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construct-0.1: Haskell version of the Construct library for easy specification of file formats

Safe HaskellNone




The type

data Format m n s a Source #

The central type. The four type parameters are:

  • m is the type of the parser for the format
  • n is the container type for the serialized form of the value, typically Identity unless something Alternative is called for.
  • s is the type of the serialized value, typically ByteString
  • a is the type of the value in the program

The parse and serialize fields can be used to perform the two sides of the conversion between the in-memory and serialized form of the value.

parse :: Format m n s a -> m a Source #

serialize :: Format m n s a -> a -> n s Source #


(<$) :: (Eq a, Show a, Functor m, AlternativeFail n) => a -> Format m n s () -> Format m n s a infixl 4 Source #

Same as the usual <$ except a Format is no Functor.

(*>) :: (Applicative m, Semigroup (n s)) => Format m n s () -> Format m n s a -> Format m n s a infixl 4 Source #

Same as the usual *> except a Format is no Functor, let alone Applicative.

(<*) :: (Applicative m, Semigroup (n s)) => Format m n s a -> Format m n s () -> Format m n s a infixl 4 Source #

Same as the usual <* except a Format is no Functor, let alone Applicative.

(<|>) :: (Alternative m, Alternative n) => Format m n s a -> Format m n s a -> Format m n s a infixl 3 Source #

Same as the usual <|> except a Format is no Functor, let alone Alternative.

(<+>) :: Alternative m => Format m n s a -> Format m n s b -> Format m n s (Either a b) Source #

A discriminated or tagged choice between two formats.

(<?>) :: (Parsing m, AlternativeFail n) => Format m n s a -> String -> Format m n s a infixr 0 Source #

Name a format to improve error messages.

>>> testParse (takeCharsWhile1 isDigit <?> "a number") "abc"
Left "expected a number, encountered 'a'"
>>> testSerialize (takeCharsWhile1 isDigit <?> "a number") "abc"
Left "expected a number, encountered \"abc\""

empty :: (Alternative m, Alternative n) => Format m n s a Source #

Same as the usual empty except a Format is no Functor, let alone Alternative.

optional :: (Alternative m, Alternative n, Monoid (n s)) => Format m n s a -> Format m n s (Maybe a) Source #

Same as the usual optional except a Format is no Functor, let alone Alternative.

optionWithDefault :: (Alternative m, Alternative n, Monoid (n s)) => Format m n s () -> Format m n s a -> Format m n s (Maybe a) Source #

Like optional except with arbitrary default serialization for the Nothing value.

optional = optionWithDefault (literal mempty)

pair :: (Applicative m, Semigroup (n s)) => Format m n s a -> Format m n s b -> Format m n s (a, b) Source #

Combines two formats into a format for the pair of their values.

>>> testParse (pair char char) "abc"
Right [(('a','b'),"c")]

deppair :: (Monad m, Semigroup (n s)) => Format m n s a -> (a -> Format m n s b) -> Format m n s (a, b) Source #

Combines two formats, where the second format depends on the first value, into a format for the pair of their values. Similar to >>= except Format is no Functor let alone Monad.

>>> testParse (deppair char (\c-> satisfy (==c) char)) "abc"
Left "encountered 'b'"
>>> testParse (deppair char (\c-> satisfy (==c) char)) "aac"
Right [(('a','a'),"c")]

many :: (Alternative m, Monoid (n s)) => Format m n s a -> Format m n s [a] Source #

Same as the usual many except a Format is no Functor, let alone Alternative.

some :: (Alternative m, AlternativeFail n, Semigroup (n s)) => Format m n s a -> Format m n s [a] Source #

Same as the usual some except a Format is no Functor, let alone Alternative.

sepBy :: (Alternative m, Applicative n, Monoid s) => Format m n s a -> Format m n s () -> Format m n s [a] Source #

Represents any number of values formatted using the first argument, separated by the second format argumewnt in serialized form. Similar to the usual sepBy combinator.

>>> testParse (takeCharsWhile isLetter `sepBy` literal ",") "foo,bar,baz"
Right [([],"foo,bar,baz"),(["foo"],",bar,baz"),(["foo","bar"],",baz"),(["foo","bar","baz"],"")]

count :: (Applicative m, AlternativeFail n, Show a, Monoid s) => Int -> Format m n s a -> Format m n s [a] Source #

Repeats the argument format the given number of times.

>>> testParse (count 4 byte) (ByteString.pack [1,2,3,4,5])
Right [([1,2,3,4],"\ENQ")]
>>> testSerialize (count 4 byte) [1,2,3,4,5]
Left "expected a list of length 4, encountered [1,2,3,4,5]"
>>> testSerialize (count 4 byte) [1,2,3,4]

Self-referential record support

mfix :: MonadFix m => (a -> Format m n s a) -> Format m n s a Source #

Same as the usual mfix except a Format is no Functor, let alone Monad.

record :: (Apply g, Traversable g, FixTraversable m, Monoid (n s), Applicative o, Foldable o) => g (Format m n s) -> Format m n s (g o) Source #

Converts a record of field formats into a single format of the whole record.

Mapping over a Format

mapSerialized :: (Monoid s, Monoid t, InputParsing (m s), InputParsing (m t), s ~ ParserInput (m s), t ~ ParserInput (m t), InputMappableParsing m, Functor n) => (s -> t) -> (t -> s) -> Format (m s) n s a -> Format (m t) n t a Source #

Converts a format for serialized streams of type s so it works for streams of type t instead

>>> testParse (mapSerialized ByteString.unpack ByteString.pack byte) [1,2,3]
Right [(1,[2,3])]

mapMaybeSerialized :: (Monoid s, Monoid t, InputParsing (m s), InputParsing (m t), s ~ ParserInput (m s), t ~ ParserInput (m t), InputMappableParsing m, Functor n) => (s -> Maybe t) -> (t -> Maybe s) -> Format (m s) n s a -> Format (m t) n t a Source #

Converts a format for serialized streams of type s so it works for streams of type t instead. The argument functions may return Nothing to indicate they have insuficient input to perform the conversion.

mapValue :: Functor m => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Format m n s a -> Format m n s b Source #

Converts a format for in-memory values of type a so it works for values of type b instead.

>>> testParse (mapValue (read @Int) show $ takeCharsWhile1 isDigit) "012 34"
Right [(12," 34")]
>>> testSerialize (mapValue read show $ takeCharsWhile1 isDigit) 12
Right "12"

mapMaybeValue :: (Monad m, Parsing m, Show a, Show b, AlternativeFail n) => (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> Format m n s a -> Format m n s b Source #

Converts a format for in-memory values of type a so it works for values of type b instead. The argument functions may signal conversion failure by returning Nothing.

Constraining a Format

satisfy :: (Parsing m, Monad m, AlternativeFail n, Show a) => (a -> Bool) -> Format m n s a -> Format m n s a Source #

Filter the argument format so it only succeeds for values that pass the predicate.

>>> testParse (satisfy isDigit char) "abc"
Left "encountered 'a'"
>>> testParse (satisfy isLetter char) "abc"
Right [('a',"bc")]

value :: (Eq a, Show a, Parsing m, Monad m, Alternative n) => Format m n s a -> a -> Format m n s () Source #

A fixed expected value serialized through the argument format

>>> testParse (value char 'a') "bcd"
Left "encountered 'b'"
>>> testParse (value char 'a') "abc"
Right [((),"bc")]

padded :: (Monad m, Functor n, InputParsing m, ParserInput m ~ s, FactorialMonoid s) => s -> Format m n s s -> Format m n s s Source #

Modifies the serialized form of the given format by padding it with the given template if it's any shorter

>>> testParse (padded "----" $ takeCharsWhile isDigit) "12--3---"
Right [("12","3---")]
>>> testSerialize (padded "----" $ takeCharsWhile isDigit) "12"
Right "12--"

padded1 :: (Monad m, Monad n, InputParsing m, ParserInput m ~ s, FactorialMonoid s, Show s, AlternativeFail n) => s -> Format m n s s -> Format m n s s Source #

Modifies the serialized form of the given format by padding it with the given template. The serialized form has to be shorter than the template before padding.


literal :: (Functor m, InputParsing m, Applicative n, ParserInput m ~ s) => s -> Format m n s () Source #

A literal serialized form, such as a magic constant, corresponding to no value

>>> testParse (literal "Hi") "Hi there"
Right [(()," there")]

byte :: (InputParsing m, ParserInput m ~ ByteString, Applicative n) => Format m n ByteString Word8 Source #

A trivial format for a single byte in a ByteString

>>> testParse byte (ByteString.pack [1,2,3])
Right [(1,"\STX\ETX")]

char :: (CharParsing m, ParserInput m ~ s, IsString s, Applicative n) => Format m n s Char Source #

A trivial format for a single character

>>> testParse char "abc"
Right [('a',"bc")]

cereal :: (Serialize a, Monad m, InputParsing m, ParserInput m ~ ByteString, Applicative n) => Format m n ByteString a Source #

A quick way to format a value that already has an appropriate Serialize instance

>>> testParse (cereal @Word16) (ByteString.pack [1,2,3])
Right [(258,"\ETX")]
>>> testSerialize cereal (1025 :: Word16)
Right "\EOT\SOH"

cereal' :: (Monad m, InputParsing m, ParserInput m ~ ByteString, Applicative n) => Get a -> Putter a -> Format m n ByteString a Source #

Specifying a formatter explicitly using the cereal getter and putter

>>> testParse (cereal' getWord16le putWord16le) (ByteString.pack [1,2,3])
Right [(513,"\ETX")]

take :: (InputParsing m, ParserInput m ~ s, FactorialMonoid s, Show s, AlternativeFail n) => Int -> Format m n s s Source #

Format whose in-memory value is a fixed-size prefix of the serialized value

>>> testParse (take 3) "12345"
Right [("123","45")]
>>> testSerialize (take 3) "123"
Right "123"
>>> testSerialize (take 3) "1234"
Left "expected a value of length 3, encountered \"1234\""

takeWhile :: (InputParsing m, ParserInput m ~ s, FactorialMonoid s, Show s, AlternativeFail n) => (s -> Bool) -> Format m n s s Source #

Format whose in-memory value is the longest prefix of the serialized value smallest parts of which all satisfy the given predicate.

>>> testParse (takeWhile (> "b")) "abcd"
Right [("","abcd")]
>>> testParse (takeWhile (> "b")) "dcba"
Right [("dc","ba")]
>>> testSerialize (takeWhile (> "b")) "dcba"
Left "expected takeWhile, encountered \"dcba\""
>>> testSerialize (takeWhile (> "b")) "dc"
Right "dc"
>>> testSerialize (takeWhile (> "b")) ""
Right ""

takeWhile1 :: (InputParsing m, ParserInput m ~ s, FactorialMonoid s, Show s, AlternativeFail n) => (s -> Bool) -> Format m n s s Source #

Format whose in-memory value is the longest non-empty prefix of the serialized value smallest parts of which all satisfy the given predicate.

>>> testParse (takeWhile1 (> "b")) "abcd"
Left "takeWhile1"
>>> testSerialize (takeWhile1 (> "b")) ""
Left "expected takeWhile1, encountered \"\""
>>> testSerialize (takeWhile1 (> "b")) "dc"
Right "dc"

takeCharsWhile :: (InputCharParsing m, ParserInput m ~ s, TextualMonoid s, Show s, AlternativeFail n) => (Char -> Bool) -> Format m n s s Source #

Format whose in-memory value is the longest prefix of the serialized value that consists of characters which all satisfy the given predicate.

>>> testParse (takeCharsWhile isDigit) "a12"
Right [("","a12")]
>>> testParse (takeCharsWhile isDigit) "12a"
Right [("12","a")]
>>> testSerialize (takeCharsWhile isDigit) "12a"
Left "expected takeCharsWhile, encountered \"12a\""
>>> testSerialize (takeCharsWhile isDigit) "12"
Right "12"
>>> testSerialize (takeCharsWhile isDigit) ""
Right ""

takeCharsWhile1 :: (InputCharParsing m, ParserInput m ~ s, TextualMonoid s, Show s, AlternativeFail n) => (Char -> Bool) -> Format m n s s Source #

Format whose in-memory value is the longest non-empty prefix of the serialized value that consists of characters which all satisfy the given predicate.

>>> testParse (takeCharsWhile1 isDigit) "a12"
Left "takeCharsWhile1 encountered 'a'"
>>> testParse (takeCharsWhile1 isDigit) "12a"
Right [("12","a")]
>>> testSerialize (takeCharsWhile1 isDigit) "12"
Right "12"
>>> testSerialize (takeCharsWhile1 isDigit) ""
Left "expected takeCharsWhile1, encountered \"\""

Test helpers

testParse :: Monoid s => Format (Parser Symmetric s) (Either Error) s a -> s -> Either String [(a, s)] Source #

Attempts to parse the given input with the format with a constrained type, returns either a failure message or a list of successes.

testSerialize :: Format (Parser Symmetric s) (Either Error) s a -> a -> Either String s Source #

A less polymorphic wrapper around serialize useful for testing