{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Database.CQL.IO.Client
( Client
, MonadClient (..)
, ClientState
, DebugInfo (..)
, runClient
, init
, shutdown
, request
, requestN
, request1
, execute
, executeWithPrepare
, prepare
, retry
, once
, debugInfo
, preparedQueries
, withPrepareStrategy
, getResult
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, wait)
import Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (retry)
import Control.Exception (IOException)
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), Context)
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase (..))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT (..), runReaderT, MonadReader, ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl (..))
#if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Retry (capDelay, exponentialBackoff, rsIterNumber)
import Control.Retry (recovering)
import Data.Foldable (for_, foldrM)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word
import Database.CQL.IO.Cluster.Discovery as Discovery
import Database.CQL.IO.Cluster.Host
import Database.CQL.IO.Cluster.Policies
import Database.CQL.IO.Connection hiding (request)
import Database.CQL.IO.Connection.Settings
import Database.CQL.IO.Jobs (Jobs)
import Database.CQL.IO.Pool
import Database.CQL.IO.PrepQuery (PrepQuery, PreparedQueries)
import Database.CQL.IO.Protocol
import Database.CQL.IO.Settings
import Database.CQL.IO.Signal
import Database.CQL.IO.Timeouts (TimeoutManager)
import Database.CQL.IO.Types
import Database.CQL.Protocol hiding (Map)
import Network.Socket (SockAddr (..), PortNumber)
import OpenSSL.Session (SomeSSLException)
import System.Logger.Class hiding (Settings, new, settings, create)
import Prelude hiding (init)
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as Reader
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as LS
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Database.CQL.IO.Connection as C
import qualified Database.CQL.IO.Jobs as Jobs
import qualified Database.CQL.IO.PrepQuery as PQ
import qualified Database.CQL.IO.Timeouts as TM
import qualified Database.CQL.Protocol as Cql
import qualified System.Logger as Logger
data ControlState
= Disconnected
| Connected
| Reconnecting
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Control = Control
{ _state :: !ControlState
, _connection :: !Connection
data Context = Context
{ _settings :: !Settings
, _logger :: !Logger
, _timeouts :: !TimeoutManager
, _sigMonit :: !(Signal HostEvent)
data ClientState = ClientState
{ _context :: !Context
, _policy :: !Policy
, _prepQueries :: !PreparedQueries
, _control :: !(TVar Control)
, _hostmap :: !(TVar (Map Host Pool))
, _jobs :: !(Jobs InetAddr)
makeLenses ''Control
makeLenses ''Context
makeLenses ''ClientState
newtype Client a = Client
{ client :: ReaderT ClientState IO a
} deriving ( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadIO
, MonadThrow
, MonadMask
, MonadCatch
, MonadReader ClientState
, MonadBase IO
instance MonadLogger Client where
log l m = view (context.logger) >>= \g -> Logger.log g l m
#if MIN_VERSION_monad_control(1,0,0)
instance MonadBaseControl IO Client where
type StM Client a = StM (ReaderT ClientState IO) a
liftBaseWith f = Client $ liftBaseWith $ \run -> f (run . client)
restoreM = Client . restoreM
instance MonadBaseControl IO Client where
newtype StM Client a = ClientStM
{ unClientStM :: StM (ReaderT ClientState IO) a }
liftBaseWith f =
Client $ liftBaseWith $ \run -> f (fmap ClientStM . run . client)
restoreM = Client . restoreM . unClientStM
class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => MonadClient m
liftClient :: Client a -> m a
localState :: (ClientState -> ClientState) -> m a -> m a
instance MonadClient Client where
liftClient = id
localState = Reader.local
instance MonadClient m => MonadClient (ReaderT r m) where
liftClient = lift . liftClient
localState f m = ReaderT (localState f . runReaderT m)
instance MonadClient m => MonadClient (S.StateT s m) where
liftClient = lift . liftClient
localState f m = S.StateT (localState f . S.runStateT m)
instance MonadClient m => MonadClient (LS.StateT s m) where
liftClient = lift . liftClient
localState f m = LS.StateT (localState f . LS.runStateT m)
#if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0)
instance MonadClient m => MonadClient (ExceptT e m) where
liftClient = lift . liftClient
localState f m = ExceptT $ localState f (runExceptT m)
runClient :: MonadIO m => ClientState -> Client a -> m a
runClient p a = liftIO $ runReaderT (client a) p
retry :: MonadClient m => RetrySettings -> m a -> m a
retry r = localState (set (context.settings.retrySettings) r)
once :: MonadClient m => m a -> m a
once = retry noRetry
withPrepareStrategy :: MonadClient m => PrepareStrategy -> m a -> m a
withPrepareStrategy s = localState (set (context.settings.prepStrategy) s)
request :: (MonadClient m, Tuple a, Tuple b) => Request k a b -> m (Response k a b)
request a = liftClient $ do
n <- liftIO . hostCount =<< view policy
hrResponse <$> withRetries (requestN n) a
requestN :: (Tuple b, Tuple a) => Word -> Request k a b -> ClientState -> Client (Maybe (HostResponse k a b))
requestN !n a s = do
hst <- pickHost (s^.policy)
res <- request1 hst a s
case res of
Just _ -> return res
Nothing -> if n > 0 then requestN (n - 1) a s else return Nothing
pickHost p = maybe (throwM NoHostAvailable) return =<< liftIO (select p)
request1 :: (Tuple a, Tuple b) => Host -> Request k a b -> ClientState -> Client (Maybe (HostResponse k a b))
request1 h a s = do
p <- Map.lookup h <$> readTVarIO' (s^.hostmap)
case p of
Just x -> do
result <- with x transaction `catches` handlers
for_ result $ \(HostResponse _ r) ->
for_ (Cql.warnings r) $ \w ->
warn $ msg (val "server warning: " +++ w)
return result
Nothing -> do
err $ msg (val "no pool for host " +++ h)
p' <- mkPool (s^.context) (h^.hostAddr)
atomically' $ modifyTVar' (s^.hostmap) (Map.alter (maybe (Just p') Just) h)
request1 h a s
transaction c = do
let x = s^.context.settings.connSettings.compression
let v = s^.context.settings.protoVersion
r <- parse x <$> C.request c (serialise v x a)
r `seq` return (HostResponse h r)
handlers =
[ Handler $ \(e :: ConnectionError) -> onConnectionError h e >> throwM e
, Handler $ \(e :: IOException) -> onConnectionError h e >> throwM e
, Handler $ \(e :: SomeSSLException) -> onConnectionError h e >> throwM e
executeWithPrepare :: (Tuple b, Tuple a) => Maybe Host -> Request k a b -> Client (HostResponse k a b)
executeWithPrepare h q = do
f <- selectAction h
r <- withRetries f q
case hrResponse r of
RsError _ _ (Unprepared _ i) -> do
pq <- preparedQueries
qs <- atomically' (PQ.lookupQueryString (QueryId i) pq)
case qs of
Nothing -> throwM $ InternalError "Unknown QueryID returned from server"
Just s -> do
(g, _) <- prepare (Just LazyPrepare) (s :: Raw QueryString)
executeWithPrepare (Just g) q
_ -> return r
selectAction Nothing = view policy >>= liftIO . hostCount >>= return . requestN
selectAction (Just x) = return (request1 x)
prepare :: (Tuple b, Tuple a) => Maybe PrepareStrategy -> QueryString k a b -> Client (Host, QueryId k a b)
prepare (Just LazyPrepare) qs = do
s <- ask
n <- liftIO $ hostCount (s^.policy)
r <- withRetries (requestN n) (RqPrepare (Prepare qs))
getPreparedQueryId r
prepare (Just EagerPrepare) qs = view policy
>>= liftIO . current
>>= mapM (action (RqPrepare (Prepare qs)))
>>= first
action rq h = do
r <- withRetries (request1 h) rq
getPreparedQueryId r
first (x:_) = return x
first [] = throwM NoHostAvailable
prepare Nothing qs = do
ps <- view (context.settings.prepStrategy)
prepare (Just ps) qs
execute :: (Tuple b, Tuple a) => PrepQuery k a b -> QueryParams a -> Client (Response k a b)
execute q p = do
pq <- view prepQueries
maybe (new pq) (run Nothing) =<< atomically' (PQ.lookupQueryId q pq)
run h i = hrResponse <$> executeWithPrepare h (RqExecute (Execute i p))
new pq = do
(h, i) <- prepare (Just LazyPrepare) (PQ.queryString q)
atomically' (PQ.insert q i pq)
run (Just h) i
data DebugInfo = DebugInfo
{ policyInfo :: String
, jobInfo :: [InetAddr]
, hostInfo :: [Host]
instance Show DebugInfo where
show dbg = showString "running jobs: "
. shows (jobInfo dbg)
. showString "\nknown hosts: "
. shows (hostInfo dbg)
. showString "\npolicy info: "
. shows (policyInfo dbg)
$ ""
debugInfo :: MonadClient m => m DebugInfo
debugInfo = liftClient $ do
hosts <- Map.keys <$> (readTVarIO' =<< view hostmap)
pols <- liftIO . display =<< view policy
jbs <- Jobs.showJobs =<< view jobs
return $ DebugInfo pols jbs hosts
preparedQueries :: Client PreparedQueries
preparedQueries = view prepQueries
init :: MonadIO m => Logger -> Settings -> m ClientState
init g s = liftIO $ do
t <- TM.create 250
c <- tryAll (s^.contacts) (mkConnection t)
e <- Context s g t <$> signal
p <- s^.policyMaker
x <- ClientState e
<$> pure p
<*> PQ.new
<*> newTVarIO (Control Connected c)
<*> newTVarIO Map.empty
<*> Jobs.new
e^.sigMonit |-> onEvent p
runClient x (initialise c) `onException` liftIO (C.close c)
return x
mkConnection t h = do
as <- C.resolve h (s^.portnumber)
NE.fromList as `tryAll` doConnect t
doConnect t a = do
Logger.debug g $ msg (val "connecting to " +++ a)
c <- C.connect (s^.connSettings) t (s^.protoVersion) g a
Logger.info g $ msg (val "control connection: " +++ c)
return c
initialise :: Connection -> Client ()
initialise c = do
startup c
env <- ask
pol <- view policy
ctx <- view context
l <- local2Host (c^.address) . listToMaybe <$> query c One Discovery.local ()
r <- discoverPeers ctx c
(u, d) <- mkHostMap ctx pol (l:r)
m <- view hostmap
let h = Map.union u d
atomically' $ writeTVar m h
liftIO $ setup pol (Map.keys u) (Map.keys d)
register c allEventTypes (runClient env . onCqlEvent)
info $ msg (val "known hosts: " +++ show (Map.keys h))
j <- view jobs
for_ (Map.keys d) $ \down ->
Jobs.add j (down^.hostAddr) True $ monitor ctx 1000000 60000000 down
discoverPeers :: MonadIO m => Context -> Connection -> m [Host]
discoverPeers ctx c = liftIO $ do
let p = ctx^.settings.portnumber
map (peer2Host p . asRecord) <$> query c One peers ()
mkHostMap :: Context -> Policy -> [Host] -> Client (Map Host Pool, Map Host Pool)
mkHostMap c p = liftIO . foldrM checkHost (Map.empty, Map.empty)
checkHost h (up, down) = do
okay <- acceptable p h
if okay then do
isUp <- C.ping (h^.hostAddr)
if isUp then do
up' <- Map.insert h <$> mkPool c (h^.hostAddr) <*> pure up
return (up', down)
else do
down' <- Map.insert h <$> mkPool c (h^.hostAddr) <*> pure down
return (up, down')
return (up, down)
mkPool :: MonadIO m => Context -> InetAddr -> m Pool
mkPool ctx i = liftIO $ do
let s = ctx^.settings
let m = s^.connSettings.maxStreams
create (connOpen s) connClose (ctx^.logger) (s^.poolSettings) m
connOpen s = do
let g = ctx^.logger
c <- C.connect (s^.connSettings) (ctx^.timeouts) (s^.protoVersion) g i
Logger.debug g $ "client.connect" .= c
connInit c `onException` connClose c
return c
connInit con = do
C.startup con
for_ (ctx^.settings.connSettings.defKeyspace) $
C.useKeyspace con
connClose con = do
Logger.debug (ctx^.logger) $ "client.close" .= con
C.close con
shutdown :: MonadIO m => ClientState -> m ()
shutdown s = liftIO $ asyncShutdown >>= wait
asyncShutdown = async $ do
TM.destroy (s^.context.timeouts) True
Jobs.destroy (s^.jobs)
ignore $ C.close . view connection =<< readTVarIO (s^.control)
mapM_ destroy . Map.elems =<< readTVarIO (s^.hostmap)
monitor :: Context -> Int -> Int -> Host -> IO ()
monitor ctx initial upperBound h = do
threadDelay initial
Logger.info (ctx^.logger) $ msg (val "monitoring: " +++ h)
hostCheck 0 maxN
hostCheck :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
hostCheck n mx = do
threadDelay (2^(min n mx) * 50000)
isUp <- C.ping (h^.hostAddr)
if isUp then do
ctx^.sigMonit $$ HostUp (h^.hostAddr)
Logger.info (ctx^.logger) $ msg (val "reachable: " +++ h)
else do
Logger.info (ctx^.logger) $ msg (val "unreachable: " +++ h)
hostCheck (n + 1) mx
maxN :: Int
maxN = floor . logBase 2 $ (fromIntegral (upperBound `div` 50000) :: Double)
:: (Tuple a, Tuple b)
=> (Request k a b -> ClientState -> Client (Maybe (HostResponse k a b)))
-> Request k a b
-> Client (HostResponse k a b)
withRetries fn a = do
s <- ask
let p = s^.context.settings.retrySettings.retryPolicy
r <- try $ recovering p canRetry $ \i -> do
r <- if rsIterNumber i == 0
then fn a s
else fn (newRequest s) (adjust s)
case r of
Nothing -> throwM HostsBusy
Just hr -> maybe (return hr) throwM (toResponseError hr)
return $ either fromResponseError id r
adjust s =
let x = s^.context.settings.retrySettings.sendTimeoutChange
y = s^.context.settings.retrySettings.recvTimeoutChange
in over (context.settings.connSettings.sendTimeout) (+ x)
. over (context.settings.connSettings.responseTimeout) (+ y)
$ s
newRequest s =
case s^.context.settings.retrySettings.reducedConsistency of
Nothing -> a
Just c ->
case a of
RqQuery (Query q p) -> RqQuery (Query q p { consistency = c })
RqExecute (Execute q p) -> RqExecute (Execute q p { consistency = c })
RqBatch b -> RqBatch b { batchConsistency = c }
_ -> a
canRetry =
[ const $ Handler $ \(e :: ResponseError) -> case reCause e of
ReadTimeout {} -> return True
WriteTimeout {} -> return True
Overloaded {} -> return True
Unavailable {} -> return True
ServerError {} -> return True
_ -> return False
, const $ Handler $ \(_ :: ConnectionError) -> return True
, const $ Handler $ \(_ :: IOException) -> return True
, const $ Handler $ \(_ :: HostError) -> return True
, const $ Handler $ \(_ :: SomeSSLException) -> return True
onConnectionError :: Exception e => Host -> e -> Client ()
onConnectionError h exc = do
warn $ "exception" .= show exc
e <- ask
c <- atomically' $ do
ctrl <- readTVar (e^.control)
let a = ctrl^.connection.address
if ctrl^.state == Connected && a == h^.hostAddr then do
writeTVar (e^.control) (set state Reconnecting ctrl)
return $ Just (ctrl^.connection)
return Nothing
maybe (liftIO . ignore . onEvent (e^.policy) $ HostDown (h^.hostAddr))
(liftIO . void . async . recovering reconnectPolicy reconnectHandlers . const . continue e)
Jobs.add (e^.jobs) (h^.hostAddr) True $
monitor (e^.context) 0 30000000 h
continue e conn = do
Jobs.destroy (e^.jobs)
ignore $ C.close conn
ignore $ onEvent (e^.policy) (HostDown (h^.hostAddr))
x <- NE.nonEmpty . map (view hostAddr) . Map.keys <$> readTVarIO (e^.hostmap)
case x of
Just a -> a `tryAll` (runClient e . replaceControl) `onException` reconnect e a
Nothing -> do
atomically $ modifyTVar' (e^.control) (set state Disconnected)
Logger.fatal (e^.context.logger) $ "error-handler" .= val "no host available"
reconnect e a = do
Logger.info (e^.context.logger) $ msg (val "reconnecting control ...")
a `tryAll` (runClient e . replaceControl)
reconnectPolicy = capDelay 5000000 (exponentialBackoff 5000)
reconnectHandlers =
[ const (Handler $ \(_ :: IOException) -> return True)
, const (Handler $ \(_ :: ConnectionError) -> return True)
, const (Handler $ \(_ :: HostError) -> return True)
, const (Handler $ \(_ :: SomeSSLException) -> return True)
replaceControl :: InetAddr -> Client ()
replaceControl a = do
ctx <- view context
ctl <- view control
let s = ctx^.settings
c <- C.connect (s^.connSettings) (ctx^.timeouts) (s^.protoVersion) (ctx^.logger) a
initialise c `onException` liftIO (C.close c)
atomically' $ writeTVar ctl (Control Connected c)
info $ msg (val "new control connection: " +++ c)
onCqlEvent :: Event -> Client ()
onCqlEvent x = do
info $ "client.event" .= show x
pol <- view policy
prt <- view (context.settings.portnumber)
case x of
StatusEvent Down (mapAddr prt -> a) ->
liftIO $ onEvent pol (HostDown a)
TopologyEvent RemovedNode (mapAddr prt -> a) -> do
hmap <- view hostmap
atomically' $
modifyTVar' hmap (Map.filterWithKey (\h _ -> h^.hostAddr /= a))
liftIO $ onEvent pol $ HostGone a
StatusEvent Up (mapAddr prt -> a) -> do
s <- ask
startMonitor s a
TopologyEvent NewNode (mapAddr prt -> a) -> do
s <- ask
let ctx = s^.context
let hmap = s^.hostmap
ctrl <- readTVarIO' (s^.control)
let c = ctrl^.connection
h <- fromMaybe (Host a "" "") . find ((a == ) . view hostAddr) <$> discoverPeers' ctx c
okay <- liftIO $ acceptable pol h
when okay $ do
p <- mkPool ctx (h^.hostAddr)
atomically' $ modifyTVar' hmap (Map.alter (maybe (Just p) Just) h)
liftIO $ onEvent pol (HostNew h)
Jobs.add (s^.jobs) a False $ runClient s (prepareAllQueries h)
SchemaEvent _ -> return ()
mapAddr i (SockAddrInet _ a) = InetAddr (SockAddrInet i a)
mapAddr i (SockAddrInet6 _ f a b) = InetAddr (SockAddrInet6 i f a b)
mapAddr _ unix = InetAddr unix
discoverPeers' ctx c = discoverPeers ctx c `catchAll` const (return [])
startMonitor s a = do
hmp <- readTVarIO' (s^.hostmap)
case find ((a ==) . view hostAddr) (Map.keys hmp) of
Just h -> Jobs.add (s^.jobs) a False $ do
monitor (s^.context) 3000000 60000000 h
runClient s (prepareAllQueries h)
Nothing -> return ()
prepareAllQueries :: Host -> Client ()
prepareAllQueries h = do
pq <- view prepQueries
qs <- atomically' $ PQ.queryStrings pq
for_ qs $ \q ->
let qry = QueryString q :: Raw QueryString in
withRetries (request1 h) (RqPrepare (Prepare qry))
getResult :: MonadThrow m => Response k a b -> m (Result k a b)
getResult (RsResult _ _ r) = return r
getResult (RsError _ _ e) = throwM e
getResult hr = throwM (UnexpectedResponse hr)
{-# INLINE getResult #-}
getPreparedQueryId :: MonadThrow m => HostResponse k a b -> m (Host, QueryId k a b)
getPreparedQueryId hr = do
r <- getResult (hrResponse hr)
case r of
PreparedResult i _ _ -> return (hrHost hr, i)
_ -> throwM $ UnexpectedResponse (hrResponse hr)
{-# INLINE getPreparedQueryId #-}
peer2Host :: PortNumber -> Peer -> Host
peer2Host i p = Host (ip2inet i (peerRPC p)) (peerDC p) (peerRack p)
local2Host :: InetAddr -> Maybe (Text, Text) -> Host
local2Host i (Just (dc, rk)) = Host i dc rk
local2Host i Nothing = Host i "" ""
allEventTypes :: [EventType]
allEventTypes = [TopologyChangeEvent, StatusChangeEvent, SchemaChangeEvent]
tryAll :: NonEmpty a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
tryAll (a :| []) f = f a
tryAll (a :| aa) f = f a `catchAll` const (tryAll (NE.fromList aa) f)
atomically' :: STM a -> Client a
atomically' = liftIO . atomically
readTVarIO' :: TVar a -> Client a
readTVarIO' = liftIO . readTVarIO