{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, BangPatterns, PatternSynonyms, DeriveFunctor #-}
module Math.Combinat.Groups.Thompson.F where
import Data.List
import Math.Combinat.Classes
import Math.Combinat.ASCII
import Math.Combinat.Trees.Binary ( BinTree )
import qualified Math.Combinat.Trees.Binary as B
data TDiag = TDiag
{ _width :: !Int
, _domain :: !T
, _range :: !T
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
instance DrawASCII TDiag where
ascii = asciiTDiag
instance HasWidth TDiag where
width = _width
mkTDiag :: T -> T -> TDiag
mkTDiag d1 d2 = reduce $ mkTDiagDontReduce d1 d2
mkTDiagDontReduce :: T -> T -> TDiag
mkTDiagDontReduce top bot =
if w1 == w2
then TDiag w1 top bot
else error "mkTDiag: widths do not match"
w1 = treeWidth top
w2 = treeWidth bot
isValidTDiag :: TDiag -> Bool
isValidTDiag (TDiag w top bot) = (treeWidth top == w && treeWidth bot == w)
isPositive :: TDiag -> Bool
isPositive (TDiag w top bot) = (bot == rightVine w)
isReduced :: TDiag -> Bool
isReduced diag = (reduce diag == diag)
x0 :: TDiag
x0 = TDiag 2 top bot where
top = branch caret leaf
bot = branch leaf caret
x1 :: TDiag
x1 = xk 1
xk :: Int -> TDiag
xk = go where
go k | k< 0 = error "xk: negative indexed generator"
| k==0 = x0
| otherwise = let TDiag _ t b = go (k-1)
in TDiag (k+2) (branch leaf t) (branch leaf b)
identity :: TDiag
identity = TDiag 0 Lf Lf
positive :: T -> TDiag
positive t = TDiag w t (rightVine w) where w = treeWidth t
inverse :: TDiag -> TDiag
inverse (TDiag w top bot) = TDiag w bot top
equivalent :: TDiag -> TDiag -> Bool
equivalent diag1 diag2 = (identity == reduce (compose diag1 (inverse diag2)))
reduce :: TDiag -> TDiag
reduce = worker where
worker :: TDiag -> TDiag
worker diag = case step diag of
Nothing -> diag
Just diag' -> worker diag'
step :: TDiag -> Maybe TDiag
step (TDiag w top bot) =
if null idxs
then Nothing
else Just $ TDiag w' top' bot'
cs1 = treeCaretList top
cs2 = treeCaretList bot
idxs = sortedIntersect cs1 cs2
w' = w - length idxs
top' = removeCarets idxs top
bot' = removeCarets idxs bot
sortedIntersect :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
sortedIntersect = go where
go [] _ = []
go _ [] = []
go xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) = case compare x y of
LT -> go xs yys
EQ -> x : go xs ys
GT -> go xxs ys
treeCaretList :: T -> [Int]
treeCaretList = snd . go 0 where
go !x t = case t of
Lf -> (x+1 , [] )
Ct -> (x+2 , [x] )
Br t1 t2 -> (x2 , cs1++cs2) where
(x1 , cs1) = go x t1
(x2 , cs2) = go x1 t2
removeCarets :: [Int] -> T -> T
removeCarets idxs tree = if null rem then final else error ("removeCarets: some stuff remained: " ++ show rem) where
(_,rem,final) = go 0 idxs tree where
go :: Int -> [Int] -> T -> (Int,[Int],T)
go !x [] t = (x + treeWidth t , [] , t)
go !x iis@(i:is) t = case t of
Lf -> (x+1 , iis , t)
Ct -> if x==i then (x+2 , is , Lf) else (x+2 , iis , Ct)
Br t1 t2 -> (x2 , iis2 , Br t1' t2') where
(x1 , iis1 , t1') = go x iis t1
(x2 , iis2 , t2') = go x1 iis1 t2
compose :: TDiag -> TDiag -> TDiag
compose d1 d2 = reduce (composeDontReduce d1 d2)
composeDontReduce :: TDiag -> TDiag -> TDiag
composeDontReduce (TDiag w1 top1 bot1) (TDiag w2 top2 bot2) = new where
new = mkTDiagDontReduce top' bot'
(list1,list2) = extensionToCommonTree bot1 top2
top' = listGraft list1 top1
bot' = listGraft list2 bot2
extensionToCommonTree :: T -> T -> ([T],[T])
extensionToCommonTree t1 t2 = snd $ go (0,0) (t1,t2) where
go (!x1,!x2) (!t1,!t2) =
case (t1,t2) of
( Lf , Lf ) -> ( (x1+n1 , x2+n2 ) , ( [Lf] , [Lf] ) )
( Lf , Br _ _ ) -> ( (x1+n1 , x2+n2 ) , ( [t2] , replicate n2 Lf ) )
( Br _ _ , Lf ) -> ( (x1+n1 , x2+n2 ) , ( replicate n1 Lf , [t1] ) )
( Br l1 r1 , Br l2 r2 )
-> let ( (x1' ,x2' ) , (ps1,ps2) ) = go (x1 ,x2 ) (l1,l2)
( (x1'',x2'') , (qs1,qs2) ) = go (x1',x2') (r1,r2)
in ( (x1'',x2'') , (ps1++qs1, ps2++qs2) )
n1 = numberOfLeaves t1
n2 = numberOfLeaves t2
subdivision1 :: T -> [Rational]
subdivision1 = go 0 1 where
go !a !b t = case t of
Leaf _ -> [a,b]
Branch l r -> go a c l ++ tail (go c b r) where c = (a+b)/2
subdivision2 :: T -> [(Rational,Rational)]
subdivision2 = go 0 1 where
go !a !b t = case t of
Leaf _ -> [(a,b)]
Branch l r -> go a c l ++ go c b r where c = (a+b)/2
data Tree a
= Branch !(Tree a) !(Tree a)
| Leaf !a
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Functor)
graft :: Tree (Tree a) -> Tree a
graft = go where
go (Branch l r) = Branch (go l) (go r)
go (Leaf t ) = t
listGraft :: [Tree a] -> Tree b -> Tree a
listGraft subs big = snd $ go subs big where
go ggs@(g:gs) t = case t of
Leaf _ -> (gs,g)
Branch l r -> (gs2, Branch l' r') where
(gs1,l') = go ggs l
(gs2,r') = go gs1 r
type T = Tree ()
instance DrawASCII T where
ascii = asciiT
instance HasNumberOfLeaves (Tree a) where
numberOfLeaves = treeNumberOfLeaves
instance HasWidth (Tree a) where
width = treeWidth
leaf :: T
leaf = Leaf ()
branch :: T -> T -> T
branch = Branch
caret :: T
caret = branch leaf leaf
treeNumberOfLeaves :: Tree a -> Int
treeNumberOfLeaves = go where
go (Branch l r) = go l + go r
go (Leaf _ ) = 1
treeWidth :: Tree a -> Int
treeWidth t = numberOfLeaves t - 1
enumerate_ :: Tree a -> Tree Int
enumerate_ = snd . enumerate
enumerate :: Tree a -> (Int, Tree Int)
enumerate = go 0 where
go !k t = case t of
Leaf _ -> (k+1 , Leaf k)
Branch l r -> let (k' ,l') = go k l
(k'',r') = go k' r
in (k'', Branch l' r')
rightVine :: Int -> T
rightVine k
| k< 0 = error "rightVine: negative width"
| k==0 = leaf
| otherwise = branch leaf (rightVine (k-1))
leftVine :: Int -> T
leftVine k
| k< 0 = error "leftVine: negative width"
| k==0 = leaf
| otherwise = branch (leftVine (k-1)) leaf
flipTree :: Tree a -> Tree a
flipTree = go where
go t = case t of
Leaf _ -> t
Branch l r -> Branch (go r) (go l)
toBinTree :: Tree a -> B.BinTree a
toBinTree = go where
go (Branch l r) = B.Branch (go l) (go r)
go (Leaf y ) = B.Leaf y
fromBinTree :: B.BinTree a -> Tree a
fromBinTree = go where
go (B.Branch l r) = Branch (go l) (go r)
go (B.Leaf y ) = Leaf y
pattern Lf = Leaf ()
pattern Br l r = Branch l r
pattern Ct = Br Lf Lf
pattern X0 = TDiag 2 (Br Ct Lf) (Br Lf Ct)
pattern X1 = TDiag 3 (Br Lf (Br Ct Lf)) (Br Lf (Br Lf Ct))
asciiT :: T -> ASCII
asciiT = asciiT' False
asciiT' :: Bool -> T -> ASCII
asciiT' inv = go where
go t = case t of
Leaf _ -> emptyRect
Branch l r ->
if yl >= yr
then pasteOnto (yl+yr+1,if inv then yr else 0) (rs $ yl+1) $
vcat HCenter
(bc $ yr+1)
(hcat bot al ar)
else pasteOnto (yl, if inv then yl else 0) (ls $ yr+1) $
vcat HCenter
(bc $ yl+1)
(hcat bot al ar)
al = go l
ar = go r
yl = asciiYSize al
yr = asciiYSize ar
bot = if inv then VTop else VBottom
hcat align p q = hCatWith align (HSepString " ") [p,q]
vcat align p q = vCatWith align VSepEmpty $ if inv then [q,p] else [p,q]
bc = if inv then asciiBigInvCaret else asciiBigCaret
ls = if inv then asciiBigRightSlope else asciiBigLeftSlope
rs = if inv then asciiBigLeftSlope else asciiBigRightSlope
asciiBigCaret :: Int -> ASCII
asciiBigCaret k = hCatWith VTop HSepEmpty [ asciiBigLeftSlope k , asciiBigRightSlope k ]
asciiBigInvCaret :: Int -> ASCII
asciiBigInvCaret k = hCatWith VTop HSepEmpty [ asciiBigRightSlope k , asciiBigLeftSlope k ]
asciiBigLeftSlope :: Int -> ASCII
asciiBigLeftSlope k = if k>0
then asciiFromLines [ replicate l ' ' ++ "/" | l<-[k-1,k-2..0] ]
else emptyRect
asciiBigRightSlope :: Int -> ASCII
asciiBigRightSlope k = if k>0
then asciiFromLines [ replicate l ' ' ++ "\\" | l<-[0..k-1] ]
else emptyRect
asciiTLabels :: T -> ASCII
asciiTLabels = asciiTLabels' False
asciiTLabels' :: Bool -> T -> ASCII
asciiTLabels' inv t =
if inv
then vCatWith HLeft VSepEmpty [ labels , asciiT' inv t ]
else vCatWith HLeft VSepEmpty [ asciiT' inv t , labels ]
w = treeWidth t
labels = asciiFromString $ intersperse ' ' $ take (w+1) allLabels
allLabels = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'z']
asciiTDiag :: TDiag -> ASCII
asciiTDiag (TDiag _ top bot) = vCatWith HLeft (VSepString " ") [asciiT' False top , asciiT' True bot]