{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, UnicodeSyntax #-} {-| Module : Data.Sequence.Unicode Copyright : 2009–2012 Roel van Dijk License : BSD3 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : Roel van Dijk <vandijk.roel@gmail.com> -} module Data.Sequence.Unicode ( (∅) , (⊲), (⊳) , (⋈) ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from containers: import Data.Sequence ( Seq , empty , (<|), (|>) , (><) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fixities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- infixr 5 ⋈ infixr 5 ⊲ infixl 5 ⊳ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Symbols ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| (∅) = 'empty' U+2205, EMPTY SET -} (∅) ∷ Seq α ∅ :: Seq α (∅) = Seq α forall a. Seq a empty {-# INLINE (∅) #-} {-| (⊲) = ('<|') U+22B2, NORMAL SUBGROUP OF -} (⊲) ∷ α → Seq α → Seq α ⊲ :: α -> Seq α -> Seq α (⊲) = α -> Seq α -> Seq α forall a. a -> Seq a -> Seq a (<|) {-# INLINE (⊲) #-} {-| (⊳) = ('|>') U+22B3, CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP -} (⊳) ∷ Seq α → α → Seq α ⊳ :: Seq α -> α -> Seq α (⊳) = Seq α -> α -> Seq α forall a. Seq a -> a -> Seq a (|>) {-# INLINE (⊳) #-} {-| (⋈) = ('><') U+22C8, BOWTIE -} (⋈) ∷ Seq α → Seq α → Seq α ⋈ :: Seq α -> Seq α -> Seq α (⋈) = Seq α -> Seq α -> Seq α forall a. Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a (><) {-# INLINE (⋈) #-}