cryptol-2.6.0: Cryptol: The Language of Cryptography

Copyright(c) 2013-2016 Galois Inc.
Safe HaskellSafe



This is the main driver---it provides entry points for the various passes.



renameModule :: Module PName -> ModuleM (IfaceDecls, NamingEnv, Module Name) Source #

Rename a module in the context of its imported modules.

noPat :: RemovePatterns a => a -> ModuleM a Source #

Run the noPat pass.

loadModuleByPath :: FilePath -> ModuleM Module Source #

Load a module by its path.

loadModuleFrom :: ImportSource -> ModuleM (FilePath, Module) Source #

Load a module, unless it was previously loaded.

doLoadModule :: ImportSource -> FilePath -> Module PName -> ModuleM Module Source #

Load dependencies, typecheck, and add to the eval environment.

fullyQualified :: Import -> Import Source #

Rewrite an import declaration to be of the form:

import foo as foo [ [hiding] (a,b,c) ]

importIface :: Import -> ModuleM (IfaceDecls, NamingEnv) Source #

Find the interface referenced by an import, and generate the naming environment that it describes.

importIfaces :: [Import] -> ModuleM (IfaceDecls, NamingEnv) Source #

Load a series of interfaces, merging their public interfaces.

findModule :: ModName -> ModuleM FilePath Source #

Discover a module.

findFile :: FilePath -> ModuleM FilePath Source #

Discover a file. This is distinct from findModule in that we assume we've already been given a particular file name.

addPrelude :: Module PName -> Module PName Source #

Add the prelude to the import list if it's not already mentioned.

loadDeps :: Module name -> ModuleM () Source #

Load the dependencies of a module into the environment.

getLocalEnv :: ModuleM (IfaceParams, IfaceDecls, NamingEnv) Source #

Load the local environment, which consists of the environment for the currently opened module, shadowed by the dynamic environment.

checkExpr :: Expr PName -> ModuleM (Expr Name, Expr, Schema) Source #

Typecheck a single expression, yielding a renamed parsed expression, typechecked core expression, and a type schema.

checkDecls :: [TopDecl PName] -> ModuleM (NamingEnv, [DeclGroup]) Source #

Typecheck a group of declarations.

INVARIANT: This assumes that NoPat has already been run on the declarations.

getPrimMap :: ModuleM PrimMap Source #

Generate the primitive map. If the prelude is currently being loaded, this should be generated directly from the naming environment given to the renamer instead.

checkModule :: ImportSource -> FilePath -> Module PName -> ModuleM Module Source #

Load a module, be it a normal module or a functor instantiation.

checkSingleModule Source #


:: Act (Module Name) Module

how to check

-> ImportSource

why are we loading this

-> FilePath 
-> Module PName

module to check

-> ModuleM Module 

Typecheck a single module. If the module is an instantiation of a functor, then this just type-checks the instantiating parameters. See checkModule

type Act i o = i -> InferInput -> IO (InferOutput o) Source #

data TCAction i o Source #




typecheck :: (Show i, Show o, HasLoc i) => TCAction i o -> i -> IfaceParams -> IfaceDecls -> ModuleM o Source #

genInferInput :: Range -> PrimMap -> IfaceParams -> IfaceDecls -> ModuleM InferInput Source #

Generate input for the typechecker.