Copyright  :  (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente,
                  2016     , Myrtle Software,
                  2017     , Google Inc.
License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

CλaSH has synchronous 'Signal's in the form of:

'Signal' (domain :: 'Domain') a

Where /a/ is the type of the value of the 'Signal', for example /Int/ or /Bool/,
and /domain/ is the /clock-/ (and /reset-/) domain to which the memory elements
manipulating these 'Signal's belong.

The type-parameter, /domain/, is of the kind 'Domain' which has types of the
following shape:

data Domain = Dom { domainName :: 'GHC.TypeLits.Symbol', clkPeriod :: 'GHC.TypeLits.Nat' }

Where /domainName/ is a type-level string ('GHC.TypeLits.Symbol') representing
the name of the /clock-/ (and /reset-/) domain, and /clkPeriod/ is a type-level
natural number ('GHC.TypeLits.Nat') representing the clock period (in __ps__)
of the clock lines in the /clock-domain/.

* __NB__: \"Bad things\"™  happen when you actually use a clock period of @0@,
so do __not__ do that!
* __NB__: You should be judicious using a clock with period of @1@ as you can
never create a clock that goes any faster!

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

module Clash.Signal
  ( -- * Synchronous signals
  , Domain (..)
  , System
    -- * Clock
  , Clock
  , ClockKind (..)
    -- * Reset
  , Reset
  , ResetKind (..)
  , unsafeFromAsyncReset
  , unsafeToAsyncReset
  , fromSyncReset
  , unsafeToSyncReset
  , resetSynchronizer
    -- * Hidden clocks and resets
    -- $hiddenclockandreset

    -- ** Hidden clock
  , HiddenClock
  , hideClock
  , exposeClock
  , withClock
  , hasClock
    -- ** Hidden reset
  , HiddenReset
  , hideReset
  , exposeReset
  , withReset
  , hasReset
    -- ** Hidden clock and reset
  , HiddenClockReset
  , hideClockReset
  , exposeClockReset
  , withClockReset
  , SystemClockReset
    -- * Basic circuit functions
  , delay
  , register
  , regMaybe
  , regEn
  , mux
    -- * Simulation and testbench functions
  , clockGen
  , tbClockGen
  , asyncResetGen
  , syncResetGen
  , systemClockGen
  , tbSystemClockGen
  , systemResetGen
    -- * Boolean connectives
  , (.&&.), (.||.)
    -- * Product/Signal isomorphism
  , Bundle(..)
    -- * Simulation functions (not synthesisable)
  , simulate
  , simulateB
    -- ** lazy versions
  , simulate_lazy
  , simulateB_lazy
    -- * List \<-\> Signal conversion (not synthesisable)
  , sample
  , sampleN
  , fromList
    -- ** lazy versions
  , sample_lazy
  , sampleN_lazy
  , fromList_lazy
    -- * QuickCheck combinators
  , testFor
    -- * Type classes
    -- ** 'Eq'-like
  , (.==.), (./=.)
    -- ** 'Ord'-like
  , (.<.), (.<=.), (.>=.), (.>.)

import           Control.DeepSeq       (NFData)
import           GHC.Stack             (HasCallStack, withFrozenCallStack)
import           GHC.TypeLits          (KnownNat, KnownSymbol)
import           Data.Bits             (Bits) -- Haddock only
import           Data.Maybe            (isJust, fromJust)
import           Prelude
import           Test.QuickCheck       (Property, property)
import           Unsafe.Coerce         (unsafeCoerce)

import           Clash.Explicit.Signal
  (System, resetSynchronizer, systemClockGen, systemResetGen, tbSystemClockGen)
import qualified Clash.Explicit.Signal as S
import           Clash.Hidden
import           Clash.Promoted.Nat    (SNat (..))
import           Clash.Promoted.Symbol (SSymbol (..))
import           Clash.Signal.Bundle   (Bundle (..))
import           Clash.Signal.Internal hiding
  (sample, sample_lazy, sampleN, sampleN_lazy, simulate, simulate_lazy, testFor)
import qualified Clash.Signal.Internal as S

{- $setup
>>> :set -XFlexibleContexts -XTypeApplications
>>> import Clash.XException (printX)
>>> import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
>>> let oscillate = register False (not <$> oscillate)
>>> let count = regEn 0 oscillate (count + 1)
>>> :{
sometimes1 = s where
  s = register Nothing (switch <$> s)
  switch Nothing = Just 1
  switch _       = Nothing

>>> :{
countSometimes = s where
  s     = regMaybe 0 (plusM (pure <$> s) sometimes1)
  plusM = liftA2 (liftA2 (+))


-- * Hidden clock and reset arguments

{- $hiddenclockandreset #hiddenclockandreset#
Clocks and resets are by default implicitly routed to their components. You can
see from the type of a component whether it has hidden clock or reset

It has a hidden clock when it has a:

f :: 'HiddenClock' domain gated => ...


Or it has a hidden reset when it has a:

g :: 'HiddenReset' domain synchronous => ...


Or it has both a hidden clock argument and a hidden reset argument when it
has a:

h :: 'HiddenClockReset' domain gated synchronous => ..


Given a component with an explicit clock and reset arguments, you can turn them
into hidden arguments using 'hideClock' and 'hideReset'. So given a:

f :: Clock domain gated -> Reset domain synchronous -> Signal domain a -> ...

You hide the clock and reset arguments by:

-- g :: 'HiddenClockReset' domain gated synchronous => Signal domain a -> ...
g = 'hideClockReset' f

Or, alternatively, by:

-- h :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous => Signal domain a -> ...
h = f 'hasClock' 'hasReset'

=== Assigning explicit clock and reset arguments to hidden clocks and resets

Given a component:

f :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous
  => Signal domain Int
  -> Signal domain Int

which has hidden clock and routed reset arguments, we expose those hidden
arguments so that we can explicitly apply them:

-- g :: Clock domain gated -> Reset domain synchronous -> Signal domain Int -> Signal domain Int
g = 'exposeClockReset' f

or, alternatively, by:

-- h :: Clock domain gated -> Reset domain synchronous -> Signal domain Int -> Signal domain Int
h clk rst = withClock clk rst f

Similarly, there are 'exposeClock' and 'exposeReset' to connect just expose
the hidden clock or the hidden reset argument.

You will need to explicitly apply clocks and resets when you want to use
components such as PPLs and 'resetSynchronizer':

  :: Clock System Source
  -> Reset System Asynchronous
  -> Signal System Int
  -> Signal System Int
topEntity clk rst =
  let (pllOut,pllStable) = 'Clash.Intel.ClockGen.altpll' (SSymbol \@\"altpll50\") clk rst
      rstSync            = 'resetSynchronizer' pllOut ('unsafeToAsyncReset' pllStable)
  in  'exposeClockReset' f pllOut rstSync

or, using the alternative method:

  :: Clock System Source
  -> Reset System Asynchronous
  -> Signal System Int
  -> Signal System Int
topEntity2 clk rst =
  let (pllOut,pllStable) = 'Clash.Intel.ClockGen.altpll' (SSymbol \@\"altpll50\") clk rst
      rstSync            = 'resetSynchronizer' pllOut ('unsafeToAsyncReset' pllStable)
  in  'withClockReset' pllOut rstSync f


-- | A /constraint/ that indicates the component has a hidden 'Clock'
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
type HiddenClock domain gated = Hidden "clk" (Clock domain gated)

-- | A /constraint/ that indicates the component needs a 'Reset'
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
type HiddenReset domain synchronous = Hidden "rst" (Reset domain synchronous)

-- | A /constraint/ that indicates the component needs a 'Clock' and 'Reset'
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
type HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous =
  (HiddenClock domain gated, HiddenReset domain synchronous)

-- | A /constraint/ that indicates the component needs a 'Clock' and a 'Reset'
-- belonging to the 'System' domain.
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
type SystemClockReset = HiddenClockReset System 'Source 'Asynchronous

-- | Expose the hidden 'Clock' argument of a component, so it can be applied
-- explicitly
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
  :: (HiddenClock domain gated => r)
  -- ^ The component with a hidden clock
  -> (Clock domain gated -> r)
  -- ^ The component with its clock argument exposed
exposeClock = \f clk -> expose @"clk" f clk
{-# INLINE exposeClock #-}

-- | Hide the 'Clock' argument of a component, so it can be routed implicitly.
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
  :: HiddenClock domain gated
  => (Clock domain gated -> r)
  -- ^ Function whose clock argument you want to hide
  -> r
hideClock = \f -> f #clk
{-# INLINE hideClock #-}

-- | Connect an explicit 'Clock' to a function with a hidden 'Clock' argument.
-- @
-- withClock = 'flip' exposeClock
-- @
  :: Clock domain gated
  -- ^ The 'Clock' we want to connect
  -> (HiddenClock domain gated => r)
  -- ^ The function with a hidden 'Clock' argument
  -> r
withClock = \clk f -> expose @"clk" f clk
{-# INLINE withClock #-}

-- | Connect a hidden 'Clock' to an argument where a normal 'Clock' argument
-- was expected.
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
  :: HiddenClock domain gated
  => Clock domain gated
hasClock = #clk
{-# INLINE hasClock #-}

-- | Expose the hidden 'Reset' argument of a component, so it can be applied
-- explicitly
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
  :: (HiddenReset domain synchronous => r)
  -- ^ The component with a hidden reset
  -> (Reset domain synchronous -> r)
  -- ^ The component with its reset argument exposed
exposeReset = \f rst -> expose @"rst" f rst
{-# INLINE exposeReset #-}

-- | Hide the 'Reset' argument of a component, so it can be routed implicitly.
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
  :: HiddenReset domain synchronous
  => (Reset domain synchronous -> r)
  -- ^ Component whose reset argument you want to hide
  -> r
hideReset = \f -> f #rst
{-# INLINE hideReset #-}

-- | Connect an explicit 'Reset' to a function with a hidden 'Reset' argument.
-- @
-- withReset = 'flip' exposeReset
-- @
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
  :: Reset domain synchronous
  -- ^ The 'Reset' we want to connect
  -> (HiddenReset domain synchronous => r)
  -- ^ The function with a hidden 'Reset' argument
  -> r
withReset = \rst f -> expose @"rst" f rst
{-# INLINE withReset #-}

-- | Connect a hidden 'Reset' to an argument where a normal 'Reset' argument
-- was expected.
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
  :: HiddenReset domain synchronous
  => Reset domain synchronous
hasReset = #rst
{-# INLINE hasReset #-}

-- | Expose the hidden 'Clock' and 'Reset' arguments of a component, so they can
-- be applied explicitly
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
-- === __Example__
-- @
-- topEntity :: Vec 2 (Vec 3 (Unsigned 8)) -> Vec 6 (Unsigned 8)
-- topEntity = concat
-- testBench :: Signal System Bool
-- testBench = done
--   where
--     testInput      = pure ((1 :> 2 :> 3 :> Nil) :> (4 :> 5 :> 6 :> Nil) :> Nil)
--     expectedOutput = outputVerifier ((1:>2:>3:>4:>5:>6:>Nil):>Nil)
--     done           = exposeClockReset (expectedOutput (topEntity <$> testInput)) clk rst
--     clk            = tbSystemClockGen (not <\$\> done)
--     rst            = systemResetGen
-- @
  :: (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous => r)
  -- ^ The component with hidden clock and reset arguments
  -> (Clock domain gated -> Reset domain synchronous -> r)
  -- ^ The component with its clock and reset arguments exposed
exposeClockReset = \f clk rst -> expose @"rst" (expose @"clk" f clk) rst
{-# INLINE exposeClockReset #-}

-- -- | Hide the 'Clock' and 'Reset' arguments of a component, so they can be
-- -- routed implicitly
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
  :: HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous
  => (Clock domain gated -> Reset domain synchronous -> r)
  -- ^ Component whose clock and reset argument you want to hide
  -> r
hideClockReset = \f -> f #clk #rst
{-# INLINE hideClockReset #-}

-- | Connect an explicit 'Clock' and 'Reset' to a function with a hidden
-- 'Clock' and 'Reset' argument.
-- <Clash-Signal.html#hiddenclockandreset Click here to read more about hidden clocks and resets>
  :: Clock domain gated
  -- ^ The 'Clock' we want to connect
  -> Reset domain synchronous
  -- ^ The 'Reset' we want to connect
  -> (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous => r)
  -- ^ The function with a hidden 'Clock' and hidden 'Reset' argument
  -> r
withClockReset = \clk rst f -> expose @"rst" (expose @"clk" f clk) rst
{-# INLINE withClockReset #-}

-- * Basic circuit functions

-- | 'delay' @s@ delays the values in 'Signal' @s@ for once cycle, the value
-- at time 0 is undefined.
-- >>> printX (sampleN 3 (delay (fromList [1,2,3,4])))
-- [X,1,2]
  :: (HiddenClock domain gated, HasCallStack)
  => Signal domain a
  -- ^ Signal to delay
  -> Signal domain a
delay = \i -> withFrozenCallStack (delay# #clk i)
{-# INLINE delay #-}

-- | 'register' @i s@ delays the values in 'Signal' @s@ for one cycle, and sets
-- the value at time 0 to @i@
-- >>> sampleN 3 (register 8 (fromList [1,2,3,4]))
-- [8,1,2]
  :: (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous, HasCallStack)
  => a
  -- ^ Reset value
  -- 'register' has an /active-hig/h 'Reset', meaning that 'register' outputs the
  -- reset value when the reset value becomes 'True'
  -> Signal domain a
  -> Signal domain a
register = \i s -> withFrozenCallStack (register# #clk #rst i s)
{-# INLINE register #-}
infixr 3 `register`

-- | Version of 'register' that only updates its content when its second
-- argument is a 'Just' value. So given:
-- @
-- sometimes1 = s where
--   s = 'register' Nothing (switch '<$>' s)
--   switch Nothing = Just 1
--   switch _       = Nothing
-- countSometimes = s where
--   s     = 'regMaybe' 0 (plusM ('pure' '<$>' s) sometimes1)
--   plusM = 'liftA2' (liftA2 (+))
-- @
-- We get:
-- >>> sampleN 8 sometimes1
-- [Nothing,Just 1,Nothing,Just 1,Nothing,Just 1,Nothing,Just 1]
-- >>> sampleN 8 countSometimes
-- [0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3]
  :: (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous, HasCallStack)
  => a
  -- ^ Reset value
  -- 'regMaybe' has an /active-high/ 'Reset', meaning that 'regMaybe' outputs the
  -- reset value when the reset value becomes 'True'
  -> Signal domain (Maybe a)
  -> Signal domain a
regMaybe = \initial iM -> withFrozenCallStack
  (register# (clockGate #clk (fmap isJust iM)) #rst initial (fmap fromJust iM))
{-# INLINE regMaybe #-}
infixr 3 `regMaybe`

-- | Version of 'register' that only updates its content when its second argument
-- is asserted. So given:
-- @
-- oscillate = 'register' False ('not' '<$>' oscillate)
-- count     = 'regEn' 0 oscillate (count + 1)
-- @
-- We get:
-- >>> sampleN 8 oscillate
-- [False,True,False,True,False,True,False,True]
-- >>> sampleN 8 count
-- [0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3]
  :: (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous, HasCallStack)
  => a
  -- ^ Reset value
  -- 'regEn' has an /active-high/ 'Reset', meaning that 'regEn' outputs the
  -- reset value when the reset value becomes 'True'
  -> Signal domain Bool
  -> Signal domain a
  -> Signal domain a
regEn = \initial en i -> withFrozenCallStack
  (register# (clockGate #clk en) #rst initial i)
{-# INLINE regEn #-}

-- * Signal -> List conversion

-- | Get an infinite list of samples from a 'Clash.Signal.Signal'
-- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'Signal'
-- at consecutive clock cycles
-- > sample s == [s0, s1, s2, s3, ...
-- __NB__: This function is not synthesisable
  :: forall gated synchronous domain a
   . NFData a
  => (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous => Signal domain a)
  -- ^ 'Signal' we want to sample, whose source potentially has a hidden clock
  -- (and reset)
  -> [a]
sample s =
  let clk = unsafeCoerce @(Clock System 'Gated)
                         @(Clock domain gated)
                         (GatedClock @System SSymbol SNat (pure True))
      rst = unsafeCoerce @(Reset System 'Asynchronous)
                         @(Reset domain synchronous)
                         (Async (True :- pure False))
  in  S.sample (exposeClockReset s clk rst)

-- | Get a list of /n/ samples from a 'Signal'
-- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'Signal'
-- at consecutive clock cycles
-- > sampleN 3 s == [s0, s1, s2]
-- __NB__: This function is not synthesisable
  :: forall gated synchronous domain a
   . NFData a
  => Int
  -- ^ The number of samples we want to see
  -> (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous => Signal domain a)
  -- ^ 'Signal' we want to sample, whose source potentially has a hidden clock
  -- (and reset)
  -> [a]
sampleN n s =
  let clk = unsafeCoerce @(Clock System 'Gated)
                         @(Clock domain gated)
                         (GatedClock @System SSymbol SNat (pure True))
      rst = unsafeCoerce @(Reset System 'Asynchronous)
                         @(Reset domain synchronous)
                         (Async (True :- pure False))
  in  S.sampleN n (exposeClockReset s clk rst)

-- | /Lazily/ get an infinite list of samples from a 'Clash.Signal.Signal'
-- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'Signal'
-- at consecutive clock cycles
-- > sample s == [s0, s1, s2, s3, ...
-- __NB__: This function is not synthesisable
  :: forall gated synchronous domain a
   . (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous => Signal domain a)
  -- ^ 'Signal' we want to sample, whose source potentially has a hidden clock
  -- (and reset)
  -> [a]
sample_lazy s =
  let clk = unsafeCoerce @(Clock System 'Gated)
                         @(Clock domain gated)
                         (GatedClock @System SSymbol SNat (pure True))
      rst = unsafeCoerce @(Reset System 'Asynchronous)
                         @(Reset domain synchronous)
                         (Async (True :- pure False))
  in  S.sample_lazy (exposeClockReset s clk rst)

-- | Lazily get a list of /n/ samples from a 'Signal'
-- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'Signal'
-- at consecutive clock cycles
-- > sampleN 3 s == [s0, s1, s2]
-- __NB__: This function is not synthesisable
  :: forall gated synchronous domain a
   . Int
  -> (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous => Signal domain a)
  -- ^ 'Signal' we want to sample, whose source potentially has a hidden clock
  -- (and reset)
  -> [a]
sampleN_lazy n s =
  let clk = unsafeCoerce @(Clock System 'Gated)
                         @(Clock domain gated)
                         (GatedClock @System SSymbol SNat (pure True))
      rst = unsafeCoerce @(Reset System 'Asynchronous)
                         @(Reset domain synchronous)
                         (Async (True :- pure False))
  in  S.sampleN_lazy n (exposeClockReset s clk rst)

-- * Simulation functions

-- | Simulate a (@'Signal' a -> 'Signal' b@) function given a list of samples
-- of type /a/
-- >>> simulate (register 8) [1, 2, 3]
-- [8,1,2,3...
-- ...
-- __NB__: This function is not synthesisable
  :: forall gated synchronous domain a b
   . (NFData a, NFData b)
  => (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous =>
      Signal domain a -> Signal domain b)
  -- ^ 'Signal' we want to sample, whose source potentially has a hidden clock
  -- (and reset)
  -> [a]
  -> [b]
simulate f =
  let clk = unsafeCoerce @(Clock System 'Gated)
                         @(Clock domain gated)
                         (GatedClock @System SSymbol SNat (pure True))
      rst = unsafeCoerce @(Reset System 'Asynchronous)
                         @(Reset domain synchronous)
                         (Async (True :- pure False))
  in  S.simulate (exposeClockReset f clk rst)

-- | /Lazily/ simulate a (@'Signal' a -> 'Signal' b@) function given a list of
-- samples of type /a/
-- >>> simulate (register 8) [1, 2, 3]
-- [8,1,2,3...
-- ...
-- __NB__: This function is not synthesisable
  :: forall gated synchronous domain a b
   . (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous =>
      Signal domain a -> Signal domain b)
  -- ^ Function we want to simulate, whose components potentially have a hidden
  -- clock (and reset)
  -> [a]
  -> [b]
simulate_lazy f =
  let clk = unsafeCoerce @(Clock System 'Gated)
                         @(Clock domain gated)
                         (GatedClock @System SSymbol SNat (pure True))
      rst = unsafeCoerce @(Reset System 'Asynchronous)
                         @(Reset domain synchronous)
                         (Async (True :- pure False))
  in  S.simulate_lazy (exposeClockReset f clk rst)

-- | Simulate a (@'Unbundled' a -> 'Unbundled' b@) function given a list of
-- samples of type @a@
-- >>> simulateB (unbundle . register (8,8) . bundle) [(1,1), (2,2), (3,3)] :: [(Int,Int)]
-- [(8,8),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)...
-- ...
-- __NB__: This function is not synthesisable
  :: forall gated synchronous domain a b
   . (Bundle a, Bundle b, NFData a, NFData b)
  => (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous =>
      Unbundled domain a -> Unbundled domain b)
  -- ^ Function we want to simulate, whose components potentially have a hidden
  -- clock (and reset)
  -> [a]
  -> [b]
simulateB f =
  let clk = unsafeCoerce @(Clock System 'Gated)
                         @(Clock domain gated)
                         (GatedClock @System SSymbol SNat (pure True))
      rst = unsafeCoerce @(Reset System 'Asynchronous)
                         @(Reset domain synchronous)
                         (Async (True :- pure False))
  in  S.simulateB (exposeClockReset f clk rst)

-- | /Lazily/ simulate a (@'Unbundled' a -> 'Unbundled' b@) function given a
-- list of samples of type @a@
-- >>> simulateB (unbundle . register (8,8) . bundle) [(1,1), (2,2), (3,3)] :: [(Int,Int)]
-- [(8,8),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)...
-- ...
-- __NB__: This function is not synthesisable
  :: forall gated synchronous domain a b
   . (Bundle a, Bundle b)
  => (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous =>
      Unbundled domain a -> Unbundled domain b)
  -- ^ Function we want to simulate, whose components potentially have a hidden
  -- clock (and reset)
  -> [a]
  -> [b]
simulateB_lazy f =
  let clk = unsafeCoerce @(Clock System 'Gated)
                         @(Clock domain gated)
                         (GatedClock @System SSymbol SNat (pure True))
      rst = unsafeCoerce @(Reset System 'Asynchronous)
                         @(Reset domain synchronous)
                         (Async (True :- pure False))
  in  S.simulateB_lazy (exposeClockReset f clk rst)

-- * QuickCheck combinators

-- |  @testFor n s@ tests the signal /s/ for /n/ cycles.
  :: Int
  -- ^ The number of cycles we want to test for
  -> (HiddenClockReset domain gated synchronous => Signal domain Bool)
  -- ^ 'Signal' we want to evaluate, whose source potentially has a hidden clock
  -- (and reset)
  -> Property
testFor n s = property (and (Clash.Signal.sampleN n s))