  Copyright  :  (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente,
                    2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd,
                    2017     , QBayLogic, Google Inc.
  License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
  Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

  Type definitions used by the Driver module

module Clash.Driver.Types
  (module Clash.Driver.Types
  ,SrcSpan, noSrcSpan

import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import Data.Text.Lazy    (Text)

import BasicTypes        (InlineSpec)
import SrcLoc            (SrcSpan, noSrcSpan)

import Clash.Core.Term   (Term,TmName,TmOccName)
import Clash.Core.Type   (Type)

import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Types (HdlSyn)

-- | Global function binders
-- Global functions cannot be mutually recursive, only self-recursive
type BindingMap = HashMap TmOccName (TmName,Type,SrcSpan,InlineSpec,Term)

-- | Debug Message Verbosity
data DebugLevel
  = DebugNone    -- ^ Don't show debug messages
  | DebugFinal   -- ^ Show completely normalized expressions
  | DebugName    -- ^ Names of applied transformations
  | DebugApplied -- ^ Show sub-expressions after a successful rewrite
  | DebugAll     -- ^ Show all sub-expressions on which a rewrite is attempted
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Read)

data ClashOpts = ClashOpts { opt_inlineLimit :: Int
                           , opt_specLimit   :: Int
                           , opt_inlineFunctionLimit :: Word
                           , opt_inlineConstantLimit :: Word
                           , opt_dbgLevel    :: DebugLevel
                           , opt_cachehdl    :: Bool
                           , opt_cleanhdl    :: Bool
                           , opt_intWidth    :: Int
                           , opt_hdlDir      :: Maybe String
                           , opt_hdlSyn      :: HdlSyn
                           , opt_errorExtra  :: Bool
                           , opt_floatSupport :: Bool
                           , opt_allowZero   :: Bool
                           , opt_importPaths :: [FilePath]

data ClashException = ClashException SrcSpan String (Maybe String)

instance Show ClashException where
  show (ClashException _ s eM) = s ++ "\n" ++ maybe "" id eM

instance Exception ClashException

-- | Information about the generated HDL between (sub)runs of the compiler
data Manifest
  = Manifest
  { manifestHash :: (Int,Maybe Int)
    -- ^ Hash of the TopEntity and all its dependencies
    --   + (maybe) Hash of the TestBench and all its dependencies
  , portInNames  :: [Text]
  , portInTypes  :: [Text]
    -- ^ The rendered versions of the types of the input ports of the TopEntity
    -- Used when dealing with multiple @TopEntity@s who have different names
    -- for types which are structurally equal
  , portOutNames :: [Text]
  , portOutTypes :: [Text]
    -- ^ The rendered versions of the types of the output ports of the TopEntity
    -- Used when dealing with multiple @TopEntity@s who have different names
    -- for types which are structurally equal
  , componentNames :: [Text]
    -- ^ Names of all the generated components for the @TopEntity@ (does not
    -- include the names of the components of the @TestBench@ accompanying
    -- the @TopEntity@).
  deriving (Show,Read)