cleff- Fast and concise extensible effects
Copyright(c) 2021 Xy Ren
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC only)
Safe HaskellNone



This module contains the definition of the Eff monad, as well as reexports of some shared utilities in the internal modules. Most of the times, you won't need to use this module directly; user-facing functionalities are all exported via the Cleff module.

This is an internal module and its API may change even between minor versions. Therefore you should be extra careful if you're to depend on this module.


The Eff monad

newtype Eff es a Source #

The extensible effects monad. The monad Eff es is capable of performing any effect in the effect stack es, which is a type-level list that holds all effects available.

The best practice is to always use a polymorphic type variable for the effect stack es, and then use the type operator (:>) in constraints to indicate what effects are available in the stack. For example,

(Reader String :> es, State Bool :> es) => Eff es Integer

means you can perform operations of the Reader String effect and the State Bool effect in a computation returning an Integer. A convenient shorthand, (:>>), can also be used to indicate multiple effects being in a stack:

'[Reader String, State Bool] :>> es => Eff es Integer

The reason why you should always use a polymorphic effect stack as opposed to a concrete list of effects are that:

  • it can contain other effects that are used by computations other than the current one, and
  • it does not require you to run the effects in any particular order.



The effect monad receives an effect environment Env that contains all effect handlers and produces an IO action.



Instances details
IOE :> es => MonadBase IO (Eff es) Source #

Compatibility instance; use MonadIO if possible.

Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base


liftBase :: IO α -> Eff es α #

IOE :> es => MonadBaseControl IO (Eff es) Source #

Compatibility instance; use MonadUnliftIO if possible.

Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base

Associated Types

type StM (Eff es) a #


liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase (Eff es) IO -> IO a) -> Eff es a #

restoreM :: StM (Eff es) a -> Eff es a #

Monad (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


(>>=) :: Eff es a -> (a -> Eff es b) -> Eff es b #

(>>) :: Eff es a -> Eff es b -> Eff es b #

return :: a -> Eff es a #

Functor (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Eff es a -> Eff es b #

(<$) :: a -> Eff es b -> Eff es a #

MonadFix (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


mfix :: (a -> Eff es a) -> Eff es a #

Fail :> es => MonadFail (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Fail


fail :: String -> Eff es a #

Applicative (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


pure :: a -> Eff es a #

(<*>) :: Eff es (a -> b) -> Eff es a -> Eff es b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Eff es a -> Eff es b -> Eff es c #

(*>) :: Eff es a -> Eff es b -> Eff es b #

(<*) :: Eff es a -> Eff es b -> Eff es a #

MonadZip (Eff es) Source #

Compatibility instance for MonadComprehensions.


Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


mzip :: Eff es a -> Eff es b -> Eff es (a, b) #

mzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Eff es a -> Eff es b -> Eff es c #

munzip :: Eff es (a, b) -> (Eff es a, Eff es b) #

IOE :> es => MonadIO (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base


liftIO :: IO a -> Eff es a #

IOE :> es => MonadThrow (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base


throwM :: Exception e => e -> Eff es a #

IOE :> es => MonadCatch (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base


catch :: Exception e => Eff es a -> (e -> Eff es a) -> Eff es a #

IOE :> es => MonadMask (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base


mask :: ((forall a. Eff es a -> Eff es a) -> Eff es b) -> Eff es b #

uninterruptibleMask :: ((forall a. Eff es a -> Eff es a) -> Eff es b) -> Eff es b #

generalBracket :: Eff es a -> (a -> ExitCase b -> Eff es c) -> (a -> Eff es b) -> Eff es (b, c) #

IOE :> es => PrimMonad (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base

Associated Types

type PrimState (Eff es) #


primitive :: (State# (PrimState (Eff es)) -> (# State# (PrimState (Eff es)), a #)) -> Eff es a #

IOE :> es => MonadUnliftIO (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base


withRunInIO :: ((forall a. Eff es a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> Eff es b #

Bounded a => Bounded (Eff es a) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


minBound :: Eff es a #

maxBound :: Eff es a #

Floating a => Floating (Eff es a) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


pi :: Eff es a #

exp :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

log :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

sqrt :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

(**) :: Eff es a -> Eff es a -> Eff es a #

logBase :: Eff es a -> Eff es a -> Eff es a #

sin :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

cos :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

tan :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

asin :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

acos :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

atan :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

sinh :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

cosh :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

tanh :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

asinh :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

acosh :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

atanh :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

log1p :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

expm1 :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

log1pexp :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

log1mexp :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

Fractional a => Fractional (Eff es a) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


(/) :: Eff es a -> Eff es a -> Eff es a #

recip :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

fromRational :: Rational -> Eff es a #

Num a => Num (Eff es a) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


(+) :: Eff es a -> Eff es a -> Eff es a #

(-) :: Eff es a -> Eff es a -> Eff es a #

(*) :: Eff es a -> Eff es a -> Eff es a #

negate :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

abs :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

signum :: Eff es a -> Eff es a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Eff es a #

IsString a => IsString (Eff es a) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


fromString :: String -> Eff es a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Eff es a) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


(<>) :: Eff es a -> Eff es a -> Eff es a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Eff es a) -> Eff es a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Eff es a -> Eff es a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Eff es a) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Monad


mempty :: Eff es a #

mappend :: Eff es a -> Eff es a -> Eff es a #

mconcat :: [Eff es a] -> Eff es a #

type PrimState (Eff es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base

type PrimState (Eff es) = RealWorld
type StM (Eff es) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base

type StM (Eff es) a = a

type Effect = (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type Source #

The type of effects. An effect e m a takes an effect monad type m :: Type -> Type and a result type a :: Type.

data Env (es :: [Effect]) Source #

The effect environment that corresponds effects in the stack to their respective handlers. This structure simulates memory: handlers are retrieved via pointers (HandlerPtrs), and for each effect in the stack we can either change what pointer it uses or change the handler the pointer points to. The former is used for global effect interpretation (reinterpretN) and the latter for local interpretation (toEffWith) in order to retain correct HO semantics. For more details on this see




  • !(Stack es)

    The effect stack storing pointers to handlers.

  • !(RadixVec Any)

    The storage that corresponds pointers to handlers.

newtype HandlerPtr (e :: Effect) Source #

A pointer to an effect handler.





class (e :: Effect) :> (es :: [Effect]) infix 0 Source #

e :> es means the effect e is present in the effect stack es, and therefore can be sended in an Eff es computation.


Instances details
(TypeError (ElemNotFound e) :: Constraint) => e :> ('[] :: [Effect]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Stack


reifyIndex :: Int

e :> es => e :> (e' ': es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Stack


reifyIndex :: Int

e :> (e ': es) Source #

The element closer to the head takes priority.

Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Stack


reifyIndex :: Int

type family xs :>> es :: Constraint where ... infix 0 Source #

xs :>> es means the list of effects xs are all present in the effect stack es. This is a convenient type alias for (e1 :> es, ..., en :> es).


'[] :>> _ = () 
(x ': xs) :>> es = (x :> es, xs :>> es) 

class KnownList (es :: [Effect]) Source #

KnownList es means the list es is concrete, i.e. is of the form '[a1, a2, ..., an] instead of a type variable.


Instances details
KnownList ('[] :: [Effect]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Stack


reifyLen :: Int

KnownList es => KnownList (e ': es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Stack


reifyLen :: Int

class KnownList es => Subset (es :: [Effect]) (es' :: [Effect]) Source #

es is a subset of es', i.e. all elements of es are in es'.


Instances details
Subset ('[] :: [Effect]) es Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Stack


reifyIndices :: [Int]

(Subset es es', e :> es') => Subset (e ': es) es' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cleff.Internal.Stack


reifyIndices :: [Int]

Misc types

type family xs ++ ys where ... infixr 5 Source #

Type level list concatenation.


'[] ++ ys = ys 
(x ': xs) ++ ys = x ': (xs ++ ys) 

type (~>) f g = forall a. f a -> g a Source #

A natural transformation from f to g. With this, instead of writing

runSomeEffect :: Eff (SomeEffect : es) a -> Eff es a

you can write:

runSomeEffect :: Eff (SomeEffect : es) ~> Eff es