-- |
-- Module      :  Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer (
    NamingEnv(), shadowing
  , BindsNames(..), InModule(..), namingEnv'
  , checkNamingEnv
  , shadowNames
  , Rename(..), runRenamer, RenameM()
  , RenamerError(..)
  , RenamerWarning(..)
  , renameVar
  , renameType
  , renameModule
  ) where

import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Exports
import Cryptol.Prims.Syntax
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import Cryptol.Parser.Selector(ppNestedSels,selName)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type (TCon(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (packInfix)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP

import Data.List(find)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import           Data.Map.Strict ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           MonadLib hiding (mapM, mapM_)

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

-- Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------

data RenamerError
  = MultipleSyms (Located PName) [Name] NameDisp
    -- ^ Multiple imported symbols contain this name

  | UnboundExpr (Located PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ Expression name is not bound to any definition

  | UnboundType (Located PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ Type name is not bound to any definition

  | OverlappingSyms [Name] NameDisp
    -- ^ An environment has produced multiple overlapping symbols

  | ExpectedValue (Located PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ When a value is expected from the naming environment, but one or more
    -- types exist instead.

  | ExpectedType (Located PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ When a type is missing from the naming environment, but one or more
    -- values exist with the same name.

  | FixityError (Located Name) (Located Name) NameDisp
    -- ^ When the fixity of two operators conflict

  | InvalidConstraint (Type PName) NameDisp
    -- ^ When it's not possible to produce a Prop from a Type.

  | MalformedBuiltin (Type PName) PName NameDisp
    -- ^ When a builtin type/type-function is used incorrectly.

  | BoundReservedType PName (Maybe Range) Doc NameDisp
    -- ^ When a builtin type is named in a binder.

  | OverlappingRecordUpdate (Located [Selector]) (Located [Selector]) NameDisp
    -- ^ When record updates overlap (e.g., @{ r | x = e1, x.y = e2 }@)
    deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

instance PP RenamerError where
  ppPrec _ e = case e of

    MultipleSyms lqn qns disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 $ (text "Multiple definitions for symbol:" <+> pp (thing lqn))
          $$ vcat (map ppLocName qns)

    UnboundExpr lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 (text "Value not in scope:" <+> pp (thing lqn))

    UnboundType lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 (text "Type not in scope:" <+> pp (thing lqn))

    OverlappingSyms qns disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]")
         4 $ text "Overlapping symbols defined:"
          $$ vcat (map ppLocName qns)

    ExpectedValue lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 (fsep [ text "Expected a value named", quotes (pp (thing lqn))
                 , text "but found a type instead"
                 , text "Did you mean `(" <.> pp (thing lqn) <.> text")?" ])

    ExpectedType lqn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange lqn))
         4 (fsep [ text "Expected a type named", quotes (pp (thing lqn))
                 , text "but found a value instead" ])

    FixityError o1 o2 disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]")
         4 (fsep [ text "The fixities of", pp o1, text "and", pp o2
                 , text "are not compatible.  "
                 , text "You may use explicit parenthesis to disambiguate" ])

    InvalidConstraint ty disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
         4 (fsep [ pp ty, text "is not a valid constraint" ])

    MalformedBuiltin ty pn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
         4 (fsep [ text "invalid use of built-in type", pp pn
                 , text "in type", pp ty ])

    BoundReservedType n loc src disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) loc)
         4 (fsep [ text "built-in type", quotes (pp n), text "shadowed in", src ])

    OverlappingRecordUpdate xs ys disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
      hang "[error] Overlapping record updates:"
         4 (vcat [ ppLab xs, ppLab ys ])
      ppLab as = ppNestedSels (thing as) <+> "at" <+> pp (srcRange as)

-- Warnings --------------------------------------------------------------------

data RenamerWarning
  = SymbolShadowed Name [Name] NameDisp

  | UnusedName Name NameDisp
    deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

instance PP RenamerWarning where
  ppPrec _ (SymbolShadowed new originals disp) = fixNameDisp disp $
    hang (text "[warning] at" <+> loc)
       4 $ fsep [ text "This binding for" <+> sym
                , (text "shadows the existing binding" <.> plural) <+> text "from" ]
        $$ vcat (map ppLocName originals)

    plural | length originals > 1 = char 's'
           | otherwise            = empty

    loc = pp (nameLoc new)
    sym = pp new

  ppPrec _ (UnusedName x disp) = fixNameDisp disp $
    hang (text "[warning] at" <+> pp (nameLoc x))
       4 (text "Unused name:" <+> pp x)

-- Renaming Monad --------------------------------------------------------------

data RO = RO
  { roLoc   :: Range
  , roMod   :: !ModName
  , roNames :: NamingEnv
  , roDisp  :: !NameDisp

data RW = RW
  { rwWarnings      :: !(Seq.Seq RenamerWarning)
  , rwErrors        :: !(Seq.Seq RenamerError)
  , rwSupply        :: !Supply
  , rwNameUseCount  :: !(Map Name Int)
    -- ^ How many times did we refer to each name.
    -- Used to generate warnings for unused definitions.

newtype RenameM a = RenameM
  { unRenameM :: ReaderT RO (StateT RW Lift) a }

instance S.Semigroup a => S.Semigroup (RenameM a) where
  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
  a <> b =
    do x <- a
       y <- b
       return (x S.<> y)

instance (S.Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (RenameM a) where
  {-# INLINE mempty #-}
  mempty = return mempty

  {-# INLINE mappend #-}
  mappend = (S.<>)

instance Functor RenameM where
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}
  fmap f m      = RenameM (fmap f (unRenameM m))

instance Applicative RenameM where
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  pure x        = RenameM (pure x)

  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
  l <*> r       = RenameM (unRenameM l <*> unRenameM r)

instance Monad RenameM where
  {-# INLINE return #-}
  return x      = RenameM (return x)

  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
  m >>= k       = RenameM (unRenameM m >>= unRenameM . k)

instance FreshM RenameM where
  liftSupply f = RenameM $ sets $ \ RW { .. } ->
    let (a,s') = f rwSupply
        rw'    = RW { rwSupply = s', .. }
     in a `seq` rw' `seq` (a, rw')

runRenamer :: Supply -> ModName -> NamingEnv -> RenameM a
           -> (Either [RenamerError] (a,Supply),[RenamerWarning])
runRenamer s ns env m = (res, warnUnused ns env ro rw ++ F.toList (rwWarnings rw))
  (a,rw) = runM (unRenameM m) ro
                              RW { rwErrors   = Seq.empty
                                 , rwWarnings = Seq.empty
                                 , rwSupply   = s
                                 , rwNameUseCount = Map.empty

  ro = RO { roLoc = emptyRange
          , roNames = env
          , roMod = ns
          , roDisp = neverQualifyMod ns `mappend` toNameDisp env

  res | Seq.null (rwErrors rw) = Right (a,rwSupply rw)
      | otherwise              = Left (F.toList (rwErrors rw))

-- | Record an error.  XXX: use a better name
record :: (NameDisp -> RenamerError) -> RenameM ()
record f = RenameM $
  do RO { .. } <- ask
     RW { .. } <- get
     set RW { rwErrors = rwErrors Seq.|> f roDisp, .. }

-- | Get the source range for wahtever we are currently renaming.
curLoc :: RenameM Range
curLoc  = RenameM (roLoc `fmap` ask)

-- | Annotate something with the current range.
located :: a -> RenameM (Located a)
located thing =
  do srcRange <- curLoc
     return Located { .. }

-- | Do the given computation using the source code range from `loc` if any.
withLoc :: HasLoc loc => loc -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
withLoc loc m = RenameM $ case getLoc loc of

  Just range -> do
    ro <- ask
    local ro { roLoc = range } (unRenameM m)

  Nothing -> unRenameM m

-- | Retrieve the name of the current module.
getNS :: RenameM ModName
getNS  = RenameM (roMod `fmap` ask)

-- | Shadow the current naming environment with some more names.
shadowNames :: BindsNames env => env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNames  = shadowNames' CheckAll

data EnvCheck = CheckAll     -- ^ Check for overlap and shadowing
              | CheckOverlap -- ^ Only check for overlap
              | CheckNone    -- ^ Don't check the environment
                deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Shadow the current naming environment with some more names. The boolean
-- parameter indicates whether or not to check for shadowing.
shadowNames' :: BindsNames env => EnvCheck -> env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNames' check names m = do
  do env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' names)
     RenameM $
       do ro  <- ask
          env' <- sets (checkEnv (roDisp ro) check env (roNames ro))
          let ro' = ro { roNames = env' `shadowing` roNames ro }
          local ro' (unRenameM m)

shadowNamesNS :: BindsNames (InModule env) => env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
shadowNamesNS names m =
  do ns <- getNS
     shadowNames (InModule ns names) m

-- | Generate warnings when the left environment shadows things defined in
-- the right.  Additionally, generate errors when two names overlap in the
-- left environment.
checkEnv :: NameDisp -> EnvCheck -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv -> RW -> (NamingEnv,RW)
checkEnv disp check l r rw
  | check == CheckNone = (l',rw)
  | otherwise          = (l',rw'')


  l' = l { neExprs = es, neTypes = ts }

  (rw',es)  = Map.mapAccumWithKey (step neExprs) rw  (neExprs l)
  (rw'',ts) = Map.mapAccumWithKey (step neTypes) rw' (neTypes l)

  step prj acc k ns = (acc', [head ns])
    acc' = acc
      { rwWarnings =
          if check == CheckAll
             then case Map.lookup k (prj r) of
                    Nothing -> rwWarnings acc
                    Just os -> rwWarnings acc Seq.|> SymbolShadowed (head ns) os disp

             else rwWarnings acc
      , rwErrors   = rwErrors acc Seq.>< containsOverlap disp ns

-- | Check the RHS of a single name rewrite for conflicting sources.
containsOverlap :: NameDisp -> [Name] -> Seq.Seq RenamerError
containsOverlap _    [_] = Seq.empty
containsOverlap _    []  = panic "Renamer" ["Invalid naming environment"]
containsOverlap disp ns  = Seq.singleton (OverlappingSyms ns disp)

-- | Throw errors for any names that overlap in a rewrite environment.
checkNamingEnv :: NamingEnv -> ([RenamerError],[RenamerWarning])
checkNamingEnv env = (F.toList out, [])
  out    = Map.foldr check outTys (neExprs env)
  outTys = Map.foldr check mempty (neTypes env)

  disp   = toNameDisp env

  check ns acc = containsOverlap disp ns Seq.>< acc

recordUse :: Name -> RenameM ()
recordUse x = RenameM $ sets_ $ \rw ->
  rw { rwNameUseCount = Map.insertWith (+) x 1 (rwNameUseCount rw) }

warnUnused :: ModName -> NamingEnv -> RO -> RW -> [RenamerWarning]
warnUnused m0 env ro rw =
  map warn
  $ Map.keys
  $ Map.filterWithKey keep
  $ rwNameUseCount rw
  warn x   = UnusedName x (roDisp ro)
  keep k n = n == 1 && isLocal k
  oldNames = fst (visibleNames env)
  isLocal nm = case nameInfo nm of
                 Declared m sys -> sys == UserName &&
                                   m == m0 && nm `Set.notMember` oldNames
                 Parameter  -> True

-- Renaming --------------------------------------------------------------------

class Rename f where
  rename :: f PName -> RenameM (f Name)

renameModule :: Module PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Module Name)
renameModule m =
  do env    <- liftSupply (namingEnv' m)
     -- NOTE: we explicitly hide shadowing errors here, by using shadowNames'
     decls' <-  shadowNames' CheckOverlap env (traverse rename (mDecls m))
     let m1 = m { mDecls = decls' }
         exports = modExports m1
     mapM_ recordUse (eTypes exports)
     return (env,m1)

instance Rename TopDecl where
  rename td     = case td of
    Decl d      -> Decl      <$> traverse rename d
    TDNewtype n -> TDNewtype <$> traverse rename n
    Include n   -> return (Include n)
    DParameterFun f  -> DParameterFun  <$> rename f
    DParameterType f -> DParameterType <$> rename f

    DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint <$> mapM renameLocated d

renameLocated :: Rename f => Located (f PName) -> RenameM (Located (f Name))
renameLocated x =
  do y <- rename (thing x)
     return x { thing = y }

instance Rename ParameterType where
  rename a =
    do n' <- rnLocated renameType (ptName a)
       return a { ptName = n' }

instance Rename ParameterFun where
  rename a =
    do n'   <- rnLocated renameVar (pfName a)
       sig' <- renameSchema (pfSchema a)
       return a { pfName = n', pfSchema = snd sig' }

rnLocated :: (a -> RenameM b) -> Located a -> RenameM (Located b)
rnLocated f loc = withLoc loc $
  do a' <- f (thing loc)
     return loc { thing = a' }

instance Rename Decl where
  rename d      = case d of
    DSignature ns sig -> DSignature    <$> traverse (rnLocated renameVar) ns
                                       <*> rename sig
    DPragma ns p      -> DPragma       <$> traverse (rnLocated renameVar) ns
                                       <*> pure p
    DBind b           -> DBind         <$> rename b

    -- XXX we probably shouldn't see these at this point...
    DPatBind pat e    -> do (pe,pat') <- renamePat pat
                            shadowNames pe (DPatBind pat' <$> rename e)

    DType syn         -> DType         <$> rename syn
    DProp syn         -> DProp         <$> rename syn
    DLocated d' r     -> withLoc r
                       $ DLocated      <$> rename d'  <*> pure r
    DFixity{}         -> panic "Renamer" ["Unexpected fixity declaration"
                                         , show d]

instance Rename Newtype where
  rename n      = do
    name' <- rnLocated renameType (nName n)
    shadowNames (nParams n) $
      do ps'   <- traverse rename (nParams n)
         body' <- traverse (rnNamed rename) (nBody n)
         return Newtype { nName   = name'
                        , nParams = ps'
                        , nBody   = body' }

renameVar :: PName -> RenameM Name
renameVar qn = do
  ro <- RenameM ask
  case Map.lookup qn (neExprs (roNames ro)) of
    Just [n]  -> return n
    Just []   -> panic "Renamer" ["Invalid expression renaming environment"]
    Just syms ->
      do n <- located qn
         record (MultipleSyms n syms)
         return (head syms)

    -- This is an unbound value. Record an error and invent a bogus real name
    -- for it.
    Nothing ->
      do n <- located qn

         case Map.lookup qn (neTypes (roNames ro)) of
           -- types existed with the name of the value expected
           Just _ -> record (ExpectedValue n)

           -- the value is just missing
           Nothing -> record (UnboundExpr n)

         mkFakeName qn

-- | Produce a name if one exists. Note that this includes situations where
-- overlap exists, as it's just a query about anything being in scope. In the
-- event that overlap does exist, an error will be recorded.
typeExists :: PName -> RenameM (Maybe Name)
typeExists pn =
  do ro <- RenameM ask
     case Map.lookup pn (neTypes (roNames ro)) of
       Just [n]  -> recordUse n >> return (Just n)
       Just []   -> panic "Renamer" ["Invalid type renaming environment"]
       Just syms -> do n <- located pn
                       mapM_ recordUse syms
                       record (MultipleSyms n syms)
                       return (Just (head syms))
       Nothing -> return Nothing

renameType :: PName -> RenameM Name
renameType pn =
  do mb <- typeExists pn
     case mb of
       Just n -> return n

       -- This is an unbound value. Record an error and invent a bogus real name
       -- for it.
       Nothing ->
         do ro <- RenameM ask
            let n = Located { srcRange = roLoc ro, thing = pn }

            case Map.lookup pn (neExprs (roNames ro)) of

              -- values exist with the same name, so throw a different error
              Just _ -> record (ExpectedType n)

              -- no terms with the same name, so the type is just unbound
              Nothing -> record (UnboundType n)

            mkFakeName pn

-- | Assuming an error has been recorded already, construct a fake name that's
-- not expected to make it out of the renamer.
mkFakeName :: PName -> RenameM Name
mkFakeName pn =
  do ro <- RenameM ask
     liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) (roLoc ro))

-- | Rename a schema, assuming that none of its type variables are already in
-- scope.
instance Rename Schema where
  rename s = snd `fmap` renameSchema s

-- | Rename a schema, assuming that the type variables have already been brought
-- into scope.
renameSchema :: Schema PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Schema Name)
renameSchema (Forall ps p ty loc) =
  do -- check that the parameters don't shadow any built-in types
     let reserved = filter (isReserved . tpName) ps
         mkErr tp = BoundReservedType (tpName tp) (tpRange tp) (text "schema")
     unless (null reserved) (mapM_ (record . mkErr) reserved)

     env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' ps)
     s'  <- shadowNames env $ Forall <$> traverse rename ps
                                     <*> traverse rename p
                                     <*> rename ty
                                     <*> pure loc

     return (env,s')

instance Rename TParam where
  rename TParam { .. } =
    do n <- renameType tpName
       return TParam { tpName = n, .. }

instance Rename Prop where
  rename p      = case p of
    CFin t        -> CFin       <$> rename t
    CEqual l r    -> CEqual     <$> rename l <*> rename r
    CNeq l r      -> CNeq       <$> rename l <*> rename r
    CGeq l r      -> CGeq       <$> rename l <*> rename r
    CZero t       -> CZero      <$> rename t
    CLogic t      -> CLogic     <$> rename t
    CArith t      -> CArith     <$> rename t
    CCmp t        -> CCmp       <$> rename t
    CSignedCmp t  -> CSignedCmp <$> rename t
    CLiteral l r  -> CLiteral   <$> rename l <*> rename r
    CUser qn ps   -> CUser      <$> renameType qn <*> traverse rename ps
    CLocated p' r -> withLoc r
                   $ CLocated <$> rename p' <*> pure r

    -- here, we rename the type and then require that it produces something that
    -- looks like a Prop
    CType t -> translateProp =<< resolveTypeFixity t

translateProp :: Type PName -> RenameM (Prop Name)
translateProp ty = go ty
  go t = case t of

    TLocated t' r -> (`CLocated` r) <$> go t'

    TApp (PC x) [l,r]
      | PEqual <- x -> CEqual <$> rename l <*> rename r
      | PNeq   <- x -> CNeq   <$> rename l <*> rename r
      | PGeq   <- x -> CGeq   <$> rename l <*> rename r

    TUser n [l,r]
      | isLeq n -> CGeq <$> rename r <*> rename l

    TUser n ts -> CUser <$> renameType n <*> traverse rename ts

    -- record an error, but continue renaming to gather any other errors
    _ ->
      do record (InvalidConstraint ty)
         CType <$> rename t

-- | Check to see if this identifier is a reserved type/type-function.
isReserved :: PName -> Bool
isReserved pn = case primTyFromPName pn of
                  Just _ -> True
                  _      -> False

-- | Resolve fixity, then rename the resulting type.
instance Rename Type where
  rename ty0 = go =<< resolveTypeFixity ty0
    go :: Type PName -> RenameM (Type Name)
    go (TFun a b)    = TFun     <$> go a  <*> go b
    go (TSeq n a)    = TSeq     <$> go n  <*> go a
    go  TBit         = return TBit
    go (TNum c)      = return (TNum c)
    go (TChar c)     = return (TChar c)

    go (TUser pn ps)

      | Just pt <- primTyFromPName pn =
        do ps' <- traverse go ps
           return (TApp (primTyCon pt) ps')

    go (TUser qn ps)   = TUser    <$> renameType qn <*> traverse go ps
    go (TApp f xs)     = TApp f   <$> traverse go xs
    go (TRecord fs)    = TRecord  <$> traverse (rnNamed go) fs
    go (TTuple fs)     = TTuple   <$> traverse go fs
    go  TWild          = return TWild
    go (TLocated t' r) = withLoc r (TLocated <$> go t' <*> pure r)

    go (TParens t')    = TParens <$> go t'

    -- at this point, the fixity is correct, and we just need to perform
    -- renaming.
    go (TInfix a o f b) = TInfix <$> rename a
                                 <*> rnLocated renameType o
                                 <*> pure f
                                 <*> rename b

resolveTypeFixity :: Type PName -> RenameM (Type PName)
resolveTypeFixity  = go
  go t = case t of
    TFun a b     -> TFun     <$> go a  <*> go b
    TSeq n a     -> TSeq     <$> go n  <*> go a
    TUser pn ps  -> TUser pn <$> traverse go ps
    TApp f xs    -> TApp f   <$> traverse go xs
    TRecord fs   -> TRecord  <$> traverse (traverse go) fs
    TTuple fs    -> TTuple   <$> traverse go fs

    TLocated t' r-> withLoc r (TLocated <$> go t' <*> pure r)

    TParens t'   -> TParens <$> go t'

    TInfix a o _ b ->
      do let op = lookupFixity o
         a' <- go a
         b' <- go b
         mkTInfix a' op b'

    TBit         -> return t
    TNum _       -> return t
    TChar _      -> return t
    TWild        -> return t

type TOp = Type PName -> Type PName -> Type PName

mkTInfix :: Type PName -> (TOp,Fixity) -> Type PName -> RenameM (Type PName)

mkTInfix t op@(o2,f2) z =
  case t of
    TLocated t1 _ -> mkTInfix t1 op z

    TUser op1 [x,y] | isLeq op1 -> doFixity (TUser op1) leqFixity x y
    TApp tc [x,y]
      | Just pt <- primTyFromTC tc
      , Just f1 <- primTyFixity pt -> doFixity (TApp tc) f1 x y

    _ -> return (o2 t z)

  doFixity mk f1 x y =
    case compareFixity f1 f2 of
      FCLeft  -> return (o2 t z)
      FCRight -> do r <- mkTInfix y op z
                    return (mk [x,r])

      -- As the fixity table is known, and this is a case where the fixity came
      -- from that table, it's a real error if the fixities didn't work out.
      FCError -> panic "Renamer" [ "fixity problem for type operators"
                                 , show (o2 t z) ]

-- | When possible, rewrite the type operator to a known constructor, otherwise
-- return a 'TOp' that reconstructs the original term, and a default fixity.
lookupFixity :: Located PName -> (TOp,Fixity)
lookupFixity op =
  case lkp of
    Just res -> res

    -- unknown type operator, just use default fixity
    -- NOTE: this works for the props defined above, as all other operators
    -- are defined with a higher precedence.
    Nothing    -> (\x y -> TUser sym [x,y], Fixity NonAssoc 0)

  sym = thing op
  lkp = do pt <- primTyFromPName (thing op)
           fi <- primTyFixity pt
           return (\x y -> TApp (primTyCon pt) [x,y], fi)
        do guard (isLeq sym)
           return (\x y -> TUser sym [x,y], leqFixity)

leqFixity :: Fixity
leqFixity = Fixity NonAssoc 30

leqIdent :: Ident
leqIdent  = packInfix "<="

isLeq :: PName -> Bool
isLeq x = getIdent x == leqIdent

-- | Rename a binding.
instance Rename Bind where
  rename b      = do
    n'    <- rnLocated renameVar (bName b)
    mbSig <- traverse renameSchema (bSignature b)
    shadowNames (fst `fmap` mbSig) $
      do (patEnv,pats') <- renamePats (bParams b)
         -- NOTE: renamePats will generate warnings, so we don't need to trigger
         -- them again here.
         e'             <- shadowNames' CheckNone patEnv (rnLocated rename (bDef b))
         return b { bName      = n'
                  , bParams    = pats'
                  , bDef       = e'
                  , bSignature = snd `fmap` mbSig
                  , bPragmas   = bPragmas b

instance Rename BindDef where
  rename DPrim     = return DPrim
  rename (DExpr e) = DExpr <$> rename e

-- NOTE: this only renames types within the pattern.
instance Rename Pattern where
  rename p      = case p of
    PVar lv         -> PVar <$> rnLocated renameVar lv
    PWild           -> pure PWild
    PTuple ps       -> PTuple   <$> traverse rename ps
    PRecord nps     -> PRecord  <$> traverse (rnNamed rename) nps
    PList elems     -> PList    <$> traverse rename elems
    PTyped p' t     -> PTyped   <$> rename p'    <*> rename t
    PSplit l r      -> PSplit   <$> rename l     <*> rename r
    PLocated p' loc -> withLoc loc
                     $ PLocated <$> rename p'    <*> pure loc

-- | Note that after this point the @->@ updates have an explicit funciton
-- and there are no more nested updates.
instance Rename UpdField where
  rename (UpdField h ls e) =
    -- The plan:
    -- x =  e       ~~~>        x = e
    -- x -> e       ~~~>        x -> \x -> e
    -- x.y = e      ~~~>        x -> { _ | y = e }
    -- x.y -> e     ~~~>        x -> { _ | y -> e }
    case ls of
      l : more ->
       case more of
         [] -> case h of
                 UpdSet -> UpdField UpdSet [l] <$> rename e
                 UpdFun -> UpdField UpdFun [l] <$> rename (EFun [PVar p] e)
                       p = UnQual . selName <$> last ls
         _ -> UpdField UpdFun [l] <$> rename (EUpd Nothing [ UpdField h more e])
      [] -> panic "rename@UpdField" [ "Empty label list." ]

instance Rename Expr where
  rename expr = case expr of
    EVar n        -> EVar <$> renameVar n
    ELit l        -> return (ELit l)
    ENeg e        -> ENeg    <$> rename e
    EComplement e -> EComplement
                             <$> rename e
    ETuple es     -> ETuple  <$> traverse rename es
    ERecord fs    -> ERecord <$> traverse (rnNamed rename) fs
    ESel e' s     -> ESel    <$> rename e' <*> pure s
    EUpd mb fs    -> do checkLabels fs
                        EUpd <$> traverse rename mb <*> traverse rename fs
    EList es      -> EList   <$> traverse rename es
    EFromTo s n e'-> EFromTo <$> rename s
                             <*> traverse rename n
                             <*> rename e'
    EInfFrom a b  -> EInfFrom<$> rename a  <*> traverse rename b
    EComp e' bs   -> do arms' <- traverse renameArm bs
                        let (envs,bs') = unzip arms'
                        -- NOTE: renameArm will generate shadowing warnings; we only
                        -- need to check for repeated names across multiple arms
                        shadowNames' CheckOverlap envs (EComp <$> rename e' <*> pure bs')
    EApp f x      -> EApp    <$> rename f  <*> rename x
    EAppT f ti    -> EAppT   <$> rename f  <*> traverse rename ti
    EIf b t f     -> EIf     <$> rename b  <*> rename t  <*> rename f
    EWhere e' ds  -> do ns <- getNS
                        shadowNames (map (InModule ns) ds) $
                          EWhere <$> rename e' <*> traverse rename ds
    ETyped e' ty  -> ETyped  <$> rename e' <*> rename ty
    ETypeVal ty   -> ETypeVal<$> rename ty
    EFun ps e'    -> do (env,ps') <- renamePats ps
                        -- NOTE: renamePats will generate warnings, so we don't
                        -- need to duplicate them here
                        shadowNames' CheckNone env (EFun ps' <$> rename e')
    ELocated e' r -> withLoc r
                   $ ELocated <$> rename e' <*> pure r

    ESplit e      -> ESplit  <$> rename e
    EParens p     -> EParens <$> rename p
    EInfix x y _ z-> do op <- renameOp y
                        x' <- rename x
                        z' <- rename z
                        mkEInfix x' op z'

checkLabels :: [UpdField PName] -> RenameM ()
checkLabels = foldM_ check [] . map labs
  labs (UpdField _ ls _) = ls

  check done l =
    do case find (overlap l) done of
         Just l' -> record (OverlappingRecordUpdate (reLoc l) (reLoc l'))
         Nothing -> pure ()
       pure (l : done)

  overlap xs ys =
    case (xs,ys) of
      ([],_)  -> True
      (_, []) -> True
      (x : xs', y : ys') -> same x y && overlap xs' ys'

  same x y =
    case (thing x, thing y) of
      (TupleSel a _, TupleSel b _)   -> a == b
      (ListSel  a _, ListSel  b _)   -> a == b
      (RecordSel a _, RecordSel b _) -> a == b
      _                              -> False

  reLoc xs = (head xs) { thing = map thing xs }

mkEInfix :: Expr Name             -- ^ May contain infix expressions
         -> (Located Name,Fixity) -- ^ The operator to use
         -> Expr Name             -- ^ Will not contain infix expressions
         -> RenameM (Expr Name)

mkEInfix e@(EInfix x o1 f1 y) op@(o2,f2) z =
   case compareFixity f1 f2 of
     FCLeft  -> return (EInfix e o2 f2 z)

     FCRight -> do r <- mkEInfix y op z
                   return (EInfix x o1 f1 r)

     FCError -> do record (FixityError o1 o2)
                   return (EInfix e o2 f2 z)

mkEInfix (ELocated e' _) op z =
     mkEInfix e' op z

mkEInfix e (o,f) z =
     return (EInfix e o f z)

renameOp :: Located PName -> RenameM (Located Name,Fixity)
renameOp ln = withLoc ln $
  do n  <- renameVar (thing ln)
     ro <- RenameM ask
     case Map.lookup n (neFixity (roNames ro)) of
       Just fixity -> return (ln { thing = n },fixity)
       Nothing     -> return (ln { thing = n },defaultFixity)

instance Rename TypeInst where
  rename ti = case ti of
    NamedInst nty -> NamedInst <$> traverse rename nty
    PosInst ty    -> PosInst   <$> rename ty

renameArm :: [Match PName] -> RenameM (NamingEnv,[Match Name])

renameArm (m:ms) =
  do (me,m') <- renameMatch m
     -- NOTE: renameMatch will generate warnings, so we don't
     -- need to duplicate them here
     shadowNames' CheckNone me $
       do (env,rest) <- renameArm ms

          -- NOTE: the inner environment shadows the outer one, for examples
          -- like this:
          -- [ x | x <- xs, let x = 10 ]
          return (env `shadowing` me, m':rest)

renameArm [] =
     return (mempty,[])

-- | The name environment generated by a single match.
renameMatch :: Match PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Match Name)

renameMatch (Match p e) =
  do (pe,p') <- renamePat p
     e'      <- rename e
     return (pe,Match p' e')

renameMatch (MatchLet b) =
  do ns <- getNS
     be <- liftSupply (namingEnv' (InModule ns b))
     b' <- shadowNames be (rename b)
     return (be,MatchLet b')

-- | Rename patterns, and collect the new environment that they introduce.
renamePat :: Pattern PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv, Pattern Name)
renamePat p =
  do pe <- patternEnv p
     p' <- shadowNames pe (rename p)
     return (pe, p')

-- | Rename patterns, and collect the new environment that they introduce.
renamePats :: [Pattern PName] -> RenameM (NamingEnv,[Pattern Name])
renamePats  = loop
  loop ps = case ps of

    p:rest -> do
      pe <- patternEnv p
      shadowNames pe $
        do p'           <- rename p
           (env',rest') <- loop rest
           return (pe `mappend` env', p':rest')

    [] -> return (mempty, [])

patternEnv :: Pattern PName -> RenameM NamingEnv
patternEnv  = go
  go (PVar Located { .. }) =
    do n <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent thing) srcRange)
       return (singletonE thing n)

  go PWild            = return mempty
  go (PTuple ps)      = bindVars ps
  go (PRecord fs)     = bindVars (map value fs)
  go (PList ps)       = foldMap go ps
  go (PTyped p ty)    = go p `mappend` typeEnv ty
  go (PSplit a b)     = go a `mappend` go b
  go (PLocated p loc) = withLoc loc (go p)

  bindVars []     = return mempty
  bindVars (p:ps) =
    do env <- go p
       shadowNames env $
         do rest <- bindVars ps
            return (env `mappend` rest)

  typeEnv (TFun a b) = bindTypes [a,b]
  typeEnv (TSeq a b) = bindTypes [a,b]

  typeEnv TBit       = return mempty
  typeEnv TNum{}     = return mempty
  typeEnv TChar{}    = return mempty

  typeEnv (TUser pn ps) =
    do mb <- typeExists pn
       case mb of

         -- The type is already bound, don't introduce anything.
         Just _ -> bindTypes ps

           -- Just ignore reserved names, as they'll be resolved when renaming.
           | isReserved pn ->
             bindTypes ps

           -- The type isn't bound, and has no parameters, so it names a portion
           -- of the type of the pattern.
           | null ps ->
             do loc <- curLoc
                n   <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) loc)
                return (singletonT pn n)

           -- This references a type synonym that's not in scope. Record an
           -- error and continue with a made up name.
           | otherwise ->
             do loc <- curLoc
                record (UnboundType (Located loc pn))
                n   <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) loc)
                return (singletonT pn n)

  typeEnv (TApp _ ts)       = bindTypes ts
  typeEnv (TRecord fs)      = bindTypes (map value fs)
  typeEnv (TTuple ts)       = bindTypes ts
  typeEnv TWild             = return mempty
  typeEnv (TLocated ty loc) = withLoc loc (typeEnv ty)
  typeEnv (TParens ty)      = typeEnv ty
  typeEnv (TInfix a _ _ b)  = bindTypes [a,b]

  bindTypes [] = return mempty
  bindTypes (t:ts) =
    do env' <- typeEnv t
       shadowNames env' $
         do res <- bindTypes ts
            return (env' `mappend` res)

instance Rename Match where
  rename m = case m of
    Match p e  ->                  Match    <$> rename p <*> rename e
    MatchLet b -> shadowNamesNS b (MatchLet <$> rename b)

instance Rename TySyn where
  rename (TySyn n ps ty) =
    do when (isReserved (thing n))
            (record (BoundReservedType (thing n) (getLoc n) (text "type synonym")))

       shadowNames ps $ TySyn <$> rnLocated renameType n
                              <*> traverse rename ps
                              <*> rename ty

instance Rename PropSyn where
  rename (PropSyn n ps cs) =
    do when (isReserved (thing n))
            (record (BoundReservedType (thing n) (getLoc n) (text "constraint synonym")))

       shadowNames ps $ PropSyn <$> rnLocated renameType n
                                <*> traverse rename ps
                                <*> traverse rename cs

-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------

rnNamed :: (a -> RenameM b) -> Named a -> RenameM (Named b)
rnNamed  = traverse
{-# INLINE rnNamed #-}