-- | See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_relation#Properties>. module Data.Prd.Property ( -- * Equivalence relations symmetric , coreflexive , reflexive_eq , transitive_eq -- * Partial orders -- ** Non-strict partial orders , antisymmetric , reflexive_le , transitive_le -- ** Connex non-strict partial orders , connex -- ** Strict partial orders , asymmetric , transitive_lt , irreflexive_lt -- ** Semiconnex strict partial orders , semiconnex , trichotomous -- ** Semiorders , chain_22 , chain_31 ) where import Data.Prd import Data.Prd.Lattice import Data.Semiring import Test.Property.Util import Prelude hiding (Ord(..)) import qualified Prelude as P import qualified Test.Property.Relation as R -- | \( \forall a, b: (a \eq b) \Leftrightarrow (b \eq a) \) -- -- '=~' is a symmetric relation. -- -- This is a required property. -- symmetric :: Prd r => r -> r -> Bool symmetric = R.symmetric (=~) -- | \( \forall x, y: x \eq y \Leftrightarrow x == y \) -- -- '=~' is a coreflexive relation. -- -- See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflexive_relation#Related_terms>. -- -- This is a required property. -- coreflexive :: (Eq r, Prd r) => r -> r -> Bool coreflexive x y = x =~ y ==> x == y -- | \( \forall a: (a \eq a) \) -- -- '=~' is a reflexive relation. -- -- This is a required property. -- reflexive_eq :: Prd r => r -> Bool reflexive_eq = R.reflexive (=~) -- | \( \forall a, b, c: ((a \eq b) \wedge (b \eq c)) \Rightarrow (a \eq c) \) -- -- '=~' is a transitive relation. -- -- This is a required property. -- transitive_eq :: Prd r => r -> r -> r -> Bool transitive_eq = R.transitive (=~) -- | \( \forall a, b: (a \leq b) \wedge (b \leq a) \Rightarrow a \eq b \) -- -- '<~' is an antisymmetric relation. -- -- This is a required property. -- antisymmetric :: Prd r => r -> r -> Bool antisymmetric = R.antisymmetric_on (=~) (<~) -- | \( \forall a: (a \leq a) \) -- -- '<~' is a reflexive relation. -- -- This is a required property. -- reflexive_le :: Prd r => r -> Bool reflexive_le = R.reflexive (<~) -- | \( \forall a, b, c: ((a \leq b) \wedge (b \leq c)) \Rightarrow (a \leq c) \) -- -- '<~' is an transitive relation. -- -- This is a required property. -- transitive_le :: Prd r => r -> r -> r -> Bool transitive_le = R.transitive (<~) -- | \( \forall a, b: ((a \leq b) \vee (b \leq a)) \) -- -- '<~' is a connex relation. -- connex :: Prd r => r -> r -> Bool connex = R.connex (<~) -- | \( \forall a, b: (a \lt b) \Rightarrow \neg (b \lt a) \) -- -- 'lt' is an asymmetric relation. -- -- This is a required property. -- asymmetric :: Eq r => Prd r => r -> r -> Bool asymmetric = R.asymmetric lt -- | \( \forall a: \neg (a \lt a) \) -- -- 'lt' is an irreflexive relation. -- -- This is a required property. -- irreflexive_lt :: Eq r => Prd r => r -> Bool irreflexive_lt = R.irreflexive lt -- | \( \forall a, b, c: ((a \lt b) \wedge (b \lt c)) \Rightarrow (a \lt c) \) -- -- 'lt' is a transitive relation. -- -- This is a required property. -- transitive_lt :: Eq r => Prd r => r -> r -> r -> Bool transitive_lt = R.transitive lt -- | \( \forall a, b: \neg (a \eq b) \Rightarrow ((a \lt b) \vee (b \lt a)) \) -- -- 'lt' is a semiconnex relation. -- semiconnex :: Eq r => Prd r => r -> r -> Bool semiconnex = R.semiconnex_on (=~) lt -- | \( \forall a, b, c: ((a \lt b) \vee (a \eq b) \vee (b \lt a)) \wedge \neg ((a \lt b) \wedge (a \eq b) \wedge (b \lt a)) \) -- -- In other words, exactly one of \(a \lt b\), \(a \eq b\), or \(b \lt a\) holds. -- -- If 'lt' is a trichotomous relation then the set is totally ordered. -- trichotomous :: Eq r => Prd r => r -> r -> Bool trichotomous = R.trichotomous_on (=~) lt -- | \( \forall x, y, z, w: x \lt y \wedge y \sim z \wedge z \lt w \Rightarrow x \lt w \) -- -- A semiorder does not allow 2-2 chains. -- chain_22 :: Eq r => Prd r => r -> r -> r -> r -> Bool chain_22 x y z w = x `lt` y && y ~~ z && z `lt` w ==> x `lt` w -- \( \forall x, y, z, w: x \lt y \wedge y \lt z \wedge y \sim w \Rightarrow \neg (x \sim w \wedge z \sim w) \) (3-1 chain) -- -- A semiorder does not allow 3-1 chains. -- chain_31 :: Eq r => Prd r => r -> r -> r -> r -> Bool chain_31 x y z w = x `lt` y && y `lt` z && y ~~ w ==> not (x ~~ w && z ~~ w)