeFailed path