cryptocipher-0.3.5: Symmetrical Block, Stream and PubKey Ciphers

MaintainerVincent Hanquez <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Infered






initCtx :: [Word8] -> CtxSource

initCtx initialize the Ctx with the key as parameter. the key can be of any size but not empty

encrypt :: Ctx -> ByteString -> (Ctx, ByteString)Source

encrypt with the current context a bytestring and returns a new context and the resulted encrypted bytestring

decrypt :: Ctx -> ByteString -> (Ctx, ByteString)Source

decrypt with the current context a bytestring and returns a new context and the resulted decrypted bytestring

encryptlazy :: Ctx -> ByteString -> (Ctx, ByteString)Source

encrypt with the current context a lazy bytestring and returns a new context and the resulted lencrypted lazy bytestring

decryptlazy :: Ctx -> ByteString -> (Ctx, ByteString)Source

decrypt with the current context a lazy bytestring and returns a new context and the resulted decrypted lazy bytestring