Metadata revisions for clash-lib-1.8.1

Package maintainers and Hackage trustees are allowed to edit certain bits of package metadata after a release, without uploading a new tarball. Note that the tarball itself is never changed, just the metadata that is stored separately. For more information about metadata revisions, please refer to the Hackage Metadata Revisions FAQ.

No. Time User SHA256
-r3 (clash-lib-1.8.1-r3) 2024-07-07T08:46:15Z QBayLogic 2e1ee92587985da6b1e348778591ebe9f720a6b836fa54a0ffe8b9a090c79272
  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'hashable' from

    >= && <1.5
    >= && <1.6

-r2 (clash-lib-1.8.1-r2) 2024-05-07T06:57:00Z QBayLogic 45e07d5fea935962ad34899935f54a8211408df50a001fc4850e6238ba3409ac
  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'lens' from

    >=4.10 && <5.3
    >=4.10 && <5.4

-r1 (clash-lib-1.8.1-r1) 2024-03-20T08:01:48Z QBayLogic 311f9a7ae29b23de94a7ba3e9aaccac94755d817ff6e7927a2fff5a8bb3c3e0a
  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'ansi-terminal' from

    >= && <1.1
    >= && <1.2

  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'containers' from

    >= && <0.7
    >= && <0.8

  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'filepath' from

    >= && <1.5
    >= && <1.6

  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'time' from

    >= && <1.14
    >= && <1.15

-r0 (clash-lib-1.8.1-r0) 2023-11-11T00:46:03Z QBayLogic 17d78e786dedf16a76394cd5813372870a3d70a1a4c7f964309f126b800e90f6