{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Math.Combinat.Partitions.Integer.Compact where
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.Ord
import Data.List ( intercalate , group , sort , sortBy , foldl' , scanl' )
import Math.Combinat.Compositions ( compositions' )
data Partition
= Nibble {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
| Medium1 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
| Medium2 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
| Medium3 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
| Medium4 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
| WordList {-# UNPACK #-} !Int ![Word64]
deriving (Eq,Show)
partitionPrefixChar :: Partition -> Char
partitionPrefixChar p = case p of
Nibble {} -> 'N'
Medium1 {} -> '1'
Medium2 {} -> '2'
Medium3 {} -> '3'
Medium4 {} -> '4'
WordList {} -> 'L'
instance Ord Partition where
compare = cmp
pattern Nil :: Partition
pattern Nil <- (isEmpty -> True) where
Nil = empty
pattern Cons :: Int -> Partition -> Partition
pattern Cons x xs <- (uncons -> Just (x,xs)) where
Cons x xs = cons x xs
pattern Partition_ :: [Int] -> Partition
pattern Partition_ xs <- (toList -> xs) where
Partition_ xs = fromDescList xs
pattern Head :: Int -> Partition
pattern Head h <- (height -> h)
pattern Tail :: Partition -> Partition
pattern Tail xs <- (partitionTail -> xs)
pattern Length :: Int -> Partition
pattern Length n <- (width -> n)
cmp :: Partition -> Partition -> Ordering
cmp (Nibble a) (Nibble b) = compare a b
cmp (Medium1 a1) (Medium1 b1) = compare a1 b1
cmp (Medium2 a1 a2) (Medium2 b1 b2) = compare (a1,a2) (b1,b2)
cmp (Medium3 a1 a2 a3) (Medium3 b1 b2 b3) = compare (a1,a2,a3) (b1,b2,b3)
cmp (Medium4 a1 a2 a3 a4) (Medium4 b1 b2 b3 b4) = compare (a1,a2,a3,a4) (b1,b2,b3,b4)
cmp (WordList _ as) (WordList _ bs) = compare as bs
cmp p q = compare (toList p) (toList q)
empty :: Partition
empty = Nibble 0
isEmpty :: Partition -> Bool
isEmpty compact = case compact of
Nibble x -> (x == 0)
_ -> False
singleton :: Int -> Partition
singleton x
| x == 0 = Nibble 0
| x <= 15 = Nibble $ shiftL (i2w x) 60 + 1
| x <= 255 = Medium1 $ shiftL (i2w x) 56 + 1
| x <= 65535 = WordList 1 [ shiftL (i2w x) 48 ]
| otherwise = error "singleton: partitions with elements bigger than 65535 are not supported"
uncons :: Partition -> Maybe (Int,Partition)
uncons compact = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> Nothing
Nibble w -> Just ( w2i (shiftR w 60) , Nibble $ shiftL (w .&. 0x0ffffffffffffff0) 4 + ((w .&. 15) - 1) )
Medium1 w1 -> Just ( w2i (shiftR w1 56) , partitionTail compact )
Medium2 w1 w2 -> Just ( w2i (shiftR w1 56) , partitionTail compact )
Medium3 w1 w2 w3 -> Just ( w2i (shiftR w1 56) , partitionTail compact )
Medium4 w1 w2 w3 w4 -> Just ( w2i (shiftR w1 56) , partitionTail compact )
WordList n (w:rest) -> Just ( w2i (shiftR w 48) , partitionTail compact )
partitionTail :: Partition -> Partition
partitionTail compact = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> Nibble 0
Nibble w -> Nibble $ shiftL (w .&. 0x0ffffffffffffff0) 4 + ((w .&. 15) - 1)
Medium1 w1 ->
let !y = (shiftR w1 48) .&. 255
!n = w1 .&. 15
in if y <= 15
then makeNibble (w2i $ n-1) $ safeTail $ toList compact
else Medium1 $ shiftL (w1 .&. 0x00ffffffffffff00) 8 + (n-1)
Medium2 w1 w2 ->
let !y = (shiftR w1 48) .&. 255
!n = w2 .&. 255
in if y <= 15
then makeNibble (w2i $ n-1) $ safeTail $ toList compact
else if n <= 8
then Medium1 $ shiftL (w1 .&. 0x00ffffffffffffff) 8 + shiftL (shiftR w2 56) 8 + (n-1)
else Medium2 ( shiftL w1 8 + shiftR w2 56 )
( shiftL (w2 .&. 0x00ffffffffffff00) 8 + (n-1) )
Medium3 w1 w2 w3 ->
let !y = (shiftR w1 48) .&. 255
!n = w3 .&. 255
in if y <= 15 && n <= 16
then makeNibble (w2i $ n-1) $ safeTail $ toList compact
else if n <= 16
then Medium2 ( shiftL w1 8 + shiftR w2 56 )
( shiftL w2 8 + shiftR w3 56 + shiftL (shiftR w3 56) 8 + (n-1) )
else Medium3 ( shiftL w1 8 + shiftR w2 56 )
( shiftL w2 8 + shiftR w3 56 )
( shiftL (w3 .&. 0x00ffffffffffff00) 8 + (n-1) )
_ ->
let n = width compact
in fromDescList' (n-1) $ safeTail $ toList compact
cons :: Int -> Partition -> Partition
cons !x !compact = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> singleton x
Nibble word
| x <= 15 && n < 15 -> Nibble $ shiftR word 4 + shiftL xw 60 + (n+1)
| x <= 255 -> makeMedium (w2i $ n+1) (x : toList compact)
| otherwise -> makeWordList (w2i $ n+1) (x : toList compact)
n = word .&. 15
xw = i2w x
Medium1 w1
| x <= 255 && n < 7 -> Medium1 (shiftR w1 8 + shiftL xw 56 + (n+1))
| x <= 255 -> Medium2 (shiftR w1 8 + shiftL xw 56 ) 8
| otherwise -> makeWordList (w2i $ n+1) (x : toList compact)
n = w1 .&. 255
xw = i2w x
Medium2 w1 w2
| x <= 255 && n < 15 -> Medium2 (shiftR w1 8 + shiftL xw 56) (shiftR w2 8 + shiftL (w1 .&. 255) 56 + (n+1))
| x <= 255 -> Medium3 (shiftR w1 8 + shiftL xw 56) (shiftR w2 8 + shiftL (w1 .&. 255) 56 ) 16
| otherwise -> makeWordList (w2i $ n+1) (x : toList compact)
n = w2 .&. 255
xw = i2w x
Medium3 w1 w2 w3
| x <= 255 && n < 23 -> Medium3 (shiftR w1 8 + shiftL xw 56) (shiftR w2 8 + shiftL (w1 .&. 255) 56) (shiftR w3 8 + shiftL (w2 .&. 255) 56 + (n+1))
| x <= 255 -> Medium4 (shiftR w1 8 + shiftL xw 56) (shiftR w2 8 + shiftL (w1 .&. 255) 56) (shiftR w3 8 + shiftL (w2 .&. 255) 56 ) 24
| otherwise -> makeWordList (w2i $ n+1) (x : toList compact)
n = w3 .&. 255
xw = i2w x
Medium4 w1 w2 w3 w4
| x <= 255 && n < 31 -> Medium4 (shiftR w1 8 + shiftL xw 56)
(shiftR w2 8 + shiftL (w1 .&. 255) 56)
(shiftR w3 8 + shiftL (w2 .&. 255) 56)
(shiftR w4 8 + shiftL (w3 .&. 255) 56 + (n+1))
| otherwise -> makeWordList (w2i $ n+1) (x : toList compact)
n = w4 .&. 255
xw = i2w x
_ ->
let n = width compact
in fromDescList' (n+1) (x : toList compact)
snoc :: Partition -> Int -> Partition
snoc !compact 0 = compact
snoc !compact !x = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> singleton x
Nibble word
| n < 15 -> Nibble $ (word + 1) .|. shiftL (i2w x) ((15-n)*4)
| otherwise -> makeMedium (n+1) (toList compact ++ [x])
n = w2i (word .&. 15)
Medium1 w1
| n < 7 -> Medium1 $ (w1 + 1) .|. shiftL (i2w x) ((7-n)*8)
| otherwise -> Medium2 ((w1 .&. 0xffffffffffffff00) + i2w x) 8
n = w2i (w1 .&. 255)
Medium2 w1 w2
| n < 15 -> Medium2 w1 $ (w2 + 1) .|. shiftL (i2w x) ((15-n)*8)
| otherwise -> Medium3 w1 ((w2 .&. 0xffffffffffffff00) + i2w x) 16
n = w2i (w2 .&. 255)
Medium3 w1 w2 w3
| n < 23 -> Medium3 w1 w2 $ (w3 + 1) .|. shiftL (i2w x) ((23-n)*8)
| otherwise -> Medium4 w1 w2 ((w3 .&. 0xffffffffffffff00) + i2w x) 24
n = w2i (w3 .&. 255)
Medium4 w1 w2 w3 w4
| n < 31 -> Medium4 w1 w2 w3 $ (w4 + 1) .|. shiftL (i2w x) ((31-n)*8)
| otherwise -> makeWordList (n + 1) (toList compact ++ [x])
n = w2i (w4 .&. 255)
WordList n list -> WordList (n+1) (go list) where
go :: [Word64] -> [Word64]
go (w:[]) = case mod n 4 of
0 -> w : shiftL (i2w x) 48 : []
1 -> w + shiftL (i2w x) 32 : []
2 -> w + shiftL (i2w x) 16 : []
3 -> w + (i2w x) : []
go (w:ws) = w : go ws
go [] = shiftL (i2w x) 48 : []
toExponentialForm :: Partition -> [(Int,Int)]
toExponentialForm = map (\xs -> (head xs,length xs)) . group . toAscList
fromExponentialForm :: [(Int,Int)] -> Partition
fromExponentialForm = fromDescList . concatMap f . sortBy g where
f (!i,!e) = replicate e i
g (!i, _) (!j,_) = compare j i
width :: Partition -> Int
width compact = case compact of
Nibble word -> w2i (word .&. 15)
Medium1 word -> w2i (word .&. 255)
Medium2 _ word -> w2i (word .&. 255)
Medium3 _ _ word -> w2i (word .&. 255)
Medium4 _ _ _ word -> w2i (word .&. 255)
WordList n _ -> n
height :: Partition -> Int
height compact = case compact of
Nibble word -> w2i (shiftR word 60)
Medium1 word -> w2i (shiftR word 56)
Medium2 word _ -> w2i (shiftR word 56)
Medium3 word _ _ -> w2i (shiftR word 56)
Medium4 word _ _ _ -> w2i (shiftR word 56)
WordList _ (word:_) -> w2i (shiftR word 48)
widthHeight :: Partition -> (Int,Int)
widthHeight compact = case compact of
Nibble word -> ( w2i (word .&. 15) , w2i (shiftR word 60) )
Medium1 word -> ( w2i (word .&. 255) , w2i (shiftR word 56) )
Medium2 word1 word2 -> ( w2i (word2 .&. 255) , w2i (shiftR word1 56) )
Medium3 word1 _ word3 -> ( w2i (word3 .&. 255) , w2i (shiftR word1 56) )
Medium4 word1 _ _ word4 -> ( w2i (word4 .&. 255) , w2i (shiftR word1 56) )
WordList n (word:_) -> ( n , w2i (shiftR word 48) )
diffSequence :: Partition -> [Int]
diffSequence compact = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> []
Nibble w ->
let !nw = (w .&. 15)
!w' = w - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w (60 - i*4) - shiftR w' (56 - i*4)) .&. 15 | i<-[0..n-1] ]
Medium1 w ->
let !nw = (w .&. 255)
!w' = w - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w (56 - i*8) - shiftR w' (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..n-1] ]
Medium2 w1 w2 ->
let !nw = (w2 .&. 255)
!w2' = w2 - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w1 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w1 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..6] ] ++
( w2i $ ( w1 - shiftR w2 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w2 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w2' (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..n-9] ]
Medium3 w1 w2 w3 ->
let !nw = (w3 .&. 255)
!w3' = w3 - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w1 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w1 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..6] ] ++
( w2i $ ( w1 - shiftR w2 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w2 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w2 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..6] ] ++
( w2i $ ( w2 - shiftR w3 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w3 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w3' (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..n-17] ]
Medium4 w1 w2 w3 w4 ->
let !nw = (w4 .&. 255)
!w4' = w4 - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w1 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w1 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..6] ] ++
( w2i $ ( w1 - shiftR w2 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w2 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w2 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..6] ] ++
( w2i $ ( w2 - shiftR w3 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w3 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w3 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..6] ] ++
( w2i $ ( w3 - shiftR w4 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w4 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w4' (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-[0..n-25] ]
WordList {} -> go (toList compact) where
go (x:ys@(y:_)) = (x-y) : go ys
go [x] = [x]
go [] = []
reverseDiffSequence :: Partition -> [Int]
reverseDiffSequence compact = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> []
Nibble w ->
let !nw = (w .&. 15)
!w' = w - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w (60 - i*4) - shiftR w' (56 - i*4)) .&. 15 | i<-toZero (n-1) ]
Medium1 w ->
let !nw = (w .&. 255)
!w' = w - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w (56 - i*8) - shiftR w' (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero (n-1) ]
Medium2 w1 w2 ->
let !nw = (w2 .&. 255)
!w2' = w2 - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w2 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w2' (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero (n-9) ] ++
( w2i $ ( w1 - shiftR w2 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w1 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w1 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero 6 ]
Medium3 w1 w2 w3 ->
let !nw = (w3 .&. 255)
!w3' = w3 - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w3 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w3' (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero (n-17) ] ++
( w2i $ ( w2 - shiftR w3 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w2 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w2 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero 6 ] ++
( w2i $ ( w1 - shiftR w2 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w1 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w1 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero 6 ]
Medium4 w1 w2 w3 w4 ->
let !nw = (w4 .&. 255)
!w4' = w4 - nw
!n = w2i nw
in [ w2i $ (shiftR w4 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w4' (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero (n-25) ] ++
( w2i $ ( w3 - shiftR w4 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w3 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w3 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero 6 ] ++
( w2i $ ( w2 - shiftR w3 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w2 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w2 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero 6 ] ++
( w2i $ ( w1 - shiftR w2 56 ) .&. 255 ) :
[ w2i $ (shiftR w1 (56 - i*8) - shiftR w1 (48 - i*8)) .&. 255 | i<-toZero 6 ]
WordList {} -> (h : go asclist) where
asclist@(h:_) = toAscList compact
go (x:ys@(y:_)) = (y-x) : go ys
go [_] = []
go [] = []
foreign import ccall unsafe "c_dual_nibble" c_dual_nibble :: Word64 -> Word64
dualPartition :: Partition -> Partition
dualPartition compact = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> Nibble 0
Nibble w -> Nibble (c_dual_nibble w)
_ -> if (w <= 255 && h <= 31)
then makeMedium h dualList
else makeWordList h dualList
(w,h) = widthHeight compact
dualList = concat
[ replicate d j
| (j,d) <- zip (toOne w) (reverseDiffSequence compact)
toList :: Partition -> [Int]
toList = toDescList
toDescList :: Partition -> [Int]
toDescList compact = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> []
Nibble word ->
let !n = w2i (word .&. 15)
in [ w2i (shiftR word (60 - i*4) .&. 15 ) | i<-[0..n-1] ]
Medium1 word1 ->
let !n = w2i (word1 .&. 255)
in [ w2i (shiftR word1 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..n-1] ]
Medium2 word1 word2 ->
let !n = w2i (word2 .&. 255)
in [ w2i (shiftR word1 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..7] ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word2 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..n-9] ]
Medium3 word1 word2 word3 ->
let !n = w2i (word3 .&. 255)
in [ w2i (shiftR word1 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..7] ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word2 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..7] ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word3 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..n-17] ]
Medium4 word1 word2 word3 word4 ->
let !n = w2i (word4 .&. 255)
in [ w2i (shiftR word1 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..7] ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word2 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..7] ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word3 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..7] ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word4 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-[0..n-25] ]
WordList _ list -> go list where
go :: [Word64] -> [Int]
go !wlist = case wlist of
(!w):(!ws) -> case ws of
(_:_) -> w2i (shiftR w 48 ) :
w2i (shiftR w 32 .&. 65535) :
w2i (shiftR w 16 .&. 65535) :
w2i ( w .&. 65535) : go ws
[] -> takeWhile (/=0) (fromWord w)
[] -> []
fromWord :: Word64 -> [Int]
fromWord !word =
[ w2i (shiftR word 48 )
, w2i (shiftR word 32 .&. 65535)
, w2i (shiftR word 16 .&. 65535)
, w2i ( word .&. 65535)
toAscList :: Partition -> [Int]
toAscList compact = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> []
Nibble word ->
let !n = w2i (word .&. 15)
in [ w2i (shiftR word (60 - i*4) .&. 15 ) | i<-toZero (n-1) ]
Medium1 word1 ->
let !n = w2i (word1 .&. 255)
in [ w2i (shiftR word1 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero (n-1) ]
Medium2 word1 word2 ->
let !n = w2i (word2 .&. 255)
in [ w2i (shiftR word2 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero (n-9) ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word1 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero 7 ]
Medium3 word1 word2 word3 ->
let !n = w2i (word3 .&. 255)
in [ w2i (shiftR word3 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero (n-17) ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word2 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero 7 ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word1 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero 7 ]
Medium4 word1 word2 word3 word4 ->
let !n = w2i (word4 .&. 255)
in [ w2i (shiftR word4 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero (n-25) ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word3 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero 7 ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word2 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero 7 ] ++
[ w2i (shiftR word1 (56 - i*8) .&. 255) | i<-toZero 7 ]
WordList _ list -> dropWhile (==0) $ go (reverse list) where
go :: [Word64] -> [Int]
go !wlist = case wlist of
(!w):ws -> w2i ( w .&. 65535) :
w2i (shiftR w 16 .&. 65535) :
w2i (shiftR w 32 .&. 65535) :
w2i (shiftR w 48 ) : go ws
[] -> []
fromDescList :: [Int] -> Partition
fromDescList list = fromDescList' (length list) list
:: Int
-> [Int]
-> Partition
fromDescList' !n !list =
case list of
[] -> empty
(h:_) | h <= 0 -> empty
| h <= 15 && n <= 15 -> makeNibble n list
| h > 65535 -> error "partitions with elements bigger than 65535 are not supported"
| h > 255 || n > 31 -> makeWordList n list
| otherwise -> makeMedium n list
makeNibble :: Int -> [Int] -> Partition
makeNibble !n list = Nibble $ go (i2w n) 60 list where
go !acc !k (x:xs) = go (acc + shiftL (i2w x) k) (k-4) xs
go !acc _ [] = acc
makeMedium :: Int -> [Int] -> Partition
makeMedium !n list
| n <= 7 = makeMedium1 n list
| n <= 15 = makeMedium2 n list
| n <= 23 = makeMedium3 n list
| n <= 31 = makeMedium4 n list
| otherwise = error "makeMedium: input list too big (should be smaller than 32)"
makeMedium1 :: Int -> [Int] -> Partition
makeMedium1 !n list = Medium1
$ sum' [ shiftL (fromIntegral x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list ]
+ fromIntegral n
makeMedium2 :: Int -> [Int] -> Partition
makeMedium2 !n list = Medium2 word1 word2 where
(list1,list2) = splitAt 8 list
word1 = sum' [ shiftL (i2w x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list1 ]
word2 = sum' [ shiftL (i2w x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list2 ]
+ fromIntegral n
makeMedium3 :: Int -> [Int] -> Partition
makeMedium3 !n list = Medium3 word1 word2 word3 where
(list1,tmp ) = splitAt 8 list
(list2,list3) = splitAt 8 tmp
word1 = sum' [ shiftL (i2w x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list1 ]
word2 = sum' [ shiftL (i2w x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list2 ]
word3 = sum' [ shiftL (i2w x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list3 ]
+ i2w n
makeMedium4 :: Int -> [Int] -> Partition
makeMedium4 !n list = Medium4 word1 word2 word3 word4 where
(list1,tmp1 ) = splitAt 8 list
(list2,tmp2 ) = splitAt 8 tmp1
(list3,list4) = splitAt 8 tmp2
word1 = sum' [ shiftL (i2w x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list1 ]
word2 = sum' [ shiftL (i2w x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list2 ]
word3 = sum' [ shiftL (i2w x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list3 ]
word4 = sum' [ shiftL (i2w x) (56 - 8*i) | (i,x) <- zip [0..] list4 ]
+ i2w n
makeWordList :: Int -> [Int] -> Partition
makeWordList !n list = WordList n (go list) where
go :: [Int] -> [Word64]
go !xs = case xs of
(x:y:z:w:rest) -> makeWord x y z w : go rest
(x:y:z: [] ) -> makeWord x y z 0 : []
(x:y: [] ) -> makeWord x y 0 0 : []
(x: [] ) -> makeWord x 0 0 0 : []
[] -> []
makeWord !x !y !z !w = shiftL (i2w x) 48
+ shiftL (i2w y) 32
+ shiftL (i2w z) 16
+ (i2w w)
isSubPartitionOf :: Partition -> Partition -> Bool
isSubPartitionOf p q = case (p,q) of
(Nibble 0 , _ ) -> True
(Nibble u , Nibble v) -> let !n = w2i (u .&. 15)
in and [ (shiftR u (60 - i*4) .&. 15)
<= (shiftR v (60 - i*4) .&. 15)
| i<-[0..n-1]
_ -> and $ zipWith (<=) (toList p) (toList q ++ repeat 0)
dominates :: Partition -> Partition -> Bool
dominates q p = case (q,p) of
(_ , Nibble 0 ) -> True
(Nibble v , Nibble u ) -> go 60 0 0 where
n = u .&. 15
klimit = w2i (4*(15-n))
go !k !b !a = if k <= klimit
then True
else let !b' = b + (shiftR v k .&. 15)
!a' = a + (shiftR u k .&. 15)
in if b' < a'
then False
else go (k-4) b' a'
_ -> and $ zipWith (>=) (sums $ toList q ++ repeat 0) (sums $ toList p) where
sums = tail . scanl' (+) 0
pieriRuleSingleBox :: Partition -> [Partition]
pieriRuleSingleBox !compact = case compact of
Nibble 0 -> [ singleton 1 ]
Nibble w | h < 15 ->
[ Nibble (w + shiftL 1 (60-4*i)) | (i,d)<-zip [0..n-1] diffs1 , d>0 ] ++ [ snoc compact 1 ]
Medium1 w | h < 255 ->
[ Medium1 (w + shiftL 1 (56-8*i)) | (i,d)<-zip [0..n-1] diffs1 , d>0 ] ++ [ snoc compact 1 ]
Medium2 w1 w2 | h < 255 ->
let (diffs1a,diffs1b) = splitAt 8 diffs1
in [ Medium2 (w1 + shiftL 1 (56-8*i)) w2 | (i,d)<-zip [0..7 ] diffs1a , d>0 ] ++
[ Medium2 w1 (w2 + shiftL 1 (56-8*i)) | (i,d)<-zip [0..n-9] diffs1b , d>0 ] ++
[ snoc compact 1 ]
Medium3 w1 w2 w3 | h < 255 ->
let (diffs1a,tmp ) = splitAt 8 diffs1
(diffs1b,diffs1c) = splitAt 8 tmp
in [ Medium3 (w1 + shiftL 1 (56-8*i)) w2 w3 | (i,d)<-zip [0..7 ] diffs1a , d>0 ] ++
[ Medium3 w1 (w2 + shiftL 1 (56-8*i)) w3 | (i,d)<-zip [0..7 ] diffs1b , d>0 ] ++
[ Medium3 w1 w2 (w3 + shiftL 1 (56-8*i)) | (i,d)<-zip [0..n-17] diffs1c , d>0 ] ++
[ snoc compact 1 ]
_ -> genericSingleBox
(n,h) = widthHeight compact
list = toDescList compact
diffs1 = 1 : diffSequence compact
genericSingleBox :: [Partition]
genericSingleBox = map (fromDescList' n) (go list diffs1) ++ [ fromDescList' (n+1) (list ++ [1]) ] where
go :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
go (a:as) (d:ds) = if d > 0 then ((a+1):as) : map (a:) (go as ds)
else map (a:) (go as ds)
go [] _ = []
pieriRule :: Partition -> Int -> [Partition]
pieriRule !compact !k
| k < 0 = []
| k == 0 = [ compact ]
| k == 1 = pieriRuleSingleBox compact
| h == 0 = [ singleton k ]
| h + k <= 15 && n < 15 = case compact of { Nibble w ->
[ Nibble (w + encode c) | c <- comps ] }
| otherwise = [ fromDescList' (n+b) xs | c <- comps , let (b,xs) = add c ]
(n,h) = widthHeight compact
list = toDescList compact
bounds = k : (diffSequence compact)
comps = compositions' bounds k
add clist = go list clist where
go (!p:ps) (!c:cs) = let (b,rest) = go ps cs in (b, (p+c):rest)
go [] [c] = if c>0 then (1,[c]) else (0,[])
go _ _ = error "Compact/pieriRule/add: shouldn't happen"
encode :: [Int] -> Word64
encode = go 60 where
go !k [c] = if c==0 then 0 else shiftL (i2w c) k + 1
go !k (c:cs) = shiftL (i2w c) k + go (k-4) cs
go !k [] = error "Compact/pieriRule/encode: shouldn't happen"
{-# INLINE i2w #-}
i2w :: Int -> Word64
i2w = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE w2i #-}
w2i :: Word64 -> Int
w2i = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE sum' #-}
sum' :: [Word64] -> Word64
sum' = foldl' (+) 0
{-# INLINE safeTail #-}
safeTail :: [Int] -> [Int]
safeTail xs = case xs of { [] -> [] ; _ -> tail xs }
{-# INLINE toZero #-}
toZero :: Int -> [Int]
toZero !n
| n > 0 = n : toZero (n-1)
| n == 0 = [0]
| n < 0 = []
{-# INLINE toOne #-}
toOne :: Int -> [Int]
toOne !n
| n > 1 = n : toOne (n-1)
| n == 1 = [1]
| n < 1 = []