Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- create an optimization problem of type
by one ofminimize
etc. run
Let's optimize the following function f(xs). xs
is a list of
Double and f
has its minimum at xs !! i = sqrt(i)
let f = sum . zipWith (\i x -> (x*abs x - i)**2) [0..] :: [Double] -> Double
let initXs = replicate 10 0 :: [Double]
bestXs <- run $ minimize f initXs
f bestXs < 1e-10
If your optimization is not working well, try:
- Set
in theConfig
to the appropriate search range of each parameter. - Set
in theConfig
to the appropriate scale of the function values.
An example for scaling the function value:
let f2 xs = (/1e100) $ sum $ zipWith (\i x -> (x*abs x - i)**2) [0..] xs
bestXs <- run $ (minimize f2 $ replicate 10 0) {tolFun = Just 1e-111}
f2 bestXs < 1e-110
An example for scaling the input values:
let f3 xs = sum $ zipWith (\i x -> (x*abs x - i)**2) [0,1e100..] xs
let xs30 = replicate 10 0 :: [Double]
let m3 = (minimize f3 xs30) {scaling = Just (repeat 1e50)}
xs31 <- run $ m3
f3 xs31 / f3 xs30 < 1e-10
Use minimizeT
to optimize functions on traversable structures.
import qualified Data.Vector as V
let f4 = V.sum . V.imap (\i x -> (x*abs x - fromIntegral i)**2)
:t f4
f4 :: Floating c => V.Vector c -> c>>>
bestVx <- run $ minimizeT f4 $ V.replicate 10 0
f4 bestVx < 1e-10
Or use minimizeG
to optimize functions of any type that is Data
and that contains Double
s. Here is an example that deal with
:set -XDeriveDataTypeable
import Data.Data
data Pt = Pt Double Double deriving (Typeable,Data)
let dist (Pt ax ay) (Pt bx by) = ((ax-bx)**2 + (ay-by)**2)**0.5
data Triangle = Triangle Pt Pt Pt deriving (Typeable,Data)
Let us create a triangle ABC so that AB = 3, AC = 4, BC = 5.
let f5 (Triangle a b c) = (dist a b - 3.0)**2 + (dist a c - 4.0)**2 + (dist b c - 5.0)**2
let triangle0 = Triangle o o o where o = Pt 0 0
:t f5
f5 :: Triangle -> Double>>>
bestTriangle <- run $ (minimizeG f5 triangle0){tolFun = Just 1e-20}
f5 bestTriangle < 1e-10
Then the angle BAC should be orthogonal.
let (Triangle (Pt ax ay) (Pt bx by) (Pt cx cy)) = bestTriangle
abs ((bx-ax)*(cx-ax) + (by-ay)*(cy-ay)) < 1e-10
When optimizing noisy functions, set noiseHandling
= True
increase noiseReEvals
) for better results.
import System.Random
let noise = randomRIO (0,1e-2)
let f6Pure = sum . zipWith (\i x -> (x*abs x - i)**2) [0..]
let f6 xs = fmap (f6Pure xs +) noise
:t f6
f6 :: (Floating b, Enum b, Random b) => [b] -> IO b>>>
xs60 <- run $ (minimizeIO f6 $ replicate 10 0) {noiseHandling = False}
xs61 <- run $ (minimizeIO f6 $ replicate 10 0) {noiseHandling = True,noiseReEvals=Just 10}
-- assert $ f6Pure xs61 < f6Pure xs60
(note : the above assertion holds with probability of about 70%.)
- run :: forall tgt. Config tgt -> IO tgt
- data Config tgt = Config {
- funcIO :: tgt -> IO Double
- projection :: tgt -> [Double]
- embedding :: [Double] -> tgt
- initXs :: [Double]
- sigma0 :: Double
- scaling :: Maybe [Double]
- typicalXs :: Maybe [Double]
- noiseHandling :: Bool
- noiseReEvals :: Maybe Int
- noiseEps :: Maybe Double
- tolFacUpX :: Maybe Double
- tolUpSigma :: Maybe Double
- tolFun :: Maybe Double
- tolStagnation :: Maybe Int
- tolX :: Maybe Double
- verbose :: Bool
- otherArgs :: [(String, String)]
- pythonPath :: Maybe FilePath
- cmaesWrapperPath :: Maybe FilePath
- defaultConfig :: Config a
- minimize :: ([Double] -> Double) -> [Double] -> Config [Double]
- minimizeIO :: ([Double] -> IO Double) -> [Double] -> Config [Double]
- minimizeT :: Traversable t => (t Double -> Double) -> t Double -> Config (t Double)
- minimizeTIO :: Traversable t => (t Double -> IO Double) -> t Double -> Config (t Double)
- minimizeG :: Data a => (a -> Double) -> a -> Config a
- minimizeGIO :: Data a => (a -> IO Double) -> a -> Config a
- getDoubles :: Data a => a -> [Double]
- putDoubles :: Data a => [Double] -> a -> a
Optimizer configuration. tgt
is the type of the value to be
Config | |
defaultConfig :: Config a Source #
The default Config
values. Also consult the original document for default values
of the parameters not listed here.
minimize :: ([Double] -> Double) -> [Double] -> Config [Double] Source #
Create a minimizing problem, given a pure function and an initial guess.
minimizeIO :: ([Double] -> IO Double) -> [Double] -> Config [Double] Source #
Create a minimizing problem, given an IO
function and an initial guess.
minimizeT :: Traversable t => (t Double -> Double) -> t Double -> Config (t Double) Source #
Create a minimizing problem for a function on traversable structure t
minimizeTIO :: Traversable t => (t Double -> IO Double) -> t Double -> Config (t Double) Source #
Create a minimizing problem for an effectful function on a traversable structure t
minimizeG :: Data a => (a -> Double) -> a -> Config a Source #
Create a minimizing problem for a function on almost any type a
which contain Doubles.
minimizeGIO :: Data a => (a -> IO Double) -> a -> Config a Source #
Create a minimizing problem for an effectful function of almost any type.
getDoubles :: Data a => a -> [Double] Source #
getDoubles and putDoubles are generic functions used to put [Double] in and out of generic data types. Let's test them.
let d3 = (1,2,3) :: (Double,Int,Double)
getDoubles d3
putDoubles [4,5] d3
let complicated = ([0,1],(2,[3,4])) :: ([Double],(Double,[Double]))
getDoubles complicated
putDoubles [5,6,7,8,9] complicated
Putting back the obtained values should not change the data.
((\x -> putDoubles (getDoubles x) x == x) :: ([[Double]],(),(([(Double,String)]),[Double])) -> Bool)
You can get the original list back after putting it.
((\(xs', y) -> let xs = take 3 (xs' ++ [0..]) in getDoubles (putDoubles xs y)==xs) :: ([Double], (Double,Double,Double)) -> Bool)
putDoubles :: Data a => [Double] -> a -> a Source #