-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}

module Database.CQL.IO.Types where

import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Hashable
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Unique
import Data.UUID
import Database.CQL.IO.Cluster.Host
import Database.CQL.Protocol

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy

type EventHandler = Event -> IO ()

newtype Milliseconds = Ms { ms :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Num)

type Raw a = a () () ()

-- ConnId

newtype ConnId = ConnId Unique deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Hashable ConnId where
    hashWithSalt _ (ConnId u) = hashUnique u

-- InvalidSettings

data InvalidSettings
    = UnsupportedCompression [CompressionAlgorithm]
    | InvalidCacheSize
    deriving Typeable

instance Exception InvalidSettings

instance Show InvalidSettings where
    show (UnsupportedCompression cc) = "cql-io: unsupported compression: " ++ show cc
    show InvalidCacheSize            = "cql-io: invalid cache size"

-- InternalError

newtype InternalError = InternalError String
    deriving Typeable

instance Exception InternalError

instance Show InternalError where
    show (InternalError e) = "cql-io: internal error: " ++ show e

-- ResponseError

data ResponseError = ResponseError
    { reHost  :: !Host
    , reTrace :: !(Maybe UUID)
    , reWarn  :: ![Text]
    , reCause :: !Error
    } deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception ResponseError

toResponseError :: HostResponse k a b -> Maybe ResponseError
toResponseError (HostResponse h (RsError t w c)) = Just (ResponseError h t w c)
toResponseError _                                = Nothing

fromResponseError :: ResponseError -> HostResponse k a b
fromResponseError (ResponseError h t w c) = HostResponse h (RsError t w c)

-- HostError

data HostError
    = NoHostAvailable
    | HostsBusy
    deriving Typeable

instance Exception HostError

instance Show HostError where
    show NoHostAvailable = "cql-io: no host available"
    show HostsBusy       = "cql-io: hosts busy"

-- ConnectionError

data ConnectionError
    = ConnectionClosed !InetAddr
    | ConnectTimeout   !InetAddr
    deriving Typeable

instance Exception ConnectionError

instance Show ConnectionError where
    show (ConnectionClosed i) = "cql-io: connection closed: " ++ show i
    show (ConnectTimeout   i) = "cql-io: connect timeout: " ++ show i

-- Timeout

newtype Timeout = TimeoutRead String
    deriving Typeable

instance Exception Timeout

instance Show Timeout where
    show (TimeoutRead e) = "cql-io: read timeout: " ++ e

-- UnexpectedResponse

-- | Placeholder for parts of a 'Response' that are not 'Show'able.
data NoShow = NoShow deriving Show

data UnexpectedResponse where
    UnexpectedResponse     :: !(Response k a b) -> UnexpectedResponse
    UnexpectedResponse'    :: Show b => !(Response k a b) -> UnexpectedResponse

deriving instance Typeable UnexpectedResponse
instance Exception UnexpectedResponse

instance Show UnexpectedResponse where
    show x = showString "cql-io: unexpected response: "
           . case x of
                UnexpectedResponse  r -> shows (f r)
                UnexpectedResponse' r -> shows r
           $ ""
        f :: Response k a b -> Response k a NoShow
        f (RsError         a b c) = RsError a b c
        f (RsReady         a b c) = RsReady a b c
        f (RsAuthenticate  a b c) = RsAuthenticate a b c
        f (RsAuthChallenge a b c) = RsAuthChallenge a b c
        f (RsAuthSuccess   a b c) = RsAuthSuccess a b c
        f (RsSupported     a b c) = RsSupported a b c
        f (RsResult        a b c) = RsResult a b (g c)
        f (RsEvent         a b c) = RsEvent a b c

        g :: Result k a b -> Result k a NoShow
        g VoidResult                       = VoidResult
        g (RowsResult              a  b  ) = RowsResult a (map (const NoShow) b)
        g (SetKeyspaceResult       a     ) = SetKeyspaceResult a
        g (SchemaChangeResult      a     ) = SchemaChangeResult a
        g (PreparedResult (QueryId a) b c) = PreparedResult (QueryId a) b c

-- HashCollision

data HashCollision = HashCollision !Lazy.Text !Lazy.Text
    deriving Typeable

instance Exception HashCollision

instance Show HashCollision where
    show (HashCollision a b) = showString "cql-io: hash collision: "
                             . shows a
                             . showString " "
                             . shows b
                             $ ""

-- Authentication

-- | The (unique) name of a SASL authentication mechanism.
-- In the case of Cassandra, this is currently always the fully-qualified
-- Java class name of the configured server-side @IAuthenticator@
-- implementation.
newtype AuthMechanism = AuthMechanism Text
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, IsString, Hashable)

data AuthenticationError
    = AuthenticationRequired !AuthMechanism
    | UnexpectedAuthenticationChallenge !AuthMechanism !AuthChallenge

instance Exception AuthenticationError

instance Show AuthenticationError where
    show (AuthenticationRequired a)
        = showString "cql-io: authentication required: "
        . shows a
        $ ""

    show (UnexpectedAuthenticationChallenge n c)
        = showString "cql-io: unexpected authentication challenge: '"
        . shows c
        . showString "' using mechanism '"
        . shows n
        . showString "'"
        $ ""

ignore :: IO () -> IO ()
ignore a = catchAll a (const $ return ())
{-# INLINE ignore #-}