{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE JavaScriptFFI #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

  Copyright 2019 The CodeWorld Authors. All rights reserved.
  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.

module CodeWorld.CanvasM where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO)
import Data.Text (Text)

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS

import Data.JSString.Text
import GHCJS.DOM
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.Node
import GHCJS.DOM.NonElementParentNode
import GHCJS.Types
import qualified JavaScript.Web.Canvas as Canvas
import qualified JavaScript.Web.Canvas.Internal as Canvas


import Data.Text (pack)
import qualified Graphics.Blank as Canvas
import Graphics.Blank (Canvas)
import Text.Printf


class (Monad m, MonadIO m) => MonadCanvas m where
    type Image m

    save :: m ()
    restore :: m ()
    transform ::
           Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
    translate :: Double -> Double -> m ()
    scale :: Double -> Double -> m ()
    newImage :: Int -> Int -> m (Image m)
    builtinImage :: Text -> m (Maybe (Image m))
    withImage :: Image m -> m a -> m a
    drawImage :: Image m -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> m ()
    drawImgURL :: Text -> Text -> Double -> Double -> m ()
    globalCompositeOperation :: Text -> m ()
    globalAlpha :: Double -> m ()
    lineWidth :: Double -> m ()
    strokeColor :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> m ()
    fillColor :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> m ()
    font :: Text -> m ()
    textCenter :: m ()
    textMiddle :: m ()
    beginPath :: m ()
    closePath :: m ()
    moveTo :: (Double, Double) -> m ()
    lineTo :: (Double, Double) -> m ()
    quadraticCurveTo :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> m ()
    bezierCurveTo ::
           (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> m ()
    arc :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool -> m ()
    rect :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
    clip :: m ()
    fill :: m ()
    stroke :: m ()
    fillRect :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
    fillText :: Text -> (Double, Double) -> m ()
    measureText :: Text -> m Double
    isPointInPath :: (Double, Double) -> m Bool
    isPointInStroke :: (Double, Double) -> m Bool
    getScreenWidth :: m Double
    getScreenHeight :: m Double

saveRestore :: MonadCanvas m => m a -> m a
saveRestore m = do
    r <- m
    return r

#if defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)

data CanvasM a = CanvasM
    { unCanvasM :: (Double, Double) -> Canvas.Context -> IO a
    } deriving (Functor)

runCanvasM :: (Double, Double) -> Canvas.Context -> CanvasM a -> IO a
runCanvasM dim ctx m = unCanvasM m dim ctx

instance Applicative CanvasM where
    pure x = CanvasM (\_ _ -> return x)
    f <*> x = CanvasM (\dim ctx -> unCanvasM f dim ctx <*> unCanvasM x dim ctx)

instance Monad CanvasM where
    return = pure
    m >>= f = CanvasM $ \dim ctx -> do
        x <- unCanvasM m dim ctx
        unCanvasM (f x) dim ctx

foreign import javascript "$2.globalCompositeOperation = $1;"
    js_globalCompositeOperation :: JSString -> Canvas.Context -> IO ()

foreign import javascript "$2.globalAlpha = $1;"
    js_globalAlpha :: Double -> Canvas.Context -> IO ()

foreign import javascript "$r = $3.isPointInPath($1, $2);"
    js_isPointInPath :: Double -> Double -> Canvas.Context -> IO Bool

foreign import javascript "$r = $3.isPointInStroke($1, $2);"
    js_isPointInStroke :: Double -> Double -> Canvas.Context -> IO Bool

foreign import javascript interruptible "$1.onload = $c; $1.src = $2;"
    js_loadImage :: Element -> JSString -> IO ()

instance MonadIO CanvasM where
    liftIO action = CanvasM $ \_ _ -> action

createOrGetImage :: Text -> Text -> IO Element
createOrGetImage name url = do
    Just doc <- currentDocument
    maybeImg <- getElementById doc name
    case maybeImg of
        Just img -> return img
        Nothing -> do
            img <- createElement doc (textToJSString "img")
            setAttribute img (textToJSString "style") (textToJSString "display: none")
            setAttribute img (textToJSString "id") name
            Just body <- getBody doc
            _ <- appendChild body img
            js_loadImage img (textToJSString url)
            return img

instance MonadCanvas CanvasM where
    type Image CanvasM = Canvas.Canvas
    save = CanvasM (const Canvas.save)
    restore = CanvasM (const Canvas.restore)
    transform a b c d e f = CanvasM (const (Canvas.transform a b c d e f))
    translate x y = CanvasM (const (Canvas.translate x y))
    scale x y = CanvasM (const (Canvas.scale x y))
    newImage w h = liftIO (Canvas.create w h)
    builtinImage name = liftIO $ do
        Just doc <- currentDocument
        canvas <- getElementById doc (textToJSString name)
        return (Canvas.Canvas . unElement <$> canvas)
    withImage img m = liftIO $ do
        ctx <- Canvas.getContext img
        w <- realToFrac <$> Canvas.width img
        h <- realToFrac <$> Canvas.height img
        unCanvasM m (w, h) ctx
    drawImage (Canvas.Canvas c) x y w h =
        CanvasM (const (Canvas.drawImage (Canvas.Image c) x y w h))
    drawImgURL name url w h = CanvasM $ \ _ ctx -> do
        img <- createOrGetImage name url
            (Canvas.Image (unElement img))
            (round (-w/2))
            (round (-h/2))
            (round w)
            (round h)
    globalCompositeOperation op =
        CanvasM (const (js_globalCompositeOperation (textToJSString op)))
    globalAlpha a = CanvasM (const (js_globalAlpha a))
    lineWidth w = CanvasM (const (Canvas.lineWidth w))
    strokeColor r g b a = CanvasM (const (Canvas.strokeStyle r g b a))
    fillColor r g b a = CanvasM (const (Canvas.fillStyle r g b a))
    font t = CanvasM (const (Canvas.font (textToJSString t)))
    textCenter = CanvasM (const (Canvas.textAlign Canvas.Center))
    textMiddle = CanvasM (const (Canvas.textBaseline Canvas.Middle))
    beginPath = CanvasM (const Canvas.beginPath)
    closePath = CanvasM (const Canvas.closePath)
    moveTo (x, y) = CanvasM (const (Canvas.moveTo x y))
    lineTo (x, y) = CanvasM (const (Canvas.lineTo x y))
    quadraticCurveTo (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
        CanvasM (const (Canvas.quadraticCurveTo x1 y1 x2 y2))
    bezierCurveTo (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) =
        CanvasM (const (Canvas.bezierCurveTo x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3))
    arc x y r a1 a2 dir = CanvasM (const (Canvas.arc x y r a1 a2 dir))
    rect x y w h = CanvasM (const (Canvas.rect x y w h))
    clip = CanvasM (const Canvas.clip)
    fill = CanvasM (const Canvas.fill)
    stroke = CanvasM (const Canvas.stroke)
    fillRect x y w h = CanvasM (const (Canvas.fillRect x y w h))
    fillText t (x, y) = CanvasM (const (Canvas.fillText (textToJSString t) x y))
    measureText t = CanvasM (const (Canvas.measureText (textToJSString t)))
    isPointInPath (x, y) = CanvasM (const (js_isPointInPath x y))
    isPointInStroke (x, y) = CanvasM (const (js_isPointInStroke x y))
    getScreenWidth = CanvasM $ \(w, _) _ -> return w
    getScreenHeight = CanvasM $ \(_, h) _ -> return h


-- Unfortunately, the Canvas monad from blank-canvas lacks a MonadIO instance.
-- We can recover it by inserting send calls where needed.  This looks a lot
-- like a free monad, but we want our own interpreter logic, so it's written
-- by hand.

data CanvasM a = CanvasOp (Maybe Canvas.CanvasContext) (Canvas (CanvasM a))
               | NativeOp (Canvas.DeviceContext -> IO (CanvasM a))
               | PureOp a
    deriving (Functor)

doCanvas :: Maybe Canvas.CanvasContext -> Canvas a -> Canvas a
doCanvas Nothing m = m
doCanvas (Just ctx) m = Canvas.with ctx m

interpCanvas :: CanvasM a -> Canvas (CanvasM a)
interpCanvas (CanvasOp mctx op) = doCanvas mctx op >>= interpCanvas
interpCanvas other = return other

runCanvasM :: Canvas.DeviceContext -> CanvasM a -> IO a
runCanvasM _    (PureOp   a)   = return a
runCanvasM dctx (NativeOp fm) = fm dctx >>= runCanvasM dctx
runCanvasM dctx m             = Canvas.send dctx (interpCanvas m) >>= runCanvasM dctx

instance Applicative CanvasM where
    pure = PureOp

    (CanvasOp mctx1 f) <*> (CanvasOp mctx2 x) = CanvasOp mctx1 (fmap (<*>) f <*> doCanvas mctx2 x)
    f <*> x = f `ap` x

instance Monad CanvasM where
    return = pure
    PureOp x >>= f = f x
    NativeOp op >>= f = NativeOp $ \dctx -> do
        next <- op dctx
        return (next >>= f)
    CanvasOp mctx op >>= f = CanvasOp mctx $ bindCanvas (doCanvas mctx op) f

bindCanvas :: Canvas (CanvasM a) -> (a -> CanvasM b) -> Canvas (CanvasM b)
bindCanvas m cont = do
    next <- m
    case next of
        CanvasOp mctx op -> bindCanvas (doCanvas mctx op) cont
        _                -> return (next >>= cont)

instance MonadIO CanvasM where
    liftIO x = NativeOp $ const $ PureOp <$> x

liftCanvas :: Canvas a -> CanvasM a
liftCanvas m = CanvasOp Nothing (PureOp <$> m)

instance MonadCanvas CanvasM where
    type Image CanvasM = Canvas.CanvasContext

    save = liftCanvas $ Canvas.save ()
    restore = liftCanvas $ Canvas.restore ()
    transform a b c d e f = liftCanvas $ Canvas.transform (a, b, c, d, e, f)
    translate x y = liftCanvas $ Canvas.translate (x, y)
    scale x y = liftCanvas $ Canvas.scale (x, y)
    newImage w h = liftCanvas $ Canvas.newCanvas (w, h)
    builtinImage _name = return Nothing

    withImage ctx (CanvasOp Nothing m) = CanvasOp (Just ctx) m
    withImage _   (CanvasOp mctx m)    = CanvasOp mctx m
    withImage ctx (NativeOp fm)        = NativeOp $ \dctx -> withImage ctx <$> fm dctx
    withImage _   (PureOp x)           = PureOp x

    drawImage img x y w h = liftCanvas $
            ( img
            , fromIntegral x
            , fromIntegral y
            , fromIntegral w
            , fromIntegral h)

    drawImgURL _name _url _w _h = return ()

    globalCompositeOperation op = liftCanvas $ Canvas.globalCompositeOperation op
    globalAlpha a = liftCanvas $ Canvas.globalAlpha a
    lineWidth w = liftCanvas $ Canvas.lineWidth w
    strokeColor r g b a = liftCanvas $ Canvas.strokeStyle
        (pack (printf "rgba(%d,%d,%d,%.2f)" r g b a))
    fillColor r g b a = liftCanvas $ Canvas.fillStyle
        (pack (printf "rgba(%d,%d,%d,%.2f)" r g b a))
    font t = liftCanvas $ Canvas.font t
    textCenter = liftCanvas $ Canvas.textAlign Canvas.CenterAnchor
    textMiddle = liftCanvas $ Canvas.textBaseline Canvas.MiddleBaseline
    beginPath = liftCanvas $ Canvas.beginPath ()
    closePath = liftCanvas $ Canvas.closePath ()
    moveTo (x, y) = liftCanvas $ Canvas.moveTo (x, y)
    lineTo (x, y) = liftCanvas $ Canvas.lineTo (x, y)
    quadraticCurveTo (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = liftCanvas $
        Canvas.quadraticCurveTo (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    bezierCurveTo (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) = liftCanvas $
        Canvas.bezierCurveTo (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
    arc x y r a1 a2 dir = liftCanvas $
        Canvas.arc (x, y, r, a1, a2, dir)
    rect x y w h = liftCanvas $ Canvas.rect (x, y, w, h)
    clip = liftCanvas $ Canvas.clip ()
    fill = liftCanvas $ Canvas.fill ()
    stroke = liftCanvas $ Canvas.stroke ()
    fillRect x y w h = liftCanvas $ Canvas.fillRect (x, y, w, h)
    fillText t (x, y) = liftCanvas $ Canvas.fillText (t, x, y)
    measureText t = liftCanvas $ do
        Canvas.TextMetrics w <- Canvas.measureText t
        return w
    isPointInPath (x, y) = liftCanvas $ Canvas.isPointInPath (x, y)
    isPointInStroke _ = liftCanvas $ return False
    getScreenWidth = liftCanvas $ Canvas.width <$> Canvas.myCanvasContext
    getScreenHeight = liftCanvas $ Canvas.height <$> Canvas.myCanvasContext
