{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns         #-}

module Bio.Sequence.Functions.Sequence
  ( drop
  , getRange, unsafeGetRange
  , length, null
  , reverse
  , tail
  , take
  , toList
  , (!), (!?)
  ) where

import           Bio.Sequence.Class     (ContainsNoMarking, IsSequence (..),
                                         markings, sequ, weights,
import           Bio.Sequence.Utilities (Range, checkRange, unsafeEither)
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad.Except   (MonadError, throwError)
import qualified Data.Foldable          as F (length, null, toList)
import qualified Data.List              as L (drop, take)
import           Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Text              (Text)
import           Data.Tuple             (swap)
import qualified Data.Vector            as V (drop, reverse, take, (!?))
import           Prelude                hiding (drop, length, null, reverse,
                                         tail, take)

-- | Get elements from sequence that belong to given 'Range' (format of range is [a; b)).
-- If given 'Range' is out of bounds, an error will be thrown.
-- > sequ = Sequence ['a', 'a', 'b', 'a'] [("Letter A", (0, 2)), ("Letter A", (3, 4)), ("Letter B", (2, 3))] mempty
-- > getRange sequ (0, 3) == Just ['a', 'a', 'b']
getRange :: (IsSequence s, MonadError Text m) => s -> Range -> m [Element s]
getRange s r@(lInd, rInd) | checkRange (length s) r = pure $ L.take (rInd - lInd) $ L.drop lInd $ toList s
                          | otherwise               = throwError "Bio.Sequence.Functions.Sequence: invalid range in getRange."

unsafeGetRange :: IsSequence s => s -> Range -> [Element s]
unsafeGetRange s = unsafeEither . getRange s

-- | Unsafe operator to get elemnt at given position in @s@.
infixl 9 !
(!) :: IsSequence s => s -> Int -> Element s
(!) s = fromMaybe (error "Bio.Sequence.Functions.Sequence: index out of Sequence's length.") . (s !?)

-- | Safe operator to get element at given position in @s@.
infixl 9 !?
(!?) :: IsSequence s => s -> Int -> Maybe (Element s)
(!?) (toSequence -> s) = ((s ^. sequ) V.!?)

-- | List all elemnts of @s@.
toList :: IsSequence s => s -> [Element s]
toList = F.toList . toSequence

-- | Calculates length of @s@.
length :: IsSequence s => s -> Int
length = F.length . toSequence

-- | Returns 'True' if @s@ is empty. Returns 'False' otherwise.
null :: IsSequence s => s -> Bool
null = F.null . toSequence

-- | Reverses given 'IsSequence' @s@. 'Marking's and 'Weight's are reversed, too.
-- > sequ = Sequence ['a', 'a', 'b', 'a'] [("Letter A", (0, 2)), ("Letter A", (3, 4)), ("Letter B", (2, 3))] [1, 2, 3, 4]
-- > reverse sequ == Sequence ['a', 'b', 'a', 'a'] [("Letter A", (2, 4)), ("Letter A", (0, 1)), ("Letter B", (1, 2))] [4, 3, 2, 1]
reverse :: IsSequence s => s -> s
reverse (toSequence -> s) = res
    newMaxInd = length s

    newSequ     = V.reverse $ s ^. sequ
    newMarkings = fmap (fmap $ swap . bimap ((-) newMaxInd) ((-) newMaxInd)) $ s ^. markings
    newWeights  = V.reverse $ s ^. weights

    res = fromSequence $ _sequenceInner newSequ newMarkings newWeights

-- | Unsafe drop:
--     * if n < 0, an error is thrown;
--     * if n >= length @s@, an error is thrown.
-- > sequWeighted = Sequence ['a', 'a', 'b', 'a'] mempty [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
-- > drop 2 sequWeighted == Sequence [b', 'a'] mempty [0.3, 0.4]
-- > drop (-1) sequWeighted == error
-- > drop 4 sequWeighted == error
drop :: ContainsNoMarking s => Int -> s -> s
drop n (toSequence -> s) | n < 0         = error "Bio.Sequence.Functions.Sequence: drop with negative value."
                         | n >= length s = error "Bio.Sequence.Functions.Sequence: empty sequence as result of drop."
                         | otherwise     = res
    droppedSequ = V.drop n $ s ^. sequ
    newWeights  = V.drop n $ s ^. weights

    res = fromSequence $ _sequenceInner droppedSequ mempty newWeights

-- | Unsafe take:
--     * if n < 0, an error is thrown;
--     * if n == 0, an error is thrown.
-- > sequWeighted = Sequence ['a', 'a', 'b', 'a'] mempty [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
-- > take 2 sequWeighted == Sequence ['a', 'a'] mempty [0.1, 0.2]
-- > take -1 sequWeighted == error
-- > take 0 sequWeighted == error
take :: ContainsNoMarking s => Int -> s -> s
take n (toSequence -> s) | n < 0     = error "Bio.Sequence.Functions.Sequence: take with negative value."
                         | n == 0    = error "Bio.Sequence.Functions.Sequence: empty sequence as result of take."
                         | otherwise = res
    takenSequ  = V.take n $ s ^. sequ
    newWeights = V.take n $ s ^. weights

    res = fromSequence $ _sequenceInner takenSequ mempty newWeights

-- | Unsafe tail:
--     * length @s@ == 0, an error is thrown;
--     * length @s@ == 1, an error is thrown.
-- > sequWeighted = Sequence ['a', 'a', 'b', 'a'] mempty [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
-- > tail sequWeighted == Sequence [a', 'b', 'a'] mempty [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
-- > tail (tail (tail (tail (tail sequWeighted)))) == error
tail :: ContainsNoMarking s => s -> s
tail s | length s == 0 = error "Bio.Sequence.Functions.Sequence: tail from empty sequence."
       | otherwise     = drop 1 s