{-# Language Safe                #-}
module Data.Connection.Word (
  -- * Bool
  , binc08
  -- * Word8
  , w08c08
  , w08i08
  , w08w16
  , w08w32
  , w08w64
  , w08wxx
  , w08nat
  -- * Word16
  , w16c16
  , w16i16
  , w16w32
  , w16w64
  , w16wxx
  , w16nat
  -- * Word32
  , w32c32
  , w32i32
  , w32w64
  , w32wxx
  , w32nat
  -- * Word64
  , w64c64
  , w64i64
  , w64nat
  -- * Word
  , wxxw64
  , wxxnat
) where

import safe Data.Connection.Conn
import safe Data.Int
import safe Data.Order
import safe Data.Order.Syntax
import safe Data.Word
import safe Foreign.C.Types
import safe Numeric.Natural
import safe Prelude hiding (Ord(..), Eq(..))

c08bin :: ConnL CBool Bool
c08bin = ConnL f g where
  f (CBool i) | i == 255 = True
              | otherwise = False

  g True = CBool 255
  g _ = CBool 254

binc08 :: ConnL Bool CBool
binc08 = ConnL f g where
  f False = CBool 0
  f _ = CBool 1

  g (CBool i) | i == 0 = False
              | otherwise = True

w08c08 :: ConnL Word8 CUChar
w08c08 = ConnL CUChar $ \(CUChar x) -> x

w08i08 :: ConnL Word8 Int8
w08i08 = signed

w08nat :: ConnL Word8 Natural
w08nat = unsigned

w08w16 :: ConnL Word8 Word16
w08w16 = unsigned

-- w08w32 = w08w16 >>> w16w32
w08w32 :: ConnL Word8 Word32
w08w32 = unsigned

-- w08w64 = w08w32 >>> w32w64 = w08w16 >>> w16w64
w08w64 :: ConnL Word8 Word64
w08w64 = unsigned

w08wxx :: ConnL Word8 Word
w08wxx = unsigned

w16c16 :: ConnL Word16 CUShort
w16c16 = ConnL CUShort $ \(CUShort x) -> x

w16i16 :: ConnL Word16 Int16
w16i16 = signed

w16w32 :: ConnL Word16 Word32
w16w32 = unsigned

-- w16w64 = w16w32 >>> w32w64
w16w64 :: ConnL Word16 Word64
w16w64 = unsigned

w16wxx :: ConnL Word16 Word
w16wxx = unsigned

w16nat :: ConnL Word16 Natural
w16nat = unsigned

w32c32 :: ConnL Word32 CUInt
w32c32 = ConnL CUInt $ \(CUInt x) -> x

w32i32 :: ConnL Word32 Int32
w32i32 = signed

w32w64 :: ConnL Word32 Word64
w32w64 = unsigned

w32wxx :: ConnL Word32 Word
w32wxx = unsigned

w32nat :: ConnL Word32 Natural
w32nat = unsigned

w64c64 :: ConnL Word64 CULong
w64c64 = ConnL CULong $ \(CULong x) -> x

w64i64 :: ConnL Word64 Int64
w64i64 = signed

w64nat :: ConnL Word64 Natural
w64nat = unsigned

-- | /Caution/: This assumes that 'Word' on your system is 64 bits.
wxxw64 :: Conn k Word Word64
wxxw64 = Conn fromIntegral fromIntegral fromIntegral

-- | /Caution/: This assumes that 'Word' on your system is 64 bits.
wxxnat :: ConnL Word Natural
wxxnat = ConnL fromIntegral (fromIntegral . min 18446744073709551615)

-- Internal
signed :: (Bounded b, Integral a, Integral b) => ConnL a b
signed = ConnL (\x -> fromIntegral x - minBound)
               (\y -> fromIntegral (y + maxBound + 1))

unsigned :: (Bounded a, Preorder b, Integral a, Integral b) => ConnL a b
unsigned = ConnL f g where
  f = fromIntegral
  g = fromIntegral . min (f maxBound)