module Foreign.Erlang
( OtpErlangTerm(..)
, Error(..)
, Result
, binaryToTerm
, termToBinary
) where
import Prelude hiding (length,tail,(<>))
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as Get
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.Int as DataInt
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Word as Word
import qualified Codec.Compression.Zlib as Zlib
import qualified Foreign.Erlang.Pid as E
import qualified Foreign.Erlang.Port as E
import qualified Foreign.Erlang.Reference as E
import qualified Foreign.Erlang.Function as E
type Get = Get.Get
type Builder = Builder.Builder
type ByteString = ByteString.ByteString
type LazyByteString = LazyByteString.ByteString
type Int32 = DataInt.Int32
type Map = Map.Map
type Word8 = Word.Word8
type Word16 = Word.Word16
type Word32 = Word.Word32
type Pid = E.Pid
type Port = E.Port
type Reference = E.Reference
type Function = E.Function
tagVersion :: Word8
tagVersion = 131
tagCompressedZlib :: Word8
tagCompressedZlib = 80
tagNewFloatExt :: Word8
tagNewFloatExt = 70
tagBitBinaryExt :: Word8
tagBitBinaryExt = 77
tagAtomCacheRef :: Word8
tagAtomCacheRef = 78
tagSmallIntegerExt :: Word8
tagSmallIntegerExt = 97
tagIntegerExt :: Word8
tagIntegerExt = 98
tagFloatExt :: Word8
tagFloatExt = 99
tagAtomExt :: Word8
tagAtomExt = 100
tagReferenceExt :: Word8
tagReferenceExt = 101
tagPortExt :: Word8
tagPortExt = 102
tagPidExt :: Word8
tagPidExt = 103
tagSmallTupleExt :: Word8
tagSmallTupleExt = 104
tagLargeTupleExt :: Word8
tagLargeTupleExt = 105
tagNilExt :: Word8
tagNilExt = 106
tagStringExt :: Word8
tagStringExt = 107
tagListExt :: Word8
tagListExt = 108
tagBinaryExt :: Word8
tagBinaryExt = 109
tagSmallBigExt :: Word8
tagSmallBigExt = 110
tagLargeBigExt :: Word8
tagLargeBigExt = 111
tagNewFunExt :: Word8
tagNewFunExt = 112
tagExportExt :: Word8
tagExportExt = 113
tagNewReferenceExt :: Word8
tagNewReferenceExt = 114
tagSmallAtomExt :: Word8
tagSmallAtomExt = 115
tagMapExt :: Word8
tagMapExt = 116
tagFunExt :: Word8
tagFunExt = 117
tagAtomUtf8Ext :: Word8
tagAtomUtf8Ext = 118
tagSmallAtomUtf8Ext :: Word8
tagSmallAtomUtf8Ext = 119
data OtpErlangTerm =
OtpErlangInteger Int
| OtpErlangIntegerBig Integer
| OtpErlangFloat Double
| OtpErlangAtom ByteString
| OtpErlangAtomUTF8 ByteString
| OtpErlangAtomCacheRef Int
| OtpErlangAtomBool Bool
| OtpErlangString ByteString
| OtpErlangBinary ByteString
| OtpErlangBinaryBits (ByteString, Int)
| OtpErlangList [OtpErlangTerm]
| OtpErlangListImproper [OtpErlangTerm]
| OtpErlangTuple [OtpErlangTerm]
| OtpErlangMap (Map OtpErlangTerm OtpErlangTerm)
| OtpErlangPid Pid
| OtpErlangPort Port
| OtpErlangReference Reference
| OtpErlangFunction Function
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
data Error =
InputError String
| OutputError String
| ParseError String
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Result a = Either Error a
ok :: a -> Result a
ok value = Right value
errorType :: Error -> Result a
errorType value = Left value
getUnsignedInt8 :: Word8 -> Int
getUnsignedInt8 value = fromIntegral value
getUnsignedInt16 :: Word16 -> Int
getUnsignedInt16 value = fromIntegral value
getUnsignedInt32 :: Word32 -> Int
getUnsignedInt32 value = fromIntegral value
getSignedInt32 :: Word32 -> Int
getSignedInt32 value = fromIntegral (fromIntegral value :: Int32)
getUnsignedInt8or32 :: Bool -> Get Int
getUnsignedInt8or32 True = do
value <- Get.getWord8
return $ getUnsignedInt8 value
getUnsignedInt8or32 False = do
value <- Get.getWord32be
return $ getUnsignedInt32 value
boolTrue :: ByteString
boolTrue = Char8.pack "true"
boolFalse :: ByteString
boolFalse = Char8.pack "false"
infixr 4 <>
(<>) :: Monoid.Monoid m => m -> m -> m
(<>) = Monoid.mappend
binaryToTerm :: LazyByteString -> Result OtpErlangTerm
binaryToTerm binary =
let size = LazyByteString.length binary in
if size <= 1 then
errorType $ ParseError "null input"
else if LazyByteString.head binary /= tagVersion then
errorType $ ParseError "invalid version"
case Get.runGetOrFail binaryToTerms (LazyByteString.tail binary) of
Left (_, _, err) ->
errorType $ ParseError err
Right (_, _, term) ->
ok term
termToBinary :: OtpErlangTerm -> Int -> Result LazyByteString
termToBinary term compressed
| compressed < (-1) || compressed > 9 =
errorType $ InputError "compressed in [-1..9]"
| otherwise =
case termsToBinary term of
Left err ->
errorType err
Right dataUncompressed ->
if compressed == (-1) then
ok $ LazyByteString.cons tagVersion dataUncompressed
let sizeUncompressed =
LazyByteString.length dataUncompressed
params = Zlib.defaultCompressParams {
Zlib.compressLevel =
Zlib.CompressionLevel compressed }
dataCompressed =
Zlib.compressWith params dataUncompressed in
if sizeUncompressed > 4294967295 then
errorType $ OutputError "uint32 overflow"
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagVersion <>
Builder.word8 tagCompressedZlib <>
Builder.word32BE (fromIntegral sizeUncompressed) <>
Builder.lazyByteString dataCompressed
binaryToTerms :: Get OtpErlangTerm
binaryToTerms = do
tag <- Get.getWord8
case () of
_ | tag == tagNewFloatExt -> do
value <- Get.getDoublebe
return $ OtpErlangFloat value
| tag == tagBitBinaryExt -> do
j <- Get.getWord32be
bits <- Get.getWord8
value <- Get.getByteString $ getUnsignedInt32 j
return $ OtpErlangBinaryBits (value, getUnsignedInt8 bits)
| tag == tagAtomCacheRef -> do
value <- Get.getWord8
return $ OtpErlangAtomCacheRef $ getUnsignedInt8 value
| tag == tagSmallIntegerExt -> do
value <- Get.getWord8
return $ OtpErlangInteger $ getUnsignedInt8 value
| tag == tagIntegerExt -> do
value <- Get.getWord32be
return $ OtpErlangInteger $ getSignedInt32 value
| tag == tagFloatExt -> do
str <- Get.getByteString 31
let value = Char8.unpack $ Char8.takeWhile (\c -> c /= '\0') str
return $ OtpErlangFloat (read value :: Double)
| tag == tagAtomExt -> do
j <- Get.getWord16be
value <- Get.getByteString $ getUnsignedInt16 j
return $ OtpErlangAtom value
| tag == tagReferenceExt || tag == tagPortExt -> do
(nodeTag, node) <- binaryToAtom
eid <- Get.getByteString 4
creation <- Get.getWord8
if tag == tagReferenceExt then
return $ OtpErlangReference $ E.Reference
nodeTag node eid creation
else if tag == tagPortExt then
return $ OtpErlangPort $ E.Port
nodeTag node eid creation
fail $ "invalid"
| tag == tagPidExt -> do
(nodeTag, node) <- binaryToAtom
eid <- Get.getByteString 4
serial <- Get.getByteString 4
creation <- Get.getWord8
return $ OtpErlangPid $ E.Pid
nodeTag node eid serial creation
| tag == tagSmallTupleExt || tag == tagLargeTupleExt -> do
length <- getUnsignedInt8or32 $ tag == tagSmallTupleExt
value <- binaryToTermSequence length
return $ OtpErlangTuple value
| tag == tagNilExt -> do
return $ OtpErlangList []
| tag == tagStringExt -> do
j <- Get.getWord16be
value <- Get.getByteString $ getUnsignedInt16 j
return $ OtpErlangString value
| tag == tagListExt -> do
length <- Get.getWord32be
tmp <- binaryToTermSequence $ getUnsignedInt32 length
tail <- binaryToTerms
if tail == OtpErlangList [] then
return $ OtpErlangList tmp
return $ OtpErlangListImproper $ tmp ++ [tail]
| tag == tagBinaryExt -> do
j <- Get.getWord32be
value <- Get.getByteString $ getUnsignedInt32 j
return $ OtpErlangBinary value
| tag == tagSmallBigExt || tag == tagLargeBigExt -> do
j <- getUnsignedInt8or32 (tag == tagSmallBigExt)
sign <- Get.getWord8
digits <- replicateM j Get.getWord8
let f = (\d -> \b -> b * 256 + (fromIntegral . getUnsignedInt8) d)
value = List.foldr f (0 :: Integer) digits
if sign == 1 then
return $ OtpErlangIntegerBig $ (-1) * value
return $ OtpErlangIntegerBig value
| tag == tagNewFunExt -> do
length <- Get.getWord32be
value <- Get.getByteString $ getUnsignedInt32 length
return $ OtpErlangFunction $ E.Function
tag value
| tag == tagExportExt -> do
length <- Get.lookAhead $ binaryToExportSize
value <- Get.getByteString length
return $ OtpErlangFunction $ E.Function
tag value
| tag == tagNewReferenceExt -> do
j <- Get.getWord16be
(nodeTag, node) <- binaryToAtom
creation <- Get.getWord8
eid <- Get.getByteString $ (getUnsignedInt16 j) * 4
return $ OtpErlangReference $ E.Reference
nodeTag node eid creation
| tag == tagSmallAtomExt -> do
j <- Get.getWord8
value <- Get.getByteString $ getUnsignedInt8 j
if value == boolTrue then
return $ OtpErlangAtomBool True
else if value == boolFalse then
return $ OtpErlangAtomBool False
return $ OtpErlangAtom value
| tag == tagMapExt -> do
length <- Get.getWord32be
pairs <- replicateM (getUnsignedInt32 length) binaryToMapPair
return $ OtpErlangMap $ Map.fromList pairs
| tag == tagFunExt -> do
length <- Get.lookAhead $ binaryToFunSize
value <- Get.getByteString length
return $ OtpErlangFunction $ E.Function
tag value
| tag == tagAtomUtf8Ext -> do
j <- Get.getWord16be
value <- Get.getByteString $ getUnsignedInt16 j
return $ OtpErlangAtomUTF8 value
| tag == tagSmallAtomUtf8Ext -> do
j <- Get.getWord8
value <- Get.getByteString $ getUnsignedInt8 j
return $ OtpErlangAtomUTF8 value
| tag == tagCompressedZlib -> do
sizeUncompressed <- Get.getWord32be
compressed <- Get.getRemainingLazyByteString
let dataUncompressed = Zlib.decompress $ compressed
size1 = fromIntegral $ getUnsignedInt32 sizeUncompressed
size2 = LazyByteString.length dataUncompressed
if size1 == 0 || size1 /= size2 then
fail $ "compression corrupt"
case Get.runGetOrFail binaryToTerms dataUncompressed of
Left (_, _, err) ->
fail err
Right (_, _, term) ->
return term
| otherwise ->
fail $ "invalid tag"
binaryToTermSequence :: Int -> Get [OtpErlangTerm]
binaryToTermSequence length = do
value <- replicateM length binaryToTerms
return value
binaryToMapPair :: Get (OtpErlangTerm, OtpErlangTerm)
binaryToMapPair = do
key <- binaryToTerms
value <- binaryToTerms
return (key, value)
binaryToExportSize :: Get Int
binaryToExportSize = do
oldI <- Get.bytesRead
(_, _) <- binaryToAtom
(_, _) <- binaryToAtom
arityTag <- Get.getWord8
_ <- Get.getWord8
i <- Get.bytesRead
if arityTag == tagSmallIntegerExt then
return $ fromIntegral (i - oldI)
fail $ "invalid small integer tag"
binaryToFunSize :: Get Int
binaryToFunSize = do
oldI <- Get.bytesRead
numfree <- Get.getWord32be
_ <- binaryToPid
(_, _) <- binaryToAtom
_ <- binaryToInteger
_ <- binaryToInteger
_ <- binaryToTermSequence (getUnsignedInt32 numfree)
i <- Get.bytesRead
return $ fromIntegral (i - oldI)
binaryToInteger :: Get Int
binaryToInteger = do
tag <- Get.getWord8
case () of
_ | tag == tagSmallIntegerExt -> do
value <- Get.getWord8
return $ getUnsignedInt8 value
| tag == tagIntegerExt -> do
value <- Get.getWord32be
return $ getSignedInt32 value
| otherwise ->
fail $ "invalid integer tag"
binaryToPid :: Get Pid
binaryToPid = do
tag <- Get.getWord8
case () of
_ | tag == tagPidExt -> do
(nodeTag, node) <- binaryToAtom
eid <- Get.getByteString 4
serial <- Get.getByteString 4
creation <- Get.getWord8
return $ E.Pid
nodeTag node eid serial creation
| otherwise ->
fail $ "invalid pid tag"
binaryToAtom :: Get (Word8, ByteString)
binaryToAtom = do
tag <- Get.getWord8
case () of
_ | tag == tagAtomExt -> do
j <- Get.lookAhead $ Get.getWord16be
value <- Get.getByteString $ 2 + (getUnsignedInt16 j)
return (tag, value)
| tag == tagAtomCacheRef -> do
value <- Get.getByteString 1
return (tag, value)
| tag == tagSmallAtomExt -> do
j <- Get.lookAhead $ Get.getWord8
value <- Get.getByteString $ 1 + (getUnsignedInt8 j)
return (tag, value)
| tag == tagAtomUtf8Ext -> do
j <- Get.lookAhead $ Get.getWord16be
value <- Get.getByteString $ 2 + (getUnsignedInt16 j)
return (tag, value)
| tag == tagSmallAtomUtf8Ext -> do
j <- Get.lookAhead $ Get.getWord8
value <- Get.getByteString $ 1 + (getUnsignedInt8 j)
return (tag, value)
| otherwise ->
fail $ "invalid atom tag"
termsToBinary :: OtpErlangTerm -> Result LazyByteString
termsToBinary (OtpErlangInteger value)
| value >= 0 && value <= 255 =
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagSmallIntegerExt <>
Builder.word8 (fromIntegral value)
| value >= (-2147483648) && value <= 2147483647 =
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagIntegerExt <>
Builder.int32BE (fromIntegral value)
| otherwise =
termsToBinary $ OtpErlangIntegerBig $ fromIntegral value
termsToBinary (OtpErlangIntegerBig value) =
let sign = if value < 0 then 1 else 0
loop bignum l =
if bignum > 0 then
loop (bignum `quot` 256)
(LazyByteString.cons (fromIntegral $ bignum .&. 255) l)
LazyByteString.reverse l
lResult = loop (abs value) LazyByteString.empty
lLength = LazyByteString.length lResult in
if lLength <= 255 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagSmallBigExt <>
Builder.word8 (fromIntegral lLength) <>
Builder.word8 sign <>
Builder.lazyByteString lResult
else if lLength <= 4294967295 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagLargeBigExt <>
Builder.word32BE (fromIntegral lLength) <>
Builder.word8 sign <>
Builder.lazyByteString lResult
errorType $ OutputError "uint32 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangFloat value) =
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagNewFloatExt <>
Builder.doubleBE value
termsToBinary (OtpErlangAtom value) =
let length = ByteString.length value in
if length <= 255 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagSmallAtomExt <>
Builder.word8 (fromIntegral length) <>
Builder.byteString value
else if length <= 65535 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagAtomExt <>
Builder.word16BE (fromIntegral length) <>
Builder.byteString value
errorType $ OutputError "uint16 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangAtomUTF8 value) =
let length = ByteString.length value in
if length <= 255 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagSmallAtomUtf8Ext <>
Builder.word8 (fromIntegral length) <>
Builder.byteString value
else if length <= 65535 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagAtomUtf8Ext <>
Builder.word16BE (fromIntegral length) <>
Builder.byteString value
errorType $ OutputError "uint16 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangAtomCacheRef value) =
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagAtomCacheRef <>
Builder.word8 (fromIntegral value)
termsToBinary (OtpErlangAtomBool value) =
if value then
termsToBinary $ OtpErlangAtom $ Char8.pack "true"
termsToBinary $ OtpErlangAtom $ Char8.pack "false"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangString value) =
let length = ByteString.length value in
if length == 0 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagNilExt
else if length <= 65535 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagStringExt <>
Builder.word16BE (fromIntegral length) <>
Builder.byteString value
else if length <= 4294967295 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagListExt <>
Builder.word32BE (fromIntegral length) <>
Builder.word8 tagSmallIntegerExt <>
(ByteString.intersperse tagSmallIntegerExt value) <>
Builder.word8 tagNilExt
errorType $ OutputError "uint32 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangBinary value) =
let length = ByteString.length value in
if length <= 4294967295 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagBinaryExt <>
Builder.word32BE (fromIntegral length) <>
Builder.byteString value
errorType $ OutputError "uint32 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangBinaryBits (value, 8)) =
termsToBinary $ OtpErlangBinary value
termsToBinary (OtpErlangBinaryBits (value, bits)) =
let length = ByteString.length value in
if length <= 4294967295 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagBinaryExt <>
Builder.word32BE (fromIntegral length) <>
Builder.word8 (fromIntegral bits) <>
Builder.byteString value
errorType $ OutputError "uint32 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangList value) =
let length = List.length value in
if length == 0 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagNilExt
else if length <= 4294967295 then
case termSequenceToBinary value Monoid.mempty of
Left err ->
errorType err
Right listValue ->
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagListExt <>
Builder.word32BE (fromIntegral length) <>
listValue <>
Builder.word8 tagNilExt
errorType $ OutputError "uint32 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangListImproper value) =
let length = List.length value in
if length == 0 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagNilExt
else if length <= 4294967295 then
case termSequenceToBinary value Monoid.mempty of
Left err ->
errorType err
Right listValue ->
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagListExt <>
Builder.word32BE (fromIntegral $ length - 1) <>
errorType $ OutputError "uint32 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangTuple value) =
let length = List.length value in
if length <= 255 then
case termSequenceToBinary value Monoid.mempty of
Left err ->
errorType err
Right tupleValue ->
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagSmallTupleExt <>
Builder.word8 (fromIntegral length) <>
else if length <= 4294967295 then
case termSequenceToBinary value Monoid.mempty of
Left err ->
errorType err
Right tupleValue ->
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagLargeTupleExt <>
Builder.word32BE (fromIntegral length) <>
errorType $ OutputError "uint32 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangMap value) =
let length = Map.size value in
if length <= 4294967295 then
case Map.foldlWithKey mapPairToBinary (Right Monoid.mempty) value of
Left err ->
errorType err
Right mapValue ->
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagMapExt <>
Builder.word32BE (fromIntegral length) <>
errorType $ OutputError "uint32 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangPid (E.Pid nodeTag node eid serial creation)) =
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagPidExt <>
Builder.word8 nodeTag <>
Builder.byteString node <>
Builder.byteString eid <>
Builder.byteString serial <>
Builder.word8 creation
termsToBinary (OtpErlangPort (E.Port nodeTag node eid creation)) =
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagPortExt <>
Builder.word8 nodeTag <>
Builder.byteString node <>
Builder.byteString eid <>
Builder.word8 creation
termsToBinary (OtpErlangReference (E.Reference nodeTag node eid creation)) =
let length = (ByteString.length eid) `quot` 4 in
if length == 0 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagReferenceExt <>
Builder.word8 nodeTag <>
Builder.byteString node <>
Builder.byteString eid <>
Builder.word8 creation
else if length <= 65535 then
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tagNewReferenceExt <>
Builder.word16BE (fromIntegral length) <>
Builder.word8 nodeTag <>
Builder.byteString node <>
Builder.word8 creation <>
Builder.byteString eid
errorType $ OutputError "uint16 overflow"
termsToBinary (OtpErlangFunction (E.Function tag value)) =
ok $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
Builder.word8 tag <>
Builder.byteString value
termSequenceToBinary :: [OtpErlangTerm] -> Builder -> Result Builder
termSequenceToBinary [] builder =
ok builder
termSequenceToBinary (h:t) builder =
case termsToBinary h of
Left err ->
errorType err
Right binary ->
termSequenceToBinary t (builder <> Builder.lazyByteString binary)
mapPairToBinary :: Result Builder -> OtpErlangTerm -> OtpErlangTerm ->
Result Builder
mapPairToBinary (Left err) _ _ =
errorType err
mapPairToBinary (Right builder) key value =
case termsToBinary key of
Left err ->
errorType err
Right binaryKey ->
case termsToBinary value of
Left err ->
errorType err
Right binaryValue ->
ok $ builder <>
Builder.lazyByteString binaryKey <>
Builder.lazyByteString binaryValue