{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}

module Bio.Utils.Geometry
    ( R
    , V3R
    , Ray (..)
    , AffineTransformable(..)
    , Epsilon (..)
    , zoRay
    , cross, dot
    , norm , normalize
    , distance, angle, dihedral
    , svd3
    ) where

import           Control.Lens
import           Linear.V3                      ( V3
                                                , cross
import           Linear.Vector                  ( zero )
import           Linear.Epsilon                 ( Epsilon (..) )
import           Linear.Matrix                  ( M33 )
import           Linear.Metric                  ( dot
                                                , norm
                                                , normalize
                                                , distance
import qualified Linear.Quaternion             as Q
                                                ( rotate
                                                , axisAngle

-- | Default floating point type, switch here to move to Doubles
type R = Float

-- | Defalut type of 3D vectors
type V3R = V3 R

-- | Ray has an origin and a direction
data Ray a = Ray { _origin    :: a
                 , _direction :: a

makeLenses ''Ray

-- | Zero-origin ray
zoRay :: V3R -> Ray V3R
zoRay = Ray zero . normalize

-- | Affine transformations for vectors and sets of vectors
class AffineTransformable a where
    -- | Rotate an object around the vector by some angle
    rotate    :: V3R -> R -> a -> a

    -- | Rotate an object around the ray by some angle
    rotateR   :: Ray V3R -> R -> a -> a

    -- | Translocate an object by some vectors
    translate :: V3R -> a -> a

-- | We can apply affine transformations to vectors
instance AffineTransformable V3R where
    rotate v a = Q.rotate (Q.axisAngle v a)
    rotateR r a x = rotate (r ^. direction) a (x - r ^. origin) + r ^. origin
    translate v = (v +)

-- | If we have any collection of vectors, than we can transform it too
instance Functor f => AffineTransformable (f V3R) where
    rotate v a = fmap (rotate v a)
    rotateR r a = fmap (rotateR r a)
    translate v = fmap (translate v)

-- | Measure angle between vectors
angle :: V3R -> V3R -> R
angle a b = atan2 (norm (a `cross` b)) (a `dot` b)

-- | Measure dihedral between four points
-- by https://math.stackexchange.com/a/47084
dihedral :: V3R -> V3R -> V3R -> V3R -> R
dihedral x y z w = let b1 = y - x
                       b2 = z - y
                       b3 = w - z
                       n1 = normalize $ b1 `cross` b2
                       n2 = normalize $ b2 `cross` b3
                       m1 = n1 `cross` normalize b2
                   in  atan2 (m1 `dot` n2) (n1 `dot` n2)

data SVD a = SVD { svdU :: a
                 , svdS :: a
                 , svdV :: a
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Singular value decomposition
-- for 3x3 matricies
svd3 :: M33 R -> SVD (M33 R)
svd3 = undefined