compdata-0.7: Compositional Data Types

Portabilitynon-portable (GHC Extensions)
MaintainerTom Hvitved <>
Safe HaskellNone



This module defines annotations on signatures.



data (f :&: p) a b i Source

This data type adds a constant product to a signature.


(f a b i) :&: p 


DistAnn f p (:&: f p) 
HDifunctor f => HDifunctor (:&: f p) 
HDitraversable f => HDitraversable (:&: f p) 
(ShowHD f, Show p) => ShowHD (:&: f p) 
RemA (:&: f p) f 
DistAnn s p s' => DistAnn (:+: f s) p (:+: (:&: f p) s') 
RemA s s' => RemA (:+: (:&: f p) s) (:+: f s') 

data (f :*: g) a b Source

Formal product of signatures (higher-order difunctors).


(f a b) :*: (g a b) 

class DistAnn s p s' | s' -> s, s' -> p whereSource

This class defines how to distribute an annotation over a sum of signatures.


injectA :: p -> s a b :-> s' a bSource

Inject an annotation over a signature.

projectA :: s' a b :-> (s a b :&: p)Source

Project an annotation from a signature.


DistAnn f p (:&: f p) 
DistAnn s p s' => DistAnn (:+: f s) p (:+: (:&: f p) s') 

class RemA s s' | s -> s' whereSource


remA :: s a b :-> s' a bSource

Remove annotations from a signature.


RemA (:&: f p) f 
RemA s s' => RemA (:+: (:&: f p) s) (:+: f s') 

liftA :: RemA s s' => (s' a b :-> t) -> s a b :-> tSource

Transform a function with a domain constructed from a higher-order difunctor to a function with a domain constructed with the same higher-order difunctor, but with an additional annotation.

liftA' :: (DistAnn s' p s, HDifunctor s') => (s' a b :-> Cxt h s' c d) -> s a b :-> Cxt h s c dSource

Transform a function with a domain constructed from a higher-order difunctor to a function with a domain constructed with the same higher-order difunctor, but with an additional annotation.

stripA :: (RemA g f, HDifunctor g) => CxtFun g fSource

Strip the annotations from a term over a higher-order difunctor with annotations.

propAnn :: (DistAnn f p f', DistAnn g p g', HDifunctor g) => Hom f g -> Hom f' g'Source

Lift a term homomorphism over signatures f and g to a term homomorphism over the same signatures, but extended with annotations.

propAnnM :: (DistAnn f p f', DistAnn g p g', HDifunctor g, Monad m) => HomM m f g -> HomM m f' g'Source

Lift a monadic term homomorphism over signatures f and g to a monadic term homomorphism over the same signatures, but extended with annotations.

ann :: (DistAnn f p g, HDifunctor f) => p -> CxtFun f gSource

Annotate each node of a term with a constant value.

project' :: forall s s' f a b i h. (RemA s s', s :<: f) => Cxt h f a b i -> Maybe (s' a (Cxt h f a b) i)Source

This function is similar to project but applies to signatures with an annotation which is then ignored.