{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Clash.Core.Evaluator where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Concurrent.Supply (Supply, freshId)
import Data.Either (lefts,rights)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.List
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.Map
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (hsep)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Clash.Core.DataCon
import Clash.Core.Literal
import Clash.Core.Name
import Clash.Core.Pretty
import Clash.Core.Subst
import Clash.Core.Term
import Clash.Core.TyCon
import Clash.Core.Type
import Clash.Core.Util
import Clash.Core.Var
import Clash.Driver.Types (BindingMap)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Clash.Util (curLoc)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless as Unbound
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Unsafe
data Heap = Heap GlobalHeap PureHeap Supply
deriving (Show)
type PureHeap = Map TmOccName Term
type GlobalHeap = (IntMap Term, Int)
type Stack = [StackFrame]
data StackFrame
= Update Id
| Apply Id
| Instantiate Type
| PrimApply Text Type [Type] [Value] [Term]
| Scrutinise Type [Alt]
deriving Show
instance Pretty StackFrame where
pprPrec _ (Update i) = do
i' <- ppr i
pure (hsep ["Update", i'])
pprPrec _ (Apply i) = do
i' <- ppr i
pure (hsep ["Apply", i'])
pprPrec _ (Instantiate t) = do
t' <- ppr t
pure (hsep ["Instantiate", t'])
pprPrec _ (PrimApply a b c d e) = do
a' <- ppr a
b' <- ppr b
c' <- ppr c
d' <- ppr (map valToTerm d)
e' <- ppr e
pure $ hsep ["PrimApply", a', "::", b',
"; type args=", c',
"; val args=", d',
"term args=", e']
pprPrec _ (Scrutinise a b) = do
a' <- ppr a
b' <- ppr (Case (Literal (CharLiteral '_')) a b)
pure $ hsep ["Scrutinise ", a', b']
data Value
= Lambda (Bind Id Term)
| TyLambda (Bind TyVar Term)
| DC DataCon [Either Term Type]
| Lit Literal
| PrimVal Text Type [Type] [Value]
deriving Show
type State = (Heap, Stack, Term)
type PrimEvaluator =
Bool ->
BindingMap ->
TyConMap ->
Heap ->
Stack ->
Text ->
Type ->
[Type] ->
[Value] ->
Maybe State
:: PrimEvaluator
-> BindingMap
-> TyConMap
-> GlobalHeap
-> Supply
-> Bool
-> Term
-> (GlobalHeap, Term)
whnf' eval gbl tcm gh ids isSubj e
= case whnf eval gbl tcm isSubj (Heap gh (fromList []) ids,[],e) of
(Heap gh' _ _,_,e') -> (gh',e')
:: PrimEvaluator
-> BindingMap
-> TyConMap
-> Bool
-> State
-> State
whnf eval gbl tcm isSubj (h,k,e) =
if isSubj
then go (h,Scrutinise ty []:k,e)
else go (h,k,e)
ty = runFreshM $ termType tcm e
go s = case step eval gbl tcm s of
Just s' -> go s'
| Just e' <- unwindStack s
-> e'
| otherwise
-> error $ showDoc e
isScrut :: Stack -> Bool
isScrut (Scrutinise {}:_) = True
isScrut (PrimApply {} :_) = True
isScrut _ = False
unwindStack :: State -> Maybe State
unwindStack s@(_,[],_) = Just s
unwindStack (h@(Heap _ h' _),(kf:k'),e) = case kf of
PrimApply nm ty tys vs tms ->
,foldl' App
(foldl' App (foldl' TyApp (Prim nm ty) tys) (map valToTerm vs))
Instantiate ty ->
unwindStack (h,k',TyApp e ty)
Apply id_ -> do
case lookup (nameOcc (varName id_)) h' of
Just e' -> unwindStack (h,k',App e e')
Nothing -> error $ unlines
$ [ "Clash.Core.Evaluator.unwindStack:"
, "Stack:"
] ++
[ " "++showDoc frame | frame <- kf:k'] ++
[ ""
, "Expression:"
, showDoc e
, ""
, "Heap:"
] ++
[ " "++show name ++ " === " ++ showDoc value
| (name,value) <- M.toList h'
Scrutinise _ [] ->
unwindStack (h,k',e)
Scrutinise ty alts ->
unwindStack (h,k',Case e ty alts)
Update _ ->
unwindStack (h,k',e)
:: PrimEvaluator
-> BindingMap
-> TyConMap
-> State
-> Maybe State
step eval gbl tcm (h, k, e) = case e of
Var ty nm -> force gbl h k (Id nm (embed ty))
(Lam b) -> unwind eval gbl tcm h k (Lambda b)
(TyLam b) -> unwind eval gbl tcm h k (TyLambda b)
(Literal l) -> unwind eval gbl tcm h k (Lit l)
(App e1 e2)
| (Data dc,args) <- collectArgs e
, (tys,_) <- splitFunForallTy (dcType dc)
-> case compare (length args) (length tys) of
EQ -> unwind eval gbl tcm h k (DC dc args)
LT -> let (h2,e') = mkAbstr (h,e) (drop (length args) tys)
in step eval gbl tcm (h2,k,e')
GT -> error "Overapplied DC"
| (Prim nm ty,args) <- collectArgs e
, (tys,_) <- splitFunForallTy ty
-> case compare (length args) (length tys) of
EQ -> let (e':es) = lefts args
in Just (h,PrimApply nm ty (rights args) [] es:k,e')
LT -> let (h2,e') = mkAbstr (h,e) (drop (length args) tys)
in step eval gbl tcm (h2,k,e')
GT -> let (h2,id_) = newLetBinding tcm h e2
in Just (h2,Apply id_:k,e1)
(TyApp e1 ty)
| (Data dc,args) <- collectArgs e
, (tys,_) <- splitFunForallTy (dcType dc)
-> case compare (length args) (length tys) of
EQ -> unwind eval gbl tcm h k (DC dc args)
LT -> let (h2,e') = mkAbstr (h,e) (drop (length args) tys)
in step eval gbl tcm (h2,k,e')
GT -> error "Overapplied DC"
| (Prim nm ty',args) <- collectArgs e
, (tys,_) <- splitFunForallTy ty'
-> case compare (length args) (length tys) of
EQ -> case lefts args of
[] | nm `elem` ["Clash.Transformations.removedArg"]
-> unwind eval gbl tcm h k (PrimVal nm ty' (rights args) [])
| otherwise
-> eval (isScrut k) gbl tcm h k nm ty' (rights args) []
(e':es) -> Just (h,PrimApply nm ty' (rights args) [] es:k,e')
LT -> let (h2,e') = mkAbstr (h,e) (drop (length args) tys)
in step eval gbl tcm (h2,k,e')
GT -> Just (h,Instantiate ty:k,e1)
(Data dc) -> unwind eval gbl tcm h k (DC dc [])
(Prim nm ty')
| nm `elem` ["GHC.Prim.realWorld#"]
-> unwind eval gbl tcm h k (PrimVal nm ty' [] [])
| otherwise
-> eval (isScrut k) gbl tcm h k nm ty' [] []
(App e1 e2) -> let (h2,id_) = newLetBinding tcm h e2
in Just (h2,Apply id_:k,e1)
(TyApp e1 ty) -> Just (h,Instantiate ty:k,e1)
(Case scrut ty alts) -> Just (h,Scrutinise ty alts:k,scrut)
(Letrec bs) -> Just (allocate h k bs)
Cast _ _ _ -> trace (unlines ["WARNING: " ++ $(curLoc) ++ "Clash currently can't symbolically evaluate casts"
,"If you have testcase that produces this message, please open an issue about it."]) Nothing
:: TyConMap
-> Heap
-> Term
-> (Heap,Id)
newLetBinding tcm h@(Heap gh h' ids) e
| Var ty' nm' <- e
, Just _ <- lookup (nameOcc nm') h'
= (h, Id nm' (embed ty'))
| otherwise
= (Heap gh (insert (nameOcc nm) e h') ids',Id nm (embed ty))
(i,ids') = freshId ids
nm = makeSystemName "x" (toInteger i)
ty = runFreshM (termType tcm e)
:: TyConMap
-> Heap
-> [Either Term Type]
-> (Heap,[Either Term Type])
newLetBindings' tcm =
(second (map (either (Left . toVar) (Right . id))) .) . mapAccumL go
go h (Left tm) = second Left (newLetBinding tcm h tm)
go h (Right ty) = (h,Right ty)
:: (Heap,Term)
-> [Either TyVar Type]
-> (Heap,Term)
mkAbstr = foldr go
go (Left tv) (h,e) =
(h,TyLam (bind tv (TyApp e (VarTy (unembed (varKind tv)) (varName tv)))))
go (Right ty) (Heap gh h ids,e) =
let (i,ids') = freshId ids
nm = makeSystemName "x" (toInteger i)
id_ = Id nm (embed ty)
in (Heap gh h ids',Lam (bind id_ (App e (Var ty nm))))
force :: BindingMap -> Heap -> Stack -> Id -> Maybe State
force gbl (Heap gh h ids) k x' = case lookup nm h of
Nothing -> case HM.lookup nm gbl of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (_,_,_,_,e) -> Just (Heap gh h ids,k,e)
Just e -> Just (Heap gh (delete nm h) ids,Update x':k,e)
nm = nameOcc (varName x')
:: PrimEvaluator
-> BindingMap
-> TyConMap
-> Heap -> Stack -> Value -> Maybe State
unwind eval gbl tcm h k v = do
(kf,k') <- uncons k
case kf of
Update x -> return (update h k' x v)
Apply x -> return (apply h k' v x)
Instantiate ty -> return (instantiate h k' v ty)
PrimApply nm ty tys vals tms -> primop eval gbl tcm h k' nm ty tys vals v tms
Scrutinise _ alts -> return (scrutinise h k' v alts)
update :: Heap -> Stack -> Id -> Value -> State
update (Heap gh h ids) k x v = (Heap gh (insert (nameOcc (varName x)) v' h) ids,k,v')
v' = valToTerm v
valToTerm :: Value -> Term
valToTerm v = case v of
Lambda b -> Lam b
TyLambda b -> TyLam b
DC dc pxs -> foldl' (\e a -> either (App e) (TyApp e) a)
(Data dc) pxs
Lit l -> Literal l
PrimVal nm ty tys vs -> foldl' App (foldl' TyApp (Prim nm ty) tys)
(map valToTerm vs)
toVar :: Id -> Term
toVar x = Var (unembed (varType x)) (varName x)
toType :: TyVar -> Type
toType x = VarTy (unembed (varKind x)) (varName x)
apply :: Heap -> Stack -> Value -> Id -> State
apply h k (Lambda b) x = (h,k,subst nm (toVar x) e)
(x',e) = unsafeUnbind b
nm = nameOcc (varName x')
apply _ _ _ _ = error "not a lambda"
instantiate :: Heap -> Stack -> Value -> Type -> State
instantiate h k (TyLambda b) ty = (h,k,subst nm ty e)
(x,e) = unsafeUnbind b
nm = nameOcc (varName x)
instantiate _ _ _ _ = error "not a ty lambda"
:: PrimEvaluator
-> BindingMap
-> TyConMap
-> Heap
-> Stack
-> Text
-> Type
-> [Type]
-> [Value]
-> Value
-> [Term]
-> Maybe State
primop eval gbl tcm h k nm ty tys vs v []
| nm `elem` ["Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.fromInteger#"
= unwind eval gbl tcm h k (PrimVal nm ty tys (vs ++ [v]))
| otherwise = eval (isScrut k) gbl tcm h k nm ty tys (vs ++ [v])
primop _ _ _ h k nm ty tys vs v (e:es) =
Just (h,PrimApply nm ty tys (vs ++ [v]) es:k,e)
scrutinise :: Heap -> Stack -> Value -> [Alt] -> State
scrutinise h k (Lit l) (map unsafeUnbind -> alts)
| altE:_ <-
[altE | (LitPat (unembed -> altL),altE) <- alts, altL == l ] ++
[altE | (DataPat (unembed -> altDc) _,altE) <- alts, matchLit altDc l ] ++
[altE | (DefaultPat,altE) <- alts ]
= (h,k,altE)
scrutinise h k (DC dc xs) (map unsafeUnbind -> alts)
| altE:_ <- [substAlt altDc pxs xs altE
| (DataPat (unembed -> altDc) pxs,altE) <- alts, altDc == dc ] ++
[altE | (DefaultPat,altE) <- alts ]
= (h,k,altE)
scrutinise h k v [] = (h,k,valToTerm v)
scrutinise _ _ _ _ = error "scrutinise"
matchLit :: DataCon -> Literal -> Bool
matchLit dc (IntegerLiteral l)
| dcTag dc == 1
= l < 2^(63::Int)
matchLit dc (NaturalLiteral l)
| dcTag dc == 1
= l < 2^(64::Int)
matchLit _ _ = False
substAlt :: DataCon -> Rebind [TyVar] [Id] -> [Either Term Type] -> Term -> Term
substAlt dc pxs args e =
let (tvs,xs) = unrebind pxs
substTyMap = zip (map (nameOcc.varName) tvs)
(drop (length (dcUnivTyVars dc)) (rights args))
substTmMap = zip (map (nameOcc.varName) xs) (lefts args)
in substTysinTm substTyMap (substTms substTmMap e)
allocate :: Heap -> Stack -> (Bind (Rec [LetBinding]) Term) -> State
allocate (Heap gh h ids) k b =
(Heap gh (h `union` fromList xes') ids',k,e')
(xesR,e) = unsafeUnbind b
xes = unrec xesR
(ids',s) = mapAccumL (letSubst h) ids (map fst xes)
(nms,s') = unzip s
xes' = zip nms (map (substTms s' . unembed . snd) xes)
e' = substTms s' e
:: PureHeap
-> Supply
-> Id
-> ( Supply
, (TmOccName,(TmOccName,Term)))
letSubst h acc id_ =
let nm = nameOcc (varName id_)
(acc',nm') = uniqueInHeap h acc nm
in (acc',(nameOcc nm',(nm,Var (unembed (varType id_)) nm')))
:: PureHeap
-> Supply
-> TmOccName
-> (Supply, TmName)
uniqueInHeap h ids nm =
let (i,ids') = freshId ids
nm' = makeSystemName (Unbound.name2String nm) (toInteger i)
in case nameOcc nm' `M.member` h of
True -> uniqueInHeap h ids' nm
_ -> (ids',nm')