  Copyright   :  (C) 2015-2016, University of Twente
  License     :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
  Maintainer  :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

module Data.Aeson.Extra where

import           Control.Exception    (throw)
import qualified Data.Ix              as Ix
import qualified Data.Text            as T
import           Data.Text            (Text,pack,unpack)
import           Data.List            (intercalate)
import           Data.Aeson           (FromJSON, Result (..), fromJSON, json)
import           Data.Attoparsec.Lazy (Result (..), parse)
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSChar
import           System.FilePath      ()

import           Clash.Util           (ClashException(..))
import           SrcLoc               (mkGeneralSrcSpan)
import           FastString           (mkFastString)
import           GHC.Stack            (HasCallStack)

-- Quick and dirty way of replacing fake escapes in naively converted bytestring
replaceCommonEscapes :: Text -> Text
replaceCommonEscapes = ( T.replace (pack "\\n") (pack "\n") ) .
                       ( T.replace (pack "\\\\") (pack "\\") ) .
                       ( T.replace (pack "\\\"") (pack "\"") )

genLineErr' :: [Text] -> (Int, Int) -> Int -> Text
genLineErr' allLines range errorLineN = T.unlines [ T.concat [ if i == errorLineN then pack ">> " else  pack "   "
                                                             , pack $ show i
                                                             , pack ". "
                                                             , allLines !! i
                                                             ] | i <- Ix.range range]

-- | Pretty print part of json file related to error
genLineErr :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Text
genLineErr full part = genLineErr' allLines interval errorLineN
    -- Determine interval, and pass to helper function
    nLastLines = 1 + (length $ T.lines $ replaceCommonEscapes $ pack $ show part)
    errorLineN = length allLines - nLastLines + 1
    allLines   = T.lines $ replaceCommonEscapes $ pack $ show full
    interval   = (max 0 (errorLineN - 5), min (max 0 $ length allLines - 1) (errorLineN + 5))

-- | Parse a ByteString according to the given JSON template. Throws exception
-- if it fails.
  :: (HasCallStack, FromJSON a)
  => FilePath
  -- ^ Path read from (for error message)
  -> ByteString
  -- ^ Bytestring to parse
  -> a
decodeOrErr path contents =
  case parse json contents of
    Done leftover v ->
      case fromJSON v of
        Success _ | BS.any notWhitespace leftover ->
          clashError ("After parsing " ++  show path
                 ++ ", found unparsed trailing garbage:\n"
                 ++ BSChar.unpack leftover)
        Success a ->
        Error msg ->
            ( "Could not deduce valid scheme for json in "
           ++ show path ++ ". Error was: \n\n" ++ msg )

    -- JSON parse error:
    Fail bytes cntxs msg ->
        ( "Could not read or parse json in " ++ show path ++ ". "
       ++ (if null cntxs then "" else "Context was:\n  " ++ intercalate "\n  " cntxs)
       ++ "\n\nError reported by Attoparsec was:\n  "
       ++ msg
       ++ "\n\nApproximate location of error:\n\n"
       -- HACK: Replace with proper parser/fail logic in future. Or don't. It's not important.
       ++ (unpack $ genLineErr contents bytes) )
    loc = mkGeneralSrcSpan $ mkFastString path
    clashError msg = throw $ ClashException loc msg Nothing
    notWhitespace c = BS.notElem c whitespace
      where whitespace = BSChar.pack " \t\n\r"