{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Math.Combinat.Tableaux.GelfandTsetlin where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Math.Combinat.Partitions.Integer
import Math.Combinat.Tableaux
import Math.Combinat.Helper
import Math.Combinat.ASCII
kostkaNumber :: Partition -> Partition -> Int
kostkaNumber = countKostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns
kostkaNumberReferenceNaive :: Partition -> Partition -> Int
kostkaNumberReferenceNaive plambda pmu@(Partition mu) = length stuff where
stuff = [ (1::Int) | t <- semiStandardYoungTableaux k plambda , cond t ]
k = length mu
cond t = [ (head xs, length xs) | xs <- group (sort $ concat t) ] == zip [1..] mu
{-# SPECIALIZE kostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda :: Partition -> Map Partition Int #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE kostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda :: Partition -> Map Partition Integer #-}
kostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda :: forall coeff. Num coeff => Partition -> Map Partition coeff
kostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda plambda@(Partition lam) = evalState (worker lam) Map.empty where
worker :: [Int] -> State (Map Partition (Map Partition coeff)) (Map Partition coeff)
worker unlam = case unlam of
[] -> return $ Map.singleton (Partition []) 1
_ -> do
cache <- get
case Map.lookup (Partition unlam) cache of
Just sol -> return sol
Nothing -> do
let s = foldl' (+) 0 unlam
subsols <- forM (prevLambdas0 unlam) $ \p -> do
sub <- worker p
let t = s - foldl' (+) 0 p
f (Partition xs , c) = case xs of
(y:_) -> if t >= y then Just (Partition (t:xs) , c) else Nothing
[] -> if t > 0 then Just (Partition [t] , c) else Nothing
if t > 0
then return $ Map.fromList $ mapMaybe f $ Map.toList sub
else return $ Map.empty
let sol = Map.unionsWith (+) subsols
put $! (Map.insert (Partition unlam) sol cache)
return sol
prevLambdas0 :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
prevLambdas0 (l:ls) = go l ls where
go b [a] = [ [x] | x <- [a..b] ] ++ [ [x,y] | x <- [a..b] , y<-[1..a] ]
go b (a:as) = [ x:xs | x <- [a..b] , xs <- go a as ]
go b [] = [] : [ [j] | j <- [1..b] ]
prevLambdas0 [] = []
kostkaNumbersWithGivenMu :: Partition -> Map Partition Int
kostkaNumbersWithGivenMu (Partition mu) = iteratedPieriRule (reverse mu)
type GT = [[Int]]
asciiGT :: GT -> ASCII
asciiGT gt = tabulate (HRight,VTop) (HSepSpaces 1, VSepEmpty)
$ (map . map) asciiShow
$ gt
kostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns :: Partition -> Partition -> [GT]
kostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns lambda (Partition mu) = kostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns' lambda mu
kostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns' :: Partition -> [Int] -> [GT]
kostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns' plam@(Partition lambda0) mu0
| minimum mu0 < 0 = []
| wlam == 0 = if wmu == 0 then [ [] ] else []
| wmu == wlam && plam `dominates` pmu = list
| otherwise = []
pmu = mkPartition mu0
nlam = length lambda0
nmu = length mu0
n = max nlam nmu
lambda = lambda0 ++ replicate (n - nlam) 0
mu = mu0 ++ replicate (n - nmu ) 0
revlam = reverse lambda
wmu = sum' mu
wlam = sum' lambda
list = worker
(scanl1 (+) mu)
(replicate (n-1) 0)
(replicate (n ) 0)
:: [Int]
-> [Int]
-> [Int]
-> [Int]
-> [[Int]]
-> [GT]
worker (rl:rls) (smu:smus) (a:acc) (lastx0:lastrowt) table = stuff
x0 = smu - a
stuff = concat
[ worker rls smus (zipWith (+) acc (tail row)) (init row) (row:table)
| row <- boundedNonIncrSeqs' x0 (map (max rl) (max lastx0 x0 : lastrowt)) lambda
worker [rl] _ _ _ table = [ [rl]:table ]
worker [] _ _ _ _ = [ [] ]
boundedNonIncrSeqs' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
boundedNonIncrSeqs' = go where
go h0 (a:as) (b:bs) = [ h:hs | h <- [(max 0 a)..(min h0 b)] , hs <- go h as bs ]
go _ [] _ = [[]]
go _ _ [] = [[]]
countKostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns :: Partition -> Partition -> Int
countKostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns plam@(Partition lambda0) pmu@(Partition mu0)
| wlam == 0 = if wmu == 0 then 1 else 0
| wmu == wlam && plam `dominates` pmu = cnt
| otherwise = 0
nlam = length lambda0
nmu = length mu0
n = max nlam nmu
lambda = lambda0 ++ replicate (n - nlam) 0
mu = mu0 ++ replicate (n - nmu ) 0
revlam = reverse lambda
wmu = sum' mu
wlam = sum' lambda
cnt = worker
(scanl1 (+) mu)
(replicate (n-1) 0)
(replicate (n ) 0)
:: [Int]
-> [Int]
-> [Int]
-> [Int]
-> Int
worker (rl:rls) (smu:smus) (a:acc) (lastx0:lastrowt) = stuff
x0 = smu - a
stuff = sum'
[ worker rls smus (zipWith (+) acc (tail row)) (init row)
| row <- boundedNonIncrSeqs' x0 (map (max rl) (max lastx0 x0 : lastrowt)) lambda
worker [rl] _ _ _ = 1
worker [] _ _ _ = 1
boundedNonIncrSeqs' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
boundedNonIncrSeqs' = go where
go h0 (a:as) (b:bs) = [ h:hs | h <- [(max 0 a)..(min h0 b)] , hs <- go h as bs ]
go _ [] _ = [[]]
go _ _ [] = [[]]
iteratedPieriRule :: Num coeff => [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
iteratedPieriRule = iteratedPieriRule' (Partition [])
iteratedPieriRule' :: Num coeff => Partition -> [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
iteratedPieriRule' plambda ns = iteratedPieriRule'' (plambda,1) ns
{-# SPECIALIZE iteratedPieriRule'' :: (Partition,Int ) -> [Int] -> Map Partition Int #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE iteratedPieriRule'' :: (Partition,Integer) -> [Int] -> Map Partition Integer #-}
iteratedPieriRule'' :: Num coeff => (Partition,coeff) -> [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
iteratedPieriRule'' (plambda,coeff0) ns = worker (Map.singleton plambda coeff0) ns where
worker old [] = old
worker old (n:ns) = worker new ns where
stuff = [ (coeff, pieriRule lam n) | (lam,coeff) <- Map.toList old ]
new = foldl' f Map.empty stuff
f t0 (c,ps) = foldl' (\t p -> Map.insertWith (+) p c t) t0 ps
iteratedDualPieriRule :: Num coeff => [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
iteratedDualPieriRule = iteratedDualPieriRule' (Partition [])
iteratedDualPieriRule' :: Num coeff => Partition -> [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
iteratedDualPieriRule' plambda ns = iteratedDualPieriRule'' (plambda,1) ns
{-# SPECIALIZE iteratedDualPieriRule'' :: (Partition,Int ) -> [Int] -> Map Partition Int #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE iteratedDualPieriRule'' :: (Partition,Integer) -> [Int] -> Map Partition Integer #-}
iteratedDualPieriRule'' :: Num coeff => (Partition,coeff) -> [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
iteratedDualPieriRule'' (plambda,coeff0) ns = worker (Map.singleton plambda coeff0) ns where
worker old [] = old
worker old (n:ns) = worker new ns where
stuff = [ (coeff, dualPieriRule lam n) | (lam,coeff) <- Map.toList old ]
new = foldl' f Map.empty stuff
f t0 (c,ps) = foldl' (\t p -> Map.insertWith (+) p c t) t0 ps