{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Cryptol.Eval (
, runEval
, EvalOpts(..)
, PPOpts(..)
, defaultPPOpts
, Eval
, EvalEnv
, emptyEnv
, evalExpr
, evalDecls
, evalSel
, evalSetSel
, EvalError(..)
, forceValue
) where
import Cryptol.Eval.Env
import Cryptol.Eval.Monad
import Cryptol.Eval.Type
import Cryptol.Eval.Value
import Cryptol.Parser.Selector(ppSelector)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat(Nat'(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Semigroup
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
type EvalEnv = GenEvalEnv Bool BV Integer
moduleEnv :: EvalPrims b w i
=> Module
-> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> Eval (GenEvalEnv b w i)
moduleEnv m env = evalDecls (mDecls m) =<< evalNewtypes (mNewtypes m) env
evalExpr :: EvalPrims b w i
=> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> Expr
-> Eval (GenValue b w i)
evalExpr env expr = case expr of
EList es ty
| isTBit tyv -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->Elist/bit" #-}
return $ VWord len $
case tryFromBits vs of
Just w -> return $ WordVal w
Nothing -> do xs <- mapM (delay Nothing) vs
return $ BitsVal $ Seq.fromList $ map (fromVBit <$>) xs
| otherwise -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->EList" #-} do
xs <- mapM (delay Nothing) vs
return $ VSeq len $ finiteSeqMap xs
tyv = evalValType (envTypes env) ty
vs = map (evalExpr env) es
len = genericLength es
ETuple es -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->ETuple" #-} do
xs <- mapM (delay Nothing . eval) es
return $ VTuple xs
ERec fields -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->ERec" #-} do
xs <- sequence [ do thk <- delay Nothing (eval e)
return (f, thk)
| (f, e) <- fields
return $ VRecord xs
ESel e sel -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->ESel" #-} do
x <- eval e
evalSel x sel
ESet e sel v -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->ESet" #-}
do x <- eval e
evalSetSel x sel (eval v)
EIf c t f -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->EIf" #-} do
b <- fromVBit <$> eval c
iteValue b (eval t) (eval f)
EComp n t h gs -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->EComp" #-} do
let len = evalNumType (envTypes env) n
let elty = evalValType (envTypes env) t
evalComp env len elty h gs
EVar n -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->EVar" #-} do
case lookupVar n env of
Just val -> val
Nothing -> do
envdoc <- ppEnv defaultPPOpts env
panic "[Eval] evalExpr"
["var `" ++ show (pp n) ++ "` is not defined"
, show envdoc
ETAbs tv b -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->ETAbs" #-}
case tpKind tv of
KType -> return $ VPoly $ \ty -> evalExpr (bindType (tpVar tv) (Right ty) env) b
KNum -> return $ VNumPoly $ \n -> evalExpr (bindType (tpVar tv) (Left n) env) b
k -> panic "[Eval] evalExpr" ["invalid kind on type abstraction", show k]
ETApp e ty -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->ETApp" #-} do
eval e >>= \case
VPoly f -> f $! (evalValType (envTypes env) ty)
VNumPoly f -> f $! (evalNumType (envTypes env) ty)
val -> do vdoc <- ppV val
panic "[Eval] evalExpr"
["expected a polymorphic value"
, show vdoc, show (pp e), show (pp ty)
EApp f x -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->EApp" #-} do
eval f >>= \case
VFun f' -> f' (eval x)
it -> do itdoc <- ppV it
panic "[Eval] evalExpr" ["not a function", show itdoc ]
EAbs n _ty b -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->EAbs" #-}
return $ VFun (\v -> do env' <- bindVar n v env
evalExpr env' b)
EProofAbs _ e -> evalExpr env e
EProofApp e -> evalExpr env e
EWhere e ds -> {-# SCC "evalExpr->EWhere" #-} do
env' <- evalDecls ds env
evalExpr env' e
{-# INLINE eval #-}
eval = evalExpr env
ppV = ppValue defaultPPOpts
evalNewtypes :: EvalPrims b w i
=> Map.Map Name Newtype
-> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> Eval (GenEvalEnv b w i)
evalNewtypes nts env = foldM (flip evalNewtype) env $ Map.elems nts
evalNewtype :: EvalPrims b w i
=> Newtype
-> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> Eval (GenEvalEnv b w i)
evalNewtype nt = bindVar (ntName nt) (return (foldr tabs con (ntParams nt)))
tabs _tp body = tlam (\ _ -> body)
con = VFun id
evalDecls :: EvalPrims b w i
=> [DeclGroup]
-> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> Eval (GenEvalEnv b w i)
evalDecls dgs env = foldM evalDeclGroup env dgs
evalDeclGroup :: EvalPrims b w i
=> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> DeclGroup
-> Eval (GenEvalEnv b w i)
evalDeclGroup env dg = do
case dg of
Recursive ds -> do
holes <- mapM declHole ds
let holeEnv = Map.fromList $ [ (nm,h) | (nm,_,h,_) <- holes ]
let env' = env `mappend` emptyEnv{ envVars = holeEnv }
env'' <- foldM (evalDecl env') env ds
mapM_ (fillHole env'') holes
return env'
NonRecursive d -> do
evalDecl env env d
fillHole :: BitWord b w i
=> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> (Name, Schema, Eval (GenValue b w i), Eval (GenValue b w i) -> Eval ())
-> Eval ()
fillHole env (nm, sch, _, fill) = do
case lookupVar nm env of
Nothing -> evalPanic "fillHole" ["Recursive definition not completed", show (ppLocName nm)]
Just x
| isValueType env sch -> fill =<< delayFill x (etaDelay (show (ppLocName nm)) env sch x)
| otherwise -> fill (etaDelay (show (ppLocName nm)) env sch x)
isValueType :: GenEvalEnv b w i -> Schema -> Bool
isValueType env Forall{ sVars = [], sProps = [], sType = t0 }
= go (evalValType (envTypes env) t0)
go TVBit = True
go (TVSeq _ x) = go x
go (TVTuple xs) = and (map go xs)
go (TVRec xs) = and (map (go . snd) xs)
go _ = False
isValueType _ _ = False
etaWord :: BitWord b w i
=> Integer
-> Eval (GenValue b w i)
-> Eval (WordValue b w i)
etaWord n x = do
w <- delay Nothing (fromWordVal "during eta-expansion" =<< x)
return $ BitsVal $ Seq.fromFunction (fromInteger n) $ \i ->
do w' <- w; indexWordValue w' (toInteger i)
etaDelay :: BitWord b w i
=> String
-> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> Schema
-> Eval (GenValue b w i)
-> Eval (GenValue b w i)
etaDelay msg env0 Forall{ sVars = vs0, sType = tp0 } = goTpVars env0 vs0
goTpVars env [] x = go (evalValType (envTypes env) tp0) x
goTpVars env (v:vs) x =
case tpKind v of
KType -> return $ VPoly $ \t ->
goTpVars (bindType (tpVar v) (Right t) env) vs ( ($t) . fromVPoly =<< x )
KNum -> return $ VNumPoly $ \n ->
goTpVars (bindType (tpVar v) (Left n) env) vs ( ($n) . fromVNumPoly =<< x )
k -> panic "[Eval] etaDelay" ["invalid kind on type abstraction", show k]
go tp (Ready x) =
case x of
VBit _ -> return x
VInteger _ -> return x
VWord _ _ -> return x
VSeq n xs
| TVSeq _nt el <- tp
-> return $ VSeq n $ IndexSeqMap $ \i -> go el (lookupSeqMap xs i)
VStream xs
| TVStream el <- tp
-> return $ VStream $ IndexSeqMap $ \i -> go el (lookupSeqMap xs i)
VTuple xs
| TVTuple ts <- tp
-> return $ VTuple (zipWith go ts xs)
VRecord fs
| TVRec fts <- tp
-> return $ VRecord $
let err f = evalPanic "expected record value with field" [show f] in
[ (f, go (fromMaybe (err f) (lookup f fts)) y)
| (f, y) <- fs
VFun f
| TVFun _t1 t2 <- tp
-> return $ VFun $ \a -> go t2 (f a)
_ -> evalPanic "type mismatch during eta-expansion" []
go tp x =
case tp of
TVBit -> x
TVInteger -> x
TVIntMod _ -> x
TVSeq n TVBit ->
do w <- delayFill (fromWordVal "during eta-expansion" =<< x) (etaWord n x)
return $ VWord n w
TVSeq n el ->
do x' <- delay (Just msg) (fromSeq "during eta-expansion" =<< x)
return $ VSeq n $ IndexSeqMap $ \i -> do
go el (flip lookupSeqMap i =<< x')
TVStream el ->
do x' <- delay (Just msg) (fromSeq "during eta-expansion" =<< x)
return $ VStream $ IndexSeqMap $ \i ->
go el (flip lookupSeqMap i =<< x')
TVFun _t1 t2 ->
do x' <- delay (Just msg) (fromVFun <$> x)
return $ VFun $ \a -> go t2 ( ($a) =<< x' )
TVTuple ts ->
do let n = length ts
x' <- delay (Just msg) (fromVTuple <$> x)
return $ VTuple $
[ go t =<< (flip genericIndex i <$> x')
| i <- [0..(n-1)]
| t <- ts
TVRec fs ->
do x' <- delay (Just msg) (fromVRecord <$> x)
let err f = evalPanic "expected record value with field" [show f]
return $ VRecord $
[ (f, go t =<< (fromMaybe (err f) . lookup f <$> x'))
| (f,t) <- fs
TVAbstract {} -> x
declHole :: Decl
-> Eval (Name, Schema, Eval (GenValue b w i), Eval (GenValue b w i) -> Eval ())
declHole d =
case dDefinition d of
DPrim -> evalPanic "Unexpected primitive declaration in recursive group"
[show (ppLocName nm)]
DExpr _ -> do
(hole, fill) <- blackhole msg
return (nm, sch, hole, fill)
nm = dName d
sch = dSignature d
msg = unwords ["<<loop>> while evaluating", show (pp nm)]
evalDecl :: EvalPrims b w i
=> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> Decl
-> Eval (GenEvalEnv b w i)
evalDecl renv env d =
case dDefinition d of
DPrim -> case evalPrim d of
Just v -> pure (bindVarDirect (dName d) v env)
Nothing -> bindVar (dName d) (cryNoPrimError (dName d)) env
DExpr e -> bindVar (dName d) (evalExpr renv e) env
evalSel :: forall b w i
. EvalPrims b w i
=> GenValue b w i
-> Selector
-> Eval (GenValue b w i)
evalSel val sel = case sel of
TupleSel n _ -> tupleSel n val
RecordSel n _ -> recordSel n val
ListSel ix _ -> listSel ix val
tupleSel n v =
case v of
VTuple vs -> vs !! n
_ -> do vdoc <- ppValue defaultPPOpts v
evalPanic "Cryptol.Eval.evalSel"
[ "Unexpected value in tuple selection"
, show vdoc ]
recordSel n v =
case v of
VRecord {} -> lookupRecord n v
_ -> do vdoc <- ppValue defaultPPOpts v
evalPanic "Cryptol.Eval.evalSel"
[ "Unexpected value in record selection"
, show vdoc ]
listSel n v =
case v of
VSeq _ vs -> lookupSeqMap vs (toInteger n)
VStream vs -> lookupSeqMap vs (toInteger n)
VWord _ wv -> VBit <$> (flip indexWordValue (toInteger n) =<< wv)
_ -> do vdoc <- ppValue defaultPPOpts val
evalPanic "Cryptol.Eval.evalSel"
[ "Unexpected value in list selection"
, show vdoc ]
evalSetSel :: forall b w i. EvalPrims b w i =>
GenValue b w i -> Selector -> Eval (GenValue b w i) -> Eval (GenValue b w i)
evalSetSel e x v =
case x of
TupleSel n _ -> setTuple n
RecordSel n _ -> setRecord n
ListSel ix _ -> setList (toInteger ix)
bad msg =
do ed <- ppValue defaultPPOpts e
evalPanic "Cryptol.Eval.evalSetSel"
[ msg
, "Selector: " ++ show (ppSelector x)
, "Value: " ++ show ed
setTuple n =
case e of
VTuple xs ->
case splitAt n xs of
(as, _: bs) -> pure (VTuple (as ++ v : bs))
_ -> bad "Tuple update out of bounds."
_ -> bad "Tuple update on a non-tuple."
setRecord n =
case e of
VRecord xs ->
case break ((n ==) . fst) xs of
(as, (i,_) : bs) -> pure (VRecord (as ++ (i,v) : bs))
_ -> bad "Missing field in record update."
_ -> bad "Record update on a non-record."
setList n =
case e of
VSeq i mp -> pure $ VSeq i $ updateSeqMap mp n v
VStream mp -> pure $ VStream $ updateSeqMap mp n v
VWord i m -> pure $ VWord i $ do m1 <- m
updateWordValue m1 n asBit
_ -> bad "Sequence update on a non-sequence."
asBit = do res <- v
case res of
VBit b -> pure b
_ -> bad "Expected a bit, but got something else"
data ListEnv b w i = ListEnv
{ leVars :: !(Map.Map Name (Integer -> Eval (GenValue b w i)))
, leStatic :: !(Map.Map Name (Eval (GenValue b w i)))
, leTypes :: !TypeEnv
instance Semigroup (ListEnv b w i) where
l <> r = ListEnv
{ leVars = Map.union (leVars l) (leVars r)
, leStatic = Map.union (leStatic l) (leStatic r)
, leTypes = Map.union (leTypes l) (leTypes r)
instance Monoid (ListEnv b w i) where
mempty = ListEnv
{ leVars = Map.empty
, leStatic = Map.empty
, leTypes = Map.empty
mappend l r = l <> r
toListEnv :: GenEvalEnv b w i -> ListEnv b w i
toListEnv e =
{ leVars = mempty
, leStatic = envVars e
, leTypes = envTypes e
evalListEnv :: ListEnv b w i -> Integer -> GenEvalEnv b w i
evalListEnv (ListEnv vm st tm) i =
let v = fmap ($i) vm
in EvalEnv{ envVars = Map.union v st
, envTypes = tm
bindVarList :: Name
-> (Integer -> Eval (GenValue b w i))
-> ListEnv b w i
-> ListEnv b w i
bindVarList n vs lenv = lenv { leVars = Map.insert n vs (leVars lenv) }
evalComp :: EvalPrims b w i
=> GenEvalEnv b w i
-> Nat'
-> TValue
-> Expr
-> [[Match]]
-> Eval (GenValue b w i)
evalComp env len elty body ms =
do lenv <- mconcat <$> mapM (branchEnvs (toListEnv env)) ms
mkSeq len elty <$> memoMap (IndexSeqMap $ \i -> do
evalExpr (evalListEnv lenv i) body)
branchEnvs :: EvalPrims b w i
=> ListEnv b w i
-> [Match]
-> Eval (ListEnv b w i)
branchEnvs env matches = foldM evalMatch env matches
evalMatch :: EvalPrims b w i
=> ListEnv b w i
-> Match
-> Eval (ListEnv b w i)
evalMatch lenv m = case m of
From n l _ty expr ->
case len of
Nat nLen -> do
vss <- memoMap $ IndexSeqMap $ \i -> evalExpr (evalListEnv lenv i) expr
let stutter xs = \i -> xs (i `div` nLen)
let lenv' = lenv { leVars = fmap stutter (leVars lenv) }
let vs i = do let (q, r) = i `divMod` nLen
lookupSeqMap vss q >>= \case
VWord _ w -> VBit <$> (flip indexWordValue r =<< w)
VSeq _ xs' -> lookupSeqMap xs' r
VStream xs' -> lookupSeqMap xs' r
_ -> evalPanic "evalMatch" ["Not a list value"]
return $ bindVarList n vs lenv'
Inf -> do
let allvars = Map.union (fmap ($0) (leVars lenv)) (leStatic lenv)
let lenv' = lenv { leVars = Map.empty
, leStatic = allvars
let env = EvalEnv allvars (leTypes lenv)
xs <- evalExpr env expr
let vs i = case xs of
VWord _ w -> VBit <$> (flip indexWordValue i =<< w)
VSeq _ xs' -> lookupSeqMap xs' i
VStream xs' -> lookupSeqMap xs' i
_ -> evalPanic "evalMatch" ["Not a list value"]
return $ bindVarList n vs lenv'
len = evalNumType (leTypes lenv) l
Let d -> return $ bindVarList (dName d) (\i -> f (evalListEnv lenv i)) lenv
f env =
case dDefinition d of
DPrim -> evalPanic "evalMatch" ["Unexpected local primitive"]
DExpr e -> evalExpr env e