{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Clash.Backend.SystemVerilog (SystemVerilogState) where
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Lens hiding (Indexed)
import Control.Monad (forM,liftM,zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.State (State)
import Data.Bits (Bits, testBit)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMapS
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.List (nub, nubBy)
import Data.List.Extra ((<:>))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes,fromMaybe,mapMaybe)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Monoid hiding (Sum, Product)
import Data.Semigroup.Monad
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text
import qualified Data.Text as TextS
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Extra
import qualified System.FilePath
import Clash.Annotations.Primitive (HDL (..))
import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Internal
(ConstrRepr'(..), DataRepr'(..))
import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.ClashLib
import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Util
(BitOrigin(Lit, Field), bitOrigins, bitRanges)
import Clash.Core.Var (Attr'(..))
import Clash.Debug (traceIf)
import Clash.Backend
import Clash.Backend.Verilog
(bits, bit_char, encodingNote, exprLit, include, noEmptyInit, uselibs)
import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Types (HdlSyn (..))
import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Util
(extractLiterals, renderBlackBox, renderFilePath)
import Clash.Netlist.Id (IdType (..), mkBasicId')
import Clash.Netlist.Types hiding (_intWidth, intWidth)
import Clash.Netlist.Util hiding (mkIdentifier, extendIdentifier)
import Clash.Signal.Internal (ActiveEdge (..))
import Clash.Util
(SrcSpan, noSrcSpan, curLoc, makeCached, first, on, indexNote)
import Clash.Util.Graph (reverseTopSort)
data SystemVerilogState =
{ _tyCache :: HashSet HWType
, _tySeen :: HashMapS.HashMap Identifier Word
, _nameCache :: HashMap HWType Doc
, _genDepth :: Int
, _modNm :: Identifier
, _idSeen :: HashMapS.HashMap Identifier Word
, _oports :: [Identifier]
, _srcSpan :: SrcSpan
, _includes :: [(String,Doc)]
, _imports :: [Text.Text]
, _libraries :: [Text.Text]
, _dataFiles :: [(String,FilePath)]
, _memoryDataFiles:: [(String,String)]
, _tyPkgCtx :: Bool
, _intWidth :: Int
, _hdlsyn :: HdlSyn
, _escapedIds :: Bool
, _undefValue :: Maybe (Maybe Int)
makeLenses ''SystemVerilogState
instance Backend SystemVerilogState where
initBackend = SystemVerilogState HashSet.empty HashMapS.empty HashMap.empty
0 "" HashMapS.empty [] noSrcSpan [] [] []
[] [] False
hdlKind = const SystemVerilog
primDirs = const $ do root <- primsRoot
return [ root System.FilePath.</> "common"
, root System.FilePath.</> "commonverilog"
, root System.FilePath.</> "systemverilog"
extractTypes = _tyCache
name = const "systemverilog"
extension = const ".sv"
genHDL = genVerilog
mkTyPackage = mkTyPackage_
hdlType _ = verilogType
hdlTypeErrValue = verilogTypeErrValue
hdlTypeMark = verilogTypeMark
hdlRecSel = verilogRecSel
hdlSig t ty = sigDecl (string t) ty
genStmt True = do cnt <- use genDepth
genDepth += 1
if cnt > 0
then emptyDoc
else "generate"
genStmt False = do genDepth -= 1
cnt <- use genDepth
if cnt > 0
then emptyDoc
else "endgenerate"
inst = inst_
expr = expr_
iwWidth = use intWidth
toBV hty id_ = toSLV hty (Identifier (Text.toStrict id_) Nothing)
fromBV hty id_ = simpleFromSLV hty (Text.toStrict id_)
hdlSyn = use hdlsyn
mkIdentifier = do
allowEscaped <- use escapedIds
return (go allowEscaped)
go _ Basic nm = case (TextS.take 1024 . filterReserved) (mkBasicId' SystemVerilog True nm) of
nm' | TextS.null nm' -> "_clash_internal"
| otherwise -> nm'
go esc Extended (rmSlash . escapeTemplate -> nm) = case go esc Basic nm of
nm' | esc && nm /= nm' -> TextS.concat ["\\",nm," "]
| otherwise -> nm'
extendIdentifier = do
allowEscaped <- use escapedIds
return (go allowEscaped)
go _ Basic nm ext =
case (TextS.take 1024 . filterReserved) (mkBasicId' SystemVerilog True (nm `TextS.append` ext)) of
nm' | TextS.null nm' -> "_clash_internal"
| otherwise -> nm'
go esc Extended (rmSlash -> nm) ext =
let nmExt = nm `TextS.append` ext
in case go esc Basic nm ext of
nm' | esc && nm' /= nmExt -> case TextS.isPrefixOf "c$" nmExt of
True -> TextS.concat ["\\",nmExt," "]
_ -> TextS.concat ["\\c$",nmExt," "]
| otherwise -> nm'
setModName nm s = s {_modNm = nm}
setSrcSpan = (srcSpan .=)
getSrcSpan = use srcSpan
blockDecl _ ds = do
decs <- decls ds
if isEmpty decs
then insts ds
pure decs <> line <>
insts ds
unextend = return rmSlash
addIncludes inc = includes %= (inc++)
addLibraries libs = libraries %= (libs ++)
addImports inps = imports %= (inps ++)
addAndSetData f = do
fs <- use dataFiles
let (fs',f') = renderFilePath fs f
dataFiles .= fs'
return f'
getDataFiles = use dataFiles
addMemoryDataFile f = memoryDataFiles %= (f:)
getMemoryDataFiles = use memoryDataFiles
seenIdentifiers = idSeen
ifThenElseExpr _ = True
rmSlash :: Identifier -> Identifier
rmSlash nm = fromMaybe nm $ do
nm1 <- TextS.stripPrefix "\\" nm
pure (TextS.filter (not . (== ' ')) nm1)
type SystemVerilogM a = Mon (State SystemVerilogState) a
reservedWords :: [Identifier]
reservedWords = ["accept_on","alias","always","always_comb","always_ff"
filterReserved :: Identifier -> Identifier
filterReserved s = if s `elem` reservedWords
then s `TextS.append` "_r"
else s
genVerilog :: Identifier -> SrcSpan -> HashMapS.HashMap Identifier Word -> Component -> SystemVerilogM ((String,Doc),[(String,Doc)])
genVerilog _ sp seen c = preserveSeen $ do
Mon $ idSeen .= seen
Mon $ tySeen %= HashMapS.unionWith max seen
Mon $ setSrcSpan sp
v <- verilog
incs <- Mon $ use includes
return ((TextS.unpack cName,v),incs)
cName = componentName c
verilog = commentHeader <> line <>
timescale <> line <>
module_ c
<> line <> "** GENERATED BY CLASH " <> string (Text.pack clashVer) <> ". DO NOT MODIFY."
<> line <> "*/"
timescale = "`timescale 100fs/100fs"
mkTyPackage_ :: Identifier
-> [HWType]
-> SystemVerilogM [(String,Doc)]
mkTyPackage_ modName hwtys = do
Mon (tyPkgCtx .= True)
normTys <- nub <$> mapM (normaliseType) (hwtys ++ usedTys)
needsDec = nubBy eqReprTy $ normTys
hwTysSorted = topSortHWTys needsDec
packageDec = vcat $ fmap catMaybes $ mapM tyDec hwTysSorted
funDecs = vcat $ fmap catMaybes $ mapM funDec hwTysSorted
pkg <- (:[]) A.<$> (TextS.unpack modName ++ "_types",) A.<$>
"package" <+> modNameD <> "_types" <> semi <> line <>
indent 2 packageDec <> line <>
indent 2 funDecs <> line <>
"endpackage" <+> colon <+> modNameD <> "_types"
Mon (tyPkgCtx .= False)
return pkg
modNameD = stringS modName
usedTys = concatMap mkUsedTys hwtys
eqReprTy :: HWType -> HWType -> Bool
eqReprTy (Vector n ty1) (Vector m ty2)
| m == n = eqReprTy ty1 ty2
| otherwise = False
eqReprTy (RTree n ty1) (RTree m ty2)
| m == n = eqReprTy ty1 ty2
| otherwise = False
eqReprTy Bit ty2 = ty2 `elem` [Bit,Bool]
eqReprTy Bool ty2 = ty2 `elem` [Bit,Bool]
eqReprTy ty1 ty2
| isUnsigned ty1 && isUnsigned ty2 = typeSize ty1 == typeSize ty2
| otherwise = ty1 == ty2
isUnsigned :: HWType -> Bool
isUnsigned (Unsigned _) = True
isUnsigned (BitVector _) = True
isUnsigned (Index _) = True
isUnsigned (Sum _ _) = True
isUnsigned (CustomSum _ _ _ _) = True
isUnsigned (SP _ _) = True
isUnsigned (CustomSP _ _ _ _) = True
isUnsigned _ = False
mkUsedTys :: HWType
-> [HWType]
mkUsedTys v@(Vector _ elTy) = v : mkUsedTys elTy
mkUsedTys t@(RTree _ elTy) = t : mkUsedTys elTy
mkUsedTys p@(Product _ _ elTys) = p : concatMap mkUsedTys elTys
mkUsedTys sp@(SP _ elTys) = sp : concatMap mkUsedTys (concatMap snd elTys)
mkUsedTys t = [t]
topSortHWTys :: [HWType]
-> [HWType]
topSortHWTys hwtys = sorted
nodes = zip [0..] hwtys
nodesI = HashMap.fromList (zip hwtys [0..])
edges = concatMap edge hwtys
sorted =
case reverseTopSort nodes edges of
Left err -> error ("[BUG IN CLASH] topSortHWTys: " ++ err)
Right ns -> ns
edge t@(Vector _ elTy) = maybe [] ((:[]) . (HashMap.lookupDefault (error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Vector") t nodesI,))
(HashMap.lookup elTy nodesI)
edge t@(RTree _ elTy) = maybe [] ((:[]) . (HashMap.lookupDefault (error $ $(curLoc) ++ "RTree") t nodesI,))
(HashMap.lookup elTy nodesI)
edge t@(Product _ _ tys) = let ti = HashMap.lookupDefault (error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Product") t nodesI
in mapMaybe (\ty -> liftM (ti,) (HashMap.lookup ty nodesI)) tys
edge t@(SP _ ctys) = let ti = HashMap.lookupDefault (error $ $(curLoc) ++ "SP") t nodesI
in concatMap (\(_,tys) -> mapMaybe (\ty -> liftM (ti,) (HashMap.lookup ty nodesI)) tys) ctys
edge _ = []
normaliseType :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM HWType
normaliseType (Annotated _ ty) = normaliseType ty
normaliseType (Vector n ty) = Vector n <$> (normaliseType ty)
normaliseType (RTree d ty) = RTree d <$> (normaliseType ty)
normaliseType (Product nm lbls tys) = Product nm lbls <$> (mapM normaliseType tys)
normaliseType ty@(SP _ elTys) = do
Mon $ mapM_ ((tyCache %=) . HashSet.insert) (concatMap snd elTys)
return (BitVector (typeSize ty))
normaliseType (CustomSP _ _dataRepr size elTys) = do
Mon $ mapM_ ((tyCache %=) . HashSet.insert) [ty | (_, _, subTys) <- elTys, ty <- subTys]
return (BitVector size)
normaliseType ty@(Index _) = return (Unsigned (typeSize ty))
normaliseType ty@(Sum _ _) = return (BitVector (typeSize ty))
normaliseType ty@(CustomSum _ _ _ _) = return (BitVector (typeSize ty))
normaliseType (Clock _) = return Bit
normaliseType (Reset {}) = return Bit
normaliseType (BiDirectional dir ty) = BiDirectional dir <$> normaliseType ty
normaliseType ty = return ty
range :: Either Int Int -> SystemVerilogM Doc
range (Left n) = brackets (int (n-1) <> colon <> int 0)
range (Right n) = brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n-1))
tyDec :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM (Maybe Doc)
tyDec ty@(Vector n elTy) | typeSize ty > 0 = Just A.<$> do
syn <- Mon hdlSyn
case syn of
Vivado -> case splitVecTy ty of
Just ([Right n',Left n''],elTy') ->
"typedef" <+> elTy' <+> brackets (int (n''-1) <> colon <> int 0) <+>
tyName ty <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n'-1)) <> semi
_ ->
"typedef" <+> "logic" <+> brackets (int (typeSize elTy - 1) <> colon <> int 0) <+>
tyName ty <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n-1)) <> semi
_ -> case splitVecTy ty of
Just (Right n':ns,elTy') ->
"typedef" <+> elTy' <+> hcat (mapM range ns) <+> tyName ty <+>
brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n' - 1)) <> semi
_ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "impossible"
tyDec ty@(RTree n elTy) | typeSize elTy > 0 = Just A.<$> do
syn <- Mon hdlSyn
case syn of
Vivado -> case splitVecTy ty of
Just ([Right n',Left n''],elTy') ->
"typedef" <+> elTy' <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n''-1)) <+>
tyName ty <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n'-1)) <> semi
_ ->
"typedef" <+> "logic" <+> brackets (int (typeSize elTy - 1) <> colon <> int 0) <+>
tyName ty <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (2^n-1)) <> semi
_ -> case splitVecTy ty of
Just (Right n':ns,elTy') ->
"typedef" <+> elTy' <+> hcat (mapM range ns) <+> tyName ty <+>
brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n' - 1)) <> semi
_ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "impossible"
tyDec ty@(Product _ _ tys) | typeSize ty > 0 = Just A.<$> prodDec
prodDec = "typedef struct packed {" <> line <>
indent 2 (vcat $ fmap catMaybes $ zipWithM combineM selNames tys) <> line <>
"}" <+> tName <> semi
combineM x y = do
yM <- lvType y
case yM of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just y' -> Just A.<$> (pure y' <+> x <> semi)
tName = tyName ty
selNames = map (\i -> tName <> "_sel" <> int i) [0..]
tyDec _ = pure Nothing
splitVecTy :: HWType -> Maybe ([Either Int Int],SystemVerilogM Doc)
splitVecTy = fmap splitElemTy . go
splitElemTy (ns,t) = case t of
Product {} -> (ns, verilogType t)
Vector {} -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "impossible"
Clock {} -> (ns, verilogType t)
Reset {} -> (ns, "logic")
Bool -> (ns, "logic")
Bit -> (ns, "logic")
String -> (ns, "string")
Signed n -> (ns ++ [Left n],"logic signed")
_ -> (ns ++ [Left (typeSize t)], "logic")
go (Vector n elTy) = case go elTy of
Just (ns,elTy') -> Just (Right n:ns,elTy')
_ -> Just ([Right n],elTy)
go (RTree n elTy) = let n' = 2^n in case go elTy of
Just (ns,elTy') -> Just (Right n':ns,elTy')
_ -> Just ([Right n'],elTy)
go _ = Nothing
lvType :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM (Maybe Doc)
lvType ty@(Vector n elTy) | typeSize ty > 0 = Just A.<$> do
syn <- Mon hdlSyn
case syn of
Vivado -> "logic" <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n-1)) <> brackets (int (typeSize elTy - 1) <> colon <> int 0)
_ -> case splitVecTy ty of
Just (ns,elTy') -> elTy' <> hcat (mapM range ns)
_ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "impossible"
lvType ty@(RTree n elTy) | typeSize elTy > 0 = Just A.<$> do
syn <- Mon hdlSyn
case syn of
Vivado -> "logic" <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (2^n-1)) <> brackets (int (typeSize elTy - 1) <> colon <> int 0)
_ -> case splitVecTy ty of
Just (ns,elTy') -> elTy' <> hcat (mapM range ns)
_ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "impossible"
lvType ty | typeSize ty > 0 = Just A.<$> verilogType ty
lvType _ = pure Nothing
funDec :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM (Maybe Doc)
funDec ty@(Vector n elTy) | typeSize ty > 0 = Just A.<$>
"function" <+> "automatic" <+> "logic" <+> ranges <+> tName <> "_to_lv" <> parens (sigDecl "i" ty) <> semi <> line <>
indent 2
("for" <+> parens ("int n = 0" <> semi <+> "n <" <+> int n <> semi <+> "n=n+1") <> line <>
indent 2 (tName <> "_to_lv" <> brackets "n" <+> "=" <+> "i[n]" <> semi)) <> line <>
"endfunction" <> line <>
"function" <+> "automatic" <+> tName <+> tName <> "_from_lv" <> parens ("logic" <+> ranges <+> "i") <> semi <> line <>
indent 2
("for" <+> parens ("int n = 0" <> semi <+> "n <" <+> int n <> semi <+> "n=n+1") <> line <>
indent 2 (tName <> "_from_lv" <> brackets "n" <+> "=" <+> "i[n]" <> semi)) <> line <>
"endfunction" <> line <>
if n > 1 then
"function" <+> "automatic" <+> tName <+> tName <> "_cons" <> parens (sigDecl "x" elTy <> comma <> vecSigDecl "xs") <> semi <> line <>
indent 2
(tName <> "_cons" <> brackets (int 0) <+> "=" <+> (toSLV elTy (Identifier "x" Nothing)) <> semi <> line <>
tName <> "_cons" <> brackets (int 1 <> colon <> int (n-1)) <+> "=" <+> "xs" <> semi) <> line <>
"function" <+> "automatic" <+> tName <+> tName <> "_cons" <> parens (sigDecl "x" elTy) <> semi <> line <>
indent 2
(tName <> "_cons" <> brackets (int 0) <+> "=" <+> (toSLV elTy (Identifier "x" Nothing)) <> semi) <> line <>
tName = tyName ty
ranges = brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n-1)) <>
brackets (int (typeSize elTy - 1) <> colon <> int 0)
vecSigDecl :: SystemVerilogM Doc -> SystemVerilogM Doc
vecSigDecl d = do
syn <- Mon hdlSyn
case syn of
Vivado -> case splitVecTy ty of
Just ([Right n',Left n''],elTy') ->
elTy' <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n''-1)) <+>
d <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n'-2))
_ ->
"logic" <+> brackets (int (typeSize elTy - 1) <> colon <> int 0) <+>
d <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n-2))
_ -> case splitVecTy ty of
Just (Right n':ns,elTy') ->
elTy' <+> hcat (mapM range ns) <+> d <+>
brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n' - 2))
_ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "impossible"
funDec ty@(RTree n elTy) | typeSize elTy > 0 = Just A.<$>
"function" <+> "automatic" <+> "logic" <+> ranges <+> tName <> "_to_lv" <> parens (sigDecl "i" ty) <> semi <> line <>
indent 2
("for" <+> parens ("int n = 0" <> semi <+> "n <" <+> int (2^n) <> semi <+> "n=n+1") <> line <>
indent 2 (tName <> "_to_lv" <> brackets "n" <+> "=" <+> "i[n]" <> semi)) <> line <>
"endfunction" <> line <>
"function" <+> "automatic" <+> tName <+> tName <> "_from_lv" <> parens ("logic" <+> ranges <+> "i") <> semi <> line <>
indent 2
("for" <+> parens ("int n = 0" <> semi <+> "n <" <+> int (2^n) <> semi <+> "n=n+1") <> line <>
indent 2 (tName <> "_from_lv" <> brackets "n" <+> "=" <+> "i[n]" <> semi)) <> line <>
"endfunction" <> line <>
(if n > 0
"function" <+> "automatic" <+> tName <+> tName <> "_br" <> parens (treeSigDecl "l" <> comma <> treeSigDecl "r") <> semi <> line <>
indent 2
(tName <> "_br" <> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (2^(n-1)-1)) <+> "=" <+> "l" <> semi <> line <>
tName <> "_br" <> brackets (int (2^(n-1)) <> colon <> int (2^n-1)) <+> "=" <+> "r" <> semi) <> line <>
treeSigDecl :: SystemVerilogM Doc -> SystemVerilogM Doc
treeSigDecl d = do
syn <- Mon hdlSyn
case syn of
Vivado -> case splitVecTy (RTree (n-1) elTy) of
Just ([Right n',Left n''],elTy') ->
elTy' <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n''-1)) <+>
d <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n' - 1))
_ ->
"logic" <+> brackets (int (typeSize elTy - 1) <> colon <> int 0) <+>
d <+> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (2^(n-1)-1))
_ -> case splitVecTy (RTree (n-1) elTy) of
Just (Right n':ns,elTy') ->
elTy' <+> hcat (mapM range ns) <+> d <+>
brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (n' - 1))
_ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "impossible"
tName = tyName ty
ranges = brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (2^n-1)) <>
brackets (int (typeSize elTy - 1) <> colon <> int 0)
funDec _ = pure Nothing
module_ :: Component -> SystemVerilogM Doc
module_ c =
addSeen c *> modVerilog <* Mon (imports .= [] >> oports .= [])
modVerilog = do
body <- modBody
imps <- Mon $ use imports
libs <- Mon $ use libraries
modHeader <> line <> modPorts <> line <> include (nub imps) <> uselibs (nub libs) <> pure body <> line <> modEnding
modHeader = "module" <+> stringS (componentName c)
modPorts = indent 4 (tupleInputs inPorts <> line <> tupleOutputs outPorts <> semi)
modBody = indent 2 (decls (declarations c)) <> line <> line <> indent 2 (insts (declarations c))
modEnding = "endmodule"
inPorts = sequence [ sigPort (Nothing,isBiSignalIn ty) (i,ty) Nothing | (i,ty) <- inputs c ]
outPorts = sequence [ sigPort (Just wr,False) p iEM | (wr, p, iEM) <- outputs c ]
wr2ty (Nothing,isBidirectional)
| isBidirectional
= "inout"
| otherwise
= "input"
wr2ty (Just _,_)
= "output"
sigPort (wr2ty -> portTy) (nm, hwTy) iEM
= addAttrs (hwTypeAttrs hwTy)
(portTy <+> sigDecl (stringS nm) hwTy <> iE <+> encodingNote hwTy)
iE = maybe emptyDoc (noEmptyInit . expr_ False) iEM
commafy v = (comma <> space) <> pure v
tupleInputs v = v >>= \case
[] -> lparen <+> string "// No inputs" <> line
(x:xs) -> lparen <+> string "// Inputs"
<> line <> (string " " <> pure x)
<> line <> vcat (forM xs commafy)
<> line
tupleOutputs v = v >>= \case
[] -> string " // No outputs" <> line <> rparen
(x:xs) -> string " // Outputs"
<> line <> (if (length (inputs c)) > 0
then comma <> space <> pure x
else string " " <> pure x)
<> (if null xs then emptyDoc else line <> vcat (forM xs commafy))
<> line <> rparen
addSeen :: Component -> SystemVerilogM ()
addSeen c = do
let iport = map fst (inputs c)
oport = map (fst . (\(_,x,_)->x)) $ outputs c
nets = mapMaybe (\case {NetDecl' _ _ i _ _ -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}) $ declarations c
Mon (idSeen %= (HashMapS.unionWith max (HashMapS.fromList (concatMap (map (,0)) [iport,oport,nets]))))
Mon (oports .= oport)
mkUniqueId :: Identifier -> SystemVerilogM Identifier
mkUniqueId i = do
mkId <- Mon (mkIdentifier <*> pure Extended)
seen <- Mon $ use idSeen
let i' = mkId i
case HashMapS.lookup i seen of
Just n -> go mkId seen i' n
Nothing -> do Mon (idSeen %= (HashMapS.insert i' 0))
return i'
go :: (Identifier -> Identifier) -> HashMapS.HashMap Identifier Word -> Identifier
-> Word -> SystemVerilogM Identifier
go mkId seen i' n = do
let i'' = mkId (TextS.append i' (TextS.pack ('_':show n)))
case HashMapS.lookup i'' seen of
Just _ -> go mkId seen i' (n+1)
Nothing -> do Mon (idSeen %= (HashMapS.insert i'' (n+1)))
return i''
verilogType :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM Doc
verilogType t_ = do
t <- normaliseType t_
Mon (tyCache %= HashSet.insert t)
let logicOrWire | isBiSignalIn t = "wire"
| otherwise = "logic"
pkgCtx <- Mon $ use tyPkgCtx
nm <- Mon $ use modNm
let pvrType = if pkgCtx
then tyName t
else stringS nm <> "_types::" <> tyName t
case t of
Product {} -> pvrType
Vector {} -> pvrType
RTree {} -> pvrType
Signed n -> logicOrWire <+> "signed" <+> brackets (int (n-1) <> colon <> int 0)
Clock _ -> "logic"
Reset {} -> "logic"
Bit -> "logic"
Bool -> "logic"
String -> "string"
FileType -> "integer"
_ -> logicOrWire <+> brackets (int (typeSize t -1) <> colon <> int 0)
sigDecl :: SystemVerilogM Doc -> HWType -> SystemVerilogM Doc
sigDecl d t = verilogType t <+> d
verilogTypeMark :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM Doc
verilogTypeMark t_ = do
t <- normaliseType t_
Mon (tyCache %= HashSet.insert t)
pkgCtx <- Mon $ use tyPkgCtx
nm <- Mon $ use modNm
let pvrType = if pkgCtx
then tyName t
else stringS nm <> "_types::" <> tyName t
case t of
Product {} -> pvrType
Vector {} -> pvrType
RTree {} -> pvrType
_ -> emptyDoc
tyName :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM Doc
tyName Bool = "logic"
tyName Bit = "logic"
tyName (Vector n elTy) = "array_of_" <> int n <> "_" <> tyName elTy
tyName (RTree n elTy) = "tree_of_" <> int n <> "_" <> tyName elTy
tyName (BitVector n) = "logic_vector_" <> int n
tyName t@(Index _) = "logic_vector_" <> int (typeSize t)
tyName (Signed n) = "signed_" <> int n
tyName (Unsigned n) = "logic_vector_" <> int n
tyName t@(Sum _ _) = "logic_vector_" <> int (typeSize t)
tyName t@(CustomSum _ _ _ _) = "logic_vector_" <> int (typeSize t)
tyName t@(CustomSP _ _ _ _) = "logic_vector_" <> int (typeSize t)
tyName t@(Product nm _ _) = do
tN <- normaliseType t
Mon (makeCached tN nameCache prodName)
prodName = do
seen <- use tySeen
mkId <- mkIdentifier <*> pure Basic
let nm' = (mkId . last . TextS.splitOn ".") nm
nm'' = if TextS.null nm'
then "product"
else nm'
(nm3,count) = case HashMapS.lookup nm'' seen of
Just cnt -> go mkId seen cnt nm''
Nothing -> (nm'',0)
tySeen %= HashMap.insert nm3 count
stringS nm3
go mkId s i n =
let n' = n `TextS.append` TextS.pack ('_':show i)
in case HashMapS.lookup n' s of
Just _ -> go mkId s (i+1) n
Nothing -> (n',i+1)
tyName t@(SP _ _) = "logic_vector_" <> int (typeSize t)
tyName (Clock _) = "logic"
tyName (Reset {}) = "logic"
tyName t = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "tyName: " ++ show t
verilogTypeErrValue :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM Doc
verilogTypeErrValue (Vector n elTy) = do
syn <- Mon hdlSyn
case syn of
Vivado -> char '\'' <> braces (int n <+> braces (singularErrValue elTy))
_ -> char '\'' <> braces (int n <+> braces (verilogTypeErrValue elTy))
verilogTypeErrValue (RTree n elTy) = do
syn <- Mon hdlSyn
case syn of
Vivado -> char '\'' <> braces (int (2^n) <+> braces (singularErrValue elTy))
_ -> char '\'' <> braces (int (2^n) <+> braces (verilogTypeErrValue elTy))
verilogTypeErrValue String = "\"ERROR\""
verilogTypeErrValue ty = singularErrValue ty
singularErrValue :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM Doc
singularErrValue ty = do
udf <- Mon (use undefValue)
case udf of
Nothing -> braces (int (typeSize ty) <+> braces "1'bx")
Just Nothing -> int (typeSize ty) <> "'d0 /* undefined */"
Just (Just x) -> braces (int (typeSize ty) <+> braces ("1'b" <> int x)) <+> "/* undefined */"
:: HWType
-> Int
-> SystemVerilogM Doc
verilogRecSel ty i = tyName ty <> "_sel" <> int i
decls :: [Declaration] -> SystemVerilogM Doc
decls [] = emptyDoc
decls ds = do
dsDoc <- catMaybes A.<$> mapM decl ds
case dsDoc of
[] -> emptyDoc
_ -> punctuate' semi (A.pure dsDoc)
decl :: Declaration -> SystemVerilogM (Maybe Doc)
decl (NetDecl' noteM _ id_ tyE iEM) =
Just A.<$> maybe id addNote noteM (addAttrs attrs (typ tyE))
typ (Left ty) = stringS ty <+> stringS id_ <> iE
typ (Right ty) = sigDecl (stringS id_) ty <> iE
addNote n = mappend ("//" <+> stringS n <> line)
attrs = fromMaybe [] (hwTypeAttrs A.<$> either (const Nothing) Just tyE)
iE = maybe emptyDoc (noEmptyInit . expr_ False) iEM
decl _ = return Nothing
renderAttr :: Attr' -> Text.Text
renderAttr (StringAttr' key value) = Text.pack $ concat [key, " = ", show value]
renderAttr (IntegerAttr' key value) = Text.pack $ concat [key, " = ", show value]
renderAttr (BoolAttr' key True ) = Text.pack $ concat [key, " = ", "1"]
renderAttr (BoolAttr' key False) = Text.pack $ concat [key, " = ", "0"]
renderAttr (Attr' key ) = Text.pack $ key
:: [Attr']
-> SystemVerilogM Doc
-> SystemVerilogM Doc
addAttrs [] t = t
addAttrs attrs' t =
"(*" <+> attrs'' <+> "*)" <+> t
attrs'' = string $ Text.intercalate ", " (map renderAttr attrs')
insts :: [Declaration] -> SystemVerilogM Doc
insts [] = emptyDoc
insts (TickDecl id_:ds) = comment "//" id_ <> line <> insts ds
insts (d:ds) = do
docM <- inst_ d
case docM of
Nothing -> insts ds
Just doc -> pure doc <> line <> line <> insts ds
:: Bits a
=> Int
-> a
-> a
-> String
stdMatch 0 _mask _value = []
stdMatch size mask value =
symbol : stdMatch (size - 1) mask value
symbol =
if testBit mask (size - 1) then
if testBit value (size - 1) then
:: Int
-> ConstrRepr'
-> SystemVerilogM Doc
patLitCustom' size (ConstrRepr' _name _n mask value _anns) =
int size <> squote <> "b" <> (string $ Text.pack $ stdMatch size mask value)
:: HWType
-> Literal
-> SystemVerilogM Doc
patLitCustom (CustomSum _name _dataRepr size reprs) (NumLit (fromIntegral -> i)) =
patLitCustom' size (fst $ reprs !! i)
patLitCustom (CustomSP _name _dataRepr size reprs) (NumLit (fromIntegral -> i)) =
let (cRepr, _id, _tys) = reprs !! i in
patLitCustom' size cRepr
patLitCustom x y = error $ $(curLoc) ++ unwords
[ "You can only pass CustomSP / CustomSum / CustomProduct and a NumLit to"
, "this function, not", show x, "and", show y]
patMod :: HWType -> Literal -> Literal
patMod hwTy (NumLit i) = NumLit (i `mod` (2 ^ typeSize hwTy))
patMod _ l = l
inst_' :: TextS.Text -> Expr -> HWType -> [(Maybe Literal, Expr)] -> SystemVerilogM (Maybe Doc)
inst_' id_ scrut scrutTy es = fmap Just $
"always_comb begin" <> line <> indent 2 casez <> line <> "end"
casez =
"casez" <+> parens var <> line <>
indent 2 (conds esNub) <> line <>
esMod = map (first (fmap (patMod scrutTy))) es
esNub = nubBy ((==) `on` fst) esMod
var = expr_ True scrut
conds :: [(Maybe Literal,Expr)] -> SystemVerilogM Doc
conds [] = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Empty list of conditions invalid."
conds [(_,e)] = "default" <+> ":" <+> stringS id_ <+> "=" <+> expr_ False e <> ";"
conds ((Nothing,e):_) = "default" <+> ":" <+> stringS id_ <+> "=" <+> expr_ False e <> ";"
conds ((Just c ,e):es') =
mask' <+> ":" <+> stringS id_ <+> "=" <+> expr_ False e <> ";" <> line <> conds es'
mask' = patLitCustom scrutTy c
inst_ :: Declaration -> SystemVerilogM (Maybe Doc)
inst_ (TickDecl {}) = return Nothing
inst_ (Assignment id_ e) = fmap Just $
"assign" <+> stringS id_ <+> equals <+> align (expr_ False e <> semi)
inst_ (CondAssignment id_ ty scrut _ [(Just (BoolLit b), l),(_,r)]) = fmap Just $ do
{ syn <- Mon hdlSyn
; p <- Mon $ use oports
; if syn == Vivado && id_ `elem` p
then do
{ regId <- mkUniqueId =<< Mon (extendIdentifier <*> pure Extended <*> pure id_ <*> pure "_reg")
; verilogType ty <+> stringS regId <> semi <> line <>
"always_comb begin" <> line <>
indent 2 ("if" <> parens (expr_ True scrut) <> line <>
(indent 2 $ stringS regId <+> equals <+> expr_ False t <> semi) <> line <>
"else" <> line <>
(indent 2 $ stringS regId <+> equals <+> expr_ False f <> semi)) <> line <>
"end" <> line <>
"assign" <+> stringS id_ <+> equals <+> stringS regId <> semi
else "always_comb begin" <> line <>
indent 2 ("if" <> parens (expr_ True scrut) <> line <>
(indent 2 $ stringS id_ <+> equals <+> expr_ False t <> semi) <> line <>
"else" <> line <>
(indent 2 $ stringS id_ <+> equals <+> expr_ False f <> semi)) <> line <>
(t,f) = if b then (l,r) else (r,l)
inst_ (CondAssignment id_ _ scrut scrutTy@(CustomSP {}) es) =
inst_' id_ scrut scrutTy es
inst_ (CondAssignment id_ _ scrut scrutTy@(CustomSum {}) es) =
inst_' id_ scrut scrutTy es
inst_ (CondAssignment id_ _ scrut scrutTy@(CustomProduct {}) es) =
inst_' id_ scrut scrutTy es
inst_ (CondAssignment id_ ty scrut scrutTy es) = fmap Just $ do
{ syn <- Mon hdlSyn
; p <- Mon $ use oports
; if syn == Vivado && id_ `elem` p
then do
{ regId <- mkUniqueId =<< Mon (extendIdentifier <*> pure Extended <*> pure id_ <*> pure "_reg")
; verilogType ty <+> stringS regId <> semi <> line <>
"always_comb begin" <> line <>
indent 2 ("case" <> parens (expr_ True scrut) <> line <>
(indent 2 $ vcat $ punctuate semi (conds regId es)) <> semi <> line <>
"endcase") <> line <>
"end" <> line <>
"assign" <+> stringS id_ <+> equals <+> stringS regId <> semi
else "always_comb begin" <> line <>
indent 2 ("case" <> parens (expr_ True scrut) <> line <>
(indent 2 $ vcat $ punctuate semi (conds id_ es)) <> semi <> line <>
"endcase") <> line <>
conds :: Identifier -> [(Maybe Literal,Expr)] -> SystemVerilogM [Doc]
conds _ [] = return []
conds i [(_,e)] = ("default" <+> colon <+> stringS i <+> equals <+> expr_ False e) <:> return []
conds i ((Nothing,e):_) = ("default" <+> colon <+> stringS i <+> equals <+> expr_ False e) <:> return []
conds i ((Just c ,e):es') = (exprLitSV (Just (scrutTy,conSize scrutTy)) c <+> colon <+> stringS i <+> equals <+> expr_ False e) <:> conds i es'
inst_ (InstDecl _ _ nm lbl ps pms) = fmap Just $
nest 2 (stringS nm <> params <> stringS lbl <> line <> pms' <> semi)
pms' = tupled $ sequence [dot <> expr_ False i <+> parens (expr_ False e) | (i,_,_,e) <- pms]
| null ps = space
| otherwise = line <> "#" <> tupled (sequence [dot <> expr_ False i <+> parens (expr_ False e) | (i,_,e) <- ps]) <> line
inst_ (BlackBoxD _ libs imps inc bs bbCtx) =
fmap Just (Mon (column (renderBlackBox libs imps inc bs bbCtx)))
inst_ (Seq ds) = Just <$> seqs ds
inst_ (NetDecl' {}) = return Nothing
:: DataRepr'
-> ConstrRepr'
-> [(HWType, Expr)]
-> SystemVerilogM Doc
customReprDataCon dataRepr constrRepr args =
braces $ hcat $ punctuate ", " $ mapM range' origins
size = drSize dataRepr
argExprs = map (uncurry toSLV) args :: [SystemVerilogM Doc]
origins = bitOrigins dataRepr constrRepr :: [BitOrigin]
:: BitOrigin
-> SystemVerilogM Doc
range' (Lit (bitsToBits -> ns)) =
int (length ns) <> squote <> "b" <> hcat (mapM (bit_char undefValue) ns)
range' (Field n start end) =
let fsize = start - end + 1 in
let expr' = argExprs !! n in
if | fsize == size ->
| end == 0 ->
int fsize <> squote <> parens expr'
| otherwise ->
let rotated = parens expr' <+> ">>" <+> int end in
int fsize <> squote <> parens rotated
seq_ :: Seq -> SystemVerilogM Doc
seq_ (AlwaysClocked edge clk ds) =
"always @" <>
parens (case edge of {Rising -> "posedge"; _ -> "negedge"} <+>
expr_ False clk) <+> "begin" <> line <>
indent 2 (seqs ds) <> line <>
seq_ (Initial ds) =
"initial begin" <> line <>
indent 2 (seqs ds) <> line <>
seq_ (AlwaysComb ds) =
"always @* begin" <> line <>
indent 2 (seqs ds) <> line <>
seq_ (Branch scrut scrutTy es) =
"case" <> parens (expr_ True scrut) <> line <>
(indent 2 $ vcat $ conds es) <> line <>
conds :: [(Maybe Literal,[Seq])] -> SystemVerilogM [Doc]
conds [] =
return []
conds [(_,sq)] =
("default" <+> colon <+> "begin" <> line <>
indent 2 (seqs sq) <> line <>
"end") <:> return []
conds ((Nothing,sq):_) =
("default" <+> colon <+> "begin" <> line <>
indent 2 (seqs sq) <> line <>
"end") <:> return []
conds ((Just c ,sq):es') =
(exprLitSV (Just (scrutTy,conSize scrutTy)) c <+> colon <+> "begin" <> line <>
indent 2 (seqs sq) <> line <>
"end") <:> conds es'
seq_ (SeqDecl sd) = case sd of
Assignment id_ e ->
stringS id_ <+> equals <+> expr_ False e <> semi
BlackBoxD {} ->
fromMaybe <$> emptyDoc <*> inst_ sd
Seq ds ->
seqs ds
_ -> error (show sd)
seqs :: [Seq] -> SystemVerilogM Doc
seqs [] = emptyDoc
seqs (SeqDecl (TickDecl id_):ds) = "//" <+> stringS id_ <> line <> seqs ds
seqs (d:ds) = seq_ d <> line <> line <> seqs ds
expr_ :: Bool
-> Expr
-> SystemVerilogM Doc
expr_ _ (Literal sizeM lit) = exprLitSV sizeM lit
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ Nothing) = stringS id_
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed (CustomSP _id dataRepr _size args,dcI,fI)))) =
case fieldTy of
Void {} ->
error (unexpectedProjectionErrorMsg dataRepr dcI fI)
_ ->
expFromSLV fieldTy (braces $ hcat $ punctuate ", " $ sequence ranges)
(ConstrRepr' _name _n _mask _value anns, _, fieldTypes) = args !! dcI
ranges = map range' $ bitRanges (anns !! fI)
range' (start, end) = stringS id_ <> brackets (int start <> ":" <> int end)
fieldTy = indexNote ($(curLoc) ++ "panic") fieldTypes fI
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed (CustomProduct _id dataRepr _size _maybeFieldNames args,dcI,fI)))) =
case fieldTy of
Void {} ->
error (unexpectedProjectionErrorMsg dataRepr dcI fI)
_ ->
expFromSLV fieldTy (braces $ hcat $ punctuate ", " $ sequence ranges)
(anns, fieldTypes) = unzip args
ranges = map range' $ bitRanges (anns !! fI)
range' (start, end) = stringS id_ <> brackets (int start <> ":" <> int end)
fieldTy = indexNote ($(curLoc) ++ "panic") fieldTypes fI
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed (ty@(SP _ args),dcI,fI)))) = fromSLV argTy id_ start end
argTys = snd $ args !! dcI
argTy = argTys !! fI
argSize = typeSize argTy
other = otherSize argTys (fI-1)
start = typeSize ty - 1 - conSize ty - other
end = start - argSize + 1
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed (ty@(Product _ _ tys),_,fI)))) = do
id'<- fmap (Text.toStrict . renderOneLine) (stringS id_ <> dot <> tyName ty <> "_sel" <> int fI)
simpleFromSLV (tys !! fI) id'
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((Vector _ elTy),1,0)))) = do
id' <- fmap (Text.toStrict . renderOneLine) (stringS id_ <> brackets (int 0))
simpleFromSLV elTy id'
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((Vector n _),1,1)))) = stringS id_ <> brackets (int 1 <> colon <> int (n-1))
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed (RTree (-1) _,l,r)))) =
stringS id_ <> brackets (int l <> colon <> int (r-1))
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((RTree 0 elTy),0,0)))) = do
id' <- fmap (Text.toStrict . renderOneLine) (stringS id_ <> brackets (int 0))
simpleFromSLV elTy id'
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((RTree n _),1,0)))) =
let z = 2^(n-1)
in stringS id_ <> brackets (int 0 <> colon <> int (z-1))
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((RTree n _),1,1)))) =
let z = 2^(n-1)
z' = 2^n
in stringS id_ <> brackets (int z <> colon <> int (z'-1))
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((Vector _ elTy),10,fI)))) = do
id' <- fmap (Text.toStrict . renderOneLine) (stringS id_ <> brackets (int fI))
simpleFromSLV elTy id'
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((RTree _ elTy),10,fI)))) = do
id' <- fmap (Text.toStrict . renderOneLine) (stringS id_ <> brackets (int fI))
simpleFromSLV elTy id'
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (DC (ty@(SP _ _),_)))) = stringS id_ <> brackets (int start <> colon <> int end)
start = typeSize ty - 1
end = typeSize ty - conSize ty
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just m@Nested {})) = case modifier 0 [] m of
Nothing -> stringS id_
Just (mods,resTy) -> do
nm <- Mon $ use modNm
pkgCtx <- Mon $ use tyPkgCtx
let prefix = if pkgCtx then emptyDoc else stringS nm <> "_types::"
let e = stringS id_ <> hcat (mapM (either bracketNMod bracketNMod) (reverse mods))
case resTy of
Signed _ -> "$signed" <> parens e
Vector {}
| Left (NRange {}):_ <- mods
-> e
| otherwise -> do
Mon (tyCache %= HashSet.insert resTy)
prefix <> tyName resTy <> "_from_lv" <> parens e
RTree {}
| Left (NRange {}):_ <- mods
-> e
| otherwise -> do
Mon (tyCache %= HashSet.insert resTy)
prefix <> tyName resTy <> "_from_lv" <> parens e
_ -> e
bracketNMod (NElem i) = brackets (int i)
bracketNMod (NRange s e) = brackets (int s <> colon <> int e)
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((Signed w),_,_)))) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
traceIf (iw < w) ($(curLoc) ++ "WARNING: result smaller than argument") $
stringS id_
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((Unsigned w),_,_)))) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
traceIf (iw < w) ($(curLoc) ++ "WARNING: result smaller than argument") $
stringS id_
expr_ _ (Identifier _ (Just (Indexed ((BitVector _),_,0)))) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
traceIf True ($(curLoc) ++ "WARNING: synthesizing bitvector mask to dontcare") $
verilogTypeErrValue (Signed iw)
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Indexed ((BitVector w),_,1)))) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
traceIf (iw < w) ($(curLoc) ++ "WARNING: result smaller than argument") $
stringS id_
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just (Sliced ((BitVector _,start,end))))) =
stringS id_ <> brackets (int start <> ":" <> int end)
expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just _)) = stringS id_
expr_ b (DataCon _ (DC (Void {}, -1)) [e]) = expr_ b e
expr_ _ (DataCon ty@(Vector 0 _) _ _) = verilogTypeErrValue ty
expr_ _ (DataCon (Vector 1 elTy) _ [e]) = "'" <> braces (toSLV elTy e)
expr_ _ e@(DataCon ty@(Vector _ elTy) _ [e1,e2]) = case vectorChain e of
Just es -> "'" <> listBraces (mapM (toSLV elTy) es)
Nothing -> verilogTypeMark ty <> "_cons" <> parens (expr_ False e1 <> comma <+> expr_ False e2)
expr_ _ (DataCon (RTree 0 elTy) _ [e]) = "'" <> braces (toSLV elTy e)
expr_ _ e@(DataCon ty@(RTree _ elTy) _ [e1,e2]) = case rtreeChain e of
Just es -> "'" <> listBraces (mapM (toSLV elTy) es)
Nothing -> verilogTypeMark ty <> "_br" <> parens (expr_ False e1 <> comma <+> expr_ False e2)
expr_ _ (DataCon (SP {}) (DC (BitVector _,_)) es) = assignExpr
argExprs = map (expr_ False) es
assignExpr = braces (hcat $ punctuate comma $ sequence argExprs)
expr_ _ (DataCon ty@(SP _ args) (DC (_,i)) es) = assignExpr
argTys = snd $ args !! i
dcSize = conSize ty + sum (map typeSize argTys)
dcExpr = expr_ False (dcToExpr ty i)
argExprs = zipWith toSLV argTys es
extraArg = case typeSize ty - dcSize of
0 -> []
n -> [int n <> "'b" <> bits undefValue (replicate n U)]
assignExpr = braces (hcat $ punctuate comma $ sequence (dcExpr:argExprs ++ extraArg))
expr_ _ (DataCon ty@(Sum _ _) (DC (_,i)) []) = int (typeSize ty) <> "'d" <> int i
expr_ _ (DataCon ty@(CustomSum _ _ _ tys) (DC (_,i)) []) =
let (ConstrRepr' _ _ _ value _) = fst $ tys !! i in
int (typeSize ty) <> squote <> "d" <> int (fromIntegral value)
expr_ _ (DataCon (CustomSP _ dataRepr _size args) (DC (_,i)) es) =
let (cRepr, _, argTys) = args !! i in
customReprDataCon dataRepr cRepr (zip argTys es)
expr_ _ (DataCon (CustomProduct _ dataRepr _size _labels tys) _ es) |
DataRepr' _typ _size [cRepr] <- dataRepr =
customReprDataCon dataRepr cRepr (zip (map snd tys) es)
expr_ _ (DataCon (Product _ _ tys) _ es) = listBraces (zipWithM toSLV tys es)
expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
| pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed.fromInteger#"
, [Literal _ (NumLit n), Literal _ i] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
= exprLitSV (Just (Signed (fromInteger n),fromInteger n)) i
expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
| pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.Unsigned.fromInteger#"
, [Literal _ (NumLit n), Literal _ i] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
= exprLitSV (Just (Unsigned (fromInteger n),fromInteger n)) i
expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
| pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.fromInteger#"
, [Literal _ (NumLit n), Literal _ (NumLit m), Literal _ (NumLit i)] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
= exprLitSV (Just (BitVector (fromInteger n),fromInteger n)) (BitVecLit m i)
expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
| pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.fromInteger##"
, [Literal _ m, Literal _ i] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
= let NumLit m' = m
NumLit i' = i
in exprLitSV (Just (Bit,1)) (BitLit $ toBit m' i')
expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
| pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.Index.fromInteger#"
, [Literal _ (NumLit n), Literal _ i] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
= exprLitSV (Just (Index (fromInteger n),fromInteger n)) i
expr_ b (BlackBoxE _ libs imps inc bs bbCtx b') =
parenIf (b || b') (Mon (renderBlackBox libs imps inc bs bbCtx <*> pure 0))
expr_ _ (DataTag Bool (Left id_)) = stringS id_ <> brackets (int 0)
expr_ _ (DataTag Bool (Right id_)) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
"$unsigned" <> parens (listBraces (sequence [braces (int (iw-1) <+> braces "1'b0"),stringS id_]))
expr_ _ (DataTag (Sum _ _) (Left id_)) = "$unsigned" <> parens (stringS id_)
expr_ _ (DataTag (Sum _ _) (Right id_)) = "$unsigned" <> parens (stringS id_)
expr_ _ (DataTag (Product {}) (Right _)) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
int iw <> "'sd0"
expr_ _ (DataTag hty@(SP _ _) (Right id_)) = "$unsigned" <> parens
(stringS id_ <> brackets
(int start <> colon <> int end))
start = typeSize hty - 1
end = typeSize hty - conSize hty
expr_ _ (DataTag (Vector 0 _) (Right _)) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
int iw <> "'sd0"
expr_ _ (DataTag (Vector _ _) (Right _)) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
int iw <> "'sd1"
expr_ _ (DataTag (RTree 0 _) (Right _)) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
int iw <> "'sd0"
expr_ _ (DataTag (RTree _ _) (Right _)) = do
iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
int iw <> "'sd1"
expr_ b (ConvBV topM t True e) = do
nm <- Mon $ use modNm
pkgCtx <- Mon $ use tyPkgCtx
let prefix = if pkgCtx then emptyDoc else stringS nm <> "_types::"
case t of
Vector {} -> do
Mon (tyCache %= HashSet.insert t)
maybe prefix ((<> "_types::") . stringS) topM <>
tyName t <> "_to_lv" <> parens (expr_ False e)
RTree {} -> do
Mon (tyCache %= HashSet.insert t)
maybe prefix ((<> "_types::") . stringS) topM <>
tyName t <> "_to_lv" <> parens (expr_ False e)
_ -> expr b e
expr_ b (ConvBV topM t False e) = do
nm <- Mon $ use modNm
pkgCtx <- Mon $ use tyPkgCtx
let prefix = if pkgCtx then emptyDoc else stringS nm <> "_types::"
case t of
Vector {} -> do
Mon (tyCache %= HashSet.insert t)
maybe prefix ((<> "_types::") . stringS) topM <>
tyName t <> "_from_lv" <> parens (expr_ False e)
RTree {} -> do
Mon (tyCache %= HashSet.insert t)
maybe prefix ((<> "_types::") . stringS) topM <>
tyName t <> "_from_lv" <> parens (expr_ False e)
_ -> expr b e
expr_ b (IfThenElse c t e) =
parenIf b (expr_ True c <+> "?" <+> expr_ True t <+> ":" <+> expr_ True e)
expr_ _ e = error $ $(curLoc) ++ (show e)
exprLitSV :: Maybe (HWType,Size) -> Literal -> SystemVerilogM Doc
exprLitSV = exprLit undefValue
otherSize :: [HWType] -> Int -> Int
otherSize _ n | n < 0 = 0
otherSize [] _ = 0
otherSize (a:as) n = typeSize a + otherSize as (n-1)
vectorChain :: Expr -> Maybe [Expr]
vectorChain (DataCon (Vector 0 _) _ _) = Just []
vectorChain (DataCon (Vector 1 _) _ [e]) = Just [e]
vectorChain (DataCon (Vector _ _) _ [e1,e2]) = Just e1 <:> vectorChain e2
vectorChain _ = Nothing
rtreeChain :: Expr -> Maybe [Expr]
rtreeChain (DataCon (RTree 0 _) _ [e]) = Just [e]
rtreeChain (DataCon (RTree _ _) _ [e1,e2]) = A.liftA2 (++) (rtreeChain e1)
(rtreeChain e2)
rtreeChain _ = Nothing
toSLV :: HWType -> Expr -> SystemVerilogM Doc
toSLV t e = case t of
Vector _ _ -> braces (verilogTypeMark t <> "_to_lv" <> parens (expr_ False e))
RTree _ _ -> braces (verilogTypeMark t <> "_to_lv" <> parens (expr_ False e))
_ -> expr_ False e
fromSLV :: HWType -> Identifier -> Int -> Int -> SystemVerilogM Doc
fromSLV t@(Vector _ _) id_ start end = verilogTypeMark t <> "_from_lv" <> parens (stringS id_ <> brackets (int start <> colon <> int end))
fromSLV t@(RTree _ _) id_ start end = verilogTypeMark t <> "_from_lv" <> parens (stringS id_ <> brackets (int start <> colon <> int end))
fromSLV (Signed _) id_ start end = "$signed" <> parens (stringS id_ <> brackets (int start <> colon <> int end))
fromSLV _ id_ start end = stringS id_ <> brackets (int start <> colon <> int end)
simpleFromSLV :: HWType -> Identifier -> SystemVerilogM Doc
simpleFromSLV t@(Vector _ _) id_ = verilogTypeMark t <> "_from_lv" <> parens (stringS id_)
simpleFromSLV t@(RTree _ _) id_ = verilogTypeMark t <> "_from_lv" <> parens (stringS id_)
simpleFromSLV (Signed _) id_ = "$signed" <> parens (stringS id_)
simpleFromSLV _ id_ = stringS id_
expFromSLV :: HWType -> SystemVerilogM Doc -> SystemVerilogM Doc
expFromSLV t@(Vector _ _) exp_ = verilogTypeMark t <> "_from_lv" <> parens exp_
expFromSLV t@(RTree _ _) exp_ = verilogTypeMark t <> "_from_lv" <> parens exp_
expFromSLV (Signed _) exp_ = "$signed" <> parens exp_
expFromSLV _ exp_ = exp_
dcToExpr :: HWType -> Int -> Expr
dcToExpr ty i = Literal (Just (ty,conSize ty)) (NumLit (toInteger i))
listBraces :: Monad m => m [Doc] -> m Doc
listBraces = align . encloseSep lbrace rbrace comma
parenIf :: Monad m => Bool -> m Doc -> m Doc
parenIf True = parens
parenIf False = id
punctuate' :: Monad m => Mon m Doc -> Mon m [Doc] -> Mon m Doc
punctuate' s d = vcat (punctuate s d) <> s
data NMod
= NRange Int Int
| NElem Int
:: Int
-> [Either NMod NMod]
-> Modifier
-> Maybe ([Either NMod NMod],HWType)
modifier offset mods (Sliced (BitVector _,start,end)) =
let m = Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset)) in
case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (m:rest, BitVector (start-end+1))
_ -> Just (m:mods, BitVector (start-end+1))
modifier offset mods (Indexed (ty@(SP _ args),dcI,fI)) =
case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (m:rest, argTy)
_ -> Just (m:mods,argTy)
argTys = snd $ args !! dcI
argTy = argTys !! fI
argSize = typeSize argTy
other = otherSize argTys (fI-1)
start = typeSize ty - 1 - conSize ty - other
end = start - argSize + 1
m = Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset))
modifier offset mods (Indexed (ty@(Product _ _ argTys),_,fI)) =
let m = Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset)) in
case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (m:rest, argTy)
_ -> Just (m:mods,argTy)
argTy = argTys !! fI
argSize = typeSize argTy
otherSz = otherSize argTys (fI - 1)
start = typeSize ty - 1 - otherSz
end = start - argSize + 1
modifier offset mods (Indexed (ty@(Vector _ argTy),1,0)) = case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset)):rest, argTy)
Left (NRange b _):rest -> Just (Left (NElem b):rest,argTy)
_ -> Just (Left (NElem 0):mods,argTy)
argSize = typeSize argTy
start = typeSize ty - 1
end = start - argSize + 1
modifier offset mods (Indexed (ty@(Vector n argTy),1,1)) = case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (Right (NRange (start+offset) offset):rest, Vector (n-1) argTy)
Left (NRange b e):rest -> Just (Left (NRange (b+1) e):rest, Vector (n-1) argTy)
_ -> Just (Left (NRange 1 (n-1)):mods, Vector (n-1) argTy)
argSize = typeSize argTy
start = typeSize ty - argSize - 1
modifier offset mods (Indexed (ty@(RTree 0 argTy),0,0)) = case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (Right (NRange (start+offset) offset):rest, argTy)
Left (NRange b _):rest -> Just (Left (NElem b):rest,argTy)
_ -> Just (Left (NElem 0):mods,argTy)
start = typeSize ty - 1
modifier offset mods (Indexed (ty@(RTree d argTy),1,0)) = case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset)):rest, RTree (d-1) argTy)
Left (NRange b _):rest -> Just (Left (NRange b (b+lhsSz-1)):rest,RTree (d-1) argTy)
_ -> Just (Left (NRange 0 (lhsSz-1)):mods,RTree (d-1) argTy)
start = typeSize ty - 1
end = typeSize ty `div` 2
lhsSz = (d-1)^(2 :: Int)
modifier offset mods (Indexed (ty@(RTree d argTy),1,1)) = case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (Right (NRange (start+offset) offset):rest, RTree (d-1) argTy)
Left (NRange _ e):rest -> Just (Left (NRange (e+1-rhsS) e):rest,RTree (d-1) argTy)
_ -> Just (Left (NRange rhsS rhsE):mods,RTree (d-1) argTy)
start = (typeSize ty `div` 2) - 1
rhsS = (d-1)^(2 :: Int)
rhsE = d^(2 :: Int)-1
modifier offset mods (Indexed (ty@(Vector _ argTy),10,fI)) = case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset)):rest, argTy)
Left (NRange b _):rest -> Just (Left (NElem (fI+b)):rest, argTy)
_ -> Just (Left (NElem fI):mods,argTy)
argSize = typeSize argTy
start = typeSize ty - (fI * argSize) - 1
end = start - argSize + 1
modifier offset mods (Indexed (ty@(RTree _ argTy),10,fI)) = case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset)):rest, argTy)
Left (NRange b _):rest -> Just (Left (NElem (b+fI)):rest, argTy)
_ -> Just (Left (NElem fI):mods, argTy)
argSize = typeSize argTy
start = typeSize ty - (fI * argSize) - 1
end = start - argSize + 1
modifier offset mods (Indexed (CustomSP typName _dataRepr _size args,dcI,fI)) =
case bitRanges (anns !! fI) of
[(start,end)] ->
let m = Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset)) in
case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (m:rest, argTy)
_ -> Just (m:mods, argTy)
_ ->
error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot handle projection out of a "
++ "non-contiguously or zero-width encoded field. Tried to project "
++ "field " ++ show fI ++ " of constructor " ++ show dcI ++ " of "
++ "data type " ++ show typName ++ "."
(ConstrRepr' _name _n _mask _value anns, _, argTys) = args !! dcI
argTy = argTys !! fI
modifier offset mods (Indexed (CustomProduct typName dataRepr _size _maybeFieldNames args,dcI,fI))
| DataRepr' _typ _size [cRepr] <- dataRepr
, ConstrRepr' _cName _pos _mask _val fieldAnns <- cRepr =
case bitRanges (fieldAnns !! fI) of
[(start,end)] ->
let m = Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset)) in
case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (m:rest, argTy)
_ -> Just (m:mods,argTy)
_ ->
error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot handle projection out of a "
++ "non-contiguously or zero-width encoded field. Tried to project "
++ "field " ++ show fI ++ " of constructor " ++ show dcI ++ " of "
++ "data type " ++ show typName ++ "."
argTy = map snd args !! fI
modifier offset mods (DC (ty@(SP _ _),_)) =
let m = Right (NRange (start+offset) (end+offset)) in
case mods of
Right {}:rest -> Just (m:rest, ty)
_ -> Just (m:mods,ty)
start = typeSize ty - 1
end = typeSize ty - conSize ty
modifier offset mods (Nested m1 m2) = do
case modifier offset mods m1 of
Nothing -> modifier offset mods m2
Just (mods1,argTy) ->
let m3 = case mods1 of
Right (NRange _ e):_ -> modifier e mods1 m2
_ -> modifier 0 mods1 m2
in case m3 of
Nothing -> Just (mods1,argTy)
m -> m
modifier _ _ _ = Nothing