configuration-tools-0.2.14: Tools for specifying and parsing configurations

CopyrightCopyright © 2015 PivotCloud, Inc.
MaintainerLars Kuhtz <>
Safe HaskellSafe




This module provides tools for defining command line parsers for configuration types.

Unlike normal command line parsers the parsers for configuration types are expected to yield an update function that takes a value and updates the value with the settings from the command line.

Assuming that

  • all configuration types are nested Haskell records or simple types and
  • that there are lenses for all record fields

usually the operators .:: and %:: are all that is needed from this module.

The module Configuration.Utils.Monoid provides tools for the case that a simple type is a container with a monoid instance, such as List or HashMap.

The module Configuration.Utils.Maybe explains the usage of optional Maybe values in configuration types.



type MParser α = Parser (α -> α) Source

Type of option parsers that yield a modification function.

(.::) :: (Alternative φ, Applicative φ) => Lens' α β -> φ β -> φ (α -> α) infixr 5 Source

An operator for applying a setter to an option parser that yields a value.

Example usage:

data Auth = Auth
    { _user ∷ !String
    , _pwd ∷ !String

user ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → Auth → φ Auth
user f s = (\u → s { _user = u }) <$> f (_user s)

pwd ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → Auth → φ Auth
pwd f s = (\p → s { _pwd = p }) <$> f (_pwd s)

-- or with lenses and TemplateHaskell just:
-- $(makeLenses ''Auth)

pAuth ∷ MParser Auth
pAuth = id
   <$< user .:: strOption
       × long "user"
       ⊕ short 'u'
       ⊕ help "user name"
   <*< pwd .:: strOption
       × long "pwd"
       ⊕ help "password for user"

(%::) :: (Alternative φ, Applicative φ) => Lens' α β -> φ (β -> β) -> φ (α -> α) infixr 5 Source

An operator for applying a setter to an option parser that yields a modification function.

Example usage:

data HttpURL = HttpURL
    { _auth ∷ !Auth
    , _domain ∷ !String

auth ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (Auth → φ Auth) → HttpURL → φ HttpURL
auth f s = (\u → s { _auth = u }) <$> f (_auth s)

domain ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → HttpURL → φ HttpURL
domain f s = (\u → s { _domain = u }) <$> f (_domain s)

path ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → HttpURL → φ HttpURL
path f s = (\u → s { _path = u }) <$> f (_path s)

-- or with lenses and TemplateHaskell just:
-- $(makeLenses ''HttpURL)

pHttpURL ∷ MParser HttpURL
pHttpURL = id
    <$< auth %:: pAuth
    <*< domain .:: strOption
        × long "domain"
        ⊕ short 'd'
        ⊕ help "HTTP domain"

Misc Utils

boolOption :: Mod OptionFields Bool -> Parser Bool Source

The boolOption is an alternative to switch.

Using switch with command line parsers that overwrite settings from a configuration file is problematic: the absence of the switch is interpreted as setting the respective configuration value to False. So there is no way to specify on the command line that the value from the configuration file shall be used. Some command line UIs use two different options for those values, for instance --enable-feature and --disable-feature. This option instead expects a Boolean value. Beside that it behaves like any other option.

boolOption_ :: Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool Source

An alternative syntax for boolOption for options with long names.

Instead of taking a boolean argument the presence of the option acts as a switch to set the respective configuration setting to True. If the option is not present the setting is left unchanged.

In addition for long option names a respective unset flag is provided. For instance for a flag --verbose there will also be a flag --no-verbose.

This can still be used with short option names only, but no unset flag would be provided.

enableDisableFlag :: Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool Source

An option parser for flags that are enabled via the flag name prefixed with --enable- and disabled via the flag name prefix --disable-. The prefixes are applied to all long option names. Short option names are parsed unchanged and and cause the flag to be enabled.

This resembles the style of flags that is used for instances with Cabal.