{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
module CodeWorld.EntryPoints where
import CodeWorld.Color
import CodeWorld.Driver
import CodeWorld.Event
import CodeWorld.Picture
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.StaticPtr
import GHC.Types
import Numeric (showFFloatAlt)
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Random
activityOf ::
world ->
(Event -> world -> world) ->
(world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
activityOf initial change picture =
interactionOf initial (const id) change picture
interactionOf ::
world ->
(Double -> world -> world) ->
(Event -> world -> world) ->
(world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
interactionOf initial step event draw = do
hFlush stdout
runInspect initial step event draw draw
[ "Please use activityOf instead of interactionOf.",
"interactionOf may be removed July 2020."
data Timeline a
= Timeline
{ past :: [a],
present :: !a,
future :: [a]
newTimeline :: a -> Timeline a
newTimeline x = Timeline [] x []
applyToTimeline :: (a -> a) -> Timeline a -> Timeline a
applyToTimeline f timeline@Timeline {..}
| identical present new = timeline
| otherwise = Timeline (present : past) new []
new = f present
undoTimeline :: Timeline a -> Timeline a
undoTimeline timeline@Timeline {..} = case past of
[] -> timeline
(x : xs) -> Timeline xs x (present : future)
redoTimeline :: Timeline a -> Timeline a
redoTimeline timeline@Timeline {..} = case future of
[] -> timeline
(x : xs) -> Timeline (present : past) x xs
restartTimeline :: Timeline a -> Timeline a
restartTimeline timeline@Timeline {..}
| null past = timeline
| otherwise = Timeline [] x (xs ++ present : future)
x : xs = reverse past
timelineLength :: Timeline a -> Int
timelineLength Timeline {..} = length past + 1 + length future
travelToTime :: Double -> Timeline a -> Timeline a
travelToTime t timeline@Timeline {..}
| diff >= 0 = iterate redoTimeline timeline !! diff
| otherwise = iterate undoTimeline timeline !! (- diff)
desiredPast = round (t * (fromIntegral (timelineLength timeline - 1)))
actualPast = length past
diff = desiredPast - actualPast
timelinePos :: Timeline a -> Double
timelinePos Timeline {..}
| null past && null future = 1
| otherwise = fromIntegral (length past) / fromIntegral (length past + length future)
data Control :: * -> * where
PlayButton :: Point -> Control a
PauseButton :: Point -> Control a
StepButton :: Point -> Control a
RestartButton :: Point -> Control Double
ZoomInButton :: Point -> Control a
ZoomOutButton :: Point -> Control a
PanningLayer :: Control a
ResetViewButton :: Point -> Control a
FastForwardButton :: Point -> Control a
StartOverButton :: Point -> Control (Timeline a)
BackButton :: Point -> Control Double
TimeLabel :: Point -> Control Double
SpeedSlider :: Point -> Control a
ZoomSlider :: Point -> Control a
UndoButton :: Point -> Control (Timeline a)
RedoButton :: Point -> Control (Timeline a)
HistorySlider :: Point -> Control (Timeline a)
data StrictPoint = SP !Double !Double deriving (Eq, Show)
data StrictMaybe a = SNothing | SJust !a deriving (Functor, Show)
data Wrapped a
= Wrapped
{ state :: a,
playbackSpeed :: !Double,
lastInteractionTime :: !Double,
zoomFactor :: !Double,
panCenter :: !StrictPoint,
panDraggingAnchor :: !(StrictMaybe StrictPoint),
isDraggingSpeed :: !Bool,
isDraggingHistory :: !Bool,
isDraggingZoom :: !Bool
deriving (Show, Functor)
wrappedInitial :: a -> Wrapped a
wrappedInitial w = Wrapped
{ state = w,
playbackSpeed = 1,
lastInteractionTime = 1000,
zoomFactor = 1,
panCenter = SP 0 0,
panDraggingAnchor = SNothing,
isDraggingSpeed = False,
isDraggingHistory = False,
isDraggingZoom = False
identical :: a -> a -> Bool
identical !x !y = isTrue# (reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x y)
toState :: (a -> a) -> (Wrapped a -> Wrapped a)
toState f w
| identical s s' = w
| otherwise = w {state = s'}
s = state w
s' = f s
wrappedStep :: (Double -> a -> a) -> Double -> Wrapped a -> Wrapped a
wrappedStep f dt w
| playbackSpeed w == 0 = w
| otherwise = toState (f (dt * playbackSpeed w)) w
wrappedEvent ::
(Wrapped a -> [Control a]) ->
(Double -> a -> a) ->
(Event -> a -> a) ->
Event ->
Wrapped a ->
Wrapped a
wrappedEvent ctrls stepHandler eventHandler event = markInteraction . handleChange
markInteraction w
| TimePassing _ <- event, lastInteractionTime w > 5 = w
| TimePassing dt <- event = w {lastInteractionTime = lastInteractionTime w + dt}
| otherwise = w {lastInteractionTime = 0}
handleChange w0
| playbackSpeed w0 == 0 || handled = w1
| otherwise = toState (eventHandler (adaptEvent event)) w1
(w1, handled) = foldr doCtrl (w0, False) (ctrls w0)
doCtrl _ (w, True) = (w, True)
doCtrl ctrl (w, False) = handleControl fullStep event ctrl w
fullStep dt = stepHandler dt . eventHandler (TimePassing dt)
adaptEvent (PointerMovement p) = PointerMovement (adaptPoint p)
adaptEvent (PointerPress p) = PointerPress (adaptPoint p)
adaptEvent (PointerRelease p) = PointerRelease (adaptPoint p)
adaptEvent (TimePassing dt) = TimePassing (dt * playbackSpeed w0)
adaptEvent other = other
adaptPoint (x, y) = (x / k - dx, y / k - dy)
SP dx dy = panCenter w1
k = zoomFactor w1
scaleRange :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Double -> Double
scaleRange (a1, b1) (a2, b2) x = min b2 $ max a2 $ (x - a1) / (b1 - a1) * (b2 - a2) + a2
snapSlider :: Double -> [Double] -> Double -> Double
snapSlider eps targets val = foldr snap val targets
snap t v
| abs (t - v) < eps = t
| otherwise = v
xToPlaybackSpeed :: Double -> Double
xToPlaybackSpeed x = snapSlider 0.2 [1 .. 4] $ scaleRange (-1.4, 1.4) (0, 5) x
playbackSpeedToX :: Double -> Double
playbackSpeedToX s = scaleRange (0, 5) (-1.4, 1.4) s
zoomIncrement :: Double
zoomIncrement = 8 ** (1 / 10)
yToZoomFactor :: Double -> Double
yToZoomFactor y = zoomIncrement ** (scaleRange (-1.4, 1.4) (-10, 10) y)
zoomFactorToY :: Double -> Double
zoomFactorToY z = scaleRange (-10, 10) (-1.4, 1.4) (logBase zoomIncrement z)
handleControl ::
(Double -> a -> a) -> Event -> Control a -> Wrapped a -> (Wrapped a, Bool)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (RestartButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (w {state = 0}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (StartOverButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (restartTimeline <$> w, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (PlayButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (w {playbackSpeed = 1}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (PauseButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (w {playbackSpeed = 0}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (FastForwardButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (w {playbackSpeed = max 2 (playbackSpeed w + 1)}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (ZoomInButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (w {zoomFactor = zoomFactor w * zoomIncrement}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (ZoomOutButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (w {zoomFactor = zoomFactor w / zoomIncrement}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (ResetViewButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (w {zoomFactor = 1, panCenter = SP 0 0}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (BackButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (max 0 . (subtract 0.1) <$> w, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (UndoButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (undoTimeline <$> w, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (RedoButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (redoTimeline <$> w, True)
handleControl f (PointerPress (x, y)) (StepButton (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 = (w {state = f 0.1 (state w)}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (SpeedSlider (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 1.5 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 =
(w {playbackSpeed = xToPlaybackSpeed (x - cx), isDraggingSpeed = True}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerMovement (x, _)) (SpeedSlider (cx, _)) w
| isDraggingSpeed w = (w {playbackSpeed = xToPlaybackSpeed (x - cx)}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerRelease (x, _)) (SpeedSlider (cx, _)) w
| isDraggingSpeed w = (w {playbackSpeed = xToPlaybackSpeed (x - cx), isDraggingSpeed = False}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (ZoomSlider (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 0.4 && abs (y - cy) < 1.5 =
(w {zoomFactor = yToZoomFactor (y - cy), isDraggingZoom = True}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerMovement (_, y)) (ZoomSlider (_, cy)) w
| isDraggingZoom w = (w {zoomFactor = yToZoomFactor (y - cy)}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerRelease (_, y)) (ZoomSlider (_, cy)) w
| isDraggingZoom w = (w {zoomFactor = yToZoomFactor (y - cy), isDraggingZoom = False}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) (HistorySlider (cx, cy)) w
| abs (x - cx) < 2.5 && abs (y - cy) < 0.4 =
(travelToTime (1 / 2 + (x - cx) / 4.8) <$> w {isDraggingHistory = True}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerMovement (x, _)) (HistorySlider (cx, _)) w
| isDraggingHistory w = (travelToTime (1 / 2 + (x - cx) / 4.8) <$> w, True)
handleControl _ (PointerRelease (x, _)) (HistorySlider (cx, _)) w
| isDraggingHistory w = (travelToTime (1 / 2 + (x - cx) / 4.8) <$> w {isDraggingHistory = False}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerPress (x, y)) PanningLayer w =
(w {panDraggingAnchor = SJust (SP x y)}, True)
handleControl _ (PointerMovement (x, y)) PanningLayer w
| SJust (SP ax ay) <- panDraggingAnchor w,
SP px py <- panCenter w =
( w
{ panCenter =
(px + (x - ax) / zoomFactor w)
(py + (y - ay) / zoomFactor w),
panDraggingAnchor = SJust (SP x y)
handleControl _ (PointerRelease _) PanningLayer w
| SJust _ <- panDraggingAnchor w = (w {panDraggingAnchor = SNothing}, True)
handleControl _ _ _ w = (w, False)
wrappedDraw ::
(Wrapped a -> [Control a]) -> (a -> Picture) -> Wrapped a -> Picture
wrappedDraw ctrls f w = drawControlPanel ctrls w <> dilated k (translated dx dy (f (state w)))
SP dx dy = panCenter w
k = zoomFactor w
drawControlPanel :: (Wrapped a -> [Control a]) -> Wrapped a -> Picture
drawControlPanel ctrls w
| alpha > 0 = pictures [drawControl w alpha c | c <- ctrls w]
| otherwise = blank
| lastInteractionTime w < 4.5 = 1
| lastInteractionTime w < 5.0 = 10 - 2 * lastInteractionTime w
| otherwise = 0
drawControl :: Wrapped a -> Double -> Control a -> Picture
drawControl _ alpha (RestartButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( thickArc 0.1 (pi / 6) (11 * pi / 6) 0.2
<> translated 0.173 (-0.1) (solidRectangle 0.17 0.17)
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (StartOverButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( thickArc 0.1 (pi / 6) (11 * pi / 6) 0.2
<> translated 0.173 (-0.1) (solidRectangle 0.17 0.17)
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (PlayButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
(solidPolygon [(-0.2, 0.25), (-0.2, -0.25), (0.2, 0)])
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (PauseButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated (-0.15) 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.6)
<> translated 0.15 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.6)
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (FastForwardButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( solidPolygon [(-0.3, 0.25), (-0.3, -0.25), (-0.05, 0)]
<> solidPolygon [(0.05, 0.25), (0.05, -0.25), (0.3, 0)]
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (ZoomInButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated
( thickCircle 0.1 0.22
<> solidRectangle 0.06 0.25
<> solidRectangle 0.25 0.06
<> rotated (- pi / 4) (translated 0.35 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.1))
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (ZoomOutButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated
( thickCircle 0.1 0.22
<> solidRectangle 0.25 0.06
<> rotated (- pi / 4) (translated 0.35 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.1))
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ _ PanningLayer = blank
drawControl _ alpha (ResetViewButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.7 0.2)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.2 0.7)
<> colored (RGBA 0.0 0.0 0.0 alpha) (thickRectangle 0.1 0.5 0.5)
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (BackButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated 0.15 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.5)
<> solidPolygon [(-0.05, 0.25), (-0.05, -0.25), (-0.3, 0)]
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (UndoButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated 0.15 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.5)
<> solidPolygon [(-0.05, 0.25), (-0.05, -0.25), (-0.3, 0)]
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (StepButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated (-0.15) 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.5)
<> solidPolygon [(0.05, 0.25), (0.05, -0.25), (0.3, 0)]
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl _ alpha (RedoButton (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated (-0.15) 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.5)
<> solidPolygon [(0.05, 0.25), (0.05, -0.25), (0.3, 0)]
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.8 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)
drawControl w alpha (TimeLabel (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
(scaled 0.5 0.5 $ lettering (T.pack (showFFloatAlt (Just 4) (state w) "s")))
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 3.0 0.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 3.0 0.8)
drawControl w alpha (SpeedSlider (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated xoff 0.75 $ scaled 0.5 0.5 $
lettering (T.pack (showFFloatAlt (Just 2) (playbackSpeed w) "x"))
<> colored (RGBA 0 0 0 alpha) (translated xoff 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.8))
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 2.8 0.25)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 2.8 0.25)
xoff = playbackSpeedToX (playbackSpeed w)
drawControl w alpha (ZoomSlider (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated (-1.1) yoff $ scaled 0.5 0.5 $
lettering (T.pack (show (round (zoomFactor w * 100) :: Int) ++ "%"))
<> colored (RGBA 0 0 0 alpha) (translated 0 yoff (solidRectangle 0.8 0.2))
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 0.25 2.8)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.25 2.8)
yoff = zoomFactorToY (zoomFactor w)
drawControl w alpha (HistorySlider (x, y)) = translated x y p
p =
(RGBA 0 0 0 alpha)
( translated xoff 0.75 $ scaled 0.5 0.5 $
lettering (T.pack (show i ++ "/" ++ show n))
<> colored (RGBA 0.0 0.0 0.0 alpha) (translated xoff 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.8))
<> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle 4.8 0.25)
<> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 4.8 0.25)
xoff = timelinePos (state w) * 4.8 - 2.4
i = 1 + length (past (state w))
n = timelineLength (state w)
drawingControls :: Wrapped () -> [Control ()]
drawingControls w
| lastInteractionTime w > 5 = []
| otherwise = commonControls ++ resetViewButton
commonControls =
[ PanningLayer,
ZoomInButton (9, -4),
ZoomOutButton (9, -8),
ZoomSlider (9, -6)
| zoomFactor w /= 1 || panCenter w /= SP 0 0 = [ResetViewButton (9, -3)]
| otherwise = []
drawingOf ::
Picture ->
IO ()
drawingOf pic = do
hFlush stdout
(wrappedInitial ())
(wrappedStep step)
(wrappedEvent drawingControls step event)
(wrappedDraw drawingControls draw)
(draw . state)
step _ _ = ()
event _ _ = ()
draw _ = pic
animationControls :: Wrapped Double -> [Control Double]
animationControls w
| lastInteractionTime w > 5 = []
| otherwise =
commonControls ++ pauseDependentControls
++ backButton
++ resetViewButton
commonControls =
[ PanningLayer,
RestartButton (-9, -9),
TimeLabel (8, -9),
SpeedSlider (-3, -9),
FastForwardButton (-1, -9),
ZoomInButton (9, -4),
ZoomOutButton (9, -8),
ZoomSlider (9, -6)
| playbackSpeed w == 0 = [PlayButton (-8, -9), StepButton (-6, -9)]
| otherwise = [PauseButton (-8, -9)]
| playbackSpeed w == 0 && state w > 0 = [BackButton (-7, -9)]
| otherwise = []
| zoomFactor w /= 1 || panCenter w /= SP 0 0 = [ResetViewButton (9, -3)]
| otherwise = []
animationOf ::
(Double -> Picture) ->
IO ()
animationOf f = do
hFlush stdout
(wrappedInitial 0)
(wrappedStep (+))
(wrappedEvent animationControls (+) (const id))
(wrappedDraw animationControls f)
(f . state)
simulationControls :: Wrapped w -> [Control w]
simulationControls w
| lastInteractionTime w > 5 = []
| otherwise = commonControls ++ pauseDependentControls ++ resetViewButton
commonControls =
[ PanningLayer,
FastForwardButton (-4, -9),
SpeedSlider (-6, -9),
ZoomInButton (9, -4),
ZoomOutButton (9, -8),
ZoomSlider (9, -6)
| playbackSpeed w == 0 = [PlayButton (-8, -9), StepButton (-2, -9)]
| otherwise = [PauseButton (-8, -9)]
| zoomFactor w /= 1 || panCenter w /= SP 0 0 = [ResetViewButton (9, -3)]
| otherwise = []
statefulDebugControls :: Wrapped (Timeline w) -> [Control (Timeline w)]
statefulDebugControls w
| lastInteractionTime w > 5 = []
| otherwise =
panningLayer ++ pauseDependentControls ++ commonControls
++ resetViewButton
hasHistory = not (null (past (state w)))
hasFuture = not (null (future (state w)))
| hasFuture = [RedoButton (6, -9)]
| otherwise = [StepButton (6, -9)]
| hasHistory = [UndoButton (0, -9)]
| otherwise = []
commonControls =
[ StartOverButton (-1, -9),
FastForwardButton (-4, -9),
SpeedSlider (-6, -9),
ZoomInButton (9, -4),
ZoomOutButton (9, -8),
ZoomSlider (9, -6)
| playbackSpeed w == 0 =
[PlayButton (-8, -9), HistorySlider (3, -9)] ++ advance ++ regress
| otherwise = [PauseButton (-8, -9)]
| zoomFactor w /= 1 || panCenter w /= SP 0 0 = [ResetViewButton (9, -3)]
| otherwise = []
| playbackSpeed w == 0 = [PanningLayer]
| otherwise = []
simulationOf ::
world ->
(Double -> world -> world) ->
(world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
simulationOf initial step draw = do
hFlush stdout
(wrappedInitial initial)
(wrappedStep step)
(wrappedEvent simulationControls step (const id))
(wrappedDraw simulationControls draw)
(draw . state)
[ "Please use activityOf instead of simulationOf.",
"simulationOf may be removed July 2020."
debugSimulationOf ::
world ->
(Double -> world -> world) ->
(world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
debugSimulationOf simInitial simStep simDraw = do
hFlush stdout
(wrappedInitial initial)
(wrappedStep step)
(wrappedEvent statefulDebugControls step (const id))
(wrappedDraw statefulDebugControls draw)
(draw . state)
initial = newTimeline simInitial
step = applyToTimeline . simStep
draw = simDraw . present
[ "Please use debugActivityOf instead of debugSimulationOf.",
"debugSimulationOf may be removed July 2020."
debugInteractionOf ::
world ->
(Double -> world -> world) ->
(Event -> world -> world) ->
(world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
debugInteractionOf baseInitial baseStep baseEvent baseDraw = do
hFlush stdout
(wrappedInitial initial)
(wrappedStep step)
(wrappedEvent statefulDebugControls step event)
(wrappedDraw statefulDebugControls draw)
(draw . state)
initial = newTimeline baseInitial
step = applyToTimeline . baseStep
event = applyToTimeline . baseEvent
draw = baseDraw . present
[ "Please use debugActivityOf instead of debugInteractionOf.",
"debugInteractionOf may be removed July 2020."
debugActivityOf ::
world ->
(Event -> world -> world) ->
(world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
debugActivityOf initial change picture =
debugInteractionOf initial (const id) change picture
groupActivityOf ::
Int ->
StaticPtr (StdGen -> world) ->
StaticPtr (Int -> Event -> world -> world) ->
StaticPtr (Int -> world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
groupActivityOf numPlayers initial event draw = do
hFlush stdout
dhash <- getDeployHash
let token =
{ tokenDeployHash = dhash,
tokenNumPlayers = numPlayers,
tokenInitial = staticKey initial,
tokenEvent = staticKey event,
tokenDraw = staticKey draw
(deRefStaticPtr initial)
(const id)
(deRefStaticPtr event)
(deRefStaticPtr draw)
unsafeGroupActivityOf ::
Int ->
(StdGen -> world) ->
(Int -> Event -> world -> world) ->
(Int -> world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
unsafeGroupActivityOf numPlayers initial event draw =
unsafeCollaborationOf numPlayers initial (const id) event draw
unsafeCollaborationOf ::
Int ->
(StdGen -> world) ->
(Double -> world -> world) ->
(Int -> Event -> world -> world) ->
(Int -> world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
unsafeCollaborationOf numPlayers initial step event draw = do
hFlush stdout
dhash <- getDeployHash
let token = PartialToken dhash
runGame token numPlayers initial step event draw
[ "Please use unsafeGroupActivityOf instead of unsafeCollaborationOf.",
"unsafeCollaborationOf may be removed July 2020."
collaborationOf ::
Int ->
StaticPtr (StdGen -> world) ->
StaticPtr (Double -> world -> world) ->
StaticPtr (Int -> Event -> world -> world) ->
StaticPtr (Int -> world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
collaborationOf numPlayers initial step event draw = do
hFlush stdout
dhash <- getDeployHash
let token =
{ tokenDeployHash = dhash,
tokenNumPlayers = numPlayers,
tokenInitial = staticKey initial,
tokenStep = staticKey step,
tokenEvent = staticKey event,
tokenDraw = staticKey draw
(deRefStaticPtr initial)
(deRefStaticPtr step)
(deRefStaticPtr event)
(deRefStaticPtr draw)
[ "Please use groupActivityOf instead of collaborationOf.",
"collaborationOf may be removed July 2020."
trace :: Text -> a -> a
trace msg x = unsafePerformIO $ do
oldMode <- hGetBuffering stderr
hSetBuffering stderr (BlockBuffering Nothing)
hPutStrLn stderr (T.unpack msg)
hFlush stderr
hSetBuffering stderr oldMode
return x